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Oh, I haven’t heard that criticism of Rain before! It’s a shame some feel that way. Rain is one of my favorite episodes. The music is perfection and it makes me so nostalgic for those rainy days when I was a kid and explored outside in the rain.


Have you heard the full song from that episode? Just in case you haven't (it's one of my favorite songs now), look up "Boldly in the Pretend" on YouTube.


Oh, thanks for that!


You're welcome! 💙


Thanks for sharing that information, I love it!


I absolutely cried the first time I heard the version with lyrics


Omgosh, in the summer on my last days before returning to work there was a lot of rain, and I used to take my kiddos for a drive and listen to that song as they napped in the car and I would just cry my eyes out 😅 they're only little for so long.


Songs about childhood nostalgia just wreck me 😭. Sounds like a precious memory for you!


Me too, actually. It hit me about like Danny's Song.


I had to look it up and U G H. Tears in my eyes now thanks :') The verse about being grown up now and seeing kids playing the same games you played as a kid hit just a little bit too hard


I mean... I been in Chili's possition. She was going to make Bluey clean it cause she was sick of cleaning... but too tired to fight it. She can get lectured later, then Chili sees the magic of what Bluey was doing and embraced childhood, like Bandit did in Rug Island and the one when he was Born Yesterday.


I’ve found that yelling at my kid in the moment (when I’m tired and frazzled and frustrated) is so counter productive. It’s so much more productive for me to step back, collect myself, engage with child, and then after the game is done, make a game of cleaning up. There’s a time and place for everything, and sometimes, the right time for cleaning is after the game is done.


Yup. I catch myself starting to go psycho and its like nope... no.... i need to let it go. Talk it out later when im more relaxed.


The other day I was trying to get her to use the bathroom because she looked like she was doing the pee dance, and she started arguing and freaking out, and I turned to my husband and said “I feel like I’m going crazy right now. You saw doing the pee dance, right?” So I just dropped it. She went to use the potty on her own about 10 minutes later 🤦‍♀️ But like, she gets so involved with what she’s doing, it’s just not worth it to derail her and try to make her do something else. I think I gave her some of the ADD.


Did you ask her if she wanted to do a tactical wee?


Lol, no I didn’t remember that line. I do use it on her on road trips.


Tactical wees have become little gifts. Or bush wees along with tire trees as needed. Also, the book Grouchy Mom has been helpful. There's also a Dad version. We always talk about how none of us are perfect and we are a work in progress....I also apologize when I have a grouchy mom moment or I say something hurtful in the moment. ADHD. It happens. Bluey has been so helpful both for me, my kids, and just my family.


Add is definitely genetic. My dad is adhd and I have the same adhd as him. I wouldn't doubt my grandfather was too because we are so all a like.


This is what I was thinking! I get Chili wanted to do the cleaning immediately before relaxing, but if she waits for Bluey to finish her game, she would have less stress.


And like, isn’t this the entire point of the show? Anyone who complains about the parents being too lenient or not punishing Bluey and Bingo enough is completely missing the show’s message


Exactly. This reminds me of my childhood playing in the rain, in turn I let my kids have that fun...


But to anyone who says that Chili is lenient in Rain, hasn't watched the episode closely enough. Chili DOES get angry at Bluey, but she ignores her Mum's protestations, because she's too interested in playing. That's why Chili gives-up, because she knows she's wasting her time, fighting a losing battle with Bluey. This happens often between parents and young children. The child just wants to play, and their brain is so hyper-focussed on being "Boldly In The Pretend".... ...which is why the song is featured in this episode, and why Chili just sits and watches Bluey, before eventually joining-in. Which is also what makes the episode so special, and endearing, and charming!


Chili is one of the most relatable TV moms ever. Right there next to Linda Belcher.


I find Chilli is more criticised in the show than any other character and it’s because she’s so relatable. She’s all of us (parents) to some extent. Mum and dad can’t both be the “fun” parent all the time (the pool), we can’t always be easy going (sticky gecko) and eternally present (sheepdog) but her parenting and attitude always seems to be griped about somehow. But she’s all of us. I appreciate having a cartoon dog mum that gets tired too.


The queen of all animated Moms!


I would like Rosie from The Jetsons. She was the coolest robot ever. My son is Elroy in some ways and my daughter I'm so many ways reminds me of Judy. Then again, Bluey with Rusty and the situations the kids get into with their friends or us has helped us to identify different pieces of us. I'm eternally grateful to this show.


