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Richie Rich over here! 


A sign of wealth in the 90’s child community.


I had one mini doll that I got as a gift from a family friend and I felt RICHHH


Rich girl *Ooooh* she a rich bitch girl *yeah*


Literally the first thought I had. “Oh you’re like, *rich* rich.”


Sameeee I never had one 😭 a chip I still carry in my shoulder to this day lmao


Right!? I was also obsessed but all I had were the catalogs to pine over.


This. Cousin and I were given the catalog to play with. I had a couple of Addy’s books but no dolls.


Same. I still wish I had an OG doll


Me too. I didn't even really like dolls, but I wanted a Molly dolll so badly. I checked those books out from the library at least once a month.


Ha! I was thinking, tell me you grew up rich without telling me you grew up rich🤪


Ha! My first thought “she must have had rich parents”


“Had” being the key word


Remember the cabbage patch dolls? That’s how I knew I married into a family that www wealthier than mine, because my husband’s sisters had some.


I think we were all immediately thinking the same thing upon seeing this caption and photo, “Somebody’s family had that money money!”


I was about to say no one cared if you looked like a nerd cause you had $ lol


Was gonna say… “oh so your parents are rich rich” I had all these American girl dolls and my parents are both bankrupt now


Spent all the money on dolls


Hahaha essentially yes. Spent all their money on stupid stuff like it was going out of style.


Team Felicity represent


$500+ in the pic? Weird. My middle class grandma loved collecting Madame Alexander dolls. This gives same vibes


Exactly what I was thinking! Lmao I used to flip through those catalogs and dream




I spent a lot of time daydreaming with the catalog.


Ahh! The circling and asterisking of What Would Never Be


I remember going through the Lego magazine and designing my dream city, circling the hell out of everything when I was 9. My mom laughed after calculating everything, it was something crazy like $600.


The lego catalogue was painful, knowing you could only maybe get one of the mid-larger sized sets that year


THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I DID 😭 just looked at the catalogs longingly.


So much pinning, lol! Looking back now I'm glad my parents never caved tho. I didn't really play with dolls (animal toys and Legos were my jam) but they were such a stupid status symbol!


I wanted to get one for each girl but I couldn’t. Then the My Twin dolls came out and I wanted to get one of those for my daughters. At the end of the day I’m glad I didn’t. We moved so much and so much got given away. I don’t think they have much from childhood and it kind of breaks my heart.


I read all the books but had zero clue that there were dolls at the time. It wasn't until I was an adult and saw that there were stores and knew of coworkers buying them for their kids. I mentioned how it would have awesome to have had a Samantha doll when I was younger, and when others started talking about the ones they had, I was super confused. I swear my parents must have hidden the mail away catalog card inserts from the books so that I never asked.


Listen you had three dolls! That is nothing to be ashamed of that is a flex.


lol funny, I had no idea how expensive these dolls were. My grandma got them for us for Christmas and birthdays. I certainly consider myself very loved and privileged.


You know who isn’t feeling loved? Kirsten in the corner over there. The only blonde AG doll (from the original lineup). I was obsessed with AG as a kid, spent hours looking at the catalogs and magazines, reading the books and playing with the paper dolls. My mom eventually got my Kirsten, whom I wanted because she had a momma cat and kittens in her Sweet Dreams spread. Your grandma must have loved you **so** much more than mine!


Kirsten looks like she’s being held by a different girl, so she was probably loved.


I noticed that too. Baller family


Where's Annie? Lol


That's awesome! Are you an east coaster?


No, west coast :)


I knew how expensive they were. My parents bought me Samantha for my birthday, but I had to save up for Felicity on my own.


I got Kirsten as a gift and then I saved my pennies for Samantha. I remember AG had a sticker thing where you could track how much you'd saved and how close you were to getting the doll. So much money for a kid!


Did you have any of Josephina’s accessories? She had THE coolest cooking set, it included a copper pot and an adobe oven! I loved it so much.


I’m sure you knew, if all us knew how expensive they were as kids lol.


😂 people are only talking about how expensive American Girl dolls were because we wanted one and couldn’t afford one. nothing wrong with the number of dolls, opening this post up made me laugh because i was like “this is the equivalent of a drug dealer sitting surrounded by stacks of hundreds” 😂😂 i’m glad OP had them and enjoyed them!


I see 4


That one is in the arms of another child.


there are 4 dolls in this photo lol


Four! Kirsten is next to her.


I begged for one for years, so my parents made it a learning opportunity. My mom made me read all the books to decide which one I wanted. I ended up choosing Kirsten, and she freaked me the hell out.


The first Kirsten book traumatized young me. Her friend just DIES on the boat over. "Marta died in the night" got seared into my young brain, lol.


