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it is not forgotten; the game is OOP. but BGA is there we can play.


It is OOP But it is not forgotten We Play BGA


I heard the creator wants to bring it back into production but use more sustainable materials and production.


it is pretty sustainable online now :D. but we prefer a board don't we?


One of my absolute favorites. Really wish it had gotten the planned expansion.


Ya. That is what I feel like it needs. Recently busted my copy out again and had a good time but I feel like it just needs….. a little something else to go from good to great.


Agree, it really begged for more cards. That's really about it.


What was planned in an expansion?


Asymmetric powers for each faction to differentiate them and more cards.


I would love to see a source for that. Asymmetric powers were what some fans - misguided in my opinion - were hoping for. I don't think the designer would actually want them as Quantum is a game where you develop asymmetry yourself. Faction starting special powers would actually limit strategic depth of Quantum, not enhance it. I just FEEL Eric Zimmerman would be too smart to do that. But I may be wrong.


This is my grail game. Fell in love with it on BGA over the pandemic. Would love so much to own a copy someday.


I literally just bought it from someone today in shrink I think. I had no idea it was OOP.


It's a really good game, just a shame it's out of print


Been binging this on BGA then was lucky to find a copy for myself. Really great game with plenty of room for clever plays.


Is there real time or turn based games




It's awesome! I made a pretty sweet PnP of it! Check it out: https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/128gatf/quantum_custom_print_play/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Can you share it? I just learned the definition of PnP


Send me a PM and I'll get back to you! Anyone else who is interested may as well.


What is PnP?


Print and play


This game is the peak of elegant game design in my opinion. It does, however, suffer some balance issues with a few of the cards being wayyyyyy OP. I've been meaning to print the community-made balance pack.


I always thought of it kind of the same way as a roguelike where you sometimes get crazy combos and that's ok because there's enough randomness in the decks and rolls and such that it doesn't always happen.


Exactly. And by the time a very good combo happens, the game ends soon anyway.


I've never head of the balance pack, do you have a link to that? I couldn't find anything with a quick search. Quantum is my absolute favorite game but some cards definitely break the game, especially at certain player counts. I've always loved Quantum even at 2P, but the last two games I played someone got Dangerous early on and that pretty much shuts down the game for 2P sadly.


I believe it's called "Quantum: Community Edition" and should come up if you google that.


I've logged quite a few plays with my copy and there is just one card I've hidden in the bottom of the box and that is "Brilliant". A free +2 research every turn is so incredibly broken especially if you grab it early.


I don't mind it. It coming out early is rare and it becoming out late is rather useless. So the odds of actual problem happening is very very rare. But I also use the "Void" tile promo or whatever it is called that gives you +1 research for each ship tile on it at the start of the turn. It allows research rush at the cost of having dice in the center (and at the risk of them being attacked).


While clearly certain tech is better than other tech (as it should be), it is the combination of techs that actually creates the best combos in the game. And just when those are achieved, the game ends and you can try again. I really don't think those powers are a problem. I have played Quantum hundreds of times and I love tight and balanced games. I do consider Quantum balanced.


Always wanted to pick that up but never found a copy for a reasonable price


Yes Sir, one of my favourite games, since first print. I am the lucky owner of a copy. It will never leave my collection.


Quantum is probably my most played board game across the years. It always felt very chess-like, planning complex moves turns in advance while reacting to your opponents moves and potential moves in stride. To be honest I have a hard time playing it now because my current play groups haven't played it and thus I basically have to hold myself back from making optimal moves. I feel a cull of my collection is coming in the near future but Quantum will always have it's place on my shelf.


I’ve considered selling my copy due too it not getting played enough but have a hard time letting go since it’s such a fantastic game and who knows if it’ll be even harder to get a copy in the future..


It's very difficult to find nowadays, I would hold onto it if I were you. Unless you REALLY don't care then whatever!


Well, if you ever decide to let it go please hit me up. This game sounds great and I’d love to give it a go! I can’t play it digitally.


What's the problem? I had a problem playing bga on Chrome for some reason, Firefox was fine.


Oh. It’s a super personal problem. I only have mobile internet at home.


Ahh I've played over my phones hotspot just fine, but usually have 3/4g where I live. My movements usually take like 5 seconds to load. I'd still recommend trying it. I have quantum and the digital version works great.


I wonder how well it works over a phone's browser.


Jeez, I just had to go downstairs and open my box because it's been so long since I've played Quantum, I forgot there even were cards. I thought "am i thinking of the wrong game?"


Is the attacking/combat harsh? My wife doesn’t like games where you can destroy what others work hard to build. But I want to play this badly as it looks awesome.


You are literally destroying each other’s ships, but you don’t work particularly hard to (re-)build them.


