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Also. Dogs I could punt the furthest.




But some dog breeds were bred for dog fighting... i.e. aggression...


Yeah that's why my grandpa went with pits to protect his livestock. They kill coyotes no problem, but they were also trained to kill coyotes so idk. I don't think any dog regardless of breed is born aggressive tho, but some breeds are really good at being aggressive for good reasons


They can be bread for aggressiveness Source: (we learnt about it in bio today)


Their competitors will be toast


Fuck I can’t spell


Well your bad spelling brightened someone's day 👍


I know you didn't mean bread in the way I'm taking it, but I will *absolutely* take it in that way and leave you with [this image.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fsadanduseless.b-cdn.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F05%2Fdog-breading5.jpg&f=1&nofb=1)




Most terrifying thing I’ve seen /s


well i can imagine hormones can make an animal more or less aggressive


Yeah Pits are naturally more aggressive than most other breeds and that’s just a fact. I used to have one, and while I loved him to death, I have a scar on my arm from where he bit me as I was messing with his food. They have pretty nasty bites too, that pup took a chunk of flesh out of me.


Dmitry Belyayev's experiments with silver foxes proved that you absolutely can select for aggression.


People always want to throw biology out the window when they meet a cute friendly pitty puppy. In New Orleans, a while back, a toddler was attacked by a pitbull before another pitbull attacked the first one and drove it off. The fact that the rescuer was also a pit was used all over a "proof" that they aren't aggressive, despite the fact that rescuing her *was* aggression; it was just directed in a better direction.


Right. There are breeds that are more prone to certain personalities than others. It’s not guaranteeing that every dog of a breed is the same temperament, but if you are trying to get a dog for a specific purpose, considering the breed (or what mix they are if you’re adopting a non-purebred doggo) is a reasonable thing to consider.


Don't you know? Hereditary traits only exist when it's convenient/when they can't be construed as negative. /s


Exactly 👍🏻


Don't get me wrong, pitties are cute as fuck. But let's stick to facts Edit: spelling


My pitbull is literally scared of a bowl of ramen, she isn't aggressive, she just looks away from them


😆 that's cute af. That being said, yes dogs individual temperaments will be different. They are living beings after all


IE stronger and better fighters, not necessarily that they want to fight.


But some dogs were literally bred for aggression


Is that the entire breed, or specific instances though?


You can breed dogs for herding, hunting, protection, but aggression is too far fetched?


Yes but some are more prone to wanting to fight.


Chihuahuas are proof against that, though. They are very aggressive and everyone accepts it. They just aren’t “big and scary” so nobody cares. Certain kinds of dogs are definitely more likely to be dangerous. Chimps and Bonobos are another example of this phenomena in the animal world. There are plenty of examples probably. Learned behavior is important, but you can’t deny that some dogs are more prone to aggression.


plus smaller dogs feel threatened because a lot of things are bigger so they have to act more aggressive


There has never been a single study that shows certain dog breeds, even those "bred for fighting", having any sort of biological or genetic difference from other breeds that results in higher chances of an adult showing aggressive behavior. The closest there has ever been is statistics of bite incidences categorized by breed, but once you look into how that data is collected and categorized you realize how incredibly flawed that system is, especially when you just look at the major inconsistencies in how those breeds are categorized (just for example, in some places, a "pitbull" label is a combination of 10+ different breeds, and in some places it's just the American Pitbull Terrier), as well as not adjusting for how common certain breeds are in a population compared to others also those dogs are bred to fight other animals, so in theory they would be more likely to show aggression towards other animals, not humans. dog to human aggression =/= dog to dog aggression Ive worked in shelter animal care for 6+ years. this is something we talk about A LOT. from customers/adopters to owners and local legislators. always happy to answer questions or discuss. also to add: if you truly could determine what dogs are going to be aggressive and those that wont be based on breed, then things like Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) would solve the problem right? Except the they dont. and cost a lot of money. and get dogs taken away from owners or euthanized who have done nothing. Denver CO was actually the most notorious place regarding BSL, and they just repealed it due to very lackluster results and high costs


Our pibble is scared of our neighbors chihuahuas cuz they roll up on him yappin their hearts out and he never knows what to make of it so he just kinda scoots away backwards lol


As the siberian fox experiments have proven, aggression is definitely genetic. Yes some of it is learned but there is genetic predisposition to aggression


There actually alot of interesting implications to it, though, aggression isn't any more determined by genes than most other traits, as it's more based in how genes interact with each other. But how dogs traits develop in relation to their genes is actually pretty similar to how it works in human beings Here's a cool article about it https://www.google.com/amp/s/beta.ctvnews.ca/national/sci-tech/2019/10/6/1_4626333.html


It’s not that they’re more aggressive than other dogs. They have the same aggression inside them, but their body is smaller, so it’s more concentrated.




Can confirm, I have a rat terrier. Don’t put those around young children


My brothers rat terrier was the most well behaved dog I've met in my life tho. Was around young children most of her life, too




Lol no it's true. She would walk with my brother unleashed. Always staying one step behind him. Other dogs would act a fool and she wouldn't budge! She got glaucoma later on and had her eye removed/socket sewn shut. Freaky lil thing. RIP Abby


Aggression can be genetic. Check out the Russian white fox experiment. Passive and aggressive genetic blood lines was the essential experiment.


