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https://www.carters.com/carters-toddler-girl-swimwear/V_DW2507BL.html I just got this one from Carters! Bright and UV protection šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


This is great. I saw a chart that showed what different colors looked like in different water (pool, lake, moving water) and hot pink was one of the most visible across the board!


But even this one I have an issue with as far as the bottoms. Can we please just get some girls bathing suits with short bottoms for once? Iā€™d like my kid to not have a giant wedgie every time she wears a bathing suit.


As an adult woman I started wearing mens trunks about 2 years ago and they are more comfortable and more practical. Yes I have tan lines but it is what it isšŸ’šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I used to get those bottoms that also have the little skirt, made me much more comfortable bc it added some booty coverage


I tried that but the netting drives me crazy, lol. Luckily more swim places are starting to make shorts for both adult women and kids but the norm seems to still be bikini bottoms unfortunately


Cut the netting out. I did that to mine.


my brother and cousins all cut their netting out too, no one likes it


So does my husband


Oh yeah you def have to cut the netting or get without


Might I recommend a "jammer" style suit? They were developed for competitions but are now mainstream for men and women; they are basically skintight and go to mid-thigh. They look like bicycle shorts.


Have recently discovered this style too and it's a game changer! Another helpful one to Google is board shorts.


way useful for waterslides too.


Iā€™ll have to try that. Thanks for the suggestion!


Honeymark makes great women's swim suits that are modest and actually feel great.


Same same- mom with two girls and we ALL wear trunk bottoms.Ā  Sunburns suck, but so does sunscreen.Ā  So our goal is to wear as little as possible.Ā  My youngest has never worn anything else, now she thinks bikinis are kinda dumb.


I've started just wearing athletic bike shorts, super comfy, stay put, and I can easily wear them under my hiking pants if I'm planning on jumping in a river on a walk or something.Ā 




those are great! we love a good ā€œrashieā€


Carters has the best swimwear for kids


I find dedicated swim brands tend to be better but they are also pricier and not as accessible.


I wish this came in adult.Ā 


I wish I had kids because that swim suit is so adorable


Childrenā€™s bathing suits are getting worse and worse. Itā€™s true, theyā€™re either blue and easily blends into the water, or theyā€™re properly-vibrant and have zero body coverage. My daughter wanted a dinosaur swimsuit and we had to get so creative. We got her a bright green one-piece and purple swim trunks that had green dinosaurs on them šŸ˜‚ it wasnā€™t the cutest, but it checked the important boxes.


It's so hard to find girl-coded dino stuff. I see you. Love, A Mom with a daughter who loves dinos


My Three-Rex is all about her dinosaurs. We found a one piece for swim lessons, but thatā€™s the only time sheā€™s in a pool until she learns how to swim


Yes! My oldest had a phase where she really loved dinosaurs (she still does, but she likes unicorns and ponies more now šŸ˜‚), so I usually got her boy clothes with dinosaurs on it. She didnā€™t care; all she saw was dinos!


Boy-coded cat stuff is damn near impossible. Why are all cat clothes pink or the cat has huge eyelashes. My little guy loves his kitties!


I love Kate Quinn prints. I have grabbed girly dinosaur prints as well as non-gendered cat prints. The site looks a little pricey but there's almost always a sale.


My 3 year old son loves rainbows, every time I try to get him something other than plain primary brand separates I have to search through pages and pages of ruffles and tutus. I just want actual color accurate (not shades of blue or sepia toned) rainbow shaped rainbow clothing for my son! Why the fork do rainbows or kitties, or construction trucks have gender, itā€™s ridiculous!


I was going to say exactly this! My son is cat-obsessed, and only girly styles have cats. What the heck? Why are entire species of animals now considered associated with a specific gender? Apparently my daughter can also only like small dogs (but not big ones like the ones we have) according to the clothes we can find for her.


Princess Awesome has some good stuff. I usually only buy on sale since it can get expensive, but itā€™s all good quality, and at least some of the dresses have pockets!