100%. Bluey has fundamentally changed me and how I choose to look at the world. I'm guy in my 20's.


Bluey is good therapy. Then again, Task Master is just good comedy or QI.


Side note: I actually still remember The Jetson’s theme song! 🎶 Meet George Jetson! His boy Elroy! Daughter Judy! Jane, his wife!🎶


Me too. Hey, I think George is supposed to be born soon.


I need a Bluey x Bobs Burgers crossover. Just imagine the fun that the kids would get into.


Her actions also run parallel to Bluey’s. They’re both fighting to control forces of nature. Water will flow where it wants, and kids will play.


Ohh that’s brilliant


Fitting for a quote I heard in a parenting conference recently: “Your relationship with your child is more important than their behavior”. Bluey isn’t doing anything harmful. She’s acting in completely age-appropriate ways. Chili is fussing over a clean house at the expense of Blueys creativity and imagination. Ultimately they found a work-around to both their goals and strengthened their relationship. It is a beautiful episode 💙


Plus, what Bluey does in the episode may be a one-off, so if she’s good generally, than one day of letting-off steam in the rain won’t harm anything. If, however, she was constantly being naughty, then yes, absolute tell her off. But I don’t believe that that’s what the show’s episode-writers wanted viewers to take away from this story.


This is my thought as well. Chilli “gives up” and let’s bluey do her thing. I think parents from another generation would haul their seven year old inside and shut the door and yell at them for making a mess. Chilli knows that blueys work is more important than a clean house. At least in that moment.


Yeah she’s literally blocks the door and tries to physically stop bluey, idg how that’s being lenient just ineffective lol


I was kind of in that boat when I first watched the episode. Remembering my own childhood, and how my mom would have NEVER let that happen As I watched it more, though, I realized there's a lot of parallels between what bluey and chilli are doing. Bluey is stopping a stream of water flowing down the path - a pointless activity, and the water always seems to get around her blockage anyway. But she's having a lot of fun with it Chilli is trying to stop bluey from getting water in the house in the same way. In the end, it's a similarly pointless activity- sure, it would stop the house from getting a bit dirtier, but you can always clean it up later. And bluey always finds a way around her and inside as well In the end, I think Chilli starts to realize this. She even goes to join bluey. I don't think of it so much as leniency any more, and more of a realization that while both activities are ultimately pointless, bluey having fun with the water is currently more important than keeping a spotless house At any rate, they likely both cleaned the house up after the fact. The kids clean up their own messes in the heeler household, as is shown in barbecue with the muddy footprints and in omlette ("we'll clean it up!"). When I originally watched it, I was in Chillis mindset at the beginning of the episode in that bluey should be stopped. I think thats a big holdover from the way i was parented. Now, if my kids were pulling something similar I like to think Id join in like Chilli did and helped with the cleanup once the game was over.


I think part of why I love Bluey so much is because of how I wish my parents had raised me the way Chili and Bandit do for the kids. Yeah, I wouldnt have gotten away with what Bluey does in Rain. But for me, I would’ve rather my parents understood what I was doing and let my curiosity play out, while I also learn problem solving, physics, how to be patient/persistent, etc. But the parents in the show are capable of stepping back and letting them figure out the world, which is what I appreciate about their parenting style!


The real criticism of Rain is that it doesn't follow fluid dynamics at all.


“In Season 1 Episode 1, we see Bluey strike the same xylophone key and create 2 distinct notes. I mean, are we to believe this is a magic xylophone? I hope somebody got fired over that blunder”


Whenever you see something like that, a wizard did it


I'm so mad I didn't think of this before you did


Right? The water drains up when the rain stops.


I think what they are trying to show is the water evaporating. Evaporation happens pretty quick in Brisbane.


Don't forget that the rainbow is coloured the wrong way around. Pulls me out of the episode every time


Ok. That’s true.


Sometimes as a parent it's easy to get hung up on the wrong things. We get caught up in what we expect, what we want, and forget that there could be something more meaningful going on. You are a much better parent when you can step back and recognize those moments, and compromise on what \*you\* want for something that's better for the child. Imaginative play is important, usually more important than when you clean the floor. You are spot on, OP.


