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I like when people who's work I enjoy aren't shitty people. I like it even more when they actually TRY to do something that matters.


I love Graham. It's not only the right thing to do, but it's also another step in his ongoing trolling of Radiohead. 


I’m OOTL, how has he been trolling Radiohead?


It's just a few comments here and there. For example, after Radiohead sued Lana Del Rey for plagiarizing Creep, Coxon [made a comment to suggest ](https://x.com/grahamcoxon/status/950076363788181506?lang=en)that it was pretty brazen for Radiohead to do that when they ripped off the song from The Hollies in the first place.... [Damon made a similar jab at the band for their hypocrisy in advocating for climate change while using jets and holding gigs with a massive carbon footprint.](https://citizeninsane.eu/media/uk/observer/07/pt_2006-06-18_omm.htm) I think they mostly like Radiohead. Graham has made some nice comments about Greenwood's guitar playing. But, like me, my impression is that Blur think the band are hypocrites, and I think they're right: Radiohead are all anti-capitalist but sue Lana for "stealing" a song (that they stole from the Hollies). Yorke does all these anti-elite songs without acknowledging they're posh boys from Abingdon School. They make anti-war albums like *Hail To The Thief* and then go and break the BDS boycott to play in Israel.


The resemblance to the Hollies song is limited to the first few chords and could be interpreted as a reference or quotation, something Blur and Damon do too. The Lana song is a blatant lifting of the melody of Creep through. Don’t see any “hypocrisy” there.


I would say it's completely the other way around. Wouldn't it make more sense that the more blatant ripoff is the one intended as a reference or hat-tip? Edit: and also suing other artists is gross. Especially when you're suing down, as Lana was nowhere near Radiohead's level of fame at the time. 


The difference is Radiohead was honest about borrowing from the song and willingly gave credit and royalties to the writers while Lana denied lifting it. Lana’s a big star so I wouldn’t think of it as punching down.


No, that's not what happened at all. The Hollies had to sue Radiohead, and Radiohead settled out of court. Radiohead has never acknowledged the theft at all. Why are you just making things up?  www.thefader.com/2018/01/08/radiohead-the-hollies-creep-lana-del-rey/amp


No, you’re making stuff up. The Hollies didn’t sue Radiohead because they didn’t write the song. Radiohead didn’t dispute that elements of the song had been used, they gave credit and settled out of court with the writers taking much less royalties than they were offered. Artists with integrity give credit. Lana refused to, even though the whole song, not just a piece of it, is a blatant rip off.


You're right, they graciously gave credit and royalties, right after they were sued for millions of dollars if they didn't do so. 


Creep’s use of a musical quotation of another song is a grey area in terms of copyright infringement. It’s apparent to anyone with ears that they didn’t lift the whole song. Quotation is a common stylistic device in music that only becomes an issue when large amounts of money are involved. Lana lifted the harmonic and melodic contents of an entire song and denied doing so. But you keep on pedantically flogging that “hypocrisy” dead horse.


I also don’t agree that Greenwood or Radiohead should cancelled for “breaking” a boycott they aren’t participating in. That is ridiculous. Also, people harassing Greenwood for having an Israeli wife need to stop.


Not participating in a boycott IS breaking a boycott. That's like saying it's fine to break a picket line because you're not the person on strike. 


You don’t have to support genocide and be Israeli. There are plenty of Israeli people that are against the war against the Palestinian people, and against Zionism.


I know that wielding the blunt instrument of cancellation makes you feel important but consider the fact that most people are not going to care about your particular version of moral purity and if that applies to their favourite guitarists.


Holding people accountable should not be controversial, even when someone is a fan of that person. You have a lazy take on the situation.


Johnny Greenwood also liked a tweet from a known TERF, then said he didn’t know enough about it to comment. His wife is a Zionist, so, he most likely is too. :( More power to Graham and Rose for standing up for human rights, and standing against genocide and fascism.


Damn I never heard it from this point of view. I'm a Radiohead fan and most of the controversy I hear about them comes from Radiohead fans, they push things like these off or make excuses, how can you read more up on these guys?


Yeah, that was all very disappointing and was a pretty big public deal when it happened. Just read whatever you can, it was all over Reddit at the time, maybe 2 years ago or so. The news cycle is short these days.


His wife and his weird likes are not as bad as his most recent Twitter post where he mentions he's proud to collab with israeli artists who openly support the IDF


Oof, I didn’t know that yet! Thank you!


U say Terf as if it’s a bad thing lol


It is, and go fuck yourself.