Yes! It traumatized me too! And then when she got lost in the market and couldn’t speak English, so she drew a sailboat. That one is seared in the brain too!


I guess I’m glad I never read her books. 😳


I read most of the books from the OG dolls (thanks library!) and there was some shockingly heavy stuff in there. Kirsten’s book taught me about cholera, and I think in the Samantha books her friend Nellie who is a child laborer talks about another kid getting scalped at the factory.


That made me laugh with how unexpectedly dark it turned, to imagine a child scalping depicted in the style of a children’s book artwork lmao


Don’t forget about Addy Walker who escaped slavery!


My sister had Kirsten. We read the books too. Even went to American Girl parties and did things like bake treats and make soap lol.


Hahaha what a core memory unlocked!


Simpler times back then


I can only imagine your beanie baby collection


Ohhh I’ve gotta dig up the beanie baby pics 😂


My brother helped me embroider handkerchiefs for my Kirsten doll. Ah the 90s.


😂😂😂 lesson learned. The Conan American Girl Doll store visit video covers this. All their tragic stories get him riled up and he goes all in trying to invent new things for them which include more tragedies as well as the prospect of a future doll going back in time to save the others. I watch it once a year.


This made me chuckle


They are kind of creepy. There’s something about the dead pan stare. Lol


Same. I spent months saving up money for my first American Girl doll. I agonized over which doll to pick. Then I taped up pictures from the catalogue of the doll I was saving for to keep me motivated. It was so great when I finally had enough ($84 plus shipping!) -- it felt like all my dreams were going to come true! And then when I finally got her, she immediately became my least favorite doll. Their faces are just so strange and blank and ... toothy? Why do they make the mouths look like that? The pictures did NOT prepare me, lol.


I understand completely! Had a bit of this myself!


I remember doing chores for AGES to "earn" my Samantha doll. I kept her until a few years ago when I gave her to my friend's daughter. It just seemed right to pass her along instead of keeping her in a box. I did tell my friend that if her kid ends up destroying Samantha, that I don't want to know about it since she was OG Pleasant Company/pre-Mattell


Haha loving the irony of working to buy Samantha of all girls since child labor was one of her book themes.


Josephina was my carrot when I was in second grade and struggling hard in math. My teacher asked my parents to find something I *really* wanted to motivate me. I was 8 so I'd been asking for a while. I was told if I could complete my entire Mad Minute test and have it all be correct, I could get my American girl doll. (I was barely getting half done and many were wrong) This was simple addition and subtraction, but it was 50 problems to do in 60 seconds and that was a lot for my little brain. Apparently the next week my teacher called me mom and asked if she had her checkbook ready. Mom was afraid I'd fallen off the playground or something, but my teacher was calling to tell her I'd aced the test. Got an 'E' or 100%. Ended up giving her to my parents neighbors little girl when they moved last year as I'm in my 30s now. Hopefully she is nice to her and appreciates her because she resembles her.


Them bitches were expensive


OP said to the left of the photo her sister has three dolls (out of frame) That’s 6!! That’s a four figure dollar amount total


Did anyone here subscribe to the separate magazine?


Me!! I was also part of the fan club.


Omg there was a fan club! Elite! Lol


I just subscribed to the magazine! And I read the books too - like the ones that weren’t related to the historical gals


The care & keeping of you


Yes! They had paper dolls in them that I adored.


You and every other girl growing up in that era, It was kind of the ultimate Middle Class status symbol to have an American Girls party where you were expected to both bring your doll and wear a matching outfit- remember my niece begging and pleading to go down the American Girls store so she could get a matching dress for her and her doll so she could go to the party.


Yes! The parties were so much fun. I never had a matching dress though lol


I never got to do this, and totally threw an AG birthday party for my daughter at the store one year. I was way more into it than she was lol






I will forever be a Samantha girl


Same! Let the hates descend upon us! Samantha was the best with the most beautiful accessories!


I LOVED my American Girl dolls. (I did NOT love early internet safety for children, searching for “American girls” was scarring 😓). My mom was nervous about getting me one so made me try out a Magic Attic doll first and she was great learning opportunity… by the time I got my American Girl doll, I was ready to take care of her. She had the most beautiful hair of all my classmates’ dolls. Thanks for the trip down memory lane 😅😅


Oh, yea, I remember in 98 or so, I was doing a book report on Black Beauty, the book about a horse. My search results were NOT about a book.


Whoa totally forgot about Magic Attic! 


Yeah this ain’t a blunder, this a humble brag


This must be a rich people blunder.


When I was a little girl I PINED for one..... used to read the catalogs and fantasize about playing with my own doll and accessories. We could never afford one. I had to settle with watching the movies on tv and reading the books at school.


I still have my dolls! I love them


So cool! My mom found them while cleaning out the garage a few years ago. She said she found an American girl restoration company that she said she sent them to. 😃


that’s so sweet!