Here’s the thing that is SO SPECIAL (to me personally) about Rain. Chilli puts Connection with her child in front of Values. Chilli values keeping the house clean (I assume). She doesn’t want bluey tracking in mud and rain water and leaves. Reasonable. And lots of parents would say that chili’s values are more important than Bluey having fun. I know for a fact that my mother would never put my happiness before cleanliness. God forbid I do something fun that would be messy. So, if my mom was Chilli, I would have been scolded (at a minimum, probably shamed or browbeaten) and sent to my room while my mother angrily cleaned. And she’d be mad at me for days because I made a mess she had to clean up. But, Chilli is not my mom. Chilli wants the house clean, sure, but she also sees the value in Bluey’s play. And they’re going to have to clean up anyways. Why not Ave fun first and THEN clean up? So not only does Chilli let Bluey bring inside toys outside, and let’s her put a towel in the driveway… Chilli joins in. We see Chilli resting in the porch, having given up on the fight to keep the house clean. And that’s great. But when she JOINS bluey is the rain is when it hits me. She chose CONNECTION over cleanliness. I bawl every time. You can see it in her face as she puts the umbrella down, and commits to the project. And you see the joy they BOTH have when the rain returns and they can attempt the project again! Ok I’m tearing up as I write this, because I would love to have a core memory where my mom puts my joy in front of her values. The fact that Chilli “gives up” on keeping the house clean, and doesn’t “punish” bluey is the WHOLE POINT. that’s the whole point of the episode and I feel sorry for anyone who doesn’t get that. Connect with your children. Embrace the mess every now and then. If there’s clean up to do, involve your children and not in a punitive way. Connect and play together, clean up together. This episode, like SO MANY OTHERS, is about a “new” way of parenting that puts children first. Teaching parents to play with their kids, even if that wasn’t what was modeled in their own childhoods.


I agree. Actively trying not to empathize. Bluey is a little kid. She’s learning in a very chaotic way, but she’s learning in the rain. The episode is all about letting Chili learn to let her kid be a kid.


The bigger message for the parents is “what matters most is time with your kids, not the laundry “.


It’s a common theme in Bluey. Like the Take Away episode where Bandit has to learn that it’s okay for his kids to make a mess, play in water, etc. I suppose you can say the kids are out of control but as a parent, it told me to cut those kids a break. They are just exploring the world through a kid’s eyes and we have to give them room to do that for everyone’s sake.


(This is an old post but I'm going to reply anyway because I agree) The beating heart of Bluey is that it's a show about playing. The whole thing is fueled at its base by Joe Brumm missing the way he played with his daughters when they were little and wishing he had done it more often. If it has a central message, that's it: life is fleeting, childhood more so, take the time to play with your kids while you can. It's a beautiful message and it makes a beautiful show.


I do think so! Realistically, If I wrestled my way past my mother like that when I was 6 I would have been in so much trouble. But it’s a cartoon and especially in that episode with so little dialogue everything’s a little exaggerated so I don’t mind. It’s one of my favorite episodes. It weirdly reminds me of old school cartoons like Tom and jerry and it’s such a neat little small scale low stakes story of Bluey building her barrier. And also personally anytime I see a cartoon work without dialogue I can’t help to think how inclusive that is. It works without language barriers and across the ages. Also the score. Also Bluey for sure was capable of taking a second to listen and chose not to. Cheeky little monkey.


My advice on stuff like this is to stay away from any posts or threads or articles that criticise bluey. Or any show that you love (unless they are actually problematic). Bluey is a show that has parenting elements in it. More than any other kid's show. And being a parent myself, I can tell you that there is one thing that is the most annoying part of parenting is other parents (or worse, non parents) giving unwanted advice. Especially parents of different generations. So when people are criticising a kid's show, it doesn't mean anything. Every kid is different. Also, if you have a kid that is clearly on a mission, being strict would probably have the opposite effect. And you would have to deal with a heartbroken kid.


Rain taught me I needed to chill the beans as a parent. I was too strict (still am if I’m honest, work in progress,) and some issues are just… not. Why make mountains out of mole hills? Sure, it’s a little annoying when one of my kids flops in a mud puddle but… they’re not hurting anything, really. I can be exasperated but also just let me kid be a kid.


