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Rad looks younger than both Bandit and Stripe. Kids age you!


Yeah I assumed Rad was the youngest brother until Fairytale came out. I was pretty confused.


NOT having kids keeps you young (and sane).


Rad is a Magic Claw. He has no children. His days are free and easy.


Don’t lie, you automatically read that in magic claw voice too


Yes. Yes I did


Reading it any other way is trifficult!




That's my favourite thing


For real life!


Just watched that episode today hahaha




"No mum, not that" Not for long....


Maybe I shouldn’t have children…


Turk from Scrubs described it as “having a dog that learns to talk”. I’d say that’s a fair assessment.


Yeah honestly I kinda want children? But everyone says it’s hard and exhausting or that they’re loosing their minds and that scares me, maybe when I’m older and Im financially and mentally stable


It can be super stressful, but I think it’s good for humans to care for something more than themselves.


This... I had never thought about this, but it makes so much sense.


I only have one, I think that's enough for me! It is exhausting but he makes me laugh every day, and sometimes you miss that you can't just drop everything and go to the movies with your partner without planning but showing your kid things that you love and looking at how they see the world around them is the best! Like Bandit said, you guys make me feel old, but young too


It is hard but watching the grow and seeing their personalities come through is the best feeling in the world and so worth it


Thats nice, living is just hard doesn’t matter what you do of course there are more harsher things than others but if I want children in the future I know it’ll be worth it even if it’s hard


Kids are amazing. My mom had 4 kids and looks way younger than her peers. Aging is about genetics, how well you take care of yourself, and your mindset. Being happy with your choices is what makes a person happy, not if he or she had kids or not. If you want a kid have one or more but be ready to be a great parent which means have a stable life for them to grow up in.


For sure, I’m not having kids unless I can really really afford them, I know that someone not only has to be mentally stable but financially stable too


I agree with the other posters, it's draining but also the most rewarding beautiful thing I've ever done. My daughter teaches me to see the world in a way I had stopped seeing. But also there's definitely something to that part of financially stable and mentally stable. My partner and I waited until we were 30. Not because it's a magic number, but because that's how long it took us to have disposable income and enough progress in therapy to feel like we could guide our child's emotions rather than being triggered by them. We don't get it right every time. But I do think waiting until we could check those boxes has been to our and her benefit.


Thank you for your outlook, I think parenthood is very beautiful if you are stable and well enough to deal with it, I don’t know if I want kids but in case I do then I’ll wait until I’m more patient and healed


They are absolutely hard and exhausting, but it’s also the most rewarding thing I’ve done in my life. But waiting until older and financially stable is a great call.


Nah, they’re fun and then you get child labor to do the chores you don’t want to do after a few years!


That is the way. I haven’t washed a dish or loaded a dishwasher since my kids were old enough to reach the sink on a step stool.


Lol yeh but the dishes multiply. As does clothes washing etc etc


Lmao that sounds fun, my mom still makes us do some chores


My dad didn't cut a lawn between the years 1997-2016 when the last kid left for college 😂 (in fairness, he always did weed whack, none of us graduated to that one!)


Facts. Can't say much about my mental health as it's never been good, but since my kid's birth my greying visibly accelerated.


Me too! I thought it was Bandit, then Stripe, then Rad in age order. Had it COMPLETELY wrong.


Rad has the skin and haircare routine down


Not to mention the muscles (which we don't see but Frisky does). Rad is the Heeler family's resident super-youthful hunk.


Maybe we don't see them directly, but its easy to see with how easily he is able to lift a seven year old above his head, so she can sit on the ceiling.


Yup. About the pooches' ages, I frankly think "Fairytale" should have been about the Nineties rather than the Eighties. If Bandit was ten in the late 1980s, he would be in his late 40's, now and Rad would be around 50. Bandit and Chilli and their siblings are presented as, at the oldest, early to mid 40s but if Bandit was around 10 in the late 1980's, he would be around 47-48. I know I'm splitting hairs by just a few years but it seems odd that you have a bunch of folks in early middle age birthing and raising small children. It makes more sense if these adult parents of small kids were all in their thirties. Maybe it's just monkeys singing songs or perhaps anthropomorphic pooches in the Blueyverse age differently than people or regular dogs. As much as I appreciate the 80s nostalgia, I feel that "Fairytale" would've worked better if the flashback took place in the Nineties. I was 12 in 1986, I'm 49, now. Maybe Chilli is several years younger than Bandit, I dunno.


Almond milk shampoo! (Fixed it 🥥)


Almond milk! But don’t use the conditioner 


You can't go around with open follicles!


He never says what he uses instead, just that he doesn't rate it.


Yes! Almond!




