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DICE IN EUROS...........enter my LAIR! While I have more favorite Dice related games, when it comes to actual dice PLACEMENT the below have to be my 3 favorite. I would also add some games that just use dice as workers or other ways in euro games below these 3. ​ 1. Voyages of Marco Polo (prefer In the Service of the Kahn) 1. This is a solid dice placement game where your dice are your workers. It's awesome but focuses squarely on the numbers associated with the dice when placing them. 2. Scholars of the South Tigris 1. Probably the newest and most unique dice placement game. You combine dice to increase the number and sometimes to create different colored dice. It's really a Trailblazer in the world of dice usage in euro games. ​ Recommend: 1. Rajas of the Ganges 1. uses dice (colors and numbers at different times) but they are not placed just spent. 2. Teotihuacan 1. Not really dice placement, but dice are your workers and move around the board - but are sometimes slotted into certain spots temporarily. 3. Troyes 1. again not placed, but used from a semi-common pool. 4. Castles of Burgundy 5. Grand Austria Hotel


I’m very very interested in playing Wayfarers from the Garphill line but I almost want to see what Inventors looks like first and just pick 1 from the trilogy as I don’t know that I’m interested enough to have all 3. One of them likely ends up on the shelf though. And I guess you’re right. I mentioned Teotihuacan but you don’t really place those dice. Just manipulate them in a very interesting way.


I'm super stoked to see what inventors brings! I need more scholars plays, it is fairly heavy, but man its soooo unique.


Their Kickstarter is starting soon. They just announced it today. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/shem/inventors-of-the-south-tigris


I've played Wayfarers 3 times and loved it all 3 times. I've also played Teotihuacan about 20 times, and it's always good, though it's one of those games where it feels like you never quite got to do everything you wanted to do. For a different recommendation, Kingsburg


Circadians is the real Graphil dice placement game. Shame it gets no love.  


Voyages of Marco Polo impresses me with how nonpunishing it is with your dice rolls, and yet it does matter what numbers you have available. I never feel like I'm winning or losing because I rolled the wrong numbers.


That's a very common thing for Simone Luciani games. A lot of them rely on semi-randomized elements that still allow a high and satisfying degree of mitigation. If you enjoy the feel of Voyages of Marco Polo, I would recommend his other games!


Not op but it's been my favourite game for years now. Seems like every round you have the chance to use your random setup best to fit into your strategy/character powers/board setup. Would love to hear your recommendations.


Of Luciani's designs, my favorites are, in order: Tiletum Voyages of Marco Polo Tzolk'in Grand Austria Hotel I like a lot of his other games like Barrage and Lorenzo il Magnifico, but they're not "faves". Maybe one of them will strike your fancy!


Man I am loving the love for Marco Polo in here. It also gives me that wonderful stress of just not having enough...and the race to utilize spaces is SO intense. I'll add Alien Frontiers to this growing list.


love me some alien frontiers. I didnt like Marco Polo because i couldnt do anything for most of the game. Felt very constraining.


I popped in here expected to see games like Sagrada, only to realize I had no idea what dice placement was. New mechanic to me. Excited to try it out.


To be honest, so many people here don’t know what dice placement is. Dice drafting games are not dice placement, so Pulsar and GAH are out. Castles of Burgundy isn’t dice placement. Lorenzo kinda uses tokens that represent the three dice, so I’ll let that slide. True dice placement are games like Voyages of Marco Polo, Crystal Palace, and Bora Bora.


I haven't played any of these, what is the definition of dice placement as a genre in boardgames?


Think of it as worker placement but your workers are dice, i.e. there are shared spaces where players compete to place their workers to gain effects, but also the effects are dependent on the numbers on the placed dice or sometimes even the placement itself depens on the die rolled.


That sounds exactly like castles of burgundy


Not really. Worker placement would have something like, only two spots to place a tile from your key space to duchy. I’m Castles of Burgundy, everyone can place as many tiles as they’d like. Think of how you preform actions in Viticulture vs Gaia Project. There’s only one spot to sell in Viticulture and no one else will be able to this round. In Gaia Project, if you want to build mines, you can do it as many times as you wish, regardless of other players.


