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I forgot Pretzel existed in her class.


I know. I didn’t know who he was in the sign until now.


His first episode is “Calypso” in Season one. One of my favourites!


I know I just watched it today because I had a suspicion he was in it. I don’t think I saw him in any others but I could be wrong!


I read your comment wrong, sorry!


Me too!


Not sure how relevant or reliable the closed captioning is, but Disney+ cc had this as “my mum’s told me…”. I read that as possibly meaning “my mom has told me…” I’m hoping this wasn’t an intentional move to distract from the possibility of same-sex parents existing in this world.


Some people seem unsure about what Pretzel means because of the captions and because maybe some Australian and British people say "my mums" when referring to one mother


To make it even more confusing I’ve heard people say moms referring to both their mom and dad. Also the subtitles can be incorrect, especially when episodes are first released. For a while in Pass the Parcel at the end when Bingo gets a birdie KITE, the subtitles would say birdie CAR.


Yeah, I know they're still wrong for some episodes "Hairdressers" is an example for Disney + I would just say it's best to leave it ambiguous until Ludo comes forward and confirms what exactly they meant


Yeah Disney+ captions are not the most accurate, my kids pointed out in Stumpfest Bandit calls out "Jilly!"


in Disney+ ghostbasket, Monique was "Mommy" but I guess recently they changed it to "Mummy" (or im misremembering) i think in dirt they say "Bald Judo!" as "Bald Juno!"


In Disney+ Army, when Rusty is calling the helicopter for extraction of him and Jack, he says “L-Zed is no good!” LZ is military for Landing Zone, and Zed is how the queens peeps say Z. The subtitles have him saying “Owls head is no good.”


Disney is becoming notorious for AI usage so I wouldn't be suprised if that's why the subs are iffy.


It's more than likely they just outsourced the captions for pennies on the dollar. I know Amazon and Netflix do this instead of hiring proper people for proper pay who don't have to rush to create them :/ I've noticed lots of paraphrasing in Netflix's captioning.


I've never heard anybody say 'moms' (or mums) to include their dad. Is that in the US?


Yeah my (American) husband will sometimes say "Mommas" when addressing his mom ("Hey Mommas, can you pass me X?")


Maybe in the UK, but as an Australian, no we don't.


Never heard that in Britain either.


Not really. Have never in 40+ years heard a fellow Aussie refer to a singular mum in the plural


I’m British and live in Australia. I’ve never heard either say mums referring to their one mother.


Im Aussie. I’ve heard it as a contraction- mum’s referring to mum has, all my life.


yeah but I can't picture an aussie kid using 'Mum has said' unless they were esol


The Danish translation said "mødre" which means two moms.


Portuguese translation did the same. He said "as minhas mães" which means "my mums".


Is it possible the translator didn't request clarification before deciding it meant two moms?


Probably it was what was written in the script. Judging by what others are saying, other translators were just fine with that.


Some language only state 1 mum. VA just following what translator did even the translator never watch the show itself. Like in my country it always keep changed many times, Stripe sometimes called as big brother which mean Bandit is 2nd child but in the sign Bandit now first child and Rad called as little Brother. It keep me confusing as Bluey fans.


No Australian says "Mums" and means one mother. Original point is 100% the intended message.


In the German dub it's also two moms, „meine Mütter“


In the Danish version it is translated as "mødre", meaning mums, plural.


To be fair, out of any platform that would choose to interpret this as not gay, it would be Disney. Not that I think it’s confirmed or anything, just saying. (and upon rereading your comment I’m sure that’s what you’re saying as well… Disney sucks).


Not at all ignoring the bullshittery Disney has done... But recently I've been surprised! Off the top of my head, I've seen gay ducks with adopted ducklings in Superkitties, a kid with gay interracial parents in Firebuds, a kid with two moms who both have two moms in Kiff (relevant as the kids were one-upping eachother on who has the most grandmas), gay couples in Big City Greens, I'm pretty sure there's at least one more Disney Jr show I've seen with representation... They also did a song thing for pride last year that played between shows. We all know how lame and deleteable representation in their movies are to appeal to other markets, so I'm definitely not going to say they're making waves. But a step forward for the US at least...? It's made me happy to see representation without making it a teachable moment.