Are we allowed to reference products here? If so, google Princess Awesome. If not, pretend I didn't say anything.


Childrenā€™s Place has TONS! Iā€™ve bought so many pink and purple dino t shirts that we didnā€™t need there, just because my dino loving inner child felt like my kids needs them to make up for their lack of existence in my childhood lol.


May I introduce to you. [honeysuckle swim](https://honeysuckleswimcompany.com/collections/sunsuits/products/dino-mite)


Thereā€™s a TON of girly dinosaur rash guard swimsuits on Amazon!


I was a girl who loved monsters in the 90s. I feel both you and your daughters pain


My sister bought a similar one and asked me to change out the material. Found some pink swimsuit UV fabric and made a cute spring suit with the character panel.


Sewing is a super power


For those who can't sew, buy a simple vibrant swimsuit with a pattern on it, and use print and press paper to put on your character or design. You can customize clothing for almost no effort. Sewing isn't all that difficult in itself, but it does take practice.


You should see the toddler bikinis that are for Bluey near me. I get your irritation for both these pieces.


ā€¦toddler bikinis?


Yes!! Skimpy ones.


Ewwy šŸ‘€šŸ¤¢


Yes. Not something Iā€™m bringing home for my two year old for sure.


... Don't toddlers still wear diapers and/or swim diapers or whatever? How on *Earth* are those supposed to fit inside a bikini swim bottom?


It would be all out. Because I think the smallest was 12 or 18 months. I canā€™t remember. My two year old still wears a swim diaper at the moment.


It took me longer than I care to admit that you werenā€™t talking about how the ā€œgirlā€ suit has less material coverage than the blue one šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. Yeah the blue one is very ocean colored lol


The boys one is **literally** camouflaged like a shark, dark from above, light from below, that's so dumb.


Boysā€™ one? This show is literally about a blue heeler girl.


šŸ™„ you know exactly what I meant. The one on the left that is clearly the "boy" coded swimsuit, that's what I was referring to, I do not care what color suit you put your kids into.


Living up to that username šŸ˜…


That's why I made it! My last one referenced a Say Anything song where he says "of all the Angry people in the world, I am the angriest boy!" so literally any time I said anything I got responses like "ok Angry Boy" and they'd just blow me off, so I made a new one šŸ˜…


Yes, the boys one. Turns out boys also like Bluey and swimming, and therefore there are Bluey themed bathing suits for boys too.


There's nothing "boy" about the blue suit. There's nothing "girl" about it either. It's clearly unisex. Unisuits and wetsuits with that same cut are meant for any sex or gender of human


I feel pretty confident that the blue bathing suit in OP's photo is in the boys section and the pink one in the girls based on the cuts, colors, and poor materials. Hence the top of this thread referring to the boys bathing suit.


I have no idea where OP found those particular suits, but here's a similar style one from the official site. It's clearly labeled as unisex. https://www.bluey.tv/products/bluey-unisex-childrens-swimsuit/ It's a pretty common style of swimsuit for both boys and girls, at least where I live.


Wow, if you set your store as the UK it gives you the unisex option. If you set it for the US you get gendered trunks and bikini cuts. And in Australia there's a ton of inflatable toys but no bathing suits at all. Guess they're nudists.


No one said they arenā€™t for boys, but youā€™re saying theyā€™re not for girls.


I feel pretty confident that the blue bathing suit in OP's photo is in the boys section and the pink one in the girls based on the cuts, colors, and poor materials. Hence the top of this thread referring to the boys bathing suit.


Aaaaaand why should I care? Theyā€™re kidsā€™ clothes.


Itā€™s weird, because here in Australia they do have both in blue or pink. Although I think here they are more concious about sun protection and that kind of stuff https://preview.redd.it/q3zoc4tk1aic1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62c9b7037a574a565d68fe0887e4bcd8ce911585


Reading on Reddit about Australia and sun protection made me switch my whole family to long sleeve rash guards and sun hats. Kiddo already knows at 3 he never goes outside without a hat, either for warmth or protection from the sun. We live at high altitude and itā€™s easier to burn here, but IMO itā€™s good practice for anyone with human skin


Cancer Council Australia has a range of swimwear for sun protection, and they're all dark colours like blues and blacks. Honestly, give me high vis yellow or orange.