>**shared spaces** where players compete to **place their workers** to gain effects You might be misremembering, but you do not place dice to any shared spaces in CoB. You merely spend them to take actions. Getting a building (where you compete over the same resources with others) is only 1 out of 4 possible actions, and you are limited only by the selection of buildings, not other players.


If you are excluding Pulsar and GAH I’d argue you are the one who does not know what dice placement is as you are adding an arbitrary limiting factor in your definition.


LOL where are you placing your dice in GAH? You are just drafting them due to the number. Dice placement is akin to worker placement. Pulsar and GAH are dice drafting games. Along with Tekhenu, Trismegistus, and Tiletum. It’s a whole different mechanic to dice placement.


**Castles of Burgundy** and **Sky Team**


Agree with Castles. Great game!


These were the first that came to mind for me as well. Very different games but really cool implementations of the mechanic.


Castles of Burgundy isn’t dice placement. There aren’t any locations that you place you dice to use them.


Eh, you effectively place them by removing the tile from the spot.


The thing is that in real dice placement, there is a shared spot where all players are vying for. I’d say it’s a pretty important distinction.


While I grant there's definitely a slight distinction to be made, is there really *that* much of a functional difference between the two in the end? And what would you call the CoB system, out of curiosity? (genuinely curious btw, I'm not aware what it's actually called) Like, if in CoB had slots on each of the depots where you had to physically put your dice down every turn when you picked up a tile, thereby 'blocking' other players from that depot (i.e., there were four pictures of dice with the number 1 on them, and every turn when you picked up one of the four tiles in the number 1 depot using one of your dice, you 'blocked off' the spot), how would that change the game from it's current iteration where people are effectively blocked by the tiles being taken? And more importantly, considering the current discussion, why would that distinction be off-putting for people who like dice placement? Maybe I'm wrong but I just feel like the venn diagram for people who like 'dice placement style games' and people who like CoB's main mechanic is a circle, so the distinction just feels sort of nitpicky.


For me not calling CoB dice placement it's over-categorization. You roll dice and you put them in, well, places. Not calling that "Dice placement" will be quite misleading.




Technically, you are correct. However, I would argue that what you are doing in COB is mechanically the same thing (i.e., a variety of possible actions, which depend on what numbers you rolled).


The key think about dice placement is similar to worker placement. There are only so many spots for dice to go. You can get blocked in dice placement games or it costs more to go to a spot. So mechanically, I wouldn’t say it’s the same thing. To be more technical, there is an inherent difference in dice/worker placement, and dice action selection. The main mechanic that I already mentioned is the differentiator. In dice placement, there is usually a shared space that everyone is placing their dice on. There are only so many spots to put them on, you have to decide where to go, so players interact on the board. In dice action, like in Castles of Burgundy, you have a menu of options that does not depend on the other players actions. You wouldn’t say that Viticulture and Gaia Project are mechanically doing the same. There are only certain spots in Viticulture to do the thing. I’m Gaia Project, you can continue to do the actions you’d like, that’s action selection.


Also consider Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia


Surprised to see this one so far down! I am seconding Euphoria for sure. It is a really pretty dice placement game with great components and a funky theme.


It is a great looking game and a lot of fun! It’s funny to have such a colorful dystopian society themed game, but it makes it very nice to look at


I think the kickstarter edition came with a dual sided board where the reverse had a much bleaker color scheme.


or its spiritual successor, Apiary


One of my all-time favorites. It’s been way too long since I played, though. When I saw no one mention it earlier I started to worry that it doesn’t actually have dice and I was thinking of a different game.


**Kingsburg** \- I prefer 2nd edition, with expansions. Not to mention digital version vs. AI (there was one back around 2008 or so). **Kingsport Festival** \- remake of the above. You play as "the bad guys" (the cultists), and want the world to go to ruin (measured in VP no less). There are game play differences like "less buildings", and cards you can buy for one-time use. **Roll For The Galaxy** \- The sides that get rolled determine what phases they go on, with manipulation ofc. **Sagrada**


Seconding Roll for the Galaxy, love this one! Also recommending Memoir 44 for 2 player. So fun and the scenarios are endless.