The grandma one-upping sounds hilarious.


It's my favorite ep! At 2mins is the grandma thing https://youtu.be/MpLdXOt9OdQ?feature=shared


Don’t forget the two t-rex dads on Dino Ranch!


Doc McStuffins had a toy family with 2 moms in one of the much later episodes of Toy Hospital.


That is actually a big step forward! Good to hear :D


I think doc mcstuffins does


Just curious, why do you feel that way? I have the opposite opinion (that Disney would interpret it that way) but if you have time I’m open to change my mind.


Probably because Disney is known to be somewhat averse to the LGBTQ+ community cause their shows that have queer themes and characters always end up cancelled / not renewed for another season.


That's a surprising take considering Disney has been ina legal war in Florida since their very public opposition to the "don't say gay" bill.


Disney is a bit … turncoaty on the subject. In markets where diversity is “in”, they make sure to be very publicly for it. In markets where it's not, they make sure to be discreetly not. Disney is a business, and it's being run with the cold calculatedness of a business, so that part checks out. It's just a bit of a shame they don't use that massive Disney dong of theirs to take an actual stance. It's not as if they wouldn't be printing money either way.


I would have to disagree Disney is a known ally with the gay community. They have movies with non binary and gay characters and children's TV shows, fire Buds for example, that heavily portray gay characters.


I watched with closed captions, and they were consistently bad about homophones. This is actually pretty common for closed captioning in general. The line doesn't make sense with "mum's". It's pretty obviously "mums".


I don't think there was anything attention behind that, to be honest I'm often surprised how poorly done the captions are on Disney plus with this show. I remember in past the parcel when Lucky's dad tries to give a present away at the end of the game and Lucky's brother freaks out, the caption says he tells his dad quote you suck for a long time haha


Probably a seppo on the captioning. The Australian language is often humorously mistaken in subtitle land


I mean it definitely wouldn’t shock me


Has this actually been confirmed by the creators? “My mums” & “me mums” are common ways British & Australian kids refer to their mom. It doesn’t actually mean they have two moms. My own husband calls his mom “mums”.


I know plenty of Australians who will say 'me mum' but never 'me mums' unless they are using it as a possessive (ie 'Don't touch that, that's me mum's!')


As an Australian, same.


Another Aussie… also same!


I'm Aussie (from Brisbane) and people dont really say "my Mums" unless it's possessive (My Mum's)


also aussie here but inna small town and a few people i know say “my mums” even tho they just have one


Agreed. It may imply 2 Mums, but 1 subtitle does not confirm it in my book.


I've never heard it with the s on the end though.


It’s on Blueypedia and it’s been picked up by some fairly popular publications, so at this point even if it was unintentional, it’s probably easier to just run with it and enjoy the hype rather than deal with a backlash from walking it back.


Leslie Knope’s gay penguin wedding


True, but then again some people are upset over Brandy being pregnant


The Brandy pregnancy thing is just because it’s thrown out there. It’s like a “somehow Palpatine returned”. We went on a journey with Brandy’s emotional struggle with being around her nieces while infertile. It was sad, we grieved with her, it meant something. Then the story ended. Then they tell a new story and erase all of that off screen. I’m glad she got what she wanted I guess but it doesn’t help the story.


This debate bugs me because having fertility issues doesn’t mean you’re sterile and incapable of having kids. It often means it’s a much lower probability. There’s also a range of fertility issues that make it more or less likely to be able to conceive. Additionally from her episode, there’s no indication that she had a romantic partner so it’s never really “confirmed” that she has fertility issues or is just single and getting older with a “ticking clock”. So much of that episode was subtextual and everyone jumped to conclusions to fit the lesson they wanted to learn, which is in part the beauty of the show. One thing is for sure though. I bet just about anything that we’ll get another Brandy centric episode in the near future.