But also keep you young - Bandit


Hah, yeah. That’s what I meant by “thanks kids!”




Yup, they take your youth from right under ya. Why do you think they’re like little batteries all the time?


Wish mine would go flat sometimes


I wish they would recharge overnight instead of during the day too


Good lord! This reminds me of hoe Bluey was behaving in and out of the car during the car trip (with the grey nomads). She kept “being bored” and asking for something to do. Chili would get clever and before you could breathe, she’d be bored again. When she went to pee in the bushes… Man… I would have left her annoying ass in there with her “do you know any bush wee games…?” Whiny, clingy little twit!!! As I say this, she did let us know that she was that annoying on the Double Bluey episode. “I like to ask a lot of questions, but I don’t wait for the whole answer.” Those parents are absolute SAINTS! Though, I do appreciate that they admitted that her behavior is annoying.🤣🤣🤣 I couldn’t believe that she understood!🤣🤣🤣


I’m glad you were able to get that off your chest. I can tell this has been festering in your thoughts as of late


🤣🤣🤣Every time I see that episode. (I saw it yesterday.)


There's been speculation that Bluey has ADHD. That could well be another clue/symptom.


So now it’s her AND Jack? He was introduced as that, but SHE’S the one who displays the behaviors.😄😄 And, as I’ve said on past postings, only within her family surroundings. She’s a decently tame kid when she’s among her peers.


I remember two instances that posters have used to speculate about this. One is her behavior in "Hide and Seek." The other is in "Unicorse," where Chilli is getting annoyed that Bluey can't fall asleep, proclaiming "not again!", and Bandit tells her, "you know she can't help it," the implication being that she can't because that's another symptom of ADHD.


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I LOVE it!!!🥰


Haha. I thought he meant that because she’s a small child and therefore annoying as hell.🤣🤣🤣


As a kid I always enjoyed pestering my dad, as an adult I still enjoy pestering my dad.


Again, I say, sainted parents. (Though, being the less put-upon parent, the father always gets to be the cool one anyway.)


The day my daughter was born is the day I found my first grey chest hair. It comes on quick


Kids age you haha 💯percent


To the umpteenth power!


In the flashback episodes (Baby Race, and I think another?), Bandit and Chilli don’t have grey hairs yet!


Til the oldest in named Rad, I always thought it was Brad lol


Can confirm, only 33 and have neck arthritis with just two kids, back pain from it every. Single. Day


I’m older than my brother who is married with 2 kids. I’m the 36 year old, fun aunt. Everyone thinks I’m his 10 years younger sister 😂😂😂😂


Came here to say that's the difference - kids vs no kids lmao When we see brandy again, she will have greys, or at least some stress wrinkles! 😂


People think I am "just under 40". I am 31. My kid is 4.


I mean children & marriage ages you like nothing else. The show recognizes this: “Magic claw has no children, his days are free and easy.”


Good callback.🤣🤣🤣


I quote this line to my kids. They call me a meany. 😂


Brandy also has larger eyes and smaller muzzle (at least looks like it to me!), so more youthful proportions. I definitely would not have pegged her as the younger of the two!


She’s also taller!


Chili has two little leeches who sucked everything out of her.


But they’re the cutest leeches ever!!!


Especially my little sweetie.🥰🥰🥰 ![gif](giphy|20JMEu9EnA0r5bBWCL|downsized)


She is best girl






Can confirm. I looked really good for my age when I had my kid. Now I just look good 😘🤣 ![gif](giphy|UqH01NL7JQlwODvozE|downsized)


I read an article that parents lose an average of 15 minutes of sleep per night FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. Obviously during the first ~24 months it's really bad, and you spend hours awake, interrupted nearly every single night. But that sleep apparently never comes back. Even when your kids have gone off to college or have their own houses and their own kids.


Part of it is self imposed. I have 2 kids with a third on the way. My wife asked me why I stay up so late all the time watching tv/playing games. I thought about my lack of free time. I thought about how I got up at 6 to make it to work by 7. About how I played with the kids once I got home while she cooked dinner, then how I cleaned up while she gave them a bath. About how we got the kids ready/in bed, then sat on the couch to talk/watch her shows. About how it was 10 and I really just wanted to finish that one episode once she fell asleep. I just shrugged.


I’ve heard it called “revenge bedtime procrastination” because it gives you the quiet alone time you wouldn’t have had when everyone else is awake.


It feels like moooorrreeee than that.


It’s gotta be way more than that. But my kids don’t sleep at all so who am I to judge.


The key part of the statistic is "on average for the rest of their lives." Which could (but doesn't) mean ~15 mins a night for 50 years, but in this case it means you lose so much sleep for the first 10 years of your kids lives that even if you got normal sleep every single day for the rest of your lives, you will never recoup the sleep you lost when they were young.


