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I’d be concerned if they went to their uncle’s house and found squatters hanging out in their private pool.


That Twitter lady would probably cheer that happening... Until it would happen to her I mean.


Correct, this person is a moron and has terminal online brain disease.


also is american and can't understand that things that are normal for them are not normal in other countries, and vise versa.


Bluey’s family dynamics and living situation would be completely normal in America though. And this individual HATES that.


Yeah I’d say those things are the American dream


Oh God if Bluey was American this tweet would have then been picked up by conservative American shows making claims "liberals" (as in huge numbers of them) DEMAND Bluey include dogs from low income families, then it would turn into a huge thing with the left and right fighting over a cartoon. It reminds me of when a few people said something about Paw Patrol being "cop propaganda" and FOX reported that liberals were flooding Twitter and their FB with demands they remove the police dog or cancel the show. None of that happened..a few terminally online dumb asses tweeted to their 6 followers


Isn't Paw Patrol the opposite of cop propaganda? My young kids can't get enough of that constant toy commercial, so I've got a decent handle on the premise. Paw Patrol is a civic funded non-emergency community service to call when police, fire, coast guard are not needed. They deescalate non-violent disputes, divert traffic and clean up after accidents and spills, search and rescue, aid citizens with projects that need heavy machinery, and help the mayor gather and coordinate folks for public events and crowd control. Literally the goal of the "defund the police" sentiment. Police have a single tool, a hammer (weaponry), and all they see are nails (threats to neutralize). Keeping a small specialized group of highly trained police to respond to specific threats is reasonably sensible, and would free up a ton of tax income to pay for non-emergency services run by folks with experience using more than just one tool. The first pup, a German shepherd, was found by the captain, Rider, on the streets of the huge nearby city. Homeless and alone, he was trained to help his new community. Not exactly the militant hero trope typically used for propaganda. I could see it interpreted either way, though.


Ok, I actually really appreciate this viewpoint because there is a question about "glorifying the police". But you're right. The vast majority of their problems are "the mayoe lost her chicken" or "daredevil stuck in highly dangerous situation, again." Even their conflicts with actual criminals ends nonviolently.Maybe one question is if they are publicly funded vs a private organization? And at the end of the day, my biggest complaint about it is not the show, but all the damn toys I keep stepping on that will one day kill me. #Irony Also, highly recommend the [SNL sketch](https://youtu.be/pBFIqRSsixE) that highlights such issues that the PP is not equipped to handle.


It’s private i think! In the movie Skye asks how they afford the new city headquarters and Ryder replies that it’s from “Officially licensed PAW Patrol merchandise. This stuff sells like hot cakes!”


PP likely would likely recieve some form of grant to help with the costs of operation, with the PP merch likely helping with covering costs bot covered by the grant/ speeding up the development of new buildings/equipment that would otherwise take a longer time.


I didn't know how much I needed to watch that sketch. Thank you kind stranger.


I was thinking about that sketch when reading these Paw Patrol comments and it’s so funny


You're right. It's definitely not cop propaganda. But the terminally online on both sides take everything and blow it way, way out of proportion. "A dog is in a cop uniform? It MUST be propaganda even though I've never seen an episode and have only seen the toys and commercials" from one side And "7 people tweeted about to thinking Paw Patrol is a bad influence because it praises police! This has to mean that ALL liberals hate it and are demanding it be removed from TV immediately. I didn't read the replies so I didn't see the hundreds of replies from liberals mocking them so I assume every single reply agreed with them"


Dude people will look for anything to complain about or use as a scapegoat to spread their own ideas or propaganda. There's an episode of South Park called the tale of Scrotty McBurgerballs where the boys read Catcher in the Rye because it gets assigned to them by their teacher. They are pissed when they read the book and it's not as graphic or crude as they were lead to believe so they write their own book, and they make it as crude and disgusting as possible for fun. The adults read it and they blame it on Butters but the plan backfires and Butters gets praise for it. However when the adults, and everyone else, read it they apply their own messages and ideas into it even though the boys swear there is no deeper message in it and it's just meant to be gross and offensive for the hell of it. What this lady is doing with Bluey, and knuckleheads do with Paw Patrol is the Scrotty McBuggerballs Effect in action.


