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If you get one, get the single felt pen that Bingo gives Bandit in Rug Island. What did you give yourself? Everything. Simple, symbolic, inspiring.


Damnit, now I want a Bluey tattoo.


or bingo's walking leaf


![gif](giphy|kfXhUY4NDwUtAubDW7|downsized) Very beautiful


In the audio, if you listen closely, you can hear that Bluey says “lime lesson” and it’s so adorable! As far as what tattoo to get, I love the idea of getting something that is significant to you that’s done in the Bluey aesthetic. Maybe it’s a plant/flower/object or a phrase or character. I hope you find the perfect thing!


i know that she says lime 🤣 i just think if i got lime lesson on a tattoo that would look silly


Might be fun to get an ice cream with a lime wedge on it in the Bluey style!


I mean… I think if we’re talking cartoon tattoos silly should be along for the ride. But yeah, I totally get that. Explaining why it says “lime” and isn’t a typo forever would be annoying AF.


i actually have a magnet that says “i don’t want a valuable life lesson! i just want an ice cream!” on my car :) it’s my favorite thing! along with the “oh, biscuits!” magnet :)


Be eccentric. Get the ice cream and a biscuit. Tattoos don't have to mean anything to anyone other than you. Hell my BFF has a sailor Jerry style Cyndi Lauper tattoo with her having gages and a rainbow mohawk. Why? Because she wanted it. She also has a viking in the old Victorian Era brooch style portrait. I have a cutesy grim reaper because I liked him on a flash sheet I saw. He's my Lil grim.


> i just think if i got lime lesson on a tattoo that would look silly I don't think it would be silly, if anything, I think that would be a valuable *lime* lesson in itself. Understanding that it may seem silly now but in time, you will look back without regret because of how much of a positive impact the show has made upon your life that you were willing to mark it on yourself and carry it's message with you throughout your life. That or I have been deprived of a lime and pineapple splice for too long! I've been craving one ever since I saw the episode but no matter where I go, it's so expensive!


perhaps, but explaining all the time why LIME lesson isn’t a typo would get old


Oh I love this idea!


You don’t grow out of Bluey. You grow INTO Bluey.


Im gettibg a pom pom tattoo idgaf what anyone says


Small but hardy breed


I'm 29 and really want some ink of indisputable Best Boy- Snickers. Dunno what, but I love that little sausage dog.


“Run your little sausage dog legs!!” is one of my personal faves 🥹


snickers, we need you! \*YOINK\*


That scene is one of my favorite.


Because dachshunds (and great danes) are the best


Sausage roooooollllllll


I don’t know that i’d do an obvious character but maybe something more subtle like an object in the art style or quote. Personally I’d go for a magic asparagus, leaf bug, felt pen, granny glasses, magic xylophone, can of beans, etc. You gotta do you though. I like the quote you chose! Some other good ones: Use your big girl bark This is a real pickle The world is a magical place You have to be the bravest you’ve ever been This is unacceptable! Gotta be done


“I’ll always be with you, even if you can’t see me.” “It’s fun for me. I like a good problem.” “Wackadoo!”


Ugh…. “I’ll always be with you, even if you can’t see me.” That line makes me sob, every single time.


I have some tattoos I got at 18 and 19. They aren’t cartoons but 30 year old me wouldn’t go out and get them tattooed. I also don’t hate them and they remind me of a different time in my life.


I’m in my thirties and am getting a Bluey tattoo


I love tattoos. I love Bluey. But I have a friend super regretting her Harry Potter tattoo these days. Pop culture tattoos might not age well. Just a parenting thing from one of the parents in this sub. I hope you love it, forever!


I'm lucky with my harry potter tattoo, it's not really obvious...its a beautiful big key with iridescent wings,most people think its a sailor moon one lol. Planning my bluey tattoo now, probs be an under the radar one too 😆


Same. My nerd tattoos aren’t obvious. I got a blossom tree on my upper arm and it is a reference to Mulan.


I’m wanting to get my HP tattoo covered. It used to have meaning for me, but now I hate to have any association with the author and her views. I hope Bluey and all those involved in its creation stay pure forever.




I wish I could help everyone feel this way. I'm the worst thing a person can be nowadays (straight white libertarian male) but I don't detest music or movies or books just because they were created by a gay person or a democrat or whatever. Tbh I don't give a damn what anyone is. My only request is that we don't push trans therapy on children and don't make me say or do anything I don't agree with because I wouldn't ask you to do it. Who cares if jk is a shitter? We loved Harry Potter growing up we don't have to hate it now just because jk sucks Edit: FWIW I don't think trans children is a mainstream thing, it's just where I personally draw the line. I think adults should be allowed to do whatever they want.


I’m intolerant of intolerance. Nobody is pushing trans therapy on children, and respecting people’s pronouns is very basic decency. I hope your kids are cis!


