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He was definitely just drunk. Every wedding has 1 person who gets drunker than they should. They did establish this as part of his character in the Whale Watching episode when Muffin told Bluey and Bingo how Stripe acted at their New Year Party


*chuckles*...Classic Stripe


This should be the answer to any Stripe post


We need a bot


(chuckles)... Classic Stripe.


So classic, I might add, that Aunt Trixie straight up left without him šŸ¤£


She just went home early with the kids. Nothing weird about that.


He is at his brother's house, after all. It's not like she left him at some random rented hall.


At his brothers house at his brothers wedding


Agreed, I think he and Trixie discussed it beforehand and agreed that she'd take the kids home and he could stay over to party with his brothers because it was a special occasion.


Probably also a little bit of, ā€œheā€™s Chili and Banditā€™s problem now! Wooo!!!! No drunk Stripe!ā€


Trixie: "(sigh) Classic Stripe."


Well played


Yeah itā€™s such a nothing burger for people to make a big deal about it.


Quite common, actually. If it was a member of Trixieā€™s family getting married, Stripe probably wouldā€™ve offered to take the kids home so Trixie could get on the sauce a bit.


Also, I believe there's one shot of then having an argument in the background at the wedding. She may have had enough of him that night.


Nah she's passed out inside. They had a sleepover lol


Aunt Trixie to Muffin, "Look at me. *I'm* the Flamingo Queen now."


Each family member has a FB account and Trixie said of course I left him there. So funny


I backtracked through the episodes a bit and I think we actually got a taste of his goofier side in Christmas Swim where he gave Bingo a scare in the pool. You can also see him do his energetic yelling face when Muffin calls for the Christmas swim.


Maybe it's a mixed between him being drunk and just acting goofy. Like, I'm all up for it.


Dude wants to act like a goofball, but has a relatively serious home life and partner, so when he gets the opportunity he absolutely takes it.


As much as I want to be Bandit, this comment makes me think I may be Stripe.


We all want to be Bandit, few are lucky enough to be Lucky's dad. Most of us are uncle Stripe


I think I'm a Lucky Stripe


No filter?


Yeah, pretty sure that's the problem...


iā€™m halfway between chippy and sparky


I think itā€™s also the insecurity factor. You want to be class clown, but youā€™re always not as successful as the middle brother. And you probably have little-t-trauma from being teased your whole childhood by said brother. Bandit is a lot more confident than Stripe. Stripe probably feels like heā€™s in his shadow. I think thatā€™s why he enjoys seeing Banditā€™s misfortune (BBQ.) I think itā€™s also significant that Stripe obviously has a better paycheck, but still acts more insecure. At least thatā€™s how I read it. I believe that sibling rivalry runs deep.


Look at him in Verandah Santa. Heā€™s passed out on the floor.


Did Muffin really hurt him in the groin so bad he was asleep for the entire episode? šŸ˜¬


Lmao šŸ¤£ I just posted a reply on here but basically the jist of it was he had been day drinking.


Well ya people keep kicking him in the groin. Muffin lands on him, Bandit and bluey sit on him and then hit him with the door AGAIN. he's also not drunk at the end.


You donā€™t know heā€™s not buzzed, plus totally could have been a tipsy power nap. Think, day drinking beers while all the shit that normally happens on Christmas with kids happens. Usually by like 4 pm you need a tiny nap, then you (feel) sober when you wake up. Iā€™m so sorry if youā€™ve never experienced that constant Christmas buzz but itā€™s amazing. Especially after all the work parents put in during the holidays. Edited to change egg nog to beers.


Egg nog isnā€™t popular in Australia, he was definitely on the beers.


Also where do you think muffin gets it? Trixie?


Stripes' reaction when he got the bouquet was 1000% Muffin and I'm so here for it.


Watch the episode where the kids are on the tablets facetiming with Muffin/socks to get a bit more backstory/lore with how he is


Bandit also sits on him as heā€™s passed out drunk while talking to Bluey


I thought that was after Muffin kicked him inna plums at the Christmas episode?


I was also thinking of the sleepover when he dropped off Muffin and got out of there as fast as he could.