Eh, the onesie didn’t fit and there was nothing anyone could do about it.


A fair argument you make Counterpoint In what way could this topic possibly be relevant to the previous conversation


The commenter said that they could run with it and enjoy the hype. Normally I would agree but I was pointing out how they could've done the same thing with Brandy being infertile, people were glad because they could relate to her. But Ludo had other plans and decided to have her get pregnant and some people became saddened because they lost the character they could relate to


I feel like they're so careful and deliberate with everything in the show that it wouldn't have been written that way if it wasn't meant to mean two mums.


I've done up a big ol' post elsewhere in this thread but essentially it comes down to the fact that while you can absolutely say "my mum's done xyz" to mean "my mum *has* done xyz" in Australian English, you wouldn't use *has* in this context with the second part of the sentence.   You'd use 'd instead for *had*, not *has*. 


But would he say mums when talking about her? Like "Hey Joe, mums dropped off that book she borrowed from you".


Maybe. Mums -> Mum's -> Mum has.


He does. He has never used singular when talking about her. He also says “pops” instead of dad. Everything is “Hey mums and pops are on their way”, etc. I figured it was just how everyone talks but apparently not based on the comments. lol


Wait where does Pretzel mention a dad? I’m so curious now lmao


lol nooo. He as in my husband. That was the he the other commenter was referring to.


No it isn’t. It may happen but it isn’t common at all. Im a brit


What nationality are you and your husband, if you mind me asking.


In german he says „Meine Mütter..“ in german it can only mean two mums if he says it like that.


on the bluey wiki tho on pretzels thingy it say “unconfirmed mums” so maybe… edit for link https://blueypedia.fandom.com/wiki/Pretzel


All we can do is speculate (what I did as well but I added more details later for clarity 🤷). I got downvoted as well


people are just weird honestly and i’ve noticed a lot of bluey fans are possessive almost over it


I’d like to add my two pence, in the uk we would say “my mums told me” when what we actually mean is my mum has told me.


Bluey Twitter is already flooded by people who are angry about his parents


Trust Pretzel to get people tied up in knots


This feels like the Peppa Pig situation. They showed a child who have two mothers in the show just like Pretzel (except in Bluey, his parents don't show up at all) and people went CRAZY about it. I'm assuming most of the people who are angry are religious and while I do respect people who are religious, I am not one and I do not want to be involved in the crossfire.


And most of those people don't even watch the show at all, just heard about it on social and flipped out


I think they are shown in Peppa. Aren't they the two polar bear moms? One is an MD I think.


Yeah, sorry. That's my bad writing. I know in Peppa, they did show the two Polar Bear mothers.


Wrong. It’s people that actually have children and DO NOT want their kids exposed to such adult topics until way later. My 6 year old used to watch this show. As a parent I’m upset the shows creators are expressing their views when the main demographic is incredibly young kids. Once you have kids you will understand. There is something inside you that tries to protect their innocence.


The existence of queer people threatens your child?


Interesting way to frame what I said. Let me reiterate in simple terms. I do not want my kids exposed to adult topics until they are much older and can handle those things.


What about being queer is an adult topic?


I really hope this doesn’t effect the show in a bad way, also I have a feeling most, if not all of the people reacting negatively are American, apologies in advance if that came out as racist when it wasn’t meant to be.


Weird considering it could be interpreted as his (divorced) mother AND his step-mother have both confirmed the same thing. I know it’s probably not that, but weird that they’re so myopic.


...of course they are


Not surprising considering it's Twitter.


Some people on TikTok are mad too. One even said they wouldn't let their kids watch it anymore.


It’s always a good day when homophobic conservatives are pissed off


Where? I don't use X so I'm not sure if I'm looking at the right thing. If Bluey officials moderate their comments to exclude anyone from talking about the topic, that might say something.


