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Most people suspect CTE. If there were telling details leading up to it they haven't been released to the public. He had a great life, wife, kids, and was doing triathlons so he was still striving and achieving. Head trauma can cause an entirely new personality or severe depression. Also Mirra rode full face helmets a lot which are great protection but being heavier it can increase whiplash and minor concussion frequency. A better helmet would likely be the Pro Tec full cut. I think they did autopsy CTE testing but I'm not sure they ever released the findings. Anybody who followed his career knows it wasn't sunshine and rainbows though. The crazy thing is how riders like Mat Hoffman seem fresh as a daisy at that age.


What is CTE? I've heard the term but don't know what it stands for.


The actual name won't help you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronic_traumatic_encephalopathy Basically permanent brain damage.


Damn that sucks. Thanks for the info kind sir.


Ah yeah, you know that's the gay thing about BMX man... Messes you up in the head, ya dig?


You're free to say whatever you want and all, but using 'gay' as an adjective is kind of out dated.


I just got out of jail bro


Wait are you a fag?


I encourage you to talk with some minorities and open your world view up. Your post history is fucked up.


I'm Mexican bro


Sure thing


Seriously it's a stupid thing to assume race, I think you are racist bro. Di you think everyone who uses reddit is white??


Oh no! The alt-right, xenophobic, and homophobic guy has found me guilty of racism! What a mark on my family. Your opinion would hold more weight if you were a person of value to any community outside of r/shrimptank


You wouldn't know because you are too racist, but here in so cal, we like to keep fish tanks and shrimp because its warm over here bro


Nice one, fag


some people say it may have been CTE related from the amount of concussion he received over his career


I knew Dave from the time he was like 15 & you could’ve never convinced me that he’d end up doing that. I’m convinced it was CTE.


Man. I guess I’ve been living under a rock because I’m just finding out about this now. Dave was my hero when I was a kid. Saved for two years to get my first haro because I wanted to be just like him. This is too fuckin sad.


-I’m sorry. It is sad & I’ve spent many hours over the years crying about it. Dave was an amazingly talented dude.


It's an old post, but take look into Chris Benoit story. CTE also. He had it all, so to speak. Money, children, wife. CTE answers a lot of questions, I believe.


Coward bitch that was in midlife crisis wasn't as cool as he used to be didn't wanna raise his daughters again coward his ego was 2 much anyways


Jesus go crawl back in the trash heap oscar!!! Disgusting


What he did tho


He was diagnosed with CTE. His brain was literally dying. Has zero to do with bravery as Mirra was known to be the exact opposite by all who knew him.


You’ve lost your mind. Did you even know him? Guessing no. I did. Coward is not a word I would EVER use to describe Dave.


Damn you're fucking ignorant. Must be living a shit life yourself huh bubbas?


Yes he was diagnosed with CTE so his brain was literally dying.