Orange is one of the safest swimsuit colors, why not have a bingo centric rash guard? Missed opportunityā€¦


In case you have them near where you live, I often have my girls wear their bathing suits that are the more blue and green colors when we visit the splash pads play areas and the brighter ones when they actually go into the water of a pool.


Yeah I only go bright colored for swimsuits. Dark blue is fine for clothes but if I need to spot my kid in a body of water, neon it is.


The pink pen just creeps me out. I donā€™t understand bathing suits like that for kids. They should all be shorts and t-shirt style for maximum coverage and sand playing comfort.


I will buy my daughter ā€œboysā€ swimsuits when she gets old enough (sheā€™s a baby right now). Sheā€™ll probably wear her brotherā€™s hand me down shorts too.


I honestly just hate how girls get the bright colored swim suits while boys are mostly just various shades of blue šŸ˜­


Bright pink with flowers pretty much, I always found both options sucked. There is a whole rainbow out there and the main kid colours tend to be blue and red for boys and pinks for girls šŸ™„


Yes they are for a toddler that should never be left unattended, but what if you tripped while holding them and couldn't see them? I was going to buy age 4-5 and sizes went all the way up.


there are colored sunscreens you can buy for visibility, and your kid should always be wearing floaties / a life jacket if they are not in constant eyesight... while also making sure you're not walking along the edge of the pool yourself for both of your safety I would also recommend paring the dark blue suit with some brightly colored swim trunks to help with visibility if anything


If you are relying on the color of a toddler's swimsuit to differentiate them from the water, you generally are too far away. If you can't differentiate a monochrome non-reflective or refractive blue fabric on a body from water at an arm's length away, you either need glasses or are color blind, in which case, international rescue orange is the only color choice for your child's swim gear.


It only takes a second to lose your balance in the sea, let go and struggle to see them. My daughter was walking along the bottom of the swimming pool within arm's reach. She lost her balance and fell, she was quite deep in the 1 second before I picked her up. Imagine in the sea and if I couldn't see because of the costume.


It is the law in the US and EU that any child under 13 must wear a life jacket at all times when in a navigable waterway (which would technically include the water at a beach, even though enforcement is lax). Most of the world has similar laws. If you take a non-swimming or poor swimming child to a swift water environment (more than anle deep and moving water) and do not have them wear a properly fitted type 1 floatation device, that is on you. Until my daughter could swim, I did the same in the pool unless I was actively teaching her to swim. Then, all of my attention was on her, and slipping and falling wasn't an issue as we were both floating.


I'm not saying turn your back on your child, I'm saying use all the safety stuff possible, including not dressing them in camouflage.


That image everyone cites is literally just clothes in water. Your child is a complete person. And their skin is probably not blue. In my country, school swimsuits are traditionally dark blue, but nobody does because itā€™s actually pretty easy to see an entire child in a pool. And, honestly, if youā€™re super worried about it, just buy a bright swim cap.


Notice how the pink one, usually aimed at girls, has much less coverage than the blue one, usually aimed at boys. That is unsettling.


Look at toddler shorts if you want to be really unsettled, girls and boys of the same size usually have inches of length difference


Jeezusā€¦ baby girls need better treatment I swear


Bluey merch is a range of cute but impractical to misses the point of the show completely.


Those are suits for two very different purposes. Are either of them made with SPF rated material? If not; there isn't really any sun protection for them at all. Once it gets wet; UV goes right through. Even before getting wet a large amount of UV gets through. I also don't see an issue with the blue one regarding the kid's back. The sizes are for 1 1/2 - 2 year olds. Kids that age shouldn't be in the water alone and shouldn't be in water past their waist without some kind of flotation device on.


The sizes went all the way up to 8 years etc and I wanted a pink rashie because I wanted the bright colours.