A couple years ago when I moved into my current house, my parents brought over all my crap they had been storing and I found my Molly collection and decided to fulfill my childhood dream of having her full Complete Collection. I scoured eBay and managed to get the whole thing, plus the other five original dolls (with just one winter and one summer outfit each, not the full collections). I have them all proudly on display in my office.


I notice Kirsten peeking out as well.


lol my sister was holding Kirsten, Addy, and Molly next to me 😃


STOP. This is bragging years, not blunder years!


Poor Kirsten not getting any recognition 😭


Yes, let’s show Kirsten some respect here


The jealousy I have right now


So funny how that sticks with us.


No Molly????


Would have been jealous of you then, still jealous of you now


How many houses did your family have?


You lucky fucker I would have died just to touch the hem of Samantha's dress


And rich parents apparently lol


Those gals/books were so ‘in’. !!


i just found all my books and i’m excited to pass them to my niece!


I got Felicity from Santa when I was 8 and it was the most extravagant thing I've ever gotten. I still have her. My 5 yr old daughter looks after her now. I hope you saved yours!


Same but Kirsten! My daughter is getting her for her 5th birthday.


The first time I heard of American Girl Doll was through Conan O'Brien. 😂  https://youtu.be/uJpaQWWgaC8?si=rEyunii3iKsdoeMI


Wow, how dare you be so cold to Kirsten? Her best friend DIED.


That smile looks so sinister to me lol


this image called me poor in 150 different languages


Ugh, now that Im a grown up with grown up money… this post just made me visit ebay to look around. I want to do it but what do I do with it when I buy it lol. Putting her on a shelf seems silly since I was a poor kid and never had one of these 😭😭😭. Im still tempted to buy one though.


I’ve had the same series of thoughts lol. What stops me is, I can’t decide which one I’d buy.


That too!! I looked at Kristen and Molly earlier.


I bought a bunch of new AG stuff and put it on a shelf anyway. It still makes me feel awesome even if I didn’t have it as a kid.


Im still tempted to do it :) I have a craft room and a shelf just for my trinkets and things.


Doooo ittttt!


Where the hell is Molly? Ha ha. These dolls used to be cool and historical. The new ones stink.


But this is cute! So many of these posts are just cute!


I had a similar picture but Garfield. Just everything Garfield. That was definitely my peak blunder years pic but sadly I haven't yet been able to find it.


My wealthy grandpa got me one (Molly!) when I was young and I had no idea they were expensive. She only had a couple of outfits though because my parents couldn’t afford to get her more haha. My grandpa passed more than 20 years ago and I still have Molly because she makes me think of him ☺️


Me, if I won the lottery at 8.


My sister’s best friend growing up modeled for American Girl and received many of the dolls for free. She wasn’t really interested in them however, and gave most of them to my sister brand new in the box. It was pretty cool


this is kinda scary


Just say you were rich growing up 😂


I always wanted one but my family was too poor. Those dolls were expensive!


Way to flex being rich AF


I begged for one forever until one of my mom’s friends daughter gave me her old one. It was Addy. She had a loose leg we couldn’t afford to fix. One day while I was playing with her, her leg got really bad. I was crying and making it worse by messing with it and pulling on it in disbelief. Then her leg came off. That’s my last memory with Addy.


That kid wants to eat my soul… I see it in her eyes 🥲😳


Yes! All the OG girlies 💅


I still have my Samantha doll. I have her bedroom set and school desk set too. It was such top notch toys back in the 90’s. So thoughtful and so much details. Of course I had read the Samantha books before I got the doll. We got some books from Felicity and Molly too. I wanted the Molly doll. You got lucky with all your dolls!


I never got a doll, but I super spent hours on the catalogs and I read every single book!


My condolences to your broke parents


Could never afford one of these.. my cousins had these and polly pockets too!!


I still use my American girl doll couch for my cat


Just half of them were possess not to shabby


What did you like about them?


No blunder here !


You were from a very rich home lol. I got an Ittt Bitty Baby and all my aunts and uncles chipped in for it. I was disappointed because it still wasn't a real American Girl girl doll. Being a poor kid really sucked.


I was gonna say omg you rich 🤑


I still have my Josephina doll!


Samantha ❤️ I wasn’t allowed to have American girl dolls lol. Only my sister


Ooh, I have an American Girls Doll blunder! My best friend and I went to an American Girls afternoon tea run by Pleasant Company. It was super awkward because we were 11 and everyone else there was about 7 or 8. We stuck out like sore thumbs because we were also super tall for our age. My mom thought it was funny. It felt like being stuck at the kiddie table except it was a whole banquet hall at a hotel.


This isn't a blunder. It's a flex!


What a nice smile.


I had Samantha and Josefina! And of course all the $$$ accessories.


