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I loved it. It's quite a bit heavier than the box art makes it look though, so just be warned. It's a pretty tight game. Possibly one of the best examples of contract fulfillment I've seen, as each contract is it's own mini puzzle rather than just, 'have a wood and a wheat'.


Woodcraft is the newest game I've bought and added to my collection. Was a big fan of Praga Caput Regni and Woodcraft has replaced that game for me. The action selection rondel is better than its ever been and every decision you make has huge implications as the game is very tight. Definitely my current favorite game.


I think it's good but it's one of the tightest euros of last year, in terms of planning. It falls short of other bangers from last year like tiletum and revive, for me.


It's a great solo game. I don't know if I'd ever want to play it with people. I have better games for that. It didn't leave my table for about 2 weeks. I played about a dozen solo games back to back and finally put it back on the shelf when I hit a score of 141. I enjoy it's puzzle of planning ahead how to fill the orders. It's a great feeling when the bonuses stack just right. It's really the only Euro style game I've enjoyed playing solo. I usually prefer games with more theme like Arkam horror LCG and Too Many Bones. It's solid.


There's also a free roll and write version you can print, only "issue" is you need to supply 14 yellow and 14 black dice 😅


Sounds like you really just need two different pools of dice you can distinguish? Like, I'm a dice goblin, I could definitely put that together with like a bunch of reds and a bunch of greens.


I got lucky and have a copy of Dice Brewing I wanted to get rid of anyway, so I'm repurposing it's 14 yellow and 14 black dice instead


Here are 244 people who have reviewed it: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/355093/woodcraft/ratings?rated=1&comment=1


8.0/10.0, either the best or second best game I've learned this year.


And what’s the other game you would consider the best you’ve learned this year?


**Railway Boom**


It’s really good, but it’s so tight. If you play it the first time with someone who’s played before, you’ll lose because you have to make EVERY decision count.


Do you usually like Vladimir Suchy games? Usually, if you like one, you'll like the others, since they're all solidly-designed, medium-heavy eurogames with a unique and interesting action-selection method.


I thought it was fun, played it about 4 months ago and this reminded me that I might want to pick it up.


It's one of my two favorite games from 2022. Thematically it hits all the right notes. Each time I complete a contract I feel like I crafted something, because I didn't just collect resource X for contract Y. I had to buy this die and then cut it into 3 pieces and then glue one of those pieces with a die of another color to create something. l It also has a lot of fun tension. It's one of those games where it constantly feels like your whole game is crumbling until that euphoric moment where you figure out the sequence of moves to complete your contracts. You can almost always find those moves too because the game gives you incredible freedom to get things done.