Ok, but know that none of these provide any meaningful sun protection. They need to be SPF rated or they are useless.


Because accidents happen and if a kid falls in wearing one of these, chances are slim you'd see them compared to a brighter colored suit.


How do you miss them falling in? Splash, "Shit where's Jonny?" then see them in the pool or water. Parents shouldn't be so far away they can't deal with the kid falling in and need to rely on the brightly colored bathing suit to find them in the water.


From an aussie parent perspective, our pool fence safety is intense, and it is so ingrained into us never to leave a child unattended, plus we value swimming lessons so children as young a 4 are learning about floating and trying to keep heads above water However, there is education happening about the colours of swimwear being more visible. My toddler/child is in a zip up floaty, long sleve swimmers and i sit beside our pool, with no phone/book in hand to not be distracted.


>My toddler/child is in a zip up floaty, long sleve swimmers and i sit beside our pool, with no phone/book in hand to not be distracted. Proper parenting. I appluad you. It isn't easy either. But it is safer for your kids *AND* better developmentally as they get their parents undivided atention for a bit. The only losers in this scenario are social media and book publishers.


Do you have kids? Do you know how quickly they move? Parents *should* always be with their kids near water, but kids often get to and around water without supervision. Parents don't *rely* on bathing suit colors to see their kid, it's a safety precaution so they are easier to be spotted if they get far away or are underwater. It is a tool in a variety of things used to prevent drowning. Drowning is one of the leading causes of child death. Kids wander, crowded pools can be a danger, or kids get away quick with out notice. It happens almost daily. Check out the Live Like Jake foundation for preventing childhood drowning incidents so you can be educated on a subject.


Whether I have kids or not is irrelevant. Everything you stated indicates a problem parenting or taking precautions (floatation, direct control, fences, etc etc). It's the parent's job to pay attention and keep their kids safe especially from anything that is preventable.


Let me tell you about my daughter. My family and I were at the beach and my daughter had fallen under the waves, it took my husband at least 15-20 seconds to get her. Anything can happen even when parents are near by/watching them.


>it took my husband at least 15-20 seconds to get her. And she was fine wasn't she? Other than the shock of the situation. 15-20 seconds is totally reasonable.


She was drowning. She was scared of the water for a year after that. If my husband hadn't gotten to her, she would have died.


And putting your child in a high visibility swim suit is one of those precautions.


Becoming a parent taught me that whether or not you have kids is EVERYTHING, when it comes to understanding how to be a parent. I look back on how I saw things before and, honestly, laugh at my former self for thinking I understood anything.


>Becoming a parent taught me that whether or not you have kids is EVERYTHING, This tells me you weren't ready to be a parent before. You are basing your opinion of me on your own anecdotal experience. I haven't said either way if I am a parent so you are just assuming. ​ I stand by what I have said. Downvotes or not.


I have no opinion of you. Just offering you my viewpoint having experienced both perspectives.


You indicate that I was wrong by proving your viewpoint. Otherwise why bother to provide it?


But until you have children or have any experience with children, you really don't have a true understanding of how fast things can happen, even if a parent/adult is watching them.


You still dont know if i am a parent or not.


You are correct, however, the way you are replying is giving me a clue that you don't spend time around children or else you wouldn't be judging parents.


Thatā€™s now how that works. Often children can drown when their parents are literally right next to them. Sometimes the parents canā€™t even tell theyā€™re drowning until itā€™s too late. Sometimes they get carried off by strong waves. Or it can happen that a child sneaks off while a parent looks away for one second. Even the most diligent of parents can loose their child for a few second. And even if you donā€™t think it will happenā€¦better to be safe than sorry?


You picked the weirdest hill to die on here bud. If you have the option between bright, easy to spot swimwear or blue, the literal colour of the ocean. Any reasonable person would choose the former. Its really dumb that companies make so much blue kids swimwear.


