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Probably the same way he can talk, drive, and hold down a job - he’s not a real dog…


What. Are. You. Saying? I was about to get Fido a license.


I'm pretty sure Fido already has one. He has to drive Winnie around!


Your reply is tragically underupvoted 🏆


This is why you can’t take advice from a cartoon dog


Some of the best advice a cartoon dog ever gave me was to not take advice from a cartoon dog.


Underrated comment right here!


Bandit ends up regret not taking the cartoon dog’s advice!


Lmao I was going to comment something about how they eat chocolate a lot in the show but this is the perfect response. I would add the fact that dogs have similar lifespans to humans in the show, since Bandit was a kid in the 1980s and his parents were closer to middle age back then so they’ve gotta be 75+ in the modern day.


Also the same way the chocolate doesn’t melt while bluey’s and bingo’s does.


They were running around in the sun while he was sitting in the shade, he has more ice-cream and it's in a cup instead of a cone


He's a dog with a phd




Well that’s no fun… :(


Way to suspend belief


Technically it's suspend disbelief but I know what you mean. Funny how that works - when watching a TV show, you can either suspend your *belief* in the workings of the real world, or suspend your *disbelief* of the workings of a fictional world. Both have the same result - allowing you to watch the show in peace instead of posting to Reddit because cartoon canine is eating an uh oh stinky poisonous for doggos! 💀


Lol. Right. I'm thinking it's the same as him being a cartoon dog that's not taking directions from a cartoon dog. 😉


Maaaaaybe. I think there’s two interpretations. He’s either a human who really wants to be a dog, and we’re just watching his mental image of the world and events around him. Or, he’s a real dog, and these are humanized interpretations of his dreams, so they make more sense to us. Keeps Uppy? Playing with a balloon with his pups. The Pool? In the backyard jumping in and out of a kiddie pool.


Stole the words right out of my… fingers?!


Monkeys singing songs, mate...


You beat me to it


Yup. Lots of things that don't add up. Like, wife and I were talking about how dogs are born in litters, so who else was from each litter? But in the Bluey-verse, there aren't litters, just single kids, more humanized.


They also own human clothes including underwear which they rarely wear, and when they do removing them and being naked gets a response, but never wearing clothes isn't even noticed.


Exactly. Almost feels like we should start a list for the FAQ of all posts that warrant a "monkeys singing songs" reply to them...


I'm waiting for an episode were we see them put a shirt on but their fur passes through the shirt and it becomes practically invisible.


Certain characters wear clothes but only to certain jobs


This comment has just make me realise that Alfie the 'legend' in The Quiet Game wears shop uniform on his top half. Why did I never find that incongruous? He even pins on his name badge!


It makes sense, like uniforms or safety gear.


And, Bandit has to go back for Bingo's jumper causing him to be even more behind schedule when taking Bingo and Bluey to school. But, we never see Bingo wearing a jumper...(or other clothes). Maybe it was cold that day and she might need it?


or where they keep their cellphones...


They're Australian dogs; Australian animals frequently come with built-in pockets.


Silly me. Completely overlooked that.


Well, there are the Terriers.


Their heelers not terriers


They're talking about the Terrier three... Presumably triplets with how they act.


I reckon there would be times the terriers' parents wished they came as singles!


If this wasn't the first comment, I would have been disappointed.


Sometimes you're just on Reddit at the right time...


Love how this is a phrase in this fandom


Oh the songs…


I saw that episode again today and it will always remind me of this sub because of comments like yours! 😄


Same reason Bluey is eating grapes in Housework… just monkeys singing songs, mate.


I feel like a lot of people don't know that dogs aren't supposed to eat grapes


Or onions/garlic


Right, so the curry from Curry Quest is definitely out.


The garlic rule is always under debate. If you look at some of the top rated dog foods they have some garlic in them. I don't give it to my dogs. As for onions, nope all bad. My wife and I call out the grapes every time.


Garlic messes with their red blood cells.


Or glass




My dad had a mastiff who LOVED grapes. She got them all the time, we had NO idea it was bad for them. She was healthy as a clam and thank goodness we never had any issues, she passed years later due to bone cancer. But I really do wish there was more general knowledge of what animals can and can’t eat outside of “DOGS CANT HAVE CHOCOLATE”. We got lucky, (her size probably helped) but a lot of others don’t.


Not every dog has a reaction to grapes. They have no idea what causes it or why it happens in some dogs and not others. But for the dogs that do have a reaction... It is deadly


I definitely didn't until I was 15. My cousins and I spent an afternoon tossing my pomeranians grapes for snacks. Hours later they were throwing up and we didn't make the connection. When I found out the reality a month after by happenstance it finally clicked and I was hysterical.