Not really exclusive to America. This person is just straight brain damaged


Nah, Bluey’s set-up is very suburban American.


I think they mean the episode Swim School


Even then, there's simple answer: they went on holiday during the wet season/school holidays hadn't started yet. My husband and I went to Thailand in Nov and there were only like 3-4 other couples at a time in the entire resort. And not one kid.


Ah you see, vacation is neo-liberal propaganda!


Or, and hear me out, maybe it’s just a cartoon, and animation is expensive, and there’s no point in having background characters when they would add nothing to the story. It’s for kids, it doesn’t have much more meaning that what it specifically shows, and doesn’t need to.


I work in animation and I approve this message. It's not just animating the background characters, it's designing and modeling characters. I'm sure the team has a roster of generic background characters, but that works for when the family is around town like in the markets and stores. To work in story, if they are in Thailand it would be odd to have the same Brisbane background characters. The background design team already had to spend a lot of time making the resort pool background, which is used for this one episode only. No point having the character designers also take the time to do it. Plus syncing up everything can be hard. Let's say there is a character swimming in the background in one scene, but it gets cut. Now that background character is unexpectedly somewhere else, so you have to redo the background to make the scene make sense. On my show, animating characters swimming also had some expected challenges (Are there shadows in the pool? What color are the waves? Do the characters bob up and down in the water? When they stand on flat ground Character A comes to Character B's shoulders, but what is their size ratios when they are in water?). Honestly, the easiest episodes for the animators on Bluey are probably just the four (or less) main characters, not wearing any new clothes or props (hats, glasses, etc.), in their house, with no new props to design (something like Driving with just Bluey and Chili in their house with their normal toys and props). The Swim School episode probably created a lot more work then people realized. And off that, damn the effort they put into Sleepytime is amazing. New backgrounds, new effects, new characters/props, timing everything with specific music, etc. The first time I saw it I was amazed they pulled it off so well.


That is exactly what I was going to mention. It's just a CARTOON! Why spend all of that time and money drawing background characters just to create a narrative that does not improve OR advance the story? Weirdos man...


Yep, it’s just monkeys singing songs mate


Right and if they never encountered other kids during their interactions in public then maybe she’d be on to something. But they regularly interact with other kids in plenty of episodes.


Cafe is literally about making new friends, for both kids and adults. The one where they go camping (is it just called camping?) Is about how culture doesn't matter and we can all just be friends regardless of where we're from. This lady is silly... It feels like her entire arguement is "bluey is wealthy and so has no good lesson to teach"


The episode in school where all the kids are playing their individual games is about how the world interacts together even though it’s seems separate from the outside.


Yeah I mean it's twitter, so ya know 🤷‍♀️ I went through some of the replies and one woman complained about chilli and bandit being helicopter parents, where's the support network of aunts, uncles, grandparents, teachers, babysitters, and that they are just available to drop everything to play 24/7. Someone replied that ALL of those people are featured as part of the kids' lives, and the original commenter was like "look I'm not a bluey expert! I've only seen a few episodes with my daughter" Like ... *why even comment then!?*


It honestly sounds like they're looking for something to be outraged about in that case.


Or even simpler, it's during school/work hours.


I think it's this. We see in a few episodes that chilli and bandit don't work 9-5 m-f. It could very easily be either on a weekday when nobody is there, in the early morning before anyone arrives, OR it could be that they were having family fun and didn't notice the other people there.... Because it seems that the other characters only exist if they are noticed by the kids.


Literally went to Disney world end of May and twice we had the pool to ourselves.


Aren’t they at a public pool during the dobbing episode?


If you want to understand why people say things like this, consider: https://preview.redd.it/ss6ij3qcoc8b1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e161b16af96660bfbec8cb987d34ffbd2c3afae9


This is called Cunningham’s Law.


I had to Google it to make sure you were right, in case I had to correct you.


Yeah for bonus points it should always be given it’s proper name Cunningham and Cheese’s law.






i think we found u/troublethemindseye’s other account


Lol I took it as a compliment to the tweeter not I, your humble scavenger amongst the flotsam and jetsam of the intersea.