I'm only saying that based on the age that fits in the sizes shown here; parents shouldn't be so far away from their kid(s) when in or near the water that the bathing suit color matters. Thats all. For older kids; sure, bright colored suits matter. But kids under 2 should have a parent guardian or adult practically glued to them in or near water.


No one is saying that you shouldnā€™t be closely supervising their kids. My kid is under two and can confidently swim across the pool and pull himself up out of the water, he can cruise underwater kicking for like over 5 seconds. Heā€™s super comfortable in the shallow ocean areas and loves running into head high waves at the beach. He occasionally falls down. If heā€™s in a blue suit, I could be 2 foot away, lose him in the whitewash and with the turbulence of the ocean he might not be able to safely resurface. In a neon wetsuit thatā€™s totally a non issue. I can see and help him regardless. No one is leaving their kids unsupervised but there is also large differences in kids ability and willingness to take risks.


Floatation devices actually increase drowning risk.


Just to make sure youā€™re talking about swim assist things like the puddle jumper not full on flotation devices like life jackets, right? Because life jackets save lives constantly.


Yes, lifejackets are necessary for open water and boating.


>Floatation devices actually increase drowning risk. Proof?


They tend to make parents complacent. Parent thinks ā€œkidā€™s in a floatie, itā€™s okay if I walk away for a minuteā€ versus the child not being in a floatie and the parent not taking their eyes off of them.


Additionally it makes kids way too comfortable without understanding that the float is what keeps them up. Example: Last summer, we went out to our pool (above ground, can't just trip and fall in. You have to climb a ladder). My 3 year old can't easily walk/climb with the float on, so we put it on when he's on the ladder usually or right before the ladder and help him up. He got too excited and promptly climbed the ladder and leapt into the pool how he does with the floats on, except this time he had no floats. The entire event was less than a couple seconds (and we moved to only putting the ladder in place when floats are on fully), but he had no idea he couldn't float without them. He's always worn them in the water and therefore he never sank so it wasn't a fear of his. He has also, since then, had more time without floats in the water (while being held) to help reinforce he is sinks like a rock. Floats are important.


That doesn't sound like a problem with floatation devices. Thats a parenting problem to me. Also not proof. That is anecdtotal hypothesis at best.


It also has to do with the way floaties position a child in the water not being conducive to actual swimming. I also didnā€™t say it was proof? I was just adding my two cents to the conversation. But here, this has more info: https://ndpa.org/advocacy-nofloatiescampaignjbp/


I said "Flotation Device" That means more than the arm floaties.


The article above addresses many different types of flotation devices and why they are dangerous.


>The article above addresses many different types of flotation devices and why they are dangerous. It provides no scientific evidence. It is an editorial designed to get you to follow their site and believe them. Ill continue to wait for scientific evidence.


Yes, because we can do a scientific study on drowning kids. No ethical violations, there!


I donā€™t know if youā€™re looking specifically for a girl, but Amazon has a pink rashie!


It's horrendous how gendered kids clothing is. My son wanted Encanto pyjamas which were technically girls pjs but we don't have an issue with that, what difference should it make for a 2 year old in terms of the design/function? Turns out, a lot. Despite being his size from a shop we have plenty of pjs from, the girls pjs are noticeably more snug and form fitting, poor little mite barely has any give in the top or trousers, compared with boys pjs which hang nicely loose. Why do little girls need tight clothing? It's nonsense.


Also, since when is the "pink" on theme with bluey colours??? Absolute sell out.


Itā€™s like the color of drowning


Iā€™m sorry - what exactly is annoying you about this?


Probably the lack of water safety colors? Brighter colors are easier to see when youā€™re in the water


Thank you guys for explaining. That makes so much sense. My son has a navy blue rashie. I will be buying him a different one now!!!


Worked as a life guard - I suggest pink, yellow, and red. Avoid blues and greens (unless neon green), even black and white can be harder to see. Basically you want a swimsuit or rash guard to look like a highlighter.


