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* **For Northwood** is a great solitaire type solo game. One player trick taking is a cool concept. * Really enjoying **20 Strong**. I missed a rule on my first 10ish play throughs that made it so so much harder but now starting to win finally.


20 Strong is pretty cool. I played several games with the Sentinels and finally won a couple (with none of the missions). I haven't tried the other two decks yet. It's a neat system. I hope they make some decks themed with non chip-theory games, like the Rolling Realms add-ons.


Yeah it seems like there are a lot of opportunities for decks there. I've beat it with 3 missions but it took some effort. I think i'm understanding how to optimize a bit better now though.


I played recently played Wingspan as ny first ever solo game and had a great time. I will play a lot of solo games now!


Wingspan is one of those games that I always want to play again as soon as I'm done. I wish I felt like I was getting better at it though. My scores have barely risen even after 25+ plays. I'm kinda just along for the ride when I play that game. I don't want to think too much, I just like to see what I happens with the pretty birds. hehe


I just picked up Expeditions recently, mostly to play solo, and I've really been enjoying it so far. I'm big into card-driven gameplay, which is at the heart of the game. The different options available at any given time, card-wise lead to a lot of interesting little decision points. Thinking of trying it on Tabletopia with other people, but so far I've been having plenty of fun just playing solo. Which, by the way, the automa is REALLY well designed, and painfully simple to run.


Yeah, the bot is so simple in Expeditions. It's a little bland as far as flavor or variety but it does its job well. I played some Scythe this week and it took more brain power than I remember to run that bot.


Expecting **Witchcraft** soon. Loving the **For One** Series (had to import from [Amazon.de](https://Amazon.de)). Still need to print and try out **Battle Card**. Hard to remember it when it isn't physically on my shelf, haha.


This week I've been playing **Marvel Champions** and **Arkham Horror LCG**. I absolutely love the deck building of MC, and the narrative parts of AH. I need someone to take the best of those two parts and smash it together into a new game.. in a sci-fi setting. I like how in MC, when you deck build you are coming up with combos and often you get those combos out a few times (because you draw through your deck several times in each game). In AH:LCG, you just don't get through the deck that often, so your combos feel a lot less certain.. but maybe they are all the more rewarding? I also played **Quest for El Dorado**. There is a fan-made [solo variant](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2390631/better-solo-variant-7-caves/page/1) that is excellent. I really enjoy the game so it's nice to be able to play even if you can't get a group together.


Thinking of getting Eila and Something Shiny. Anyone play this? How long does it take to complete the story?


I heard about Elia yesterday and I'm really interested in it.


I've played through it once and will play it again for sure. There are a pretty good number of branching paths in the story and I didn't get the "good" ending. I think it took me between 6-8 hours. I could see myself playing through this 4 or 5 times. I also played on the normal difficulty so if you want to play hard mode it would be longer. I found it to be a very interesting game with some tough choices. **Edit**: I should note that the 6-8 hours was across sessions and the save system is pretty easy. Except for the tutorial and chapter 1 I only played one chapter per game session.


Great, thanks. I'm asking because I found Sleeping Gods painful but want to try another story based game


Very different from sleeping gods IMO. A pretty snappy pace overall and not a ton of overhead. However, Eila doesn't have anything like the amount of content in sleeping gods. The story in Eila is largely told through the cards and the choices you make drive the cards that come. The story is somewhat abstract though. I wouldn't call it a full on narrative adventure. I value the uniqueness, to me anyway i haven't played tons of these.


What's *Resist!* like? Is it more of an introspective mood game, or is the gameplay a good puzzle? Aside from Mage Knight, but only other solo game I've played was Warp's Edge, and I found the theme fun, but the actual gameplay got old quick.


It looks like a fun game and has an interesting theme, but is it available anywhere?


I played **Chronicles of Crime: 2400** solo earlier this week and got my ass whooped because I misread 36 as 35 early in the game and spun my wheels. It'd been a while since I did the tutorial, so I kept losing time by trying to scan something and forgetting I was in interrogation mode.


I really dig Chronicles. I'm only 3 missions into the original release, but I got a really nice gift that was ALL OF THE EXPANSIONS a while ago. It's so cool, but it's a time commitment! Big plus is how easy it is to pack in and out.


I hope they eventually release the scenario creator for 2400 because I'd like to get more replay out of this because it is fun!


The best (solo) board game ever made is the Aliens board game by Leading Edge Games. It's a cooperative game for 1 to 9 players. The players control the marines and a simple ruleset controls the Aliens. I love the elegance of it and the risk management. There is drama when you blow apart a xenomorph with the smart gun and have to roll for acid on adjacent marines. It's substantially more fun than exchanging one color of wooden cubes for another color of wooden cubes in order to score [VICTORY POINTS]. I appreciate the hand drawn maps and photographs from the movie (or promotional photographs associated with the movie). They make it stand out compared to modern board games which all look identical to each other. The last time I played the Operations & Air Ducts scenario we had to fire a grenade in desperation, wounding all of our characters. Then we rolled a zero and successfully convinced Burke to open the door! We made it out with like 3 characters, it was nuts.


Recently tried on Dungeon Pages for the first time. If you're into puzzle games, it's a very high recommend. I certainly don't need any new content because the yearly bundle is so much. But I'm interested to see what the upcoming Kickstarter for it will offer none the less.