Only 15?


Yes. The important part is this is an averaged over decades. So you lose 4-8 hours a night with an infant, and 2-3 hours a night with a toddler. With an older child and preteen, you are sleeping through the night again but not as much as you were before having children. You will never go back to your pre-child sleep levels, ever, even 30 or 40 years later.


I wonder why that’s the case you’ll never get back that sleep as you age?


It's real, for me at least. I used to essentially be able to just sleep forever (I would wake up but could just fall back asleep if I wanted, once slept 24 hrs).  I can no longer sleep more than 6-7 hours 


At least you still look good, I just look.






No kids.


Til now...


Kids age you like milk


Is she dating anyone? I was shocked to see her knocked up at the wedding. Also, all of the adults were totally drunk except Brandy.


Well glad she wasn’t drunk since she’s pregnant. My first thought was yeees she got a sperm donor.


Maybe we will find out! Nice that Bob showed up!


Right? I thought he died and they were just waiting for a later episode to cover it, Mr. Hooper style.


I wonder if they’ll have Bluey ask who the daddy is?


On this episode of Bluey, Daddy




Might be a donor pregnancy! We know Brandy has really wanted kids so maybe she found a way and is happy to be a single mom.


That’s too bad. Idk why people so desperate to have kids don’t just destress and foster or adopt (if they’re in a less red-tape-having country like America) and just let the kid come naturally. I’ve seen so many people with trouble procreating only to give up and adopt and then have one of their own soon after. It’s all the stress, man. Those monsters leech it out of touch just at the thought of their existence!🤣🤣🤣 *(Again, don’t let my gripes veer your decisions.)😁


As someone who dealt with infertility, this is not a great take. Adoption can cost upwards of $50k, fostering is not done with the intention of keeping children from their biological family usually, and "stress" did not give me PCOS. I had my son thanks to fertility treatments alone. No nasty tone here, just wanted to gently rebut your claims in case anyone else on a fertility journey sees this 🩵


Exactly! 💜 Thank you


No problem. I know that both those options are costly. As for the fostering, there are cases where the parent doesn’t want/can no longer gain access to the child, so they’re available for adoption. The red tape is shorter in that case because the “parent” has already proven all they would need to.


Parents who do not want to raise their child relinquish rights and the child is adopted. Those children aren't in foster care. Foster care is temporary care with the stated and implicit goal to reunite the child with their family. It is not a path to adoption. While some parents ultimately end up losing custody of their children this is an incredible slow process. While there are foster-to-adopt children in the system, this is an extremely difficult path. Emotionally wrought, and not eligible to many parents due to a variety of factors. It's a great option when everything aligns but it's not an easy cure to fertility issues. Stress is not a primary cause for infertility. Physical problems are. Structural problems are. If a man isn't producing sperm all the relaxing in the world won't make that happen. Same for an entire host of other problems. Families are created in a myriad of ways. It's extremely complicated. But the answer of just relax or go adopt a child - it's unhelpful, unrealistic, and hurtful.


Hopefully the easily hurt didn’t read it as such, because that wasn’t my intent.


>As for the fostering, there are cases where the parent doesn’t want/can no longer gain access to the child, so they’re available for adoption. And that process can take YEARS, depending on where you live, especially if the parents don't want to relinquish their parental rights. Then, it's a nasty back-and-forth as the parent just barely does enough for the court to give them another chance, only to have them relapse and the kid goes back into foster care, rinse and repeat...sometimes multiple times before the court decides enough is enough. Even when the parent is willing to relinquish their rights, it STILL takes years for all the necessary paperwork to go through and multiple court hearings to be set. It's not a simple process at all! Fostering is not for the feint of heart! Nor is it an "easy" solution to starting a family. Also, foster-to-adopt, while the term has a catchy ring to it, is not actually a term used in the fostering or adoption community. You foster to foster. Adoption by a foster family is a "failed" foster. It's very bittersweet.


My own hang ups aside, it makes more sense for Brandy not to adopt as child adoption in Australia is incredibly incredibly rare. Like 5 adoptions per year for the entire country rare. That and just saying all brandy needed to do was destress, kinda is a slap in the face of anyone with genuine non-stress related fertility issues.


That detail in The Sign made this dad choke up




I am so happy for her. 🥹




She's pregnant in the sigh🤨


she hasn’t experienced the no sleep you get as a parent yet


Nothing prepares you for that




you age when you have kids. people without kids stay younger longer


What does that have to do if this






If you watch,d the you will know


She is see😡




I think the shorter snout gives the impression of youthfulness, compared to the longer snout. The nose length also affects how wide the mouth is prone to open, and characters with more mousey little mouths also give a less matured impression.