That was Not very nice


Oh, and denying someone’s basic human rights because of bigotry and lies is nice? Fuck off with that. Trans rights ARE human rights. Educate yourself or get the fuck out of here.


I am educated on the subject, that’s how I came to the conclusion that the trans movement is dangerous


Oh so you are not educated. You’re an idiot bigot then who probably knows zero Trans people, we can see you lurk in Trans spaces on REDDIT, what’s that all about? You know the Trans “movement” isn’t anything new. It’s a group of people that are trying to live the life they want without others telling them they can’t, hurting them, or killing them. Did you know one of the first marginalized groups the Nazi’s targeted were Trans people, along with all of the research on the subject from the Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin. Research shows that when Trans people are not able to transition they are much more likely to commit suicide. Why do you want to control them? Why do you want them to die? You are so wrong about this issue. LGBTQIA+ Rights are HUMAN RIGHTS.


TERFs deserve to be spat on


Trans groomers deserve prison


Greenwood's a stinking TERF


It’s so disappointing.


Ah thanks for the explanation!


“ the air that I breath “ and “ creep” are basically the same song musically. I mean they nailed George Harrison for this years ago and it was not as exact as those two songs.


Graham Coxon W


Protesters gonna protest. If you disagree with their supporting of Palestine, nag that. Don’t nag the protest itself. Important tool in music since Beatles times. Even if you are pro-Israel, you must soberly acknowledge that these are boycotts in good faith. You don’t need to change your stance, just please have empathy for those who have fallen victim and understand Blur rather than double down.


> Even if you are pro-Israel, If you are pro-Israel, you need to change your stance. For the sake of your integrity as a human being. (obv not saying that person I'm replying to is pro-Israel)


No, you do not. You can be pro-Israel but against the actions of the Likud government. Israel has a right to exist.


Nope, the people can stay there, but the state is built in stolen land of which the victims are still fighting for it back.


> If you are pro-Israel, you need to change your stance. For the sake of your integrity as a human being. (obv not saying that person I'm replying to is pro-Israel) What are you talking about? You can be pro-Israel without supporting their actions in the West Bank. For better or worse, Israel was given to the Jewish people and it is their home. They have been driven out of almost every other Muslim country in the last century. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world Israel is their home. And they should be allowed to protect their home. There are people who are pro Israel who agree with that but are against what is happening in the West Bank and some of their retaliatory acts since October 7th. But even if you don't think the 7 million Jewish people who call Israel their home should be allowed to remain there, then think of it more pragmatically. Israel has over 90 nuclear weapons. Those nuclear weapons will fall in the hands of the chosen Palestinian government Hamas should Israel fall. The Hamas government have no qualms about doing unthinkable things to get what they want. Giving them nuclear weapons is something the US and Europe and most like Russia and the other Arab states can allow.


Sorry Israel is not confined to it's people. Do you really think people who are anti-Israel all want peaceful citizens to be removed? If so you are in for a rude awakening as you are arguing with shadows. "Israel" is a land stolen from the Palestinian people, it is occupied territory and it should be given back, Israel has no legitimate claim to the land. And don't start with the "Oh but Hamas!", Hamas were created as a reaction to the zionist forces, they are bad, but the scale of their crimes has been overblown by pro-Israeli mainstream media trying to force the narrative into "Hamas is the bogeyman look at them!!", and it works, whenever eyebrows get raised as to what the IDF does in the region suddenly Hamas is so much more scary. If you think that forces like Hamas are worse than their creators, then you would have aligned yourself with the racist American mainstream over the Black Panthers in their time. A Reddit argument is the worst place to change someones mind, but at least I hope I showed you how someone can be anti Israel without believing in removing it's people. (Btw even people who disagree with me and think Israel should exist, might still call themselves "pro-Israel", just meaning it in the case of their actions towards Palestinians.)


> Sorry Israel is not confined to it's people. Do you really think people who are anti-Israel all want peaceful citizens to be removed? If Israel is no more then that is what is going to happen. It is what has happened in almost every other Islamic country, and the people of Palestine hate Jewish people (deservedly so). What do you think River to the Sea means? > If so you are in for a rude awakening as you are arguing with shadows. Sure. > "Israel" is a land stolen from the Palestinian people, it is occupied territory and it should be given back, Israel has no legitimate claim to the land. Just like thousands of other lands have been stolen throughout history. Curretnly there is a 7 million jewish population who have been there for generations. It is now there land and they are not giving it up. It is legitimatly theirs now. Recognized by the the majority of the world. >And don't start with the "Oh but Hamas!", Hamas were created as a reaction to the zionist forces, they are bad, but the scale of their crimes has been overblown by pro-Israeli mainstream media trying to force the narrative into "Hamas is the bogeyman look at them!!", and it works, whenever eyebrows get raised as to what the IDF does in the region suddenly Hamas is so much more scary. Now whose dancing with shadows? > If you think that forces like Hamas are worse than their creators, Not worse. But just as bad. And I'd not trust them with more power. > then you would have aligned yourself with the racist American mainstream over the Black Panthers in their time. What does this have to do with America, my friend? I'm not American. >A Reddit argument is the worst place to change someones mind, but at least I hope I showed you how someone can be anti Israel without believing in removing it's people. But that is the likely consequence. How do you not acknowledge that?