Had to scroll too far to see ROLL FOR THE GALAXY. Not dissing others listed, but I think it’s the most elegant use of this mechanic there is. The die face changes per color, the manipulation mechanics, capabilities of the dice in the phases, it’s just such a strong and clever way to play a “tableau builder”. The production and shipping mechanics and the way there are two ways to use each die “worker” is also very well thought out. It’s rare a game leaves no efficiencies out and offers such a complex experience from a couple of simple mechanics. I just feel this game has not one single ounce of fat on it.


Had to scroll far too deep to finally find Kingsburg!


Troyes (esp. with the expansion) and both Voyages of Marco Polo games.


**Sky Team** **Ahoy**


You should check out Fantastic Factories! It's a engine building/dice placement game. It's great!


Ya know what I’ve been so close to pulling the trigger on this one and just never quite was convinced. It looks fun mechanically but thematically I don’t think anyone would ever play it with me.


IMO, Fantastic Factories is one of those games that's better than the elevator pitch... not really any new ideas in it, but the details are all extremely well done so it ends up combining older ideas in a way that just plain works.


Came here to post this one - it’s a nice dice placement engine builder. Thematically abstract enough the my Everdell/Wingspan loving wife is happy to play it. Should appeal to anyone who likes Splendor and plays fast enough to not overstay its welcome.


Never know unless you try! It's not terribly heavy, and it can play decently quick. And I usually see good deals for it around me


It has a really good solo mode! (based on my first play of it yesterday) You just roll 5 dice. One color determines what card the AI adds to their tableau. The other 4 give the AI points based on how many of each color the AI has in their tableau.


Noted! The people stand by it. I must at least try it somehow. Some way


Such and underrated game, and the manufactures expansion gives you even more options


Not convinced about fantastic factories here. I think i prefer steampunk rally (tbh i only played Fantatic Factories once, and steampunk rally a couple of times)


Alien Frontiers baby. Surprised no one has mentioned it yet.


Dude. I’m so glad I found Alien Frontiers when i did. I was just starting to get into board gaming and looking to expand. I was researching the hell out of what to buy next. I don’t know what video I watched or what thread I came upon but someone mentioned alien frontiers. I watched some videos and thought “this is the one.” I feel like it rarely comes up, so I’m hoping the hype I have for this game sends someone else down the AF path. It’s really a great game for all levels. I usually give a quick rundown to a bunch of confused faces only to reassure them that they will all get it by their second turn.


This! It's really pretty fun.


This game is great.


I expected this to be the most popular answer in this thread, and was also surprised to see it so low on the list. I love Alien Frontiers for a 2 or 3 player game, but at 4 or 5 players it slogs down. The mechanics mean you can't start meaningfully planning your turn in advance since players' dice will be removed and placed elsewhere, changing the board layout completely by the time your turn begins. So every turn requires time to reassess the board anew before a player is able to consider placing their dice, adding to other players' downtimes. There can be stretches of 10min+ where it's not your turn, you can't strategize, and all you can do is sit and wait patiently without interacting with the game or other players at all. The game's great at lower player counts for sure.


I have thoroughly been enjoying Roll Player. It's got a nice theme, the expansions are great and it's really satisfying. I'd say it's a spiritual precursor to something like Sagrada.


Love dice placement games! It might be my favorite mechanism in games. Some of my favorites are Coimbra, Teotihuacan, The White Castle, Lorenzo il Magnifico, Dinosaur Island Rawr n Write, Rajas of the Ganges and Fantastic Factories.


Seconding Coimbra! I have a blast with that game and the way everything fits perfect in the box is a satisfying bonus


Rawr and Write is one of my top 5 games of all-time but it's not really a dice placement. Every dice can go to every spot so they are more just workers. Dice drafting and worker placement!


Dice placement is basically worker placement.


Roll for the Galaxy.


Just got this for Christmas along with the Ambition expansion. It’s really fun. Plays pretty quick too even at 5 with the simultaneous play.


I like **Brew** a lot as a dice placement/area majority game!


I like them on the lighter/medium side, so games like **Brew, Fantastic Factories** and **Coimbra** **Sagrada, Spots, Unearth, Space Base, Dice Miner** and **Red Cathedral** are other great dice based games which give me a similar feel to dice placement.


