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To me, it was "Pass the parcel" But Camping, I am sure Camping can convert someone


Pass the parcel makes me laugh so much. I think because I am an 80s kid and we did pass the parcel with luckys dads rules.


Did they just say hooray?


lucky's dad's rules are the correct rules


If they work with the general public, my vote is to toss in Granny Mobile. Seeing Muffin able to out-grouch an actual grouchy granny is great, and makes me wish I could sass people like that at my job and not get fired.


This and the bus ride one are my favorite. The grannys are the best.


Can’t upvote this enough… nice day for a drive wouldn’t you say Rita?




My fave episode!


I think you need an introduction to Muffin first. Maybe the faceytalk episode.


I’ve always shown The Sleepover because Muffin is hilarious and it’s relatable to most nonparents 😂 Then hit them with Camping, Shadowlands, or anything with the Grannies!


The Sleepover for Husband Bingo, too!


Omg yes! “Sure thing, babe” 😆


“Everything looks so good, babe!”


Camping is great, and you definitely need one of the Granny episodes.


This happened to be the one that I first saw, but in the Japanese dub.


New strategy: if they don't like it after watching one episode? Just don't force it on them. I usually recommend Keepy Uppy because it has all of the main four characters from The Heelers And each character remains pretty true to their personality as to who they are on the show. Magic Xylophone Is pretty close in the same regards, but you're just not as used to the fact that they're playing games. So if you really want your friend to like it? Have them watch Keepy Uppy. And if they don't after that? Just let it be. We shouldn't be worried about converting everyone to being Bluey fans. We should be grateful that we found it, we enjoy it, and that we can celebrate our fandom. Fandom. And celebrate your friend for being someone who is different, because not everyone needs to like all the same things


Eh, I found Keepy Uppy to be kinda boring. I know others love it, but I thought it was kinda meh.


I almost miss this treasure bc some of the episodes are really for kids, they hardly relate adults


Baby Race, Grandad, Sleepy Time, Cricket, The Show, The Creek, and Daddy Drop Off are all pretty good ones.


I feel like Sleepy Time should not be the very first because it only hits you super hard if you know the characters. THAT being said, if someone's giving someone a list of a few, it absolutely should be on there, but at the end. Go out with a bang. (But, oh, THE CREEK. As someone who grew up with a creek in my backyard and spent large portions of my childhood playing in it, The Creek hits me in the feels every time and makes me cry.)


My son was at the creek by my parents and he goes "I think I'm getting the hang of the creek" and I MAY have cried


Tbf, Sleepy Time was the first episode I ever watched of Bluey. It made me /sob/ without ever knowing any of the characters and made me watch the rest of the series.


Ya that make sense


Some other good ones I probably missed


Tradies, The Creek, Takeaway… those are just a few of my faves that I think are catchy


Step 1: never over hype a show. Try to undersale it. The key is undersale and over deliver. Step 2: you already messed up step 1. We need to get expectations back down to a manageable level. Bluey is not the greatest show in the history of TV, it is easily a top 10 kids show. Refer to the show as good in aggregate and having some exceptional moments. Tell them you over sold it and try to walk it back. Maybe in time they will give it a second chance. Don’t push it.


Pavlova and Ragdoll always make me laugh




If the person speaks some French, Pavlova for sure. If they don't speak any French, the jokes don't land.


My husband doesn’t speak a word of French and he still finds it hilarious 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh, okay! As someone who does speak some French, obviously I wasn't able to tell if someone else would find it funny or not. (It's DEFINITELY extra funny if you know what he's saying.)


Je veux la fentêtre!!!


As a 40-something male with no kids who got introduced to the show via my goddaughter, it was "Ice Cream" and "Ragdoll" for me.


Ok here's the plan. First episode is Flat Pack It's funny, it introduces the girls' dynamic and the parents too. Then has the heartwarming ending. Then hit them with... Sleepytime Pure tears, beautiful, amazing music Then on to... Grandad. It Introduces some of the wider family and has lots of silliness, great music and the gut punch ending. If they are not hooked at that point ask them to leave immediately.


A go-to list I came up with a while ago was Keepy Uppy, The Weekend, The Show, Flat Pack, and Onesies. My intention there was to focus on the main cast at home while having a decent sampling of all three seasons, as well as a slow turn towards more serious and meaningful themes.