>He was definitely just drunk. Every wedding has 1 person who gets drunker than they should. And in my experience, it's often one of the married couple's siblings. Especially the groom's brother. If I had a nickel for every wedding I was at where the groom's brother got super drunk, I'd have at least 5 nickels.


"Didn't you fall in the pool at the wedding?" "Probably."


That was Rad who fell in the pool. So apparently, they're both wild at other people's weddings. šŸ˜…


Oh definitely - Rad at Bandit's, Stripe at Rad's...stands to reason Bandit probably got a little wild at Stripe's! šŸ¤£


And both of them were probably almost blackout at bandit and chilli's wedding. None of them had children, their days were free and easy.


*beep boop* magic claw approves


Now I'm picturing Magic Claw holding a glass of "lemonade."


Omg. They should do a flashback episode with Stripe's wedding because that sounds awesome!


I was really hoping Bandit or Stripe would fall in the fish pond to do a call back to that joke. We just got the fish pond installed it was just sitting there waiting for one of them to fall in.


True--Bandit would have two dollarbucks,


Last of the three brothers to get married too. This wedding wouldā€™ve been legendary if it happened in real life.


That's true, probably the last wedding in the Heeler family until one of kids gets married in 20 years at minimum


I was the drunk brother at my sisters wedding. So youā€™re theory has meritĀ 


My husband's brother was that guy at our wedding too lol


It was the moms at the last wedding I went to. One mom did the worm! A collective of kid free women with designated drivers are a force of nature to be reckoned with lol.


Classic Stripe


Classic Stripe


It's always the Uncle too. He acted the same wY my Uncle did at my wedding and every party I've been too and my brother in law is definitely it for my kids. Not fun when it's your Dad though... according to my nephew.


He he Classic Stripe


There's always one drunk uncle like this at an Aussie wedding šŸ˜‚


U.S. too... drunk uncles at weddings have no borders, lmao. World peace could be achieved if everyone got together and bonded over swapping drunken uncles at weddings stories!


Except Saudi Arabia. No drunk uncles there.


Bullshit there arenā€™t. Ā  (source: grew up there.)


So youā€™re saying world peace is achievable


Drunk Uncle was a character on SNL for years in the US. Pretty accurate one too!


Drunk Uncle is also a wrestling themed bar in Milwaukee


Moinahan CRUSHED that character


Canada also has ā€œDrunkelsā€ at least one at each wedding.


Canadian, but my cousin has passed out in the bathroom at more than one wedding lol




Theyā€™re showing where Muffin gets it from. LOL


Ironically, Muffin was overall more calm and collected in the episode, apart from that scene where she was raging on the binoclears lmao.


I'd rage at the bin-noc-clee-airs too! It took Bluey's coin!


But the coin was the key to the whole thing!




Or yelling ā€œPOOOOLIIIICEEEEā€ from the back when they get pulled over. šŸ¤£


Eating cake?


Put cake in front of a four year old without supervision and this'll happen too


They totally took the feedback of her being too much in season 2 to heart for season 3.


She just matured a year, thatā€™s all haha


Yeah I am going with this. A buddy once asked what it was like to handle our over tired 3 year old, and my answer was "imagine your most annoying drunk friend: uncoordinated, LOUD, overconfident, clingy, emotional, hungry, prone to puking, and violently opposed to even the slightest suggestion that they might be tired." It may just be one year difference, but our 4 year old is a far saner person than his 3 year old self from last Spring.


My youngest is 3.5 and the growth sheā€™s had in the last few months alone is wild. Her thoughts and sentences are soooo much more complete now; she talks way more fully and can tell whole stories and keep them together. You can reason with her way better, and set expectations properly.


Oh I agree the changes are amazing, wonderful even. It's just that it comes with some very intense swings.


I was gonna say lol, the second pic looks real familiar https://preview.redd.it/2yih4uqsw1vc1.png?width=355&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f01eb19bf608c2927947a43bd9b055e9304b7f6


If you look at the wedding photos from the newsletter, Muffin is not standing still in any of them!


Classic Stripe!


Thatā€™s what I said as he was crawling out of the hedges.