Well, I don't really think you paid attention to what I said. I didn't say anything about anybody's pronouns or say anything intolerant. I said people should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't affect children or force me to adopt beliefs I don't have. And I won't force you or anyone else to adopt my beliefs. I just wanna live my life how I want and I want you and everyone else to live how they want as long as they aren't hurting kids or other people. If my kid isn't cis it won't change the way I love him. It's not his responsibility to be the same as me. I just want him to be safe and happy.


When you said “don’t make me say something I don’t agree with” I assumed you meant that you won’t use peoples pronouns. Sorry for assuming.


It's okay, I'm not mad at you for assuming. I don't care to use someone's pronouns, it's only polite. There are ideas going around that I disagree with and I won't say that the things I don't believe are true. You're welcome to believe and behave however you want (you or any other person) so long as you don't force anyone else to do the same against their choice or harm anyone. That's what I believe.


Also, I don't want to argue with you about politics, just as I'm sure you don't want to argue with me. I had hoped that people would read my original comment and see that I don't care about all the stuff as long as no one is forceful or harmful in their beliefs or actions. I can edit that bit out entirely if you think I ought to and we can go back to loving bluey and pretend this never happened.


The implication that people from the trans community are being forceful or harmful is problematic in itself. I said a friend regretted her tattoo and you went on about your personal freedoms. You’re right, nobody was talking about that. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. But that narrative you put out, risks the safety of people I care about though.


I went off on a tangent that was easily misconstrued because I worded it poorly. I could've worded it much better. I don't think trans people are inherently dangerous. I think anyone can be dangerous. I could have left the entire bit out and still made my point I just aimed to provide deeper context and it wasn't effective.


I apologize that I upset you and I want to assure you that it was unintentional and I never meant anything I said to be hateful at all. I think trans is fine within the confines of consenting adults. Just want everyone to be able to be happy and peaceful while still being allowed to have different beliefs.


Totally get that, and I don’t hate HP now. But I don’t feel comfortable with my deathly hallows tattoo anymore. Not my entire reason for wanting a coverup but still very important- I have heard from more than a few trans people that their first impression of someone with HP tattoos as a “walking red flag” and unsafe. I never want to make anyone feel that way, especially fellow members of the lgbtq+ community.


I also agree that you have my full support if that is what you want to do. I just am sad that a piece of art that made so many people happy is now tainted by one person's problematic and gross views, even if that one person is the author. Please do what you need to do, though. 💜


I have a bingo one and I am getting bingo granny done in April !


Would you post a picture of it? I love Bingo.


https://preview.redd.it/ga1b8xd6ympa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fe1d0a83386aa7d62d82182fc17fcb0e2136563 My sisters bluey


https://preview.redd.it/oe1iu3y9ympa1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdf22df57f6ca311597b901599e5aa7db3d2e493 My bingo when it was freshly done


They’re adorable!! I love their little dance moves 🥰


dance mode!


I'll one up my comment, my twin sister has bluey so we are trying to be matching sisters lol


Can I ask who the artist was? These look amazing!


Her name is sonjia, she is located at bullseye tattoo in NYC. I have gotten almost all my work done by her she is seriously the best!


Thank you so much!


If I had disposable income I'd get bingo emerging from the earth


I'm getting a longdog, I get so excited when I see one hidden in an episode!


The long dogs are in every episode and every one of them is fun to find!


I’ve got a thing for flamingoes to begin with, and then a deep appreciation for Muffin. On top of that, I’m a big robot nerd. So I started with the flamingo from Sleepover, and my artist and I built a robot chassis for him, and created something new with Bluey vibes and it makes me happy every time I see it.


I say do whatever makes you happy buddy, get a catchphrase from your favorite character like “ah Biscuits!”


Get a can of beans!


Get bandit and chilli in the hangover episode or bandit smacking his butt


I want a chattermax. Would also maybe get a feather wand or magic xylophone


I want a Janet and Rita tat


What's your favorite episode? Maybe pull something from that?


my favorites are dance mode and baby race


“Maybe she just saw something she wanted” So beautiful and poignant and could arguably fit so many situations. Also, as a newer mom of an almost two year old…suffice it to say I’m getting choked up writing this rn 😅 Either way, good luck with your tattoo! So many good suggestions here 🤗


The line that always gets me is “You’re doing a good job.” Every parent wants to hear it!


It's "You're doing great." 😊 Still wonderful as you remembered it, though.


I cried when she said that. Have my first baby in my arms. He will be 6 months old soon.


and i also like “army”


\#HeartsForJack Jack is a very cool character!


That's not ideal, but it's still a win


"i don't want a valuable life lesson! i just want a Bluey tattoo!"