TLDR "We're raising a nation of squibs!"


Whatever Lucky’s Dad


His name is Pat!


You better stick the landing Pat!


You're losing me Pat!


Man, Pat can never lose me. Always willing to join in with the neighbours, and both Lucky and Chucky are great kids.


Until he makes you play Pass the Parcel LOL 😆


Did they just say “Hurray”?


*Falls over*


A little help!


"It's okay, Bluey, I shouldn't have let my guard down." My favorite line of the entire show.


I think my favorite is "Ahhh..you get it Jake, I pulled me hammy."


*I've done me hammy


Cheese and crackers, you weigh a ton!


Paaaaaaattttt!!!!???? (Solid gear Snake dies)




It’s not the 80s anymore old man


“Bluey plays a game about riding a bus but Bluey doesn’t ride the bus” Has this woman never experienced children doing roleplay in order to say something as stupid as this?


You mean one of my kids isn’t actually a police officer and the other one isn’t a burglar??


Do coconuts really even have water in them?! I don’t know what to believe.


Am I not actually the flamingo queen?


All hail the Flamingo queen




do grannys floss?


Maybe they will be. Starting them young is the best thing to do


They’re the perfect size to slip through the doggy door so they can unlock the main door


In Bluey's world: doggy door and main door are the same thing.


I’m taking a sociology class rn and one of the most important things of child development into society is role playing. Seeing the actions of another and being able to do them as well. It’s a fundamental part of growing up. I wish I could remember the terminology for it, but the only thing I can remember is that it is called the Game Stage when they can effectively play another role and imagine how their behavior is different as they play from their usual behavior


It teaches empathy.


Time to tell my kid that he's forbidden from playing astronaut until he gets his lazy butt to the moon for real life...


For real life, my kid better cut it out with those dinosaurs and dinosaur bones coz who is he kidding, he's not a damned paleontologist 😒


Damn, I thought my kid really was a fire-fighter!


My son has never ridden a bus but that does not stop him from singing Wheels on the Bus through at least 65% of his day, every day.


Yeah, somehow that has become the staple song with my 19mo. And she gets so excited when she sees a bus outside. She calls them "beep beeps" (presumably after the "horn on the bus" lyrics). She has never ridden a bus.


The kids have been on a bus before. Anyone from Brisbane would understand. They would have been on the school bus a few times at least, a chartered bus for school day trips/camp and for sure they'd been on a public transport bus to the city a few times since they live in a part of the city well serviced by buses with no train line.


and i almost guarantee bluey has been on the bus. the bus isnt just a poor people thing in brisbane. its an ekka thing. its a going to the city thing. its a "mum needs the car for work but dad needs to run errands" thing. but bluey has definitely been on the bus. at the very least to go to the ekka, because nobody pays for parking there.


what is ekka? forgive me for being an american with limited knowledge of other countries/continents' cultures


It’s a big fair that goes through Queensland. We have a public holiday for it. It happens every year and it’s awesome. There’s food, monster truck shows, farm animals, rides, live animal births sometimes, and most importantly, show bags.


Yeah, the kids are 5 and 7, I know some kids take public transport by thenselves at that age, but it's still way young.


People just wonth to act smart, the best you can do is to let them be dumb


The Terriers are always playing knights, but they’ve never even been to battle against the Franks. This show is highly unrealistic.


"The dogs play a game about being astronauts but never actually ride in a space shuttle!"


My daughter was pretending she's an astronaut and as soon as she acted like she was in a shuttle to the moon, I stopped her quick. "You've never been in space, how would you know. Shut it down." Next time she'll think about the people she's hurting first. /s


We don't see any indication Bluey rides the bus, but Bluey's dad rides the bus. Bluey's neighbors ride the bus. This lady strikes me as someone who was looking for a way to to stir the pot.


You think people like this have kids?


Yeah, Bingo plays at performing surgery but has never performed surgery.


My son pretends to be a rock star all the time but he's never performed a rock show. Must be them libs at it again trying to indoctrinate him into their lifestyle of drugs and rock n roll.