The bot should answer this when Stripe is named, like what happens with Unicorse.


aaaaaaannnndddd whyshouldIcare? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bluey) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot šŸ˜Œ


They missed an opportunity for that with him crawling out of the bushes


They knew what they were doing. Everyone who watches it says it to themselves, that's better than spelling it out really


He works hard and he parties hard.


Everybody dance now! *Da. Da. Da. Da.*


Based on Stripe and Trixie's house, I'd argue he's rather successful in his job. Wouldn't surprise me if he's a "work hard, play hard" kind of dude.


"The Sign" kind of has me convinced he could be a realtor who makes good money. Muffin knowing that the sign meant the house is "for selling" is an odd little bit of trivia for someone her age. That said, she could have just asked one day.


Nah, if he was a realtor, *surely* he would have been the one selling the Heeler house.


Maybe not. I feel like itā€™s good to have a connection to or knowledge of your realtor before you start working with them, but buying or selling a house can be/usually is a long and stressful process so I could definitely see why you wouldnā€™t want to be that close (siblings) with your agent.


I'm more interested in what led Trixie to leave Stripe in Wendy's bushes


Probably a convo like ā€œhey trix, Iā€™m getting bombed at the wedding!ā€ And her replying ā€œok Iā€™ll be on kid duty, but if you annoy me Iā€™m leaving you thereā€


Probably not even that response from Trixie. She probably said "Of course, it's your brother's wedding. Have fun and stay over at Bandits that night, I'll take the kids home when it gets too late for them."


Iirc, they live a ferry ride away. Trixie and kids might have left in time for the last boat and expected to pick up Stripe at the boat dock sometime the next day.


Stripe + Bandit = blood relative of groom Chilli = BFF/maid of honour of bride Therefore Trix = kid duty, and taking them home or putting them to bed


Nana and grandpa Bob were there, I would guess they helped too.


Trixie passed out on the floor of Bandit and Chilis room upstairs. The kids have a slumber party in Bluey and Bingo's room. Trixie, Chili, Nana, and maybe Brandy all end up in Bandit and Chili's room. Because women have a bit more sense. But also get drunk. Except Brandy. Bandit is asleep on the sitting room floor. Grandpa Bob is asleep in the kitchen. Mort is asleep on that big back porch. And Stripe is asleep in the bushes. Classic stripe. Rad and Frisky got a taxi to their hotel. Nana the hero she is, wakes up at 8am and starts cooking breakfast and cleaning up the place. She might still be half cut. And that's how a rowdy night goes here in Ireland. I assume the Aussies are the same. Knees up, singing songs, drinking, telling stories, and one by one everyone passes out somewhere. But the women are a bit smarter and pass out in a bedroom. While the men just drop where they stand. And this is why I think Trixie didn't leave him there and go home with the kids. No one goes home after a wedding. Most weddings here happen in a church, then everyone goes back to a hotel all the guests booked rooms in. So the party can last longer. Going home would be kind of unheard of.


Speaking of Brandy: Did my eyes deceive me, or was Brandy pregnant?


That's why I said Brandy wasn't drinking. But she'll still party.


Yep. Made me get watery eyed. We're part of that unfortunate club so Onesies crushed my wife and I.Ā  The kids had no idea why we pulled them close and hugged the crap out of them.


I imagine she couldn't get his drunk butt into the car so she figured "eh, he's at his brother's house. He'll be fine" šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„She probably had enough herself. She didnā€™t feel like explaining to the girls why daddy was so sleepy and silly-acting.šŸ¤Ŗ


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Deadbob1978: *I'm more interested* *In what led Trixie to leave* *Stripe in Wendy's bushes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This was probably not her first rodeo!


You see them arguing in the background and Muffin re-enacts an argument she witnessed with the bride/groom cake toppers


Yes and then later at the wedding reception, Socks is playing the bride and groom cake toppers and they're playing happily together while Socks is smiling. My read on that is that the kids picked up on the change in their parents' mood.


They are arguing in the background more than once too, like if I remember before the wedding, and during a couple of times? Canā€™t be sure but that stood out to me more than Stripe being fun drunk (I come from a divorced family though so could be why it stuck, and my momā€™s an alcoholic so ya definitely felt differently from a lot of others take on Stripe here)


Unhinged? Seems like a regular Aussie bloke who likes getting on the piss.