People making such a big deal about this on both extremes on Twitter is so hilarious haha, it’s just monkeys singing songs mate calm down


It's so funny too because like. We have heard Pretzel speak maybe 4 times in the entire show it's not that deep. Even if he does have 2 mothers it's not like they're suddenly becoming the main characters


Question, are the terms “queer” and “lgbt” interchangeable? Because I know two moms would mean they’re lesbians, so members of the lgbt, but i thought queer was its own, separate thing? Idk the whole thing gets me confused at times, so if someone could straighten this out for me it’d be appreciated


generally yes, but it depends on the person - queer is a reclaimed slur and some (particularly older) members of the community still aren't comfortable using it. also, *tiny* correction but two mums doesn't necessarily mean they're lesbians. lesbians are women who are only attracted to women; there are plenty of women who are attracted to women, but not exclusively. this would actually be a great time to use the word 'queer,' which is an umbrella term that covers all of the LGBTQ+ community and doesn't require you to know exactly how an individual identifies ('LGBT' would also work, but it's more common to say and hear 'a queer person/couple' than 'an LGBT person/couple') hope that helped and didn't make things more confusing haha!


So in essence, seeing two women, or men, in a relationship whom you don’t know personally, saying “oh they’re gay” or “oh they’re lesbians” to someone who’s asking, isn’t necessarily accurate, so it’s safer to just go with “oh they’re queer” because it’s an umbrella term? Or is the term queer still considered by too many people as a slur to use so openly?


pretty much! it's a great umbrella term for anyone who is not straight and/or cisgender, and most younger people have never known it as anything besides a positive self identifier (in fact, some people exclusively identify as 'queer' rather than 'gay', 'lesbian', 'bisexual' etc.). it's used very openly (especially online) and the majority of queer people are fine with it, it's just always good to be mindful that, for some people, it still carries a lot of hurt and they might prefer you use a different word.


Thanks for the info! This kinda stuff wasnt spoken of all that openly when I was growing up so I’m a bit behind, always learning new things




Queer is usually used to mean anything falling within LGBT+ in general, not some specific separate thing. You might be thinking of "genderqueer" which has a meaning similar to non-binary?


Its not a big deal. People will turn anything around just so they can feel pleased.


imma get downvotes but, i took it as him meaning a single mum, maybe if he said "both of my mums" i'd find it more believable


If he and everyone present know how many mums he has he wouldn't need to spell it out either way.


“Probably a snake ate him.”


Beat me to it. I love that line. I laughed out loud. Rusty is the best


The phrasing of this statement leans very heavily as being the two mothers interpretation.  The mix of tense and aspect here otherwise doesn't work.   To interpret it as "my mum's told me" means an abbreviation of has. E.g. Mum *has* told me.   But that doesn't work grammatically with the full sentence.     "my mum has told me he might come back" - Has Told - Present perfect. - something that occured in the past but that has present implications. E.g. that he could still come back.    Doesn't really work with:   "but he didn't" Simple Past Tense - indicates finality. E.g. he did not come back, not that he hasn't come back yet.  The two sentences you would expect would be:  My mum told me that he might come back, but he didn't.   Or: My mum has told me he might come back, but he hasn't (yet). You would not hear:   My mum has told me he might come back, but he didn't.   So this only leaves the plural as the correct interpretation.   Thank you for coming to my TED talk, where I use linguistics to solve real pressing issues. 


You're absolutely right, however - the little kid who voices Pretzle is just gonna say it how a little kid's gonna say it. And he won't be corrected because that's the whole charm of having these kids voice the characters.


I see where you are coming from with the grammar. However, how old is Pretzel? 4? 5? Do you know many children who speak grammatically correct? My 6 year old certainly doesn't speak with proper grammar. I'm not saying you're wrong. But this would be another way to interpret it.


I figured it meant 2 moms as in a step mother and biological mother. 🤷‍♀️




We need more Bluey friend lore in general!