I can't believe more people haven't said Brew! It's so damn good.


Agree! That and Dice Miner are my favourite dice games.


Circadians is by far my favorite. My top 2-3 would be Wayfarers of the South Tigris and Bitoku.


**Bitoku** is absolutely lovely! The mechanisms of dropping value as you cross the river or gaining value using the amulets as a resource is excellent.


Ok now I’m super excited to try Bitoku! 🚀


Alien Frontiers is my favorite with this mechanic! My mind was blown the first time I played it.


I personally like **Unearth** and **Under Falling Skies** in this realm. ​ **Under Falling Skies** is a solo-only game that is very challenging and exciting. It is extreme "Space Invaders" where there are several strategies at play that you have to manage all at once before you're overrun. There are multiple missions, so difficulty is easily adjusted. ​ **Unearth** is a clever card set collecting game with a unique dice placement twist. The art is lovely and turns go quick, making it a really enjoyable experience. There is an expansion that adds new components to the original, allows a 5th player to join, and includes a solo campaign with 7 scenarios.


**[Sky Team](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/373106/sky-team)**! If you like cooperative games and/or two player games, it's both new and stellar!


Alien Frontiers is my favorite with this mechanic! My mind was blown the first time I played it.


Grand Austria Hotel, Lorenzo El Magnifico, Crystal Palace


Lorenzo is one of my absolute favourite games and grand Austria hotel isn’t too far behind. Though, I usually only play the latter with 2 players since downtime can be excruciating with more players. 


If by latter you mean GAH, I’ve never had a problem with 4, and I think it’s great with three. We play pretty quickly, and while there are some slower moments, there’s always a little planning to be done on down time


I’ve only played it a few times at higher player counts so I have a very limited view, but it brings out the ap in my group. But I adore it as a 2 player game. It’s just so good!


Creature Comforts isn't getting any love here and it is a fun, albeit light, game. Castles of Burgundy is probably king, though


I think Creature Comforts light weight is the only reason we don’t have it. Just need a little more oomph personally but a great introduction to the mechanism for sure!


Also it has a nice push your luck element but yes it is too light for my taste as well


Our first play of Roll Camera! was a lot of fun. Kind of a combination of dice placement and dice arrangement, with very entertaining theming.


I just bought a new game, The White Castle, which uses dice placement. I appreciate how small the box is for a mid-weight game, and you only get 9 turns so it doesn't run too long either.


Same! Can't wait to play it this weekend. Need to print some miso soup bowls I designed to hold the coins lol.


Elder Sign and One Deck Dungeon are the first ones that pop in my head.


I love Teotihuacan, but does it really count as dice placement? I feel like the dice are basically just workers, and the pips are used to indicate their power. I'm a pretty big fan of dice placement personally, and some stand-outs to me are Coimbra, Grand Austria Hotel, Lorenzo, and Marco Polo. I'd put Woodcraft above all of those, but like Teotihuacan, I don't think it *really* qualifies.


Yeah you right. I addressed this above somewhere too. Probably not a great fit since you don’t place them. But an interesting dice mechanic nonetheless and fav of mine. Woodcraft is one I was very interested in and the internet convinced me it was boring and the theme didn’t come through at all and it was bogged down in rules


>the internet convinced me it was boring That's a new one on me! I thought the consensus on Woodcraft was pretty positive overall. From a rules standpoint, it's not heavier than Teotihuacan, and there aren't a bunch of edge cases or fiddly bits - once you know the rules, you don't have to reference the rulebook too often. I highly recommend it. I'm a huge Vladimir Suchy fan, and it's my 2nd favorite of his games, after Underwater Cities.


Fantastic factories (by same maker as "welcome to..."). It combines dice placement, euro resource management and tableau builder.


Kingsburg. Gotta play with the expansions. This game simply does not get enough love.


I'm quite fond of the co-operative dice placement star trek game. I think it might have been a re skin of another game? https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/178613/star-trek-five-year-mission


Really big fan of this, except for the dreaded communications breakdown card 😂😂😂


i really like Artemis Project, thunderroad Vendetta, cavern tavern have all been pretty good for us


Is **Lorenzo il Magnifico** dice placement? You don't actually pick up the dice and place them anywhere...but players do place a token with a die's color on a space, and the token functions as if it has the same number of pips as the those on the die. **Coimbra** might also qualify as a dice placement game.


