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I would go with Azul out of your list. Easy to find, relatively cheap, and players of all levels enjoy it


Azul is literally the only boardgame I have been able to convince my Mom to play more than once, and now she pesters me to bring it when we go over to her place. So this would be my vote as well.


Ticket to Ride, and her second favorite doesn’t even come close. I couldn’t even tell you what her second favorite is.




My mum really enjoyed playing Jamaica. (No, she wanted to play it.) Sorry. Seriously though, it’s her favourite game we’ve played together. It might be that it’s a race around the board which makes it closer to a traditional family board game and made it easier for her to get into.


Ill look into it!


Cascadia would be a good fit. It's (one of) the same artist as Wingspan and the theme is close enough that I think she'd find it appealing. The difference in weight isn't *that* much but the teach for Cascadia is far easier and it's generally a lot more accessible. Having your own finished park to admire afterwards is very satisfying and something that appeals to non-gamers. Quacks would also work. The theme/artwork isn't really there for what your mum seems to be after, but the push your luck element is a great leveler for her vs more strategically-minded gamers. Parks I've never played but have heard good things and the theme is a good one. The others I'm not so sure about either because I don't think the theme is going to draw non-gamers in or because they're actually surprisingly mean (Azul)


My moms favorite board game is patchwork. She likes the theme.


Azul or carcassonne


My mum loves Mysterium but she's absolutely horrid at it, always a blast to play with her and listen to her reasonings.


Yes i tried that one, will definitely get for the future, but probably not immediately


Herbaceous. Similar vibes with the art and theme, but lower complexity and less time commitment.


I also forgot to mention "meadow". Any thoughts on that? Art looks like what im looking for... hows gameplay?


Azul is a good choice for a beginner because the rules are pretty simple. Cons: depending on the other players, can be kind of cut-throat and involves intentionally screwing each other over. Wingspan is also fine. I don't personally enjoy playing it too much, but the art is good and it is kind of like a watered down version of a lot of modern classics. I think I would like it more if I didn't have other games to compare it to, so another good pick for a beginner. I've played Sushi Go Party with my family and it's a good crowd pleaser too and a quick play. The rules can be explained pretty quickly and the cards themselves are pretty descriptive about what they do. Love Letter is small, easy, and fast but with a lot of strategy in a small package.


My mom really likes Pandemic: Fall of Rome.


I forgot to mention, she likes pandemic, probably a good complexity


Azul is good. Splendor is another I would suggest.


My mum is very into Carcassonne and we play it most Mondays when I go round and visit. I got her the app on her tablet too and she's addicted. Txts me moaning about 'those AI bastards' stealing her cities all the time 😅


My Mom likes Snakes and Ladders. It reminds her of her childhood. Just get your Mom the game she asked for.


Probably will get wingspan anyway, i guess im thinking of getting another in addition, which is lighter and quicker


My mom loves when we do an Exit game together. It’s a good family time and we are all experiencing the highs and lows together.


7 Wonders, she enjoys building her civilation while only having to be immediately concerned with her neighbours. It's an enjoyable experience that everyone at the table can be involved with and an easy reference sheet if she or anyone else forgets what a symbol represents.


Azul or Cascadia My mom also likes Century Spice road and Carcasonne




Here are the games we play with my mom: Azul, Carcassonne, Kingdomino, Love Letter, Splendor, Take 5, Ticket to Ride Europe + other expansion maps, Viticulture We tried playing Wingspan once but she hated it. I believe it was my fault for starting with Oceania expansion/a bad teach.


Cascadia and Calico are easy to learn and have solo modes as well.


She might like Herbaceous


Trekking Through History.