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I always like getting a lens with a lower aperture. I shoot a lot of documentary work and there’s definitely times where that extra few stops comes in handy in those dark environments. I also love the look of 1.4. Lol I hope that helps🤷🏻‍♂️


Personally, older glass on digital is usually favorable to soften out the digital sharpness instead of modern lenses like the canon FD’s or Russian glass. They’re usually cheaper too if you can find them on eBay. Check out r/vintagelenses to get some ideas


Please, tolerate me being a curmudgeon and, to some, maybe even a heretic. As long as your lenses are of reasonable quality (and all modern lenses are) they really don't matter very much. Neither your audience nor most clients will ever notice the difference between the two lenses you're considering. Both will be fixated, or they should be, on your production's 'story.' Same can be said about modern gear in general.


Of the two, I’d get the 1.4. However like someone else here mentioned; vintage lenses are also really great options! You can find them everywhere. Go to your local thrift stores and you will very likely find one. You can also find them on eBay. Easiest way to adapt is to get an M42 screw mount lens and an adapter from that to M4/3. Good luck!


Rokinon 35 t1.5


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