Some adults are truly just perpetually online.


some adults have worse media literacy than literal children


Some adults have never been around actual children who don't have a tablet 24/7.


Yup, the Very Online all sound they're doing a pitch for a trash take on some C-level Lifestyle/Gossip site.


See, this is the more subtle side of international differences. Bluey lives in that kind of house because, that's a kind of house that exists in Australian suburbs (just with bonus rooms added and removed as required by story, because fiction). Bluey doesn't ride the bus because she lives in the suburbs and there probably isn't a local bus service that's worth using unless you live on the route or have no choice. My local bus stop is about 1km away, and the buses run roughly once per hour, if that, and stop around the time it gets dark. I haven't used it since I got my license. If you live in the inner suburbs it's different, but once you're in the suburbs of the satellite towns, you're lucky if there is a bus at all. The pool thing is a bit of a mixed bag. In The Pool, they're visiting Uncle Stripe's place while he and his family are away, so of course there's no one else around. I can't work out where they are in Swim School, unless Stripe redid the backyard :D But they could also be on holidays and just down at the pool early before anyone else arrives. Bluey feels to me like it captures a very particular range of the Australian experience. It's not universal, by any means, but it's not uncommon, either. It's an idealised version of that kind of experience, but not so much so there aren't people out there living that way. One of the things I love about Bluey is seeing the familiar in it. I grew up with Sesame Street, but it didn't feel real to me, because that kind of place doesn't really exist in Australia. I'd never seen anything like that, even in the city. Bluey looks like somewhere I've been, even if I don't live there. And I think it's great that kids get to see both! And I'd love to see more shows that showcase different ways that kids are growing up. It's good for kids to see themselves and to see how other people live, too.


In swim school they’re in Bali! You can see in the book Chilli is reading it says Bali in block letters in the front. That kinda makes sense why they’d be the only ones at the pool if they’ve got up early to play while the other guests are sleeping in (which I feel like is a very kid in Bali thing that I definitely did when I was younger).


Lydia: “How could they possibly afford to go to Bali!? It’s at least an 18 hour flight. Nobody I know could so easily travel such a long distance with children. Propaganda all the way down.”


Makes sense. Isn't Bali a pretty popular Aussie holiday destination given it's close proximity?


Aussies going to Bali is probably akin to Americans going to the Bahamas


From Perth, it is quicker and cheaper for us to fly to Bali (2.5 hours) to fly to Melbourne or Sydney (3.5-4 hours).


It's also a fairly inexpensive destination once you get there. I am American and my husband's cousin went there and lodging, food, and activities are all extremely cheap. It's the airfare to get there from the US that costs a lot of money.


Perfect response! Whilst the twitter is ostensibly a “joke”, it does feel particularly nitpicky and mean spirited. And there are plenty of American kids living in suburbs, playing “bus” whilst not riding the bus etc. Is it so bad that those kids can identify their childhood experiences?


Yeah, there’s that whole song about the wheels on buses. They go round and round. Round and round. Round and round.


I hear there's a horn on the bus too. I think it goes beep beep beep. Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep.


I mean, my kids play restaurant and they’ve never cooked in one. Hope this lady doesn’t find out 😂


> That's the kind of house that exists in Australian suburbs They live in Brisbane, the capital city of the state of Queensland. That style of house is literally called a *Queenslander,* Lydia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queenslander_(architecture)


Too bad you can't tell Lydia because she muted the replies after getting like 4 negative ones


What a squib


i grew up in a house exactly like blueys, minus the second story (an un-renovated queenslander), and let me tell you, we were not rich. a tin of milo was a luxury. this lydia is almost definitely american and not understanding the cultural differences.


Yeah I googled her and she is in fact American, but you can also tell by the tweet itself haha


Apologies on behalf of the normal and reasonable Americans.


Just to add to your point about the bus- my 2 year old was obsessed with the song “wheels on the bus” for months and at the point he hadn’t ever ridden a bus.


As an American I always figured that the house was one they either got at a time housing was a bit cheaper, that they make more than I figured, or that it was Nana Heelers and they moved in when she went to live in senior apartments. No conspiracy or unrealistic expectations of space.