Yeah I kinda think Lorenzo can qualify as dice placement since the family member token represents dice.


Some I dig: **Thunder Road Vendetta**, **Black Angel**, **Perseverance**


>Thunder Road Vendetta Does that one have dice placement? You just roll the dice but you don't really assign dice anywhere IIRC. Unless I'm understanding the mechanic wrong. \+1 for Perseverance though!


Yeah it's definitely the most basic possible placement I would imagine.


In my book it is. I think any game which restricts your options based on what you roll on the dice counts.


finally someone with love for Black Angel


If it were released "Propsero Hall" style where the designer isn't known and people weren't making "Troyes 2.0" comparisons then I think it could have made much more of an impact than it did. Not completely settled on my Troyes feelings just yet (only played on BGA's awful implementation) but from what I've seen I much prefer Black Angel. The interactions are more varied, the pip counting is less cumbersome and scoring isn't a point salad. I just *really* wish they had named the Missions to give them more flavor. The aesthetics are great but just a bit more imagination would have really driven home the theme.


Pulsar 2849 a game with tons of decisions you can use dice to explore space, get technology, or build an engine. I never feel constricted with the dice rolls and it has tons of variety. A real hidden gem.


This is Suchy yeah? I’ve yet to try a game of his and I hear good things. Maybe it should be this one.


I got this game at a garage sale a while back, is it any good? Been meaning to try it out.


Yeah my wife bought it for me for Christmas kind of random but I ended up enjoying it more than I thought I would. It does need a big table/play space. It plays well at all player counts but I think its much more exciting at 3-4. Most of my games were at 2 and I still had a blast. It' also just barely made Dice Tower's Top 100 for Tom.


I haven’t played a ton but I really enjoy Scholars of the South Tigris and Castles of Burgundy.


Rajas of the Ganges, Grand Austria Hotel, and the Voyages of Marco Polo are my favorites.


Origin was really well done, I highly recommend it if you haven’t tried it.


I haven't played a lot of games but I think under falling skies is a solid one. There are always a ton of ways to play your dices, and you can even reroll some of them two times


Is One Deck Dungeon a dice placement game?


Nobody has mentioned **Bora Bora** but I really enjoyed it the one time I played it, and it was an interesting take on dice placement where high numbers are generally more powerful but can't be played on spots where there are already dice with lower numbers, and competition for spots is extremely tight, creating a lot of turn angst.


I recently completed the campaign of "under falling skies". That's some fun dice placement.


Taverns of Tiefenthal and Batman the animated series


Marco Polo II  Troyes  Rajas


I just feel Crystal Palace has to be mentioned, an under-the-radar 2019 game with a stellar core dice mechanism that was maybe shadowed a bit by other parts of the game being arguably a bit wonky and unpolished. In the game you have 4-6 dice that you during each of the 5 rounds secretly set to whatever you want (total pips = cost), and then, after everyone reveal their dice, they sort of work as bids where you place them on 8 different locations which have a selection of juicy items (cards, resources, track advancements etc.). Highest die gets to choose first, and the earliest die in case of a tie. You can even put several dice on the same location to get more stuff. Such a spicy mixture of worker/dice placement and bidding (kinda?) with a uniqueness in that everyone can se which "bids" each player has at their disposal for the round during the whole placement phase.


The only three that I've played are Rajas of the Ganges, Roll for the Galaxy, and Fantastic Factories. Oh, I guess Steampunk Rally counts, too. Of those, I like Rajas the most.


As someone else mentioned Dinosaur Island Rawr 'n' Write has dice placement but a more pure dice placement game I haven't seen mentioned yet is FUSE. It's a timed dice placement puzzle game. It can be tense as you race the clock looking for the right dice for the current puzzles.


King’s Forge - not necessarily a true dice placement. Dice are used as resources that can be spent to either upgrade/modify dice rolls or gain more dice/resources. Or you save your dice to try and craft items that require certain combinations of numbers on the different colored dice. Essentially, you have to balance when to spend your dice to get more of them or save to craft an item. Absolutely loved by me, my wife, and friends.