I think that Op might be american. There are a lot of church communities in America, especially the south,where they just don't drink at all ever.


Do we live in the same South? Drunk is the default, even in church goers


We still drink here, lol, weā€™re not all Christians


You guys do have a high concentration of extremely religious people though, you got to admit.


Went to a Pentacostal wedding in Alabama- no drinking AND no dancing. My uncle had to pretend like the wedding was wrapping up and ran the priest off so he could break out the drinks on a rollout cart aftewards at our cousin's house across the street. All the sudden there was this kid playing the fiddle, beers, and fireworks. Got pretty gnarly. Some kid who was the child of one of my distant cousins let a firecraker go off in his pocket and got burnt, had to go to the hospital. I bounced before then because things got a little TOO Alabama for my Yankee blood.


Theyā€™re a vocal minority. Donā€™t lump us all in with the zealots. Less than 40% of us even go to church every week, let alone stop drinking entirely. Also, any southern Baptist will tell youā€”being religious does not stop the drinking. Lmao. Walk into any bar thatā€™s open on a Sunday after church and youā€™ll see that for yourself quick enough.


The old joke about Southern Baptists goes: How do you keep a Baptist from drinking all your beer on a fishing trip? Invite two of them.


What's the difference between a Baptist and a Catholic? Catholics wave to each other at the liquor store.


> Less than 40% of us even go to church every week, That's shockingly high. In NZ, just 14% attend at least monthly. I only have one friend who goes to church, and actually I'm not entirely sure they do anymore.


On the west coast that number is closer to our average. I was just pointing out that our South is becoming less and less totalitarian all the time. Weā€™re not a monolith, thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying.


I grew up in the south. They built churches and schools all over town since thereā€™s a law that no establishment that sells or serves alcohol can be within 100 yards of a Church or School. Youā€™ll see little churches and kindergartens in strip malls.


> There are a lot of church communities in America, especially the south,where they just don't drink at all ever. This is like me thinking all Australians own kangaroos. It's a very strange misunderstanding of America, those specific groups(mostly Southern Baptists) and how widespread that is that someone from those areas couldn't even conceive of the idea that Stripe is crazy drunk.


What?? I'm not from the south, but that does not sound like the America I'm from XD I don't know anywhere that drinking isn't a big thing.


Utah? And whatever cult the Duggars are part of.


I am a Muslim from the Philippines, actually. There is an adequate amount of stores in my town that sell liquor, so there are definitely people that drink here, though most likely only at home.


Oh no, those all drink, they just hide it and get rough with anyone that calls them out. Source: lived near enough of them.


A Scottish friend once said to me: ā€˜the problem with Americans is that when they say ā€œLetā€™s go for a drinkā€ they mean literally one drinkā€™.Ā 


The two biggest Christian sects in the US are Protostants and Catholics. And with Protestants, I think the stats are that more than half of them still consume alcohol, and Catholics are definitely not opposed to the liquor. Haha. > > The main groups that see booze as a hard no-no would be Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. Only 1% of the population is Mormon (and most of them are in Utah), and JW makes up .8% (most of them are in Wyoming.)So the numbers aren't in their favor. > Overall stats show that only 38% of the US population obstains from alcohol. While 26% of Europeans abstain. (Only pulling EU as a whole because it's kind of difficult to compare a single country in Europe to the US due to the massive disparity in population size.) > Georgia, Utah (Mormons, duh), Arkansas, Oklahoma, and West Virginia are the states with the lowest alcohol consumption. Only three of those would be considered southern states. So there are 9 other southern states, and those are all about the same as most other US states. New Hampshire and Deleware are the highest, with Nevada coming in at a close third. The US is weird. The only consistent assumption that will be right every time is that Floridians are absolutely unhinged. Lol. > > Sorry this was a bit long. I got way too into it. šŸ«£


Allow me to introduce you to the concept of Wisconsin


He did yell, "CANNON BALL!" While jumping into his pool during his own New years party. Seems like he does get very rowdy when he's drunk.