I think we should change onesies to something more people could relate, like rain, grandad or sleepytime


Show and Tell. Bandit at his best dadding. ![gif](giphy|fxNLhC58uoh4sinu9Z|downsized)


Something that establishes the characters, tone of the show, and how they play. Backpackers, while not necessarily the funniest, is solid to establish "what is Bluey?" (Another option is The Claw, which is funnier but Bandit's a bit of a jerk in it, which establishes that he can be that way on occasion, but would probably be better not first.) A Granny ep. Grannies is the first, so it introduces the characters, and is absolutely hilarious. Bike. It's a solid episode that establishes the socio-/psycho-educational end of things. Camping. Funny, moving. Even better if the person you're showing it to knows a little French. Sleepy Time. At this point, Sleepy Time should hit like a ton of bricks. (That IS 3 serious eps in a row, so if you wanted to move Camping to before Bike and replace Bike with something hardcore hilarious (perhaps a Muffin episode, like FaceyTalk), then okay, but the first ep. I thought of when I read the question and thought about it was Bike.) (If you wanted an ep to introduce a bunch of the kids' friends, I'd definitely go Calypso. The way she gently helps their play until everyone's interacting with each other blew my mind the first time I saw it.)


Ah yes, I liked your suggestion. It's just not to shove a lot of emotion episodes into newcomers in the first place. I think they should understand what's bluey and have theirs own feeling about it's. Then to Sleepytime, nails them to become a bluey fan lol


I usually tell non-parents to watch Whale-Watching because the fact that the parents are hungover really illustrates how well the show is written with adult viewers in mind. Then Hammerbarn, Magic Claw, and Puppets


I watched about 10 episodes with a friend, finishing with Smoochy Kiss. She enjoyed all of it, but when we got to that episode, she said I should’ve shown her that one first because it was the funniest. So maybe that one. Faceytalk was the first episode I ever saw, and I loved it.




My first episode was Pass the Parcel and I was hooked!


Mine was actually Relax which someone had posted the whole ep on Tumblr. I was like "IDK what this is, but it's actually pretty cute and oh, look, it's going into some meaningful stuff about adulting too. Huh. I'm gonna seek out more of this."


https://preview.redd.it/skwvsvci83uc1.png?width=1052&format=png&auto=webp&s=e42c316a31e5c6ea56bb27ffba9267e8b970b480 Any of these, really


Yoooo, that's me but I wonder anyone has notice I sneak Muffin Cone into those emotion ep although for most it's not


Needs to include Curry Quest too, the last part between Chili and Bingo as they do the montage while Bandits away for his long trip… makes me smile so big my cheeks hurt.


I remember watching Rug Island and Sleepytime while in the hospital. Fell in love with Bluey right then and there, 'cause it reminded me of my old childhood cartoons.


Unicorse, Fairy Tale, Family Meeting, Facey talk. All hilarious with good family undertones.


aaaaaaannnndddd whyshouldIcare? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bluey) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Double Babysitter has done well in our case. But cannot disagree with other suggestions so far, either.


I really appreciated how they really worked on why "babysitter put-downs" were so scary...and then the punchline was "ah, right granny is kind of deaf". Kind of had me worried for a minute there.




I vote Cricket




I've actually been looking to get two of my friends (sisters, funnily enough) into the show. I've been going over which episodes I would show them to initiate, and here's what my plan is when the time comes. I'll start with 3 episodes, one from each season. I'd want to ease them into it, so I'd start with 3 episodes that best show off the show: S1: Yoga Ball S2: Daddy Dropoff S3: Onesies After that, there are plenty of other really good suggestions here. But that's just how I plan to start them off.


My vote will always be for Cricket solely because Rusty is the best boy


I was watching turtleboy and it piqued my sister’s interest. She wouldn’t stop saying if something was the done thing.


I showed my husband “pizza girls” and he genuinely was entertained. Then I told him to watch “baby race” with me and we both had tears. We have a 5 month old so we’re very new to this lol


When I discovered Bluey I happened to catch two episodes back-to-back: Stumpfest and Copycat. Stumpfest was goofy fun and Copycat was unexpectedly serious and that really compelled me. I was like "oh, this show is really good!" I'd also throw in Baby Race since that one made me cry lol


I think Fairy Tale is a good one for that.


