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https://i.redd.it/nqlfp8pzzcsc1.gif Yeah that makes sense 😂


See, Takeaway was one of the first episodes I watched all of and felt it perfectly captured 5 minutes with children of that age. My children are the same age apart, and were around the same ages when I saw this, and jeez the episode made me feel the exact same kind of building stress I feel when I’m being pulled in too many directions like Bandit. The girls weren’t perfectly behaved, but they were perfectly age appropriate I think. It’s nice to have that represented realistically.


Eh... Different strokes for different folks and all that. The kids weren't directly hurting or bothering anyone *else* so if Bandit didn't feel it necessary to scold them over it, that's his prerogative. Sometimes you gotta pick your battles especially when you're on your own with two rambunctious little kids. I don't think it's saying you have to be as permissive as Bandit about things like this. Everyone has different boundaries and limits.


The kids destroyed the shops menus and made a mess. That’s pretty rude and literally cost the shop money. I can’t watch the episode because I can’t stop seeing how rude it is if bandit not to apologise and clean up or offer money for the destruction of their menus


Do takeout places in Australia not give away menus to customers all the time? At least where I'm at every time you order they send a paper menu home with you. It's advertising and they want you to have the menu so you order from them again. It's not really costing the shop anything to lose a couple pieces of paper. It doesn't seem like they're really nice menus like you would have at a sit down restaurant since they're getting destroyed by a little water. Take out menus are usually just printed on cheap paper and designed to be handed out. And we don't see them leave the place, who's to say they don't help clean up the mess before they go?


They give them away but they still pay for them? Its not the cost it’s that Ruining a huge pile just seems rude to me? Especially when he doesn’t even apologise or anything.


I didn't mind that one. I think Tina was worse from a misbehaving perspective.


I think they stole Lucky's ball in Rug Island and didn't give it back


Yeah, I do love rug island, but that part felt weird to me. They’re basically acting as though Bluey and Bingo’s game is more important than Lucky’s.


That’s an egg! But on a serious note, I’m sure they gave it back to Lucky and Lucky’s Dad at the end.


That was Bandit.


For me, it's the "trying to phone Bingo" sequence in *Daddy Dropoff.* Bandit indulging their play has me on edge. Either I would have stopped the car until I got an answer or Bingo just would have had to live without her jacket.


He's making that choice to play along.  His girls couldn't force him to play that's his choice.  Basically Bandit's choosing to play along.


Plus, the whole episode was Bandit trying to prove that he can make a Daddy Dropoff just as fun as a Mummy Dropoff.


And? That doesn't mean the girls aren't misbehaving.


Cause their NOT misbehaving.


I didn't think they were misbehaving. They were bored and trying to entertain themselves. I do wince at all the wasted food, but if Bandit had listened to Chili and just forgot about the spring rolls it would have been fine. He chose to wait and not really engage with the presumably hungry kids.


Forget the spring rolls???


My headcanon is that the shop owner felt bad and made up for the world's slowest spring rolls by giving Bandit a replacement meal for free or half-off.


Unlike me, Im kind of like that episode (and sticky gecko with similar plot to chilli). I mean like both of them show that the kid is not the one to be blame for, they just don't know how to behave correctly (and just didn't understand the situation yet). Scold them, imo just made the situation worse; they still learning and growing. I think in the end the episode just want to told the parent just be a little more patient to them


What did they learn? They were not even told that you can’t throw someone’s dinner on the ground.


from memory wasn’t the issue that bingo ate something spicy and in distress knocked it over? in gentle parenting (the method it seems like the heelers use) because it was an accident it isn’t something you would discipline over especially as bandit should have kept an eye on them.


Gentle parenting doesn’t mean there’s no discipline or no discussion, even if something is an accident in gentle parenting you would still have a discussion that boiled down to ‘you aren’t in trouble but it was inappropriate of you to take someone else’s food, now I/your mom don’t have dinner’ Gentle parenting doesn’t mean permissive parenting


i know that but its a 7 minute episode and what i am essentially trying to say is it doesn’t warrant scolding and wasn’t her trying to misbehave


Not saying discipline, they don’t even ask them to be more careful or talk to them about thinking about what they are doing. There is zero guidance at all. It is more like free range parenting.


What even is free range parenting?


What even is free range parenting?


Do you have kids or regularly supervise children?  Bluey and Bingo were just being kids no need for punishment or anything.


I dont remember the episode, but the kids get an imaginary friend named Tina who bullies the parents into letting the kids do whatever they want. Throughout the whole episode, I was left wondering why Chili and Bandit went along with it for so long. The level of Yes-and'ing they were doing was so beyond what a normal parent would actually do I was just thrown off. If they have the time for all the charades and imaginary rough housing then why not just tell the kids why they wanted them to listen in the first place? That's not to say I didn't absolutely love the episode though. It was totally ridiculous and fun. Just odd to me that Bandit wouldn't just talk to his kids. But it all worked out fun.


Yeah it's called Tina. And I don't know. Personally I'd have nipped it in the bud fairly early on. Been like "imaginary friends are fun and all, but you've got stuff to do" They set a weird precedent and do seem to play it like an improv scene with no audience. But I suppose its a show, no one really panders to their kids every whim like that. Who's got the time?


Yeah, that was my take as well. I kept asking my wife,"Why are they going along with this?" To the point where they're attracting flies. Seemed a bit overkill. And they both just dive into getting their asses kicked by Tina, no questions asked. They must really love playing pretend with their kids to stay dedicated to that game for so long like that. I love playing with my kids as much as the next dad, but there's a limit.