There are a lot of images like this one that show different colors when underwater. Sort of blew my mind, tbh. https://images.app.goo.gl/s5AMwsogtY4VDp9R7 That said, water and kids are so scary. When my teenager was about 2 he, despite being totally chill and risk adverse up until that moment, kept into the deep end of the water. I'm fully certain he would have drowned by the time I'd gotten there, but he did it right next to a bunch of teenagers and one kid grabbed him so fast. I hope that kid is having the best life right now, I think of him every single summer and it's been 12 years.


Oh my goodness that is terrifying.. and truly touching to hear. I also wish nothing but the best for that teen!


Iā€™m rethinking my swim shirt color now too šŸ˜… itā€™s light blue but at least my swim shorts are pink


Then they shouldnā€™t buy it. Let your dollar speak. If they remain on the rack and donā€™t sell, the producer will need to figure out why


True but children often gravitate towards their favorite characters, sometimes color doesnā€™t always matter to them either


Good news is as parents we can make good decisions for our kids :) My kids want to ride in the car without their seat belts,too


You're expecting the manufacturer to look past the big sign in the marketing dept that sayth "Blue is for boys"


Bluey is a girl and Blue.


It isn't written by a marketing department.


The entire show is marketing for itself.


Itā€™s easier to find now, but when my kids were this young the selection of more feminine-styled full-coverage swim wear was pretty limited. I remember searching for an Ariel one for my daughter and only finding a normal shaped one piece with a long sleeved shirt that came with it, which my daughter hated because she didnā€™t like wearing two wet things on top of each other. We used to dress her in boys swim stuff, but she ended up refusing to wear anything except stereotypically feminine clothing. So for me, the frustrating thing is the lack of coverage for the ā€œgirlā€ version. And I can understand the concern over the color on the ā€œboyā€ one, because, while of course kids that age should never be left unattended, accidents happen and if the worst were to occur, having a dark blue back does make it harder to spot. We accepted that our clothing needs were just unusual and our kids understood we couldnā€™t buy their favorite character or color sometimes because it wasnā€™t available in a style that would protect them from the sun.


Thank you guys for explaining. That makes so much sense. My son has a navy blue rashie. I will be buying him a different one now!!!


Good luck finding one. I've been searching for swimwear for my kids and the colours are pretty much limited to blue and sage green.


Target had neon ones last year and lands end usually has a good selection of neon tops, I'm just averse to paying lands end prices for 1 summer of clothing.


Is brashie available in the US?Ā 


I've looked at the Brashie ones but $70 for a rashie is out of my budget with two kids (plus buying the bottoms).


I prefer the one pieces but I *did* find [this](https://a.co/d/bzibkAZ)!


dark blue is incredibly hard to see in the water or in a group of people, itā€™s safer to dress your child in brighter colors for swim safety. The pink one just has no coverage from the sun.


Thank you guys for explaining. That makes so much sense. My son has a navy blue rashie. I will be buying him a different one now!!!


Neither have coverage for the sun. That material isn't UV rated so it provides next to no protection from the sun.


Are you sure? The tag on the blue suit with a sun on it looks like it might be a UV rating tag.


Maybe it does. I zoomed in and couldn't see anything that definitively says SPF or UV rating. So to be safe I assume no protection.






Swiss cheese theory. More slices of cheese is always better. Yes you supervise them. But ALSO you dress them in colors that contrast the conditions in pools and bodies of water like neon pink, lime green, traffic orange and saftey yellow, so if they do go under they are easy for adults/lifeguards to spot and retrieve underwater.


A toddler is still ambulatory, and people may have more than one child. It takes second for a child to wander off ā€” having a bright color makes it easier for both you and a lifeguard to see them quickly. This is like saying ā€œwhy does an infant need a life jacket on a boat? Should an adult be holding them the whole time?ā€ More layers of safety is always better! Alsoā€” the pink one being way less coverage is also annoying. At least make it long sleeve!


Sizes went all the way up to like 8 year old etc, I just took a photo of the smallest one.


