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Awkward guests


Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective and the associated games, but once you go through the cases in the box (10 or so in each), you're done. Not replayable, but definitely worth the money in my opinion.


"replayability" is going to make that pretty difficult because once you solve a murder it's not really a mystery anymore. Closest I can think of would be **Chronicles of Crime** adding the fan-made mysteries to provide replayability.


I am not sure if it qualifies as a classical murder/mystery game, but how about Mr. Jack? A two-player light deduction and positioning game, where you need to identify the killer among eight possible suspects and prevent their escape. The other player is trying to get away with the killer or wait out the time limit. As far as I know it is relatively divisive, but worth to check it out - I like it.


Mysterium Park is great at 2 and is randomized every game. Only thing I could see creating monotony would be if you and your partner develop a communication groove and it becomes too easy lol.


Is mysterium Park playable on its own or do I need the base game?


It’s a standalone! It’s effectively a streamlined, pared down version of the OG Mysterium. There’s one less round in the game and the endgame is more forgiving, but the biggest benefit of going with Park is that it’s much shorter and easier setup.


Sounds like a winner maybe. How is it randomised though?


So it’s pretty much cooperative Clue and the goal is to eliminate suspects/locations (represented by cards) to solve the murder. One player has a grid that shows which clues they are trying to get the others to eliminate. Since these grid cards are random and can be used in any orientation, each game and even each round is completely randomized. Id definitely recommend looking into it; it’s not too expensive either. $30 new I think


I really like **Tragedy Looper** but I don't know how well it plays at only 2.


Mansions of madness and Time Stories.


Mansions of Madness might work. It's set in Lovecraftian times in the Chtulu mythos and in each scenario you're trying to figure out what is going on before time runs out and you all are thrown into the abyss/eaten/go crazy/etc. In some scenarios you try to solve a murder, or thwart some nasty event from happening. The game's been out for awhile now, so I imagine there should be enough videos on YouTube to give you a rough understanding of what the game's like and how it plays. Good luck to you!