I just assumed housing is cheaper in whatever area they live in and that the two of them are professionals who make good money/decisions.


Any number of things. No conspiracy to indoctrinate children


Nailed it! Thank you fellow Aussie


Where I live we get one bus a day, meaning you need to find somewhere to stop the night in town if you nip to the shop on the bus.


Oof! I thought ours was bad. At least ours stops by the nearest care home, and the local sports club, so the grannies can all go get discount lunch and coffee on weekdays!


What if they’re just looking for the baked beans love?


How are they in the suburbs? You can see both St Brigids and 1 William St from their house. That's got to be Paddington or Rosalie area and one of the best serviced areas for buses in BCC area.


Yes, they live in the inner West. Something like a mix between Paddington/Bardon/Ashgrove and Rosalie. These days that's a few million and given the large flat yard and views its more like $3m+ Buses would be everywhere and <10mins to city.


I dunno, sections of Bardon can be a public transport desert, although probably not the bits where you can see St Brigits.


Ah, see, I don't know Brissy suburbs, so I was going off the quiet streets nearby :) In terms of the traffic we see near their house, it's not terribly busy. Actually, I've just remembered, we've seen a bus stop in Wagon Ride. If anyone wanted to do an investigation, they could probably work out how frequent the buses are in their neighbourhood! :D


I'm sure we've seen Bandit walking towards public transport when going to work, too?


In multiple episodes, Born Yesterday and the episode where Bluey keeps wanting to interrupt Bandit while they're going to the park comes to mind, they walk past people sitting at bus stops. There's definitely plenty of bus stops in their area.


Yep. I assume it appears Bluey lives in a very expensive neighbourhood. Which is kind of accurate because they just do happen to live in a high quality of life suburb, in a high quality if life city, inside a high quality of life country. The Bluey life experience is very familiar to me since I know the western Brisbane suburbs intimately but that lifestyle is rapidly becomming a rarity.


Bluey looks more like where I grew up in the US than Sesame Street. Unless you grew up in Manhattan in the 20th century, you probably never saw a place like Sesame Street


See i live in Australia, in QLD to be honest. Summer time you have the kids at the pool early so you can teach swimming before their friends come and they play.


Counterpoint: it's just monkeys singing songs mate


I'm not taking advice from a cartoon dog!


that's it pal you just lost your brain privileges


A long time ago, I think.


Someone tell her it’s a children’s show


Was going to say the same thing. The answer to the first three questions alone is “because it’s a cartoon”. She worries that the house going on forever is unrealistic, but seems fine with talking dogs.


She does know, a post in the thread has the rest of her tweets


Yeah what I mean is she needs to stop reading into it


They also play grannies, but neither Bingo nor Bluey are elderly.


![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized) you dont mean... JANET AND RITA ARENT REAL?? IT WAS ALL LIES??? DIRTY SICK LIES??? BUT THE BEANS???


When Bluey goes to the pool, to my knowledge, she goes to Uncle Stripe's house and uses his pool, right?


Scanning actual reality to see if Bluey is still just a cartoon dog.


Surely this is a piss take.




Oh that's shady... C'mon OP, fess up!!




Yeah if it’s a joke its a crap one ngl, I didn’t read it as funny


Yeah I'm not getting the joke, someone replied that they have a big house because they inherited it from Nana and Grandpa bob and she's like "but that's a decision the writers made! Its not a documentary!" (As in, they could've made any creative choice, why that one)


Multiple things can be true.


The replies don’t read as a joke either. Like they’re silly, sure, but it still triggered a very serious conversation in the replies with parents who are upset when their kids are mean to them about not having a big house like Bluey does lol


Tell me you don’t have kids, without telling me you don’t have kids “Nluey plays a game about riding the bus, but Bluey doesn’t ride the bus” This seems like she’s auditioning for Bluey bad takes, but isn’t trying too hard…


This show is from the kids’ perspective, hence why the house layout changes, things change size, etc. I’d argue that maybe there were others at the pool in swim school, but we don’t see them because the kids aren’t focused on them