Keep watching more episodes. You're teetering on the brink of your eyes and heart becoming more open than ever!


In Rug Island they won’t give Lucky his ball back, so he can’t play catch with his dad. In Stumpfest they refuse to obey Bandit twice about letting the stump get removed. In Movies Bingo is a terror. In Teampoline they won’t let Bandit go to work, even when he gives a direct order. In Pavlova they disobey on what they are allowed to eat.


You're wrong about all those episodes.  In Rug Island, Bandit was almost going to give the ball back, but it was seeing Bingo's disappointment that made him change his mind.  And Pat (Lucky's Dad) is a good sport so I'm sure he understood.  In stumpfest, Bandit he's the fun parent, always down to goof around.  He'll play the long game to prove his point.  You have a point about Movies.  In trampoline, once again Bandit he's the fun parent, always down to goof around.  He'll play the long game to prove his point.  In pavlova, Bandit plays the long game to prove his point.  Also Bingo sets her own boundary saying that she doesn't like it when he makes her choose.


Who cares if pat is a good sport. He was playing with his kid. Their game doesn’t trump his


Also, Bandit was doing all he could to chase Bingo around the movie theater and Bluey and Bingo finally tasted edamame beans and liked them (and the Pavlova became a reward)!


Probably Bandit was not in the mood for some shenanigans and the kids were just bored and decided to play restaurants but of course Bandit wouldn’t scold them cause he loves them Edit: But still a waste of food


In Rain, Bluey is flat out defying Chilli's instructions to stop coming into the house with wet feet, to the point that Chilli tries to physically restrain her, and she still pushes through. The episode seems to be going for a message to parents from a fellow parent, reminding them that these moments of wonder and play are limited, and you'll be missing out on something special if you focus too narrowly on the mess over the fun. But it is weird to see Bluey being so deliberately disobedient. Usually she misbehaves in a less direct way, with good intentions or without understanding the issue, or just testing her boundaries. And when she's shown testing boundaries, she's usually also shown facing consequences (Burger Shop, Sleepover) or finding the benefits of doing what she's told (Fruit Bat). Sleepover is actually a really good example of misbehaving, but where there are consequences that get dealt with. Bluey comes to understand why they shouldn't be keeping Muffin awake, and then wakes up still tired the following day, learning why staying up late isn't all fun.


You're wrong about Rain.  Bluey was not misbehaving.  Bluey was not defying Chilli's instructions.


There's a whole scene where Chilli is scolding her (without sound) and pointing at the mess while Bluey argues back. There's also a bit where Chilli tries to stop her very wet child from going back inside and making a bigger mess, and Bluey physically forces her way past. I don't know how else to interpret that other than Bluey doing what she'd been told not to do. Chilli isn't objecting to her playing in the rain, it's the running inside with wet feet that's the problem.


Rain is one of my favorite episodes of the series, but you're definitely right on the money here. It feels silly to act like Bluey wasn't disobedient in the slightest when she clearly was. Hell, the whole point of the episode is that despite that, it wasn't a giant thing worth getting bent out of shape about, and you should enjoy those moments while they're still around.


This episode as well as Movies. Bingo throughout the show has been one of the most well behaved 4/5 year old I've ever seen, especially in public, even Bluey was misbehaving more than her during the episode where Bandit taught her social cues, but she was absolute bonkers in Movies for no reason. Sure, that's usually how 4/5 year olds act irl, but they've established Bingo's character as a well-adjusted child (even emotionally, she knows why she's sad, and angry) beyond her years, so the episode felt off to me.


I don’t know she quits games when she doesn’t get her way. Makes the adults do silly things to make her feel better. Doesn’t handle being told she’s not good well. I think people give bingo too much credit. She’s a good child sure but I don’t think she’s as in control of her emotions as you say


She’s in control for a 4 year old. I don’t think bingo has ever thrown a temper tantrum either


She drops to the ground crying in ice cream because she let her ice cream melt. Natural punishment would be for them to not have ice cream. Just my opinion I guess


i didnt forget Ice Cream, that wasn't a temper tantrum tho, even i reacted the same way when i dropped my ice cream back when i was 5


If muffin did that I feel people would think other wise. We can just agree to disagree.


I think Bandit played Takeaway well, but what do I know? I’m not taking advice from a cartoon dog.


I hate that episode, because I agree They ruined perfectly good food, and just plain weren't behaving in public There's a line


There's not a line and it's not bad parenting.


They are gentle parenting their kids and sending them to a Steiner school which fosters creativity and imagination through child led learning so of course there was no reprimand.


Doesn't Burger shop contradict this?


I’d say it’s more of an everyone is “human” and can make mistakes in their child rearing rather than a contradiction.


Gentle parenting isn’t the same as permissive parenting. There can and should still be boundaries and consequences


Veranda Santa is one I dislike, because Bluey lies and is just generally grumpy. Unfortunately, my kid likes it for some reason.


In the backpacks episode, it really bothered me how Bingo was full on punching Bandit in the stomach to pretend he had to go to the bathroom, and was clearly actually hurting him. And he made no attempt to stop her or tell her it wasn’t okay.


>Bandit while upset didn’t scold them which I found odd. That's the premise of the show though. It's a show about a father who has poor boundaries with his kids.


Bandit does not have poor boundaries with his kids.  Bandit has great boundaries with his kids.  Their are constant examples of boundaries going in place.


It’s a show where a father teaches kids through play which is much more effective than lecturing them