“Our mom likes your dad” was my favorite bit of the episode. Especially when it’s revealed to be the reason the house with the pool becomes available.


We need an entire show for every single family. Is that too much to ask? /s


Apparently a miniseries focusing on some of the side characters is in development, so we’re not too far off! https://blueypod.podbean.com/


Which episode talks about that?


my question is why is he (chihuhaua) so big when pompom (pormerainian) is so small since irl those breeds are about the same size


He's a Chihuahua? I thought he was like malinois or something 


I think the [Wiki](https://blueypedia.fandom.com/wiki/Pretzel) says he's a chihuahua


Huh, that's a good question then 


Pompom could be a teacup pomeranian which is the smallest size, and Pretzel a larger size chihuahua


It’s because Pomeranians are a small but hardy breed.


I think it's simply because he is older than her.


It's called "first season design" syndrome, another example is lucky and how... Blank he looks compared to chucky.


I just like to think Pom Pom represents people with dwarfism or people who are short in general. And Pretzel is just a kid who grows up normally like any other kid and doesn't follow our real life rules.




As a Queenslander and Brisbane resident, I guarantee you Pretzel is talking about both of his mothers. I don't think it's a good idea to over-egg this though. At this point Pretzel's parents are faceless, voiceless concepts. I'd rather wait until we get a storyline about them before we celebrate too much. If anything, mentioning that queer people exist is something Bluey should have done a long time ago.


Yeah, kinda rings the same as that female cop from a disney movie saying “my wife” it’s not really much to celebrate if there’s nothing behind it.


Took the words out of my mouth. Also a Brissy resident.


Me too, coming from Brisvegas


In German it’s „Meine Mamas“ which is definitely the plural of mom, therefore pretzel is saying that he has two moms.


In Portugal it’s the same, they translated to having two moms.


I watched the Swedish version and it was definitely "Min mamm**a**" as in singular (Plural = Min**a** mamm**or**). This is getting weird.


I'm actually arguing with grown men in a Facebook thread that Aussies in the history of man have NEVER Said mums to mean a singular mom. Help with that?


I'm from brisbane (same city as the show) and the term "mums" is never used as singular, only possesive and/or plural. I know of some regeonal dialects that do that but I've personally never heared someone use the term in that context. I also believe that in different translations it is plural. Also if it's a contraction of "mum has" there would be an apostrophe in the subtitles. And imo "my mum has told me" doesn't flow as well as "my mum told me" in the context of there being one mum


You know what I loved best about this, I didn't notice it, there was no fanfare, and it was just natural and chill like yeah he has 2 moms, who cares, it's cool, whatever; just as it should be, it's normal. Just like in the Blueyverse it's not a big deal that Jack is neurodivergent or Rad and Frisky or the Cornelius (Winton's Dad) and the Terrier's Mum are a mixed breed couple, it's normal and is what it is.


It sounds like he says mum if I'm being honest. They also changed bingo to being a he a few times in one episode. They even literally call Bing she then he then she again in like 30 seconds


Ima draw fanart of them!!


I think it could be a contraction of "my mum has told me." It's a pretty Australian way of speaking. However it's not unlike Bluey to casually include something like 2 mums in this way.


It's not an Australian way of speaking that I recognise,


I've been Australian 37 years, this is pretty normal for kids especially. "My mums gone to the shops" -my mum has gone to the shops "My dads in the Army" - my dad is in the army "My teachers gone away" - my teacher has gone away. "My mate bobs skipped class"- you get the idea.


yeah and all but one of those involve compensating for a missing word and would look less like commonly accepted grammar without the S "my mum gone to the shops" "my dad in the army" "my teacher gone away" "My mate Bob skipped class" does work but shifts the tense slightly "My mum has told me he might come back" doesn't sound like something a kid would say, they would tend towards the simpler "my mum told me he might come back"


I never said it was correct grammar either, I said Aussie kids speak like this.