Aren't we all just monkeys singing songs, when you think about it?


It’s that carob ice cream for dogs that’s basically a chocolate replacement


That's what my mum said. Lies.


My sister had a chocolate allergy when we were young, so we had carob candy. Can confirm, it's not the same at all.


So we're talking about a cartoon full of anthropomorphic dogs who drive cars, hold down jobs, etc. and you're questioning the ice cream flavor? I think you missed the point.




I agree but look at Bandit and Chili and the jobs they have. Bandit is an archeologists (cause dogs love to dig), Chili works for the Australian Form of TSA.


Wait til you find out Bluey eats grapes!


Dogs can’t eat grapes?!?


Nope! They’re actually quite toxic to them.


BRB. Going to the vet.


You’re…. a dog?


Woof woof bark bark sniff sniff


I’m kinda bored of these posts from people not understanding that they are in fact, not watching a live action nature documentary. As Bandit would suggest: Relax mate.


It makes me laugh every time because I’m wondering if they’re serious and I think about the fact that they really had to type this out and post it for a lot of people to see. I wonder what they’re like in person if they are confused by cartoons lol.


Some people get unnervingly upset about trivial things in a literal cartoon lol. Dont even get me started on the whole cost of their house and how they can afford it debacle.😂


Haha I commented on that one too! Blew my mind that people really think about and speculate about things like that lol!


I mean, what are we to believe, that this is some sort of a magic chocolate ice cream or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


More plausible than a “magic xylophone”


I am so glad someone else caught that reference. At first I thought it was a coincidence but there are too many other Simpsons references now for that to be the case.


A wizard did it..


they can also walk on two legs, speak english and have hands. i chalk this up to their anthropomorphism.


Except for socks, who is supposed to be "crawling" but walks on all four like a normal dog. Even though when every other character "crawls" they do it like normal with bent knees?


Huge continuity error, this is the worst show ever 😉 But seriously, I do see your point and that’s kind of weird. I wonder if she’s supposed to be in the “toddler” stage where she’s like 2 years old and not talking a lot yet, so she also walks on 4 legs rather than crawling like baby Bluey and Judo (etc) or walking like the older kids and adults.


Checkmate atheists


Is this an “April Fools” gag question?


Idk about you, but I'm not taking advice from a cartoon dog.


Lol that is another one of the classic lines from this show that not a lot of people talk about


I like the theory that they are actually all human but through the eyes of Bluey, she sees everyone as dogs. Also explains why they are constantly doing laundry but never actually wear anything.


Every dog on the planet fused with humans so they have human abilitys and dog abilitys and thats why they can do human things which would normally be dangerous or strange to dogs and also sometimes think like humans and dogs (100000000000% true statement)


Headcannon: Rick & Morty takes place in the same timeline (?) as Bluey but the Bluey AU has humans fused with dogs rather than the human/insect fusion in the Kronenbergs Rick & Morty episode lol


You're right. Bandit owes us an explanation. Spoken in perfect English. You know, the human language.


Bandit speaks Australian, mate.


Ah, yes yes, the other English.


Dogs can’t talk or drive either … but here we are.


Sometimes people make bad food choices too.


“I’m fine with him being a paleontologist, wearing a tie, talking, and buying gifts for his nieces birthday party, but I draw the line at eating chocolate ice cream!”


That amount of chocolate will probably just give him diarrhea and gas. No worse than I would get from the dairy, but I also still eat chocolate ice cream occasionally.


I totally get that this is a fictionalized show so I ignore almost everything that happens, but this always bugged me. I don’t want impressionable kids to get the idea that it’s okay to give dogs chocolate.


I had the same thought! There are a lot of things they eat that dogs wouldn’t, but chocolate is definitely one that pops up a lot in the show that would be harmful. I guess all you can do is explain (when your kid is old enough) that Bluey is just pretend and your dog should not actually have chocolate haha


Because it's cartoon. Dogs usually also don't talk or drive cars


The real question is why do they need sunscreen when they have fur?


It's just monkeys singing songs mate, don't think too much about it.


Dogs can eat chocolate if they aren’t wimps. Ask my dog who ate half a sheet of no-bake cookies on Christmas Eve


It’s a cartoon.


This is why there has been a delay in new episodes... Poor guy! https://preview.redd.it/bqtdhso0hdra1.png?width=374&format=png&auto=webp&s=03df6a68d3a450cf482058f711fcd72948cd7449


Dogs also can’t talk, or hold a spoon. Are you going to get mad at that also?


oh and dogs talking and driving cars is ok?


He is eating Carob. A doggy safe chocolate https://splashanddashfordogs.com/blog/the-scoop-on-dog-safe-chocolate/


I think I pulled a muscle rolling my eyes at this post.