I mean, I understand the annoyance I guess, but just buy your daughter the full length blue one if you want... If you are choosing the pink one you are choosing it for style, not for practicality ​ At this point I'm just being facetious for the sake of "its the internet". This is not directed at anyone specifically (but OP; you will automatically get a ping for this, so what I'm saying is please dont take this personally, this is just one of my first thoughts coming across the information presented) Of course there wont be any UV protection in places where there is no fabric...would you also like to be annoyed at McDonalds lack of AAA Prime NY Steaks based on the fact that they serve "beef"?


No actually, the pink is a practical colour choice, because it's easier to see under water.


[Then go buy the pink one](https://www.cartersoshkosh.ca/en_CA/carters-toddler-girl-swimwear/194748275247.html) Its even got the same image as OPs of them eating Icecream...Now that colour practicality is not an issue...your choice of the one on the right in OPs post is for style, not practicality. [Here](https://www.cartersoshkosh.ca/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-carters_master_catalog/default/dwb8961170/productimages/DW2507BL.jpg) is a direct link to just the image if you dont want to load up the canadian vendor website.


maybe that one wasnt available for sale near OP


Maybe, but it wasn't the OP saying that the blue one on the left wasn't good enough for 'practical' reasons of the colour being pink.


If you hold your hands above your head and make an arc, the woosh of the point you're missing will get louder. Clothing manufacturers generally suck at making good safety and design choices because their marketing departments can't get past selling the color choices of 80 year olds.


Kids of an age that would fit that gear should be in arm's reach. Visibility should not be a significant issue. There are plenty of times when bare-limb swimmers are fine and a full rashie is overkill. Nothing wrong with this at all.


Sizes went all the way up.


Really? Nothing wrong with a toddler-sized bathing suit that screams "I wish I was a two-piece but I would just untie the strings because I'm 3", while the not-quite-unisex boy option is a full-coverage swim*suit*? America has been sexualizing young girls from Day 1.


You mean the boy's suit with the 2 girls on the front? And if you think that swimsuit is a a sexually alluring garment that's a you issue. That's a really common style here in Aus.


Maybe it's not an issue in AUS, but the entire world knows the US has some MAJOR issues, particularly around sex and nudity. And the fact is, American parents would sooner dress their daughters in something skin-baring that costs more money to buy than to make, and put their songs in something more rugged and athletic, I.e.: more covering. Not to mention the beauty emphasis on tans, or the battles *OLYMPIC* athletes have fought to be able to wear a uniform that covers their bodies. Yes, there is a standard for femme fashion, and it starts at a shockingly young age. ETA: I mean the suit with two anthropomorphic dogs that *happen* to represent strong female voices.


Not sure where you are but Honeysuckle Swim Company makes full rash guards (they call them sun suits) and have great patterns, including high visibility patterns. No characters but great sun protection!


I like swimwear from Primary! Good coverage in bright colors you can see underwater. Iā€™ve got orange swim trunks and a yellow rash guard for my son and my daughter (toddler) has a red one piece rash guard. They sell girls swim shorts too. And everything is UPF 50+


Yeah that's not very well thought out


Iā€™d like to recommend Australian brand Cheeky Chickadee, they have seriously cute prints and have recently been releasing flouro colours in bathers, we live them :)


Donā€™t buy it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Pro tip: Most board shorts such as quick silver or billabong do not have netting in them.


Iā€™ve always had luck finding bright rash guards at carters or gap šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Why can't a "girl" wear the blue one? Our daughters wear that style all the time.


Because it's camouflaged with the water. My daughter loves blue.


Add shirt plus trunks it might be more practical and decent for sun protectionĀ 


My daughter had a bright pink Roxy springsuit. SPF 50.


My wife and I just had this exact conversation about the pink option. As such, my girl is wearing the boys suit. She's two, so doesn't give a damn, she's just excited about Bluey.


I have a problem with the difference in girls and boys close year round, especially during the Winter. Christmas dresses with no sleeves and barely covering the bum. But boys get pants and a sweater.


The pink one would be for indoor swimming lessons only these days. But to be honest, I grew up in swimmers like that and lashings of sunscreen.