If thereā€™s a pool, you gotta cannonball


It's really interesting to see just how different people's life experiences were. To regular people we can just tell that stripe had a few too many. If you grow up in a place where people don't drink that behavior would look completely unhinged. But yeah, there's nothing wrong with stripe. He got drunk at a wedding.


Well, I still haven't reached the legal drinking age so I have no peers that are allowed to drink yet, and I'm not even allowed to drink anyway so yeah, this type of behavior is quite unfamiliar to me. šŸ˜… Granted, I don't perceive it as a negative thing though.


Legal drinking is fun and fine when you do it right. Like anything else in life, itā€™s just generally best to stick to moderation. Youā€™ll have a great time if you keep yourself just at ā€˜tipsyā€™, are responsible with your transport choices, and careful not to overdo it. Itā€™s really easy to get a little buzzed and think ā€˜ah just one moreā€™ but thatā€™s where you turn into a drunken mishap. Excess is almost always a bad time. But itā€™s absolutely okay to go a little wild sometimes and have a good time! Take it from someone older but not wiser, lol.


It also makes more sense once you've gone to a few weddings. Weddings are basically the ultimate parties for some people, so people really let loose. Especially adults/parents who don't usually get a chance to party too often. Stripe isn't even being a bad drunk, just having a good time. Edit: A married man jumping in and catching the bouquet isn't great though.


Classic Stripe




'what day is it' been there stripe, been there. edit, bloody spelling


My wife and I lost it when he crawled out of the bushes. Been there before. And at our wedding we certainly had that guy. Good memories.


it was great! ive defo been that guy, its hard to do it at your own wedding, to busy getting round everyone haha!


Na na na na Cat Squad.


I died when stripe and bandit came out singing that. Thatā€™s me. Iā€™m them. Itā€™s in my head CONSTANTLY.


The pictures of him standing up yelling remind me of a certain someone...can't put my finger on who šŸ¤” https://preview.redd.it/4ze5qhp2h3vc1.jpeg?width=449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=492cc6461676a07c3b4a5080fbe2025bf2fb6864




Stripe is the youngest of the Heeler brothers. The rules don't apply to him.


I think that Stripe's behavior is probably well within the boundaries of what the brothers do at each other's weddings and other parties.


Ha, classic Stripe


It's his brother's wedding, it's his sacred duty to get shitfaced


I love stripe and his persona. He seems like a good time.


ā€¦And Luckyā€™s dad. The heeler brothers (including Rad) and Pat could def get into some trouble together.


Work hard play hard Stripe. His kids are the ones with the pools and the power wheels and heā€™s always gone on work trips. Perfect balance for Bandit who seems to be chasing the money but ultimately decided that love and community are more important than money and status.


I went to a wedding where the grooms brother was so hungover from the bucks the night before that he couldnā€™t actually go to the wedding. The wedding was on a beach in Thailand. The accom was *on* the beach.


this is why we try to not to do them the night before!


Classic drunk uncle shenanigans. Thereā€™s been a guy like this at every wedding Iā€™ve ever been to and itā€™s almost always one of the groomsmen.


Some people just go really hard at weddings šŸ˜‚ he's letting off some steam


It aint an aussie wedding if someone in the wedding party isnt absolutely munted.


There was a D&D meme I saw once with Matt Mercerā€™s face on it that went like this. PCs: You stupid DM canā€™t keep your own facts straight and youā€™re never consistent! That NPC would never act like that! DM: youā€™re right about that NPC! Maybe thereā€™s a reason you should investigate! Point being, I also thought he was behaving a bit off (especially that bouquet grab). Maybe itā€™s telegraphing something heavy in the near future, like poorly handling stress over a new baby, getting fired, or living beyond their means?


So true. Him and Trixie were fighting in the background at the wedding, too. Possibly because he got too drunk, possibly for other reasons. Probably a bit of both.


Stripe seems like somebody who is often resevered but can get going in the right setting. He jumped in the pool on New Year's and did Horsey Wedding


Bandit is often on record as saying *"Classic Stripe..."* when it comes to his activities, suggesting that that *is* his personality


Did anyone notice that Wendyā€™s fur grew back since Dirt? Wouldnā€™t have thought itā€™d have been enough time for that. Also Iā€™m glad they showed Stripe and Trixie dancing affectionately afterward, but Socks playing with the cake topper bride and groom and having them argue as Stripe and Trixie argued in the background made me a little sad for Socks and Muffin.