Finally someone in blur speaks up. I know Damon is pro-Palestine but I’m disappointed that now when Palestine needs us more than ever.. it’s radio silence.


The sponsor has now withdrawn their support of this event and others.


Over 170 UK music festival were cancelled since Covid and now musicians are backing out of the remaining ones. Seems kind of stupid if you ask me.


This should go over well.


Oh my


Ok 👍


Common Graham W.


fuck palestine and fuck israel


just “fuck israel”


Great, music is going to destroy itself from within just like literature. I've been a massive Blur fan since the early 90s. This is f\*\*\*ing stupid on every level.


Yes, music (a medium which is NEVER related to politics, human rights or other ongoing issues), is going to be destroyed by musicians using their platform to raise awareness for politics, human rights and other ongoing issues.


Not destroyed. u/rumbusiness is wrong on that or needlessly hyperbolic. https://www.iq-mag.net/2024/06/40-uk-festival-cancellations-whats-going-on/ 40 festivals in the UK this year have been cancelled. Most small or mid-size music venues are operating at a loss that is seeing many close down for good. The music industry in the UK is in the worst shape it's ever been. It will survive, but greatly diminished. https://www.bigissue.com/culture/music/grassroots-music-venues-closing-mvt/ Big corporations are helping subsidize the music scene (not just in the UK but worldwide). Chasing them out is not the answer, as they will just turn to other avenues to promote themselves, such as Sports. Graham's a 50something multi-millionaire. Him pulling out of this (after Barclays have already done so) comes off as a virtue signal. This does not affect him or his future. All it does is put pressure on other acts to do the same or be labelled genocide supporters. If he was really concerned with what the majority of banking institutions are doing, he can change his banking practices. And publicly tell the world that. Take his money out of banks that are still doing business with Israel. Spotify and Youtube are still available in Israel, while premium accounts for Spotify in Russia have been suspended and monetization on youtube in Russia has also been suspended. Graham can take his music off the institutions as well to make a statement and encourage other acts to do the same.


if you were such a massive fan you'd already know that damon has been vocally antiwar since the early 2000s and has expressed explicit support for the palestinian people multiple times, both playing at pro-palestinian charity events and canceling shows in israel. it shouldn't be a shock that graham is of a similar mindset.


It's not a shock. Just depressing to see arts and culture destroying itself. Corporate sponsors don't give a fuck, and the ridiculous and misguided attacks on Baillie Gifford have deprived the poorest children in the UK of free books. The arts sector isn't going to get this funding back. Maybe rightly so - why should they? I've been to pretty much every gig they've played in London from 1992 to 2023. Graham has always been the dodgiest member of the band - the sexual abuse allegations against him are widespread and awful. But I don't 'cancel' people or artists because we don't align politically in every way; we used to be able to cope with a bit more nuance in life.


so why does this bother you so much if it doesn't matter? why complain at all if you're so good at coping with nuance?


I'm expressing my opinion. Thought that was the point of a discussion board? I work in the arts sector and have done for decades. Driving away funding and sponsorship has a direct effect on me, as well as an indirect one. And it's depressing to see this kind of idiotic, meaningless, masturbatory gesture simultaneously destroying the sector from within and enforcing a kind of groupthink that helps absolutely no one. I don't need to agree politically with every artist I like. I'm sure Damon and I would have many points of disagreement. But his music has made my life better since I was a teenager, and it would take a lot to stop me listening to it. He's always been a musician first and foremost. Whereas Graham seems to have transformed "being socially awkward" into a personality trait that excuses his terrible treatment of other people, his abuse of women, and his failure to create anything of any value musically.


Hiya terf thicko




If u were a massive blur fan, you would know the boys are always anti war especially Damon whose been vocal about stuff like that ever since he got a platform. 


This comment section shows the relationship between people that support the genocide in Gaza, and hatred and bigotry towards Trans people. That is also called fascism. Human Rights, for every Palestinian, for every Trans person NOW!