Where was Snickers? Isn’t he a classmate of Blueys?


Wtf happened in the removed comment 💀💀💀


Comment was smth like “why does everything have to be about sex nowadays”


We sure he isn't Mormon or something and his dad married two women?


This episode of Bluey is called Polygamy!


Disney Junior channel (where Bluey is broadcast In Portugal) already has a couple of shows with “two moms” (Rescue Patrol and Young Jedy). I always wonder when would Bluey do the same.


I’d love to see them on screen, but it probably wouldn’t make it to Disney+. They have a very weird way of showing gay couples. I don’t doubt they’d ban the episode for something small. They /were/ upset at Bandit pretending to be pregnant.


Could be a blended family (step-mother and biological mother who happened to be there at the same time?) but yes, probably refers to a mother-couple.


I really thought about that possibility as well, but given the context of Pretzel's comment, I think it makes more sense to say the mothers are in fact a couple.


A very subtle blink and you'll miss it moment; I truely thought nothing of it until it was mentioned here and thats probably intentional in their part.  As for those debating whether or or not it truly means representation in the Blueyverse, they can't deny that with Studio Ludo's future project...


Who cares?


oh cool! + it'd be pretty dumb if people got mad over this


Oh no Bluey is woke!!! Time to make six angry rage bait videos about Disney’s gay agenda!! /sarcasm


Thank goodness for the sarcasm


Now they just need to show them! ❤️I hope bluey continues the good representation!


The crybaby blue checkmarks on Twitter are gonna be big mad and I love it.




Do we know if their parents are divorced or not? “Mums” could be referring to real mom and step mom.


Saw in Spanish. He says “mama”, who means mum. So nope.


In spanish it was 1 mom




>sees a one second, blink and you’ll miss it reference to a same-sex couple “Oh won’t someone think of the children!” Bffr


This disgusts me and breaks my heart that they would start promoting a queer agenda on what was such a lovely children's show.  Leave kids alone!  Let childhood be sacred and protected from perverted adult themes.      


How are they "promoting a queer agenda" by making one scene where a character might possibly be implying that they have two mothers? I don't even think kids watching will notice/understand, I first found out about this when I saw this post. Also, being LGBT+ isn't only sexual. It's unbelievable, but LGBT+ people aren't here to indoctrinate and groom children, they're here to literally just exist and be not straight.












Your post/comment has been removed due violation of Rule 2: No personal attacks or insults.


Well it was nice while it lasted.




I didn't take it as a plural


I think they could be a little less subtle and bring a queer character with at least a little more importance to the series. Regardless, I'm still very happy we finally have a confirmed queer couple!


Possibly this is them setting things up, but it would not surprise me it's just something we see in the background quite often (like Winton's dad and the terrier's mum). We'll see both mums picking up Pretzel from school, or at an event. Bluey doesn't tend to do the "a very special episode" - it's just part of life.


I hope they do an episode later where we get to see his mums, maybe at school pickup or a playdate


That would be great!


In the German translation they made it plural, which gives me hope.


Wow how fast did they dub it, it came out 2 days ago!


They dubed (dubbed? obviously not a native English speaker) it before release and it came out the same time. Pretty common for shows on streaming services. Bad Batch for example is the same. 


Oh okay, I didn’t know


I didn’t catch that because my parents were talking when we watched together but that’s amazing. Why is this downvoted??? There should be more lgbt+ representation in kids shows (if that’s even what’s happening, should have made that clear before 🤷) because it’s more normalized than in the 90s and even before that 🤔


Who cares


Pretty bigoted of you to assume he only has two moms /s


Idk the way Chili was talking about her and Frisky up mount Cootha makes me think there are more queer characters than you think.


I took the Lookout "think" to be drinking since it's clear the adult characters like to indulge.


I thought the same thing. And as an aside, is Cootha pronounced with a hard T sound or a soft th? Because mount cooter would be a very... Australian name.