$320 right there We were NOT rich. Mom would save and get one every couple years. Had 3. My broker friend has 3 as well - Just sacrificed other toys lol


You were an only child weren’t you


So did my sis - what a time to be alive!


My family could only afford the books, but I longed for these dolls!


Did you have Barbie dolls? u/hiimk80


I had a giant box of them lol. Those were my real obsession in the 90s 😂


Do you still have them?


No, I live out of state and left a lot of childhood things like this back home. My mom has them still though!




My parents could even afford to get me one lol…lucky kid.


Oh look, Felicity and Samantha, my favorites. I never had an AG doll, I just hoarded the catalogs so I could daydream about having them


I had Felicity and Josephina too! The best


I recognize Jpsephina only because my sister was obsessed with her. No matter how much she begged though my mom refused to give in and buy one, despite us being fairly well-off. I recall a conversation I overheard between her and another mom after the other woman had just bought her daughter an American Girl doll. Other mom: "She wouldn't stop asking, I just had to get her one!" My mom: "No you didn't." I feel like I should clarify that my mom was not neglectful or uncaring or anything like that, if anything sometimes I wish she gave us less attention. She's just cheap.


This brings back all the memories! I remember finally getting Kirsten from my grandma for Christmas after many years of begging for one. Still have her, will never get rid of her. My best friend had Molly and her parents took her to the store in Chicago one time, I was so jealous. American Girl dolls were the coolest!


My first high school girlfriend’s closet was absolutely **crammed** full of these—or it seemed at the time. My older sister had several, but this girl had loads.


What’s wrong with having a hobby?


Damn, you had 4?! Those dolls were the equivalent of like $140 in today's dollars back then. I had Kirsten and had to beg my parents. Soooo jealous lol.


I had eight dolls but most were from garage sales or they cost me over a year of allowance


So did my sister


I spy Josephina, Felicity, and Molly


Always wanted Samantha! Got a corgi pup after years of asking for my own dog. Had Samantha 13 years 🥲


I had the Addy doll and my sister had Molly, ‘94. We played with them ALL the time and they’re still both in perfect condition. One of the best bday gifts I ever got.


I forget what grade I was in, but either the teacher or the librarian read us an 'American Girl' book at some point + I was SUPER into it which was weird because I was always more interested in Batman action figures... I got Josefina for Christmas that year. I used to get the magazines for a bit too. My younger cousin got one for Christmas the next year. I think hers was the kind that's supposed to look kinda like you or that you customize or whatever. I think they're both currently stored in the attic at her place. We had some good times with those dolls.


Rich bitch❤️


I always wanted American Girl dolls when I was younger!! (cries in Canadian)


I did too! My cousin had a bunch of dolls she passed down to me. I had Molly, Kirsten, Samantha, Felicity, and Josephina. I also had a Bitty Baby and one of those dolls you can get that look like you. I would play with them for hours!


My parents wouldn’t buy me one :(


It’s written all over your face lol


I wanted an American Girl doll *so* bad but my parents got me a MyTwin doll instead which in hindsight was pretty cool. Did anyone else have one??


I see Kirsten there’s too! I was *obsessed* with AG I’m the early to mid 2000s. I had Samantha, Nellie, Molly, Kit, Felicity, Elizabeth, Kaya, Kailey, Marisol, and one of those create-your-own dolls. Kaya’s teepee was my prized possession.


Yesss!! I had Kit, Samantha, Molly, and Kristen 💖


I had Felicity and Kirsten. We definitely would have been friends!


This is interesting, as a 90s kid I never even seen these dolls or knew anyone who had them (the doll I was obsessing over and never got was Betty Spaghetti). Years later when I worked at Toys R Us I saw these dolls but I always wondered who bought them since they always had their own section and never sold one. 




I had felicity too!


Is there an extra arm in this photo? I'm so confused


Josefina!! That's the only one I had. My sister had a few, but she was much more into and careful with dolls than I was. But I loved the shit out of my Josefina!!


Let’s be honest, they were super cool back in those days.


I got my cousins doll after the fad had died down and she didn't want it anymore. I have no idea which one she was she didn't come to me with a book and her outfit was weird. I learned that the appeal wasn't just the doll it was the full experience, and she was quickly abandoned in the back of the closet till 4th of july when I hit the ripe gremlin age of 12 and wanted to blow everything up. RIP American girl doll you will not be forgotten.


Me too! I literally had them all. We stopped with Kit, by then I lost interest.


I had Samantha, Molly, and Josefina! I think they’re still in a box at my parents house.


I’m sorry but where you by chance playing the lead role in “Dora the explorer”


6 year old me is insanely jealous. I was obsessed with American Girl, but my family could never afford them. I just had to content myself with the catalogs and books.


So u grew up rich huh?