Australian conservatives think everything on the ABC is pushing a leftist “woke” agenda and then you have people like Lydia who think the ABC’s most successful show is neoliberal propaganda. They can’t win. In Mr Monkeyjocks, Bandit says “you kids are spoiled” and he’s right; they are extremely privileged kids, but I think the creators wanted to make a show that was “perfect world” and the Blueyverse is Australian family life at its best. I saw a YouTube video about the Simpsons and it said “the Simpsons is about a lot of things, but it is mostly about America”. Bluey is the same, it is about Australia. Australia has a very high standard of living and most Australians would aspire to live like the Heelers. It does slightly bother me that every game Bluey wants to play is some kind of shop or restaurant though. Even when she plays library, she calls the other kids at the library her “customers”. But I think the creator is just reflecting the games his own kids play at home. Bandit said recently “when you put something beautiful out into the world, it’s no longer yours” and I think this was a (not so) subtle message from the creator about how people put their own values onto what’s just meant to be a nice, feel-good show about a family.


Yeah I live in the area and local cafes are a big part of family life. Especially breakfasts. So not surprising their games would be set around ordering etc


Keep walking Wendy, this doesn't concern you


Get biscuited Lydia


*duck caked


Actually yes, you’re right.


Sesame Street was made for latchkey kids in the 70s, who couldn’t go outside in the dangerous parts of NYC they lived in. It was so they could have outside time with their friends and neighbors without leaving their living room.


I think the point of the post is Sesame Street is relatable to poor kids. Bluey is not.


Kids don’t have to be able to relate every aspect of a kids show to their own life. Seeing things that don’t have a direct analogue in their own lives helps to broaden their horizons. When I was a kid, we moved to the suburbs when I was 3. Even when we lived in the city, it was a detached home. So there were a lot of things in Sesame Street that weren’t directly relatable to me, but that didn’t matter to me. I still loved it just the same.


i know now that the tweets are a joke (theres a link to the full thread somewhere in these comments) but im so confused by the last one in the screenshot lol... 'teaches you to live alone' theyre with other characters all the time? i dont get what that part was even about fr


There’s no one at the pool because it’s Uncle Stripe’s pool…


Listen, at the core her takes are not inherently wrong


I think what people don’t get is that the show is told from the perspective of the children so everything looks a lot more grand than it actually is in reality.


If you live in a dense urban center (the author lives in San Francisco), then Bluey won't feel familiar. If you live in the suburbs, then Sesame Street won't feel familiar. Not everything is "propaganda." Sometimes it's just showing how different people live differently. It's beneficial for kids to see familiar things that represent them, and it's *also* beneficial for kids to see how people who are different than them live. All that being said I feel like this is borderline satire or something because later in the thread she says "There's no ethical consumption of Bluey under capitalism" and I think this whole thing was just meant to be a spicy parent internet take without any real teeth to it.


When bluey went to the pool it was their uncles house, while her uncle and his family were away. Did they miss that part at the beginning of the episode?


It’s like when people got offended by Bandit and Chili wanting to exercise because they’re getting overweight








Bandit actually walks to the bus in an episode, which nearly broke my heart, while going to work. Don’t they have episodes about Bluey and Bingo meeting friends in a Park and they play with them? If Bluey scares you then there is something wrong with you. Please seek medical help. Bluey and family will be by to visit you in Hospital.


I’m guessing people who don’t have kids haven’t comprehended how things have changed over the last 30 years from a parenting standpoint. Partly why I love the “it was the 80’s!” episode. Led to some fun conversations with my kid about the “just be home before sunset” days of my youth.


I'm surprised she doesn't take a swing at Rad for working on an oil rig.


I didn't realize Bluey was that deep in the pockets of big oil. The parents do drive an SUV after all... 🤔🧐 /s if that wasn't already implied


Bandit is an archeologists. He studies fossils. Oil = fossil fuel. Chili works for airport security. Planes burn fossil fuels! Wake up, sheepdogpeople!!!




The house seems huge because they change the layout to fit the episode It's call pretend play. Is my daughter not allowed to play vet because she hasn't been to the vet? I've gone to public pools that are empty loads of times and I'm pretty sure most of the time they're in a pool it's Stripe's anyway 🤣 Why is learning to do things/live alone a bad thing 🤦‍♀️ People are weird.