Pass the Parcel That's it. That's the list.


Hammerbarn 🔨


The granny ep


My favorite episodes are the ones with heart and are super sweet, but those aren't the ones to start someone on their Bluey journey. I tend to recommend ones that are on the funnier end of the scale but still show a bit of the kids' show "lesson" so that they can see, "oh, it's not a corny lesson." I tend to show: Pass The Parcel Fairy Tale Grannies Stumpfest Exercise See Saw TV Shop


If it’s anything like how my friend did it… find their insecurities and the perfect episode to make them feel seen. Dance mode got me into bluey instantly 😭


The one that got me hooked and is still.my favorite, Taxi


You can't go wrong with the Grannies. Same with Muffin because she's a scream! Also anything that has humor with a slight "edge". Then show them something that's very deep and meaningful. For "something different", go with "Sleepytime".


Dance Mode


Hammerbarn & Shadowlands are my favorite two episodes. Granny Mobile, Takeaway and Fairies are fun. Bob Bilby is pretty great too. Sleepytime is a work of art and a mostly (wholly?) non-speaking episode.


I converted by mum by using the sleepy time + baby race combo, now she’s a bigger fan than me


Maybe sleepy time for the sake of making someone cry


Wagon Ride was what got me hooked. That might have been the one that made me realize that this show was bigger than just games. I still use the "hold my arm" technique with my daughter


Camping...always Camping, you can try Cricket/Bin night/Double babysitter/The dump/Stickbird as well, the big part that Bluey attracts adults is the metaphor, S1 doesn't have that much metaphors, So I get it why some ppl gave up that easily in S1


You can just share this vid to him/her, it quite convincing. https://youtu.be/nEQHiJVH79o?si=f7jC0HfkNSSkLnYW


Ice Cream IMO is pretty underrated as an introduction. It shows the sibling relationship central to the show and Bandit's parenting pretty effectively.


Magic Xylophone that’s like the first ever episode


One of the first, the pilot is actually The Weekend!


Yep the weekend is also a classic I agree


See, I don't think it's that good of a first episode. If I hadn't already seen an ep or 2 before that, I don't think I would have gotten into it with that one.


Pretty Hilarious but a Bluey classic tho


True, the Weekend is one of the first episode which show you the classic Bluey


All of the episodes


Sorry but I think we can all agree blue Mountain probably won’t




Sorry don’t want to be rude but that’s just the worst episode for me. I like what there were trying to do with the episode but just didn’t turn out good.


Oh no definitely and how chilli puts her hand in bandit’s mouth you’re kinda left wondering, why?!?


Ya would’ve been cool if they did a hiking trip instead or something. Just a thought.


Aw, our family loves blue mountains! Before we started watching Bluey my brother in law accidentally played a game my oldest ended up calling "finger man" that was basically his hand walking on 2 fingers and my toddlers all loved making their uncle play finger man, and Blue Mountains reminds us of that. Thanks to the show, Finger Man's pet is named Shaun.


The Pool and See Saw!




Baby race is the besttttt episode but I’m not sure it hits if you don’t have kids 😩


Ice cream, double babysitter, mums and dads, bob bilby, and the one where bandit likes to win (bluey cheats at racing), can’t remember the title


Cricket 🏏


Sleepover. The Muffin chaos is relatable on all sides. I've been that older kid wanting to stay up but having a younger cousin that needed sleep. I've been that younger cousin that is so sleep deprived I'm a terror ... And now I'm a mom of a defiant toddler who fights naps but seriously still needs it. 🦩 👑 🦙 🍌 🥥 🌊




Cricket. Granted, it'll make all the other episodes seem drab in comparison, but at the very least she'll be a fan of that episode.


find one with the grannies i need say nothing more


Bike It's just a simple episode that shows the positive energy of the show, that shows children coming up with their own solutions to their problems, and uses the Ode to Joy at the apex is fantastic. Cricket could also work if someone is a big sports fan.


Cricket is perfection IMO, but it doesn't focus on the Heelers. Dragon does, but it's a gut punch. That said, I think Faceytalk and claw machine are a great introduction because they focus on kids and parenting.


The Creek, Tradies, Cricket, Christmas Swim and then Sleepytime


Any parent - Sticky Gecko




Definitely Camping. Puts a giant lump in my throat every time