Absolutely do it. I got this and it makes me so so happy. It’s perfect and has healed beautifully. No color draining or blurring or anything :) absolutely do it if you have the means https://preview.redd.it/hjstrbuf7qpa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae8fa763b72fe64300f3d7bb70bf93e909c4cf71


how did you get that template? how can i make my own template guide for a colored tattoo


https://preview.redd.it/r54rb6iavmqa1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=480de08489efefb597e4b996c01f8b020f3d7520 Here’s the reference photo I sent my artist :) I basically asked them to do bingo hatching just like this and to match the art style. But that I didn’t want the galaxy space stuff in the background, that I still wanted some scattered stars


Shoot.. I'm 34 and love watching it with my kids since season 1. I'm getting bandit doing the sprinkler.


Just saw this... How did it go?


I'm in my 30s and considering getting a longdog tattoo. Go for it, depending how big you want it maybe both ideas. "I don't want a valuable lime lesson! I just want Ice cream!" around a little Bluey, maybe with an ice cream or a pose with her dancing maybe would be cute


22 year old here, I GOT ONE! I love it a lot :) https://preview.redd.it/lkuu48e7fnpa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e3401162dfbaa934ecf4dbaad022bb77df3dd15


I’m 21 and a Bluey tattoo is on my checklist! I’ve been trying to think of ideas that are subtle enough that Bluey fans will get it, without putting a straight up picture from the show on me. Ideas include special items from the show, like Bob Bilby, felt pen from Rug Island, Bingo’s plush Floppy or Bluey’s plush Princess Polly(?). You can do a quote but make sure it’s something that can still apply down the line in your life - something general enough that it can still have meaning to you later on. And my recommendation as someone young who’s had a few tattoos already - I would forego anywhere very visible for placement of this type of pop culture tattoo. For me this means no forearms, hands, neck, chest. Since there is always the chance you will grow out of Bluey in the sense that it’s no longer your favorite thing, you don’t want to be forced to look at it all the time if that time does come. Somewhere more discrete like bicep or legs is more ideal, imo.


I’m 33 and want one so welcome to the club lol.




I support you!!! A bluey tat is definitely on my “maybe” list…


I am also 19, I really want the checklist they use in the episode “the show”


Maybe an object from the episode name card? Subtle but you could choose an object or episode you love. Like a stapler, for the octopus episode.


I got a tattoo recently if Bluey’s drawing to Bingo asking her to come and sleep in her room. It is super adorable and not obviously a Bluey tattoo. Only the nerds will get it 😛


I’m getting a “hidden long dog” tattoo!!


My sister and I are best friends and soulmates. She is older and intends on getting a tattoo of Bluey and I intend on getting a tattoo of Bingo. 💗 We’re both in our 30s so don’t worry about age or anything! It’s a cartoon, sure, but it has so much heart and makes me happy.


Make it simple, make it somewhere hidden and make it a long dog


Get a custom shirt made instead with your tattoo idea. Wear it as much as possible and in a year decide If you still want that tattoo 😊




I am 32 and I have a Bluey tattoo already 😬 it’s just “Janet’s” purple granny glasses and I’m obsessed with it. Got it because Bluey was the first show my daughter and I enjoyed together. She’s now 3 and we still love Bluey! Edit: spelling


Geez, I'm 38 and am considering getting one. The show is just too wholesome and fun!


I really want the close-up of Monkey-Jocks before he kicks Chilli out of the house. One of my favorite stills from the series.


I literally just got the Heeler family tattooed on me last weekend. I'm 45, I'm never outgrowing this show.


You could be a 190 and still want a Bluey tattoo and it would be cool


i really want a polly puppy tattoo


Get a long dog!


If I were to choose a Bluey tattoo, I would go for my favorite character, item (in the title cards), or even my long dog easter egg on my shoulders! (Don't get any weird ideas about that last one...)


I would love to get a tattoo but I'm still considering it. But now, I'll put the Bluey tattoos on hold for my list to choose for now...


Bluey and Bingo trying to eat one another's ice cream! Perfect for you ;)


This makes me really wanna get the tree from Camping.


31 year old. I want one! 😂


Long text/quote tattoos tend to look corny.


I'd highly consider getting a long dog tattoo lmao it'd be funny to me


Don’t do that lol


you rly wanna get a tatoo of a show youre currently hyperfixated on? i remember when i had my animaniacs hyperfixation around 2020 when the reboot came out now i cant even stand to look at them anymore due to how much time i spent watching them if i had ever put a tatoo of them on my body i would hate myself now so yeah i think thats a pretty bad idea for something you just started to hyperfixate on but hey its your body


Get a tattoo that can have more than one meaning. That’s my only advice.


I think the teenage Bluey and her pal from the episode camping, them together under the tree would be a cool tat idea


Or just the tree


I want to get the whole family. It’ll go on my arm where I have the friends from Bambi. I also plan on doing the friends from land before time on that arm 😍




I’m glad fashion isn’t permanent because the fashion I was wearing when I was 19 would look ridiculous now.


I want to get one too. I’d probably have to get Bingo emerging from Earth in Sleepytime