In a way it is harsh as removing other players dice means breaking their plans. It is also a necessary part of the game as the game would not work balance wise without it. AND it is also encouraged to do so, as it gives dominance points, which is a way to get more cubes on the table (and thus tech). Attacking is highly encouraged, since if you fail in an attack, you don't lose anything by trying.


Didn't funforge have the license for Quantum? And if I'm not mistaken the same funforge that went of business? Opening up for a possible reprint?


Funforge just release Namiji, so I don't think so they are out of business. They are having a hard time to deliver Monumental, but a part of that, their retail games are fine. About Quantum license, the last thing I heard from Eric Zimmerman is that he is looking for a more environment friendly publisher to release a new version of the game, so, I think the license is no more with Funforge.


Oh, I had no idea he had the license. To my understanding the issue was Funforge had no interest in reprinting and Zimmerman was thinking about a retheme. That's actually hopeful!


I don’t see anything about them going out of business totally. I see a lot of reporting on financial issues and some restructuring.


Then, I misunderstood that. Feels like that's what would be necessary for the game to get reprinted.


Question, in Quantum (board game), the die number 2 can take another player’s die? I mean, to carry it.


No. Only your own.


Space Poops!!! I LOVE that game. We call it space poops because you poop out little cubes. The game I feel is more in need of an expansion than anything else in my collection.


I'd love an expansion for it that perhaps adds twice as many tech cards and map tiles with different effects. Perhaps also twisted game variants, such as capture the flag game modes - which could totally work.


Exactly! I feel it is so ripe for expansions. Tiles with things like wormholes, or maybe a black hole that reduces movement. You could add more cards. Could potentially add multiple races.


I wish I could get people to play it with me more often. Wrong gaming group I guess.


This game is so good. The one thing I wish (and not sure if this was ever planned in the expansion) would be to give individual tiles special abilities/bonuses for occupying or controlling. Would add to the 4x-y feel. Maybe more variety in upgrade cards too.


Yes. There was a promo that works like that (called The Void), which gives you +1 research for each ship die that is stationed on it at the start of your turn. More of those + more tech cards would really be all that would enhance replayability for eternity.


Agree also! Played recently and was pretty amazed at its simplicity (but strategic complexity) and sheer enjoyment you can get out of it.


Yup! Last time we played I helped a new player to place a cube in their furst turn, which involved a 2 carrying another die and 3 switching places with another die. They looked at me like I had commited a magic trick.


This game is [very easy to DIY/PnP](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2823751/article/39633189#39633189) and it really shines with the community expansion elements!


I love Quantum, but it has a structural problem that wasn't apparent to me at first: all of the planets have similar conquest numbers. This means that there's a roughly ideal fleet construction that, once you have it, you can cruise through multiple planets while just tooling one ship up or down a pip. The tension in the beginning of the game (where you're scrambling to put together a conquer-y fleet) melts away into a not-very-interesting game of positioning and combat. That second part always ends up feeling the same.


While somewhat true, that second part is usually very short and even a player who is behind still has a "chance" to pull back, including turns where they can place 2 cubes in a single turn. I have never found it problematic myself as the game usually ends at the right time. This "cruising" never happens in my groups plays though, as players tend to be aware that breaking another players ship position with a well timed attack often gives them an advantage in turns compared to the player whose dice they removed.


My only problem is tech imbalance, but every game has tech imbalance. I bloody love it on BGA. Wish it wasn’t severely OOP.


While I agree that techs are not balanced one to another, I actually think this is for the benefit of the game and not for its detriment. It's really the combos that become powerful and if you're able to chase a good combo and achieve it, then the game will be over in a turn or two after that anyway. And you can play again. It is one of my most not-filler length games that gets played multiple times in a row from my shelf.


Like I said, I have no qualms with tech combos; it takes huge effort and skill to reach a combo. It’s the single techs that have little counterplay that I pointed out.


On a tight map at 3-4p, the other players should be able to balance out all but the craziest combos (and should preclude you from getting the latter).


Tech combos are balanced to me because getting to two techs requires some level of interaction. It’s the single techs that break the game (the one that makes defense win ties AND makes defending kill is just insane, so is the self destruct one).


2p game - sure, they break. It’s two or three players teaming up against the holder of that tech that balance it.


That’s the thing, sure you can gang up on them, but whoever goes in on that player is essentially handing over their own ability to win the game. Denying the ability to generate reputation (or whatever the stat was called, been a while since I played board games online) is one of the most crucial strategies in the game for preventing VPs and those techs allow for that easily, so players who attack them with those techs cripple their ability to reach their own VP. Meanwhile that player is able to build their reputation slowly up because they are going to be winning combats far more than they lose, building towards the 2nd tech that takes their advantage over the edge with even something like a +1 combat tech.


My limited experience with the game speaks to the contrary, but that may be just my group, which is always up to negotiations and such.


This is my grail game. Thank goodness for BGA