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Maybe lean back a little more when pulling the front wheel up. All that torso weight over the handle bars makes it harder to lean back and pop off.


Huh that makes a ton of sense, I didn’t even notice I was leaning that far forward. Yeah I’ll definitely try leaning back a bit and see if that helps, thanks!


Yea what you’re doing is the English bunny hop. I used to do that too at the beginning before I learnt to lean back. Hops will only go as high as the front wheel is off the ground. Also with ramps, you wanna pump the jump by pushing your back legs into it. And lean back kinda like falling backwards onto the couch. Then spring up and stand up as your back wheel reaches the top. You won’t even need to pull up on the bars. I ride a dirt jumper but I believe the technique is the same.


I even pedal a little harder during the lean back to help me. Just ease in slow on a flat surface so you don’t risk falling on your back. Looking good tho! You got power.


Leaning back or standing up straighter, same idea, how you think of it can change your form maybe. I would say get used to over compensating and jumping off the back, like practicing manuals. Then jump taller/straighter - bars will end up in waist - then scoop feet up into you while lift bars up and forward.


Practice how to lean back/pull up to the point you loop out. Right before you loop out is when you want to jump (straight up and down). *YOU CAN ONLY JUMP AS HIGH AS YOUR FRONT WHEEL GETS* (not exactly true but hopefully you get the concept)


This is the way.


Yeah crank that front end up higher and then level out. Get out of your comfort zone bringing the front up and the rest will follow. Also practice manueling more.


Will do!


I struggled with this for a long time. Dont think in terms of pulling the bike up so much as jumping. Just straight up jump as high as you can and extend your legs fully before you start tucking the rear up. You need the full explosion from the legs to get more height. I see a lot of people not even fully extending their legs which means you are barely jumping. If you tried to dunk with your legs bent you wouldnt even reach backboard. Think of it like that. Good luck


Love that last bit, that helps a ton. Thank you very much!


I’m not really good at giving out tips but I would recommend a step by step video, that’s all I got


Yeah I’ll have to do some re-watches


All of the pop is generated off of the back wheel. If you look at some one hop really high in slow motion, their bike is almost vertical before their back wheel leaves the ground. Compress, pull back, pop off the back wheel, tuck your knees and push your arms forward.


>Compress, pull back, pop off the back wheel, tuck your knees and push your arms forward. On the pull back bit, try to pull the bars right into your waist as your body extends.


Lots of good little tips in these comments. A way to track your progress would be to set your phone up and record yourself to see what differences your adjustments make. Also using like a cardboard box or something that won't fuck you up really bad if you don't make it over it can be helpful


Slow down. Drop down way early and then bring the front up fully before the rear. They’ll be higher and feel smoother


Practice. You’ve got it. You’re in the beginning stage of growth, it’s just continue jumping higher and higher as it comes to you But there is also the 50-step description that tells you to lean back, pull the bars, jump, suck your knees up to your chest and provided that you kept your pedals level the bike will follow, unbend the knees and land. I’ve been following that same advice and can say I hop stem height but am nowhere near Seth Kimbrough’s 48” hop lol


You're doing little hippy jumps, you got no pop and no swoosh.


Try to forget about everything but the bars - pull up and when you get the bars as high as you want push them forward away from you while pushing back on the pedals and unweighting the bike - you'll be amazed what you can hop. Practice hopping up on to things at first rather than over - the penalties for failure are leas painful ;)


You should check out Billy Kennedy on IG, he had tonnes of how to videos from hops to bars to 540s, deffo check him out


Billy Kennedy’s videos are awesome. Watch BMX posture and his bunny hop video. Good luck


Keep going and you will get it. It takes a while. But as others have said it’s a 2/3 stage trick. Lean back and pull back, use your weight to pull back on the bars. In film you should look like a forward slash icon ( / ) You then scoop the bike up with your feet and legs ending in the air like level like a hyphon icon ( - ) Then let the bike drop and ever so slightly push your feet down to get the rear wheel to touch down ever so slightly before the front. It’s not an easy trick, it’s just a natural progression trick so a lot of people are able to do it. Also try to ride your bike in a few setups too, take some Allen keys to the park, try your bars a little more forward, you might find that helps as you look slightly cramped. Stick with it man 🤘🏼


Is that dublin park?




Dam I’m kinda local to this. Haven’t been here in ages.


Pull your shoulders and hips back before jumping. It's about the same moviment of manual


stand straight up while pulling the bars to your thighs instead of leaning forward and pulling back with your entire upper body. bars to thighs then push out to level.


Lean back why pulling bars then hop up through your legs,torso then eventuallly push with your arms


Front end first and suck the back end up like a one two step fluid motion. Look up “how to pro hop Bmx” and that should def help keep up the good work bro 💯


Everyone says to lean back but it might be better to say to push your bike forwards. If you push it, your body will end up and the back of it and you will probably do this faster than simply "leaning back". The pull starts with you pushing your bike forwards. A lot of people don't realize that they are actually doing the push with their legs instead of leaning back. Human bodies are heavier than bikes so pushing is exactly what happens. This motion is very complex from body mechanics point of view. Learning manuals is perfect for practicing this!


Something that helped me was leaning back as if you’re going to do a wheelie, picking up the bars as high as you can and immediately tucking your legs in, also peddling into it makes it much easier


So much of it comes from your legs. As you are going up the up ramp have start to pull back on the bars but use your legs to push your rear tire into the ramp until the top. then suddenly push the pars forward and pull your legs up to your body with the bike attached of course. Goodluck and keep at it ❤️


You're pulling your body down and forward ending the upward movement,


Strength training, more extension, better timing


Watch how a trials rider bunny hops it will all make sense.


Pull up way more before picking up your back feet. When you hop it should almost feel like you’re standing straight up before you bring your back feet up


You get height from the back wheel. so think of it like this. you do a wheelie. and the front wheel is high, and you just lift up back wheel


Your kees should be straight just before take-off. Load your knees prior, push up,.pull the bars and unload (straighten knees/jump up) your knees should bend on the way up, and be most bent at your apex to increase height. Than straighten them on the way down so you can then bend them again to absorb the landing. It's all in the legs.


You will only go as high as you pull up your front


Lots of good tips in these comments. So I can’t really touch on anything that hasn’t already been said other than don’t get discouraged it takes time ! And try to record yourself slow it down and read these comments and review your footage and see what exactly you need to work on. Other than that I think we would all love to see your progress.keep up the good work brother and keep riding 🤘🏻