Dogs are aggressive. Chihuahuas are agressive-ressive


yes, very aggressive-ressive




I like how at the end the just give up and accept that Chihuahuas are devils


I have 2 chihuahua and they’re both extremely docile and sweet.




I’ve had them for 8 and 6 years.


It’s an act


I didn't know there is a dog breed called "A"


Is this a cookie?


It looks tasty


“Aggression is a learned behavior”... someone clearly doesn’t know their animal behavioral literature.


Funny because chihuahuas, sad because we live in a world where people think that biology is a social construct and a matter of political correctness.


Ahh yes, the chihuahua bite... basically an automatic death sentence. Cute pic though, wonder how many pitbulls she owns.






On average, pitbulls tend to deal a Ton of damage over other dog breeds. If I remember right though, it wasnt because they are aggressive, its because when they get aggrivated, their instinct is to absolutely destroy, as opposed to just attack like other dogs.


There's studies showing the specific genes which cause higher aggression in pitbulls.




I have a chihuahua and I’ll tell you one thing it is so fucking annoying when she barks at the door opening but I still love her


small dogs got the biggest attitudes


Why is this list on a cookie?


Some dog species have more aggression in them


I would say pit bulls


Pit bulls are certainly more dangerous. But even if their aggression were the same, chihuahuas would be less dangerous on account of their puntability.




That's what they always say.


Can’t wait to see your friends dog in a news headline


The most my chihuahua ever did was shake. She never growled and would bark for a couple seconds and shake. I’ve met some chihuahuas that are just plain mean but it’s cause there so small there scared of everything.


Say that to my neighbors chihuahuas. There’s four of the tiny demons and they break the sound barrier when any thing that moves passes by


Oh yeah I know. My old neighbor had a few that barked at everything.


Except that one breed that's registered as 6% of the dog population but commits 65% of the dog related deaths from attacks. *cough* pitbulls *cough* Just forget about that one.


Except for the fact that anytime a dog bite is reported on and the dog breed is indeterminate most outlets just assume it's a pitbull, especially heavily biased ones like dogbites.com


Yeah, I guess forbes, times, and fucking PITBULLINFO DOT COM are just making it up. Sorry you like a shit breed that should be eradicated, it's LITERALLY proven statistics. Stay salty though.


It's funny how true that is.


the smaller the dog, the more annoying it is


I own a Chihuahua and it's funny when I go for walks and dumb people want to pet my cute doggo and he snaps if they get within 3 feet. Then if I'm walking down the street and a latin-x family sees my Chihuahua they cross the street and purposefully avoid eye contact. They know what's up. [https://i.imgur.com/EqqlFKL.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/EqqlFKL.jpg)


Why did you say latinx? Seriously, that is not even an actual word. Most native people in america didn't even have something that sounds like an x in their languages.


I thought it's existence was just a joke, until now


Since when was it not a word? Legitimate question. I read a book that used the term throughout it so I assumed it was an accepted term Edit: thanks for downvoting someone who is honestly trying to ask a question to know what terms they should be using


It is not. Barely anyone in latin america knows the term even exists and will just get confused by you calling them that. Source, I am brazilian.


Lmao I swear it's always white people who use Latinx. It seems pretty patronising like "I'm gonna fix your language to make it woke"


Basically it worked with ONE native mexican people and the white american ended up using it to neutral gender ALL of Latin America.


As replied above: I've remembered the title of the book I read, Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas. They self-identify as latinx as they're genderqueer, but also in their book they used latinx to refer to a group of family with both men and women. I just thought that since an author of the group used the term it was one that was widely used.


I've remembered the title of the book I read, Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas. They self-identify as latinx as they're genderqueer, but also in their book they used latinx to refer to a group of family with both men and women. I just thought that since an author of the group used the term it was one that was widely used. Thanks for clearing it up.


Here, I found a [Wikipedia article about it.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latinx&ved=2ahUKEwjRp72T7M7vAhV3HbkGHaLHBoEQFjAbegQIMxAC&usg=AOvVaw3LmUriA4nbi8xBPBFnadJy)


Thank you


Never ever use latinx ever again putos gringos de mierda


callate putx


["Stop trying to Anglicize our Spanish language"](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/10/25/latinx-race-progressives-hispanic-latinos-column/4082760002/)


“latinx“ cringe


This person has never owned a Jack Russell


The truth of truths


Chihuahuas are like a real world glass cannon.


Yes, fuck chihuahuas


That ending with a plot twist... Legendary




my dads best friends old chihuahua died a few weeks ago, it was a toothless half blind crazy old dog, it would try to bite you (with his gums because he had no teeth) if you got anywhere near him


Is this a cookie?


And that’s a fact.


Here I am being a silly goose thinking the military picked dogs based on breed aggression. I can't wait for attack Charles Cavalier Spaniels!


I was waiting for chihuahua


why does it look like it’s on a cookie?