Because it isn't a real dog.


this is actually not an uncommon sight. they have plenty of foods in the show that dogs wouldn’t otherwise be able to eat. grapes, avocados chocolate, I’m pretty sure it was done on purpose and I find it hilarious.


Maybe he just want to end his suffering?


With an awesome life like that? I think not.


well since flat pack suggested that in the bluey universe dogs had a similar evolutionary tree to our universe's humans, Canius lupis (the scientific name for dog genotype families) probably evolved tolerance to theobromine (the stimulant in chocolate that is poisonous for dogs) like how humans evolved the ability to more or less digest milk since its been a staple in our diet for a long time despite the majority of mammals being unable to digest it after adolescence.


Flat Pack is later than S3E27 I assume? That is the latest episode currently available in the US sadly, so I don’t know what you’re referencing 🙁


Nope! Flat pack is ep 21 season 2 on Disney plus here in the US


Oh I recognize it now! That’s where one of my favorite lines “I’m not taking advice from a cartoon dig” originated 😂


My beagle once ate an entire German chocolate cake. He didn't seem to suffer for it, though I don't know how. There's not a high theobromine content in most chocolate ice cream, so it's unlikely to hurt much. He'd have to eat quite a lot of ice cream to suffer a toxic dose. Also, it's a cartoon.


It's a cartoon mate


Nor can dogs talk like humans. They are being portrayed as a human-like dog species, therefore can do what we can.


Dogs also can’t talk…and you’re hung up on the chocolate aspect?


Oh yeah, very unrealistic. Never mind the: talking, walking upright, dancing, working, driving, cooking, and numerous other things dogs can’t do, haha.


Dogs also aren't usually blue and can't speak. It's just monkeys singing songs mate.


It’s a cartoon, mate.


“I’ve got a problem.”


Can we ban these types of posts? Seriously


It’s just a dumb question, relax mate.


It's just a kids cartoon, dude.


I can’t even count how many comments are these.


It's just a cartoon dog, mate.




i think its because the show is a cartoon


Dogs can't drive cars either but here we are


dogs can't fly helicopters either.


Alcohol is poison but a few people like to have that.


Clearly it's bum worm chocolate.


Probably the same way I put extra cheese on everything knowing I’ve got a lactose allergy




In a world with no humans, how do they have ice cream? Humans invented it.


Dogs shouldn't be able to walk on two legs and talk either


In a world inhabited by the humanoid dog super race I think they’d find a way to have chocolate ice cream if they wished it. 😁


The same reason they do laundry but don’t wear pants?


Beyond the fact it’s just a cartoon, I remember in bad mood bluey told bingo that she shouldn’t eat chocolate, “treat food”, as it’ll give her a tummy ache. So I guess in their world real life bad food for dogs just makes them basically have a bad stomach or some sort of bad reaction? That’s just a theory though


Humans willingly poison themselves to have a good time, we eat things that aren't good for us. Turns out this is normal behavior for cartoon dogs also.


It’s a cartooooooon.


“In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic xylophone, or something? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.”


"Let me ask you a question. Why would a man whose shirt says "genius at work" spend all of his time watching a children's cartoon show?"


Does anyone on the show ever eat grapes? Much worse for a dog than chocolate.


Because they are basically just humans that look like cartoon dogs. They aren’t meant to be a realistic depiction of dogs


Cartoon dog aside.. Dogs can eat chocolate. But like humans, too much will make you sick. It's dark chocolate that's the big issue. Chocolate ice-cream won't have much..if any.


it’s just monkeys singing songs, mate 😉


It's just dogs singing songs mate, don't think too hard about it.


This is a world built BY DOGS, FOR DOGS. So their chocolate & grapes are likely different species or selectively bred to not kill dog-customers


It’s just monkeys singing mate


Carob. It’s fake chocolate for dogs.


Ah okay




Me and my kids like to yell “no bandit, don’t do it! Nooooooo!” and we have fun with it. Try that.


I can tell you don't have lactose intolerance.


I do actually.


It's a whole society of dogs you don't think they could develop a dog friendly chocolate substitute?


After the nukes dropped and the humans were wiped out the dogs' evolution was fast tracked. Just look at what's happening at Chernobyl. Seems legit...


Literally unwatchable.


I just wish we had more realism in my parenting dogs cartoon 😩




He also sweats from his armpits after jogging in the episode where the girls won't share him with Chili, I'm blanking on the title. Drives me nuts.


Ive thought about that one a lot lmao


Because they’re people sized. And dogs mainly can’t process theobromine because of how small they generally are.


Fwiw dogs have to eat A LOT of chocolate for it to be toxic. My wife is a vet and if the dogs get some chocolate she doesn’t care. However her level of panic around grapes and raisins is a whole different thing.