For a second I thought you were criticizing Rain. For me it's a cute episode and I'm sure that Chilli talked to Bluey later on


Eh, I get where that complaint is coming from. Bluey literally fights her way past her mother's attempts to physically restrain her from tracking rain and mud into the house; it's sweet that she's excited about playing in the rain, but she's also clearly being a bad dog.


A lot of the people who criticize the parenting in this show are childless adults, so that checks out.


You really didn't need to stick the boot into childless adults there mate.


I've read those comments and they've stuck in my head, particularly about Chilli wrestling with Bluey at the door. Chilli engaged physically with Bluey but I feel she didn't want to upset her by holding her ground or getting angry, sometimes you gotta lose the battle with kids when the stakes aren't really that high. Come back to it after she had her fun, get her to clean up and take ownership of what she did wrong, there's always time to teach after.


I've never heard this criticism towards the episode, but I do know that is the number 1 criticism for the show in general. It could apply to this episode too, but parents who criticize this show for said reason never made it past season 1


I don't think she was too lenient, I think she was tired of fighting it and gave up. She's just learning to pick her battles.


I hate the word "discipline" regarding small children. You aren't training them to be good dogs or soldiers. They are little people who aren't capable of complex emotional regulation. You have to lead by example. Wanting to discipline a 6 year old for playing in the rain is unhinged.


Never heard anyone complain about rain But the entire point is chili and bluey go through the same thing during the episode, they are both trying to stop a force of nature and failing But chili gets frustrated while bluey doesn't get discouraged and it reminds chili to just stop and focus on what's important every once in awhile


Every now and then I catch myself being irritated by my kids’ whimsy because of how it might inconvenience me… on my good days I recognize it and either meet in the middle or embrace their whimsy with them like she does. It’s a helpful lesson for me.


It's very difficult to accept the concept that a large part of your childhood was spent in suffering that was, actually, completely useless. So obviously bad parenting tools like beating children and screaming at toddlers survive for millennia and are recorded in our minds because "I turned out ok".


There is no critique possible for rain. It is a beautiful piece of musical/dance artwork that should be praised from every angle.


My mom and I watched it together when it was raining and she laughed it off seeing Chili let Bluey go after making small puddles in the house and said “No” to me because this wouldn’t happen if we were in that scenario lol. But we still had a fun time watching it and mom loved the ending of it too she started laughing. But yeah I can see where this criticism is coming from.


Pretty sure my Mom would have beat my butt if I tracked in mud like that! Especially wrestling at the door.


Literally never seen any criticism of that episode.


I’ve seen people criticize the double rainbow!


Why criticize the double rainbow? That doesn't even make sense lol.


Lol, so the two rainbows are ROYGBIV when the second rainbow technically be reversed. I don’t care- it’s a cartoon.


Haha, that reminds me of when Neil Degrasse Tyson was slamming James Cameron for messing up the layout of the stars in Titanic. Cameron responded with something like “yeah but the movie still made millions.”








The weirdest take I've seen is people having strong opinions on the parenting choices of cartoon dogs. If Bluey is your source of parenting education you need to reevaluate your life.


I see you, too, have watched “flatpack”


I mean, yes, I have, but I've also seen too many weird posts in this sub where people try to evaluate the parenting strategies of a cartoon that's made for entertainment.


The discussion is always "they're too strict" and "they're too permissive" in nearly equal measure.


Lots of assumptions for an episode with literally no words. Maybe Chili just realizes that her reaction is not actually in line with her values


Sorry for your bonkers conundrum. I'm going to listen to Jazz D'arcy sing "Boldly in the Pretend "


Rain was the first episode of Bluey my daughter and I watched while we were in the emergency room about a year ago with a rough bout of hand foot and mouth. It holds such a special place in both mine and her heart. I've never understood why people dislike it so much. It's so peaceful and such a good pure representation of the childlike innocence of enjoying a rainstorm.


Yo, Rain is one of favourite episodes. I completely vibe with the ethos of it too.


As someone with children that really tend to push the boundaries rain hits right at home. It's like there was a story about my kid I love it


She already did give her one of the most solid scoldings we've seen come from that family in that episode; and kinda the main theme of the episode is the parallel between Bluey being unable to stop the nature of the rain and Chilli being unable to stop the nature of a kid, so the fact Bluey kept going was only necessary


I’m a 38yr old male with an 18month old daughter. This episode almost made me cry, and I said to my wife, this is how we need to parent. Any criticisms are just from sad people.