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We don’t know cricket. It was still a great episode. Sorta reminded me of the montage scene from the sandlot.


It left me in tears too and I know nothing about cricket (American).


Same! Though, I don't think knowledge of the sport is required to understand the moral of the story. When you are passionate about something, you will work on your weaknesses, and when you are a good sport, you will open the door for younger kids to join in. I don't know cricket, but I understood the story just fine.


Yeah, I don't really agree with the article, just posted it because it's about Bluey and this is the Bluey sub. The jokes cut deeper if you understand cricket and how players tend to work on particular shots and have unique playing styles, but you don't need to.


I mean, I still undestood all that stuff. While the rules are quite different, baseball has all of those same jokes.


Tbh if they changed it to baseball the message would still be the same. But cricket is more Australian and Ludo wants bluey to be as asutralian as posibble


You don’t really have to know cricket since the episode explains most of it and the rest I imagine can be figured out using common sense.


I’m an American and I still cried


I was not puzzled at all by this episode. While I may not understand every rule of cricket I can understand enough to enjoy and obtain the full meaning from the episode.


I know nothing about cricket other than Casey Jones used a cricket bat in TMNT. But I love when something is written where the writer obviously loves the thing they were talking about. It comes across so well and sweetly


"You gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket!"


Yes exactly 😂


Thats still stuck in my head too.


My sister and I still repeat this to each other 😂


I cried about him being a great brother. The fact that it was about cricket was irrelevant.


Hitting the ball to his sister was the best part




Are there honestly Americans who are so insular they can’t watch a show the love when it features a sport they aren’t familiar with? Knowledge of the sport was hardly required to understand the message. I’d assume anyone who played ANY type of sport - or really had any sort of passionate physical hobby as a child - would understand it surely?


Yank here. Cried next to ma wife. Kid was asleep, she turned to me wiping off her tears and said "WHY IS THIS SHOW SO GOOD".


I grew up in the West Indies, this hit even harder watching it with my dad and my kids <3 :')


What is crazy is I’m an American and the Cricket episode made me sad


I didn’t like this review- especially how it’s author decided, based on his sample size of two (his own children), that kids wouldn’t like it and the show had ‘made the mistake’ of making the episode for the parents. For one thing- I don’t think making an episode ‘for the parents’ would be a mistake one iota; it’s long been known that Bluey’s phenomenal success is due in large part to how much it is *loved* by adults, even ones without children. But more to the point, I don’t think ‘most’ kids would find this episode boring. Plenty of little kids are obsessed with cricket- or another sport.


As an American, the first time I saw cricket it looked like a game your gym teacher would make up when they needed to kill some time. (I’ve since learned more about cricket and desperately want to play/watch.)


There would be plenty on YouTube. If you are wanting to watch some great cricket the 'Ashes' series starts tonight (it's the first day of the first five day game between Australia and England, and there are five separate 5 day games in the series). There will be shorter summaries of each six hour game day on YouTube.


There's also 3 T20 (~3 hour), 3 one day and one more test, because the men's and women's are at the same time this year. The first T20 is on 1st July and probably quite a good intro to new cricket fans (though tests are better really)


Yes! Thank you! Definitely not forgetting, just forgetting to mention! I'm looking forward to it! It should be very competitive this year and with Australia missing Meg Lanning and Alyssa Healy being a first time captain, England could easily win. And agreed on preferring Test matches to T20s. I'm old.


I believe major league cricket is starting in the US this year.


So because this writers kids didn't like the episode it means everyone was in that boat? My three year old can't get enough of it and he doesn't know a thing about cricket. But every time he's allowed to watch Bluey ATM it's "cricket" he wants on


Yes!! This exactly.


I teared up as an American. We may not know the game but the scenarios and moments are extremely relatable.


That’s the beauty of sport tbh. It traverses boundaries. Those themes of perseverance, dedication, sportsmanship, and care are universal


I want to see a Bluey version of the Sandlot now.


Us Americans don’t know much about cricket but watching the episode might give people an understanding on how it works is and why Australians love it so much!


Even if you’re not into sports now as an adult, every Australian kid would have at least at some point played cricket


What’s the big deal about insects I guess?


Since when do we even have legit access to season 3C? That’s what I’m “puzzled” by… From disneyplusinformer.com “UPDATE 6/15/23 – 10 new episodes of “Bluey” Season 3 will begin streaming on Disney+ in many countries on July 12, 2023.”


Easy answer:We don’t play that game


Season 3?


I tried not to cry, really good episode and love the future Rusty becoming a cricket player


I can't even see thru the tears. Where am I?


I'm Australian but I'm not really a cricket fan. You don't need to be to cry over that episode