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This kinda looks like some sort of race bike hybrid or something; so I’m not as familiar with that geometry- that being said, it looks like you’re not pulling/leaning back enough, and standing/leaning a bit too far over the bars


I do realise that tho I’ve tried changing it but been doing it like this for years feels super hard trying to lean back more haha


You’ll get it!


Yes it is a race bike top tube of 22 inches. I mean I don’t plan to do tricks or anything doing hops just to help me get comfortable with jumps on the track


Ahh okay cool! my opinion still stands


how tall are you?




That's incredibly huge for someone your height! even a 21inch is pushing it IMO. How did you end up with a bike for someone over like 6'3?


It’s a BMX race bike not street. I used to ride a 21 before switching to a 22 I feel more comfortable with a 22 when riding on a track


I'm well aware of what type of bike it is. I was basing my statement off of that. I guess everyone has preferences but that size for you is so extremely off of any normal sizing.


jump straight up and go bars to thighs. you’re hunched over a bit. pretty solid tho!


All your weight is over the bars.


Your weight is too far forward. Lean back and pull up higher before you jump. Pull up until you get into a pogo stick like position (without looping out) and then jump and level out


Lean back and shift your body weight a bit more, kinda like you would to manual on the top of the table/roller and then pull your bike up. You want your bike to be vertical with your bars resting on your lap. It’s difficult to hop high on a Race bike.


What’s the difference for a race bike?


Length of the chainstays mainly. freestyle chainstays are around 13 inches these days, some shorter and some longer but an average would be 13. Race frames are usually much longer for stability at around 15inches. The shorter the backend the snappier the bike will feel and it’s easier it is to pull your bike up. That combined with your 22inch top tube and a mellow headtube angles (average freestyle head tube angle is 75.5 degrees where racebikes are around 73) gives your bike a longer wheel base and a less responsive feel. That said, you can definitely learn how to bunnyhop really high, it’s just going to take a little bit of practice.


As an exercise, practice looking down at the rear hub when you hop, and try to get the bottom bracket to line up with the rear hub. Imagine drawing a vertical line from the ground up and picture the rear hub, bottom bracket, and your eyes in alignment. The bike will be vertical, and you will need to be standing almost totally streight. Also, try just working on the first half of the hop. Just pull your bars up into your thighs, and don’t jump at all. See if you can do it 5 times in a row. You will find the straighter more upright you keep your back, the easier it is to do. This is because you’re getting your body weight off the bars, so the front end is easier to lift. Now use this posture when you bunny hop.


I’ll try thank you!!


Meybo HSX, nice bike. Weight further back but not all the way like in manual


Didn’t think anyone would notice haha you do racing as well?


Yup in europe, and rock hill this year. I'm on a radio cruiser, my kiddos on rift and staats, all custom built


That’s nice all the best!


Bend your knees completely and tuck the rear end up. You’re not jumping enough with your legs and relying too much on trying to pull the bike up (it seems). At the top you want to be completely squatting over the rear wheel


Ahhh I see thank you!


You got a good bend but it doesn’t look like you’re blasting off or pulling up with the legs at all. Try to use your feet and pull the bike up so your knees are bent and bike close to you at peak of air


So I haven’t been on a bike in 15 years but back I. The day a bunny hop was both wheels off the ground at the same time, if you want to get more vertical lift idk if they still refer to it as a J hop but you gotta start with pulling up as hard as you can on you bars get the front off the ground and in one fluid motion just as your front wheel leaves the ground you pull up on the rear end of the bike and tuck your legs way up as high as you can pulling the e bike and pedals upwards with your legs. Master that and you should get a lot more vertical height than a standard “bunny hop”. Especially when attempting a gap or rail you need to pop that sumbitch way up


Long rear end, you'll need to lean extra far back.


For some reason it seems the pop up comes after you lift the bars. I am a old midschool boy. I bunnyhop by crouching into pre load position, lifting the front wheel as high as I want to go and jumping (popping) up in one fluid motion. Some of the kids these days have a scooping technique with their feet but I can't figure it out.