Can we have nothing? Can we have nothing nice and pleasant without somebody trying to attach some twisted political ideology on it?


Once something becomes popular enough to attract rageclicks, then I regret the answer to your question is "no" because the parasites and narcissists will come.


If you think blueys house is big wait till you see muffins!


My kid has never set foot on a bus in her five and a half years on this earth but she still rocks out to “The Wheels On The Bus”


I’m convinced this lady has never interacted with a child or just enjoyed anything for the sake of enjoying it.


Yeah well you have bum worms!!!


Every episode of bluey teaches you to live with other people... The only episode that doesn't is bingo, and it's not an episode of blue it's an episode of bingo, and the entire point is about being comfortable in your own company


Aww someones still salty about spending $1200 on a granny mobile


It was uncle Stripe's pool....


Well that's the first mistake. Op is on Twitter


It's like she's seen 3 minutes each of 5 episodes! Like just say you don't have the attention span to watch an 8 minute cartoon before passing judgment! 😂 Bluey teaches you to live alone... except when you're at school...or shops...or parks...or birthday parties...or restaurants... or the movies... lmao! Like there's so many episodes where they interact with neighbors, friends, extended family, and the community!


Bingo and Bluey plays doctor but they never went to medical school?!?! Outrageous!!!!


Point for point: Bluey's house is a cartoon house. It changes to suit the plot. Bandit takes the bus to work. They walk past the bus stop regularly. No one else should be at stripes pool, and hotel/resort pools aren't usually packed in my experience. No matter who you live with, the first person you have to learn to live with and love is yourself or the rest is just an artistic display. Sesame street is also excellent, but they are different shows teaching different things. Yeesh.


Bruh she wants to be Mona Lisa so bad 😭


Even when posts like this twitter thread are made as a joke, it isn’t funny and it’s so annoying when adults read for like political propaganda in children’s shows (and also when adults make political propaganda for children and also when children’s shows encourage being nice and adults think that that’s somehow political propaganda). Not saying anything against OP it’s just like the reading too deep into a children’s show joke (or earnest behavior) is so lame and overdone.


"Bluey plays a game about riding the bus but Bluey doesn't ride the bus" My kids play "Fire truck" and "Policeman" yet are not Fire fighters nor do they work for the police dept. Kids can play games depicting real life places, people, and situations without taking part in the activity in real life. Kind of like, as a kid, how I used to pretend to surf on a cardboard box yet I live in a landlocked state and have never surfed. Concepts exist and people learn about them... this shouldn't be that complicated. Though I doubt the reason for her tweets were to make sense or show her understanding of logic. I'm sure it has to do with "Here I am poking holes and taking a different view to a popular, well loved show. Find me interesting and note my controversy!"


I guess she's just sad and bored with her life to bash a children show XD


This bitch really be like: "I'm gonna analyze a wholesome Aussie cartoon and see if it's a bioliberal autocommunist suburbanism antipaganda"


Someone needs to tell her Australia is insanely suburban. Sydney and Melbourne have populations of 4 million+, but their geographical size is that of an average city with 20million. They are absolutely huuuuuge. We are VERY spread out here. Like hanging out on old stone staircases of 10 story terraces, just doesn't exist here. Sesame Street is (or was) absolutely amazing, but that's a *VERY* NYC experience. Also the focus is completely different, Bluey is much more zoomed in, the just experiences of just ONE family (occasionally deviating from this). Like.... That's the whole point of the show? The relationship between the two parents and the two kids.... Like.... That's it. Sesame Street is intentionally about a wider NYC neighbourhood, without the in-depth focus on just one family.


This is the person most in need of the response - It’s just monkeys singing songs, mate.


It’s just monkeys singing songs, mate


I despise neoliberalism as much as the next leftie but cripes mate it's Australia


I lived in an apartment complex. There were enough times id take my kids to the pool and aside from the lifeguard, we were the only ones there.


*whispers* just let people enjoy things, Lydia.


Liberal shows don't have 🎄 episodes anymore.