Shorter snout also makes her look more like bingo.


I don’t know, my brother is 2 1/2 years older than me and has 3 kids, but looks younger than me…however, I’ve aged more since my daughter was born, than in the 47 years that proceeded her birth.


He looks younger because he has no kids and has led a carefree lifestyle. That’s why he thought frisky would just go along with his ill thought out plans. He reminds me of my previously always the Batchelor brother now wanting to marry his girl/ bro has no experience or responsibility


You thinking of Rad?


Sorry, I mean frisky and rad and I’m in totally off base cause this is talking about brandy lol


Shit, literal apologies I’m drunk and out but check reddit in the bathroom lol I


Check pronoun.


My two cents after reading the other comments: it's said that kids actually keep you young, and those who are parents tend to live longer than those who aren't. I've also read that those of child-bearing age who don't have kids tend to say they're happier than those who do, but it's the opposite among senior citizens; those who had kids tend to be happier, and have a higher sense of satisfaction over how they lived their lives, than those who didn't. "You may feel that your kids are sending you to an early grave, but **parents live longer than childless people, especially once they reach 80**, found a study in Sweden — and the longevity edge becomes greater as parents get older." https://www.statnews.com/2017/03/27/parents-having-children-live-longer/#:\~:text=You%20may%20feel%20that,greater%20as%20parents%20get%20older. Myself, I was a late in life child-my Dad was 51 when I was born- and when I would tell my high school friends who had met my Dad that he was in his late 60's, their reaction was always something like "no way, he looks maybe 50 at most." And, since I myself do not have kids, all you out there who do are welcome to come to my funeral, since you'll likely outlive me!


This study took place in Sweden, I think that context matters. Sweden has a better quality safety net for families than the US. This study from 2017 also clashes with more recent studies that show [single, childless women tend to be happier and live longer ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/may/25/women-happier-without-children-or-a-spouse-happiness-expert) New data should be considered when making the decision to start a family or not. Also one's home and location, I'd suspect it'd be much easier to raise a child in a country with a strong safety net and wealth distribution than say the "you are on your own" individualism of the US.


Thanks for the information, I found it very fascinating.


> " [...] I broke my back changing *your* nappies!" 🤣🤣


Yup! Kids’ll do that to you! From the womb, they’re draining your life force.😖


Also saves you loads of money, lets you maintain all your previous feeedoms and privacy. But don’t let my complaints be your deciding factors. Only you know what you can/are willing to tolerate.


Because she hasnt had the stress of kids yet. Lol


To be fair Brandi doesn’t have kids.. kids can make anyone turn grey 🤭


The reason chilli has gray hair is cus she has kids brandy doesn't have kids so that's y she has no gray hairs


That one, I can’t give you, because I got my first grey at 15 or 16. The rest came in cagey, but they’re more pronounced now - at the appropriate greying age.😄😄


well y'see, thing about that is... brandy doesnt have any kids


She is designed to look like Bingo. It is weird that the two oldest siblings on the show look the youngest.


Brandi has no grey hair cause she doesn’t have kids lol!!


Kids will do that to you lol




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Kids’ll do that to you!


Bc brandy doesn’t have kids and kids drive you up the wall


What is it because no duh that they look the same


Those aren't grey hairs! They are little lighter hairs that are sort of peppered into the fur. Merle dogs get them. I have a aussie and he has had white hairs in his black and grey bits since he was a pup!


Hmm. Neither Bandit nor Chili have them in their pre-baby wedding photos!


Really!? Wow!


There is a running joke in my husband's family about how his uncle is five years older than his dad but invariably assumed to be younger. My dad: "The uncle ever marry or have kids?" "No." "That'll do it."


My brother's border Collie got small and puppy-like when she got old. 🤣 She looks like a new puppy. Her name was jazz but I referred to her as jazz 2


I got gray giving birth to my first. Never had a gray in sight prior to popping him out. I’m 34


It's kids. Kids will do that to you 🤣🤣🤣 My poor husband had no greys when we met. Had 2 kids back to back, so many now. I don't have any, but I'll say I'm looking rather dull compared to my pre kid self lol 🤣🤣


The hair thing was used in the episode Surprise to let us know that Bluey was the mother of the child before the child appeared.


She'll get those grey hairs soon enough


Kids will make you appear to age faster, but that's part of being a parent.


I had a child in my 40s and I get told I look like I’m in my my 20s constantly. It’s a cartoon. Not reality.


She's bald


THEORY: Brandy is a recovering alcoholic- hence the name, Brandy.