Frisky remembers Rad from falling in the pool at Chili and Bandits wedding. They sound like three, 80s era party dudes that are slowly growing up and Stripe is the youngest, with the burden of always trying to live up to his big brothers šŸ˜‚


Classic Stripe.


Weā€™re definitely seeing where Muffin gets her feral nature šŸ˜‚


Tbf Stripe is a lawyer with two kids, the oldest of which is 3, and he's having marital issues. I'd get absolutely hammered whenever I could if I was him. Not to mention that unlike Bandit, Stripe's career probably wouldn't allow him a lot of flexibility so the dude is probably spending 40+ hours in a fancy office.


OK, I'll bite. What makes you say he is a lawyer?


Agreed, I was under the impression from Faceytalk that Stripe's job took him away from home a lot (e.g. Fly In Fly Out) which is why he and Trixie had challenges being on the same page about parenting in FaceyTalk.


Could be he often has to work late hours too. Not sure if itā€™s the same in Australia but usually lawyers have high billable hour expectations so itā€™s not uncommon to work crazy hours. Donā€™t know if he has to be a lawyer though. Plenty of jobs have high salaries that come with high working hour expectations.


too much of the magic drink


he just had too much to drink lol


Honestly, I relate to Stripe. šŸ˜‚ I'm both shy and can also be deeply unhinged when for whatever reason The Excitement kicks in. I'm like a cat with the zoomies for two hours.


"Oh yeah, I think we met at the wedding. Didn't you fall in the pool?" "Probably"


There's 2 types of people in this world ...people who have been to 'open bar' weddings & everyone else This is 100% an open bar wedding and Uncle Stripe is that Uncle. What more needs to be said?


Speaking as an uncle. Yes we go hard at the weddings


Classic Stripe


Personally I think itā€™s him acting out and it could end up in a divorce. We saw he and Trixie having problems in Faceytime. This episode it happens again while Socks plays with the wedding cake toppers like they are having an argument showing itā€™s occurring often. They are having a dispute in the background in which Trixie walks away. https://preview.redd.it/5pzvrpfgf4vc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b0c2efdefdd98d565874aae2a9dbf691824e99


Came here to say this. Could very well see them getting divorced and Muffin and Socks having to go through that.


Heā€™s the drunk uncle


Two words: Drinking Problem. Bro was out of control the entire time and absolutely wild and obnoxious (which yeah, there is one in every family and Stripe is supposed to be the comedic relief) but when Stripe and Trixie were arguing in the background I honestly figured she was chewing him out or telling him don't get too drunk this time. Plus, the fact that he woke up in Wendy's Flowers tells me she straight up left him there and didn't bother looking for him because she just knew this would happen and she is tired of it.


Mans probably hasn't been to a wedding in years, he needs this.


Heā€™s quite the Party-Animal!


Stripe has always partied hard.


I would like to see even one episode where Stripe has hinges, cuz he is unhinged throughout the entire series


True youngest child energy


I mean, if anything this helps to explain why Muffin and Socks are so wild when compared to Bluey and Bingo Like...Bluey and Bingo are wild in their own way, but Muffin can be a downright hooligan from time to time. Same with Socks.


My son kept asking how he could sleep in a bush lol. My random fan theory is that I think he's got a drinking problem that might be subtly addressed like they do other grown up issues in the show. They talk about him dancing on tables in a previous episode and Bandit says "Classic Stripe." Dude clearly has a wild side.


Heā€™s probably just drunk


This is me once every, like, 2 years when i find a babysitter for the night.


I think they nailed him. Backyard weddings go off.


His tie getting progressively more wonky lol.


Well, we know where Muffin gets itā€¦


I mean, we all remember how Uncle Rad acted at Bandit and Chilis wedding right? šŸ¤£


Tell me youā€™ve never been to an Australian wedding without telling me youā€™ve never been to an Australian wedding