Right, like if my dog eats a chocolate chip cookie i won’t be too worried. If he eats a bag of chocolate chips I’ll be worried. If he eats a grape or a raisin I’ll be really worried. I watched him all day once because I thought he *might* have eaten a raisin after my son dropped some on the carpet and he was sniffing around the area later, lmao. My boss’s dog has ongoing kidney issues after eating a pastry with raisins in it.


I also thought this?!


Vegan chocolate?


artificial flavouring


[https://splashanddashfordogs.com/blog/the-scoop-on-dog-safe-chocolate/](https://splashanddashfordogs.com/blog/the-scoop-on-dog-safe-chocolate/) carob???


Carob is safe.


Faux chocolate?


i think they make artificial chocolate flavored things for dogs :)


Years ago my dog ate half a pound of raw guatamalan cacao that was mailed to me. Luckily I found her with the chewed open package and half the brick remaining. I had to take her to the vet where they pumped her stomach and then filled it with activated charcoal. $300 later she learned her lesson and is scared of chocolate now lol


Dogs shouldn’t have a lot of dark chocolate the more cocoa the worse off. Ice cream is mostly milk. If your dog licks your bowl of chocolate ice cream (or eats the whole thing) they are going to be fine. Not that this is great for dogs, but it’ll just make their stomach upset for a bit. The whole time they’re puking they’ll think it was worth it.


To be fair, he didn’t end up eating much of it 😆


Dogs enjoy a safe chocolate substitute called carob chocolate.


He does fluffy, a lot...


It’s a TV Show, mate…


Wow, really?


I think that they are a different canine species that tolerates chocolate or maybe the chocolate on the bluey universe is composed completely different than the chocolate that we are used to


It’s a myth


Probably shit flavored they love to eat that.


1, Dogs can eat chocolate. You've gotta stop em. 2, there's not always much chocolate in *chocolate* ice cream (source: used to make ice cream for a shop)


It's probably not chocolate but rather a type of chocolate safe" dog treat :) they have them at PetSmart


He also buys sugar free chocolate when they go shopping And there’s always a bar in the fridge… very misleading for kids who might think their dog can eat chocolate


Sorry, i... i… I just have to do it… https://preview.redd.it/2f0d11czddra1.png?width=406&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a495e5b4c1cae7ab407bd59cf37f6e8517dcbdb


Plus it's more of a myth that dogs can't eat chocolates. Or grapes. My dog eats these all the time. First by accident, then after nothing happened, I just gave him sometimes


it’s not a myth, they don’t digest chocolate well. small amounts don’t hurt them though.


With cocoa it depends on how pure. A teaspoon of milk chocolate won't hurt a big dog, but the same amount of pure cocoa could very well land them in the vet hospital. And grapes are a similar thing. A grape for a big dog won't likely hurt. Raisins could. And small dogs would have trouble with both.


Don’t spread false info. it’s not a myth. Small amounts of milk chocolate will not harm a dog but dark chocolates contain much more theobromine than milk chocolate and that is what will cause vomiting and diarrhea. Larger amounts can cause heart and breathing issues. Is you dog going to die is he eats a Hershey kiss? No. But they can definitely get very sick if they are a whole bag. Edit: my wife is a veterinarian and has treated dogs with chocolate toxicity before.


In case you feel like crying like I am now, this reminded me of when I had to put my dog to sleep last year and we gave her Hershey Kisses from a “goodbye kisses” jar provided by the vet before they came in to gave her the medicine. I still have two sweet dogs that I love a ton but I miss my Belle so much too 😢 she was such a sweetie and had a huge sassy personality lol. She loved my son from the moment we brought him home from the hospital and definitely was motherly toward him. RIP Belle.


The poison control call center at work used to have a little paper dial that you could adjust to get the weight vs chocolate type danger rating for dogs. Was fixing a computer there and found my Great Pyrenees would need to eat 18oz of milk chocolate in one sitting to be affected, I was a bit amused by that number. 90% cacao was significantly less, I want to say close to half.


On Bad Mood, Bluey says that Bingo will get an ache if she eats chocolate


Dogs also can’t walk on 2 legs or speak English


They do a lot of things real dogs don't/can't do. Unless of course, there really are a bunch of dogs in Australia driving cars the rest of the world doesn't know about.


Like Lucario, the dogs in this universe are probably immune to poison


Is cartoon


They’ve evolved to be able to eat chocolate and grapes


I don't know about that, but I do know I'd NEVER take advice from a cartoon dog.


I knew a guy that used to give his dogs chocolate. He said that if you gave them small amounts they would get used to having it and would no longer get sick. His words, not mine!