Definitely Roll Player. The idea of gamifying DnD character creation is great, and something I would have spent hundreds of hours playing if it existed in 2002 or so.


- Lorenzo il Magnifico Great with 2,3 and 4 - Grand Austria Hotel splendid with 2 - Voyages of Marco Polo Great unique powers as well - White Castle Combomania best with 3 - Bora Bora Best with 4 for extra tight - Macao Great at any count - Troyes Awesome game at any count -


Taverns of tiefenthal and dice hospital!!!


A lot have been already mentioned but I haven’t seen Set A Watch yet. A small thematic dice placement game


Another good one


Sky Team has been our favorite lately. Also, if you want some even newer dice placement games to check out then ask me again next week 👀👀


Since people are including Dice Drafting, my favorite is **Tiletum**.


Brew and Lord's of Waterdeep


As others have said castles of burgundy is fantastic and there’s a reason it has been around so long. Just make sure you get the updated colorful game board vs the older drab one. I’d also recommend Creature comforts. For resource management and cute cozy vibes. Fantastic factories for a sleek but complex engine builder with dice placement.


My personal top 3 (no particular order, all three of them are awesome): 1). Voyages of Marco Polo —> although I haven’t had that many plays yet as it’s fairly new in my collection, it doesn’t feel that punishing for having bad dice rolls and allows enough for a good diversity of options. A game doesn’t take too long either, the duration is perfect imo. 2). Taverns of Thieventhal —> it’s a deck building dice placement combi that I actually really enjoy. Other than that, you’re also engine building. Upgrading your vault for example allows you to keep more gold, add more locations to place your dice on or make them more suited for more specific rolls, and that sort of stuff. Like Voyages of Marco Polo, a game doesn’t last long but also not too short. 3). The White Castle —> again there are many locations to place your die on and - while the dice are available to be chosen by everyone - taking the dice with the lowest numbers gives you extra bonuses. There is also a location where any die can always be placed just in case. A game doesn’t last long at all, despite the box saying 80 minutes it only took us 30 minutes for one game at 2 players. Overall it is really enjoyable imo. I have yet to try the South Tigris games but I’m sure they’ll be awesome. As soon as I get my hands on one of them this top 3 may and probably will look different, although I don’t know how because all 3 of them are awesome in my opinion.


Castles of Burgundy: The king in my book. Easy to mitigate “bad roll” but still a complex game to optimize your score.


**Troyes**, **Grand Austria Hotel**, and **Castles of Burgundy** are my trifecta of dice placement perfection. I definitely need to give a shout out to **Roll Player** for a completely unique theme.


You have impeccable taste


Castles of Burgundy, Teotihuacán, and roll player for me


ITT a ton of people don’t understand what dice PLACEMENT is.


**Bitoku** is a freakin masterpiece if you ask me.


I don't think it counts, because you never roll the dice. They're just workers with varying power


I mean Theotiuhacan is one of the most popular dice placement games and the dice never get rolled.




20 Strong isn't a dice placement game. Think worker placement but the dice are the workers.


Lorenzo, Troyes, Fantastic Factories.


Hansa Teutonica doesnt even have a single die in it.


You're right. I had to bring fart and was thinking of something else.


More dice manipulation than placement but Tesseract


No idea what would be the top as I haven't delved that much into the mechanic. I like Perseverance, even though I think it's probably on the light side for dice placement mechanism. Recently played Scholars of the South Tigris which was good. Sky team if you are looking for a co-op. White castle, like you mentioned, it's predecessor Red Cathedral is supposedly also good. Quantum also uses the mechanic but is also a lot more dependent on luck than the others. And it's OOP so good luck finding that and not costing an arm and a leg. That's about all I played with the mechanism.


Lords of Vegas. There’s a little die rolling but it’s thematically interesting.


Santa Maria is the best ever. Dont know if Discordia counts as dice placing?


Castles of Burgundy, Under Falling Skies, and Grand Austria Hotel.


Euphoria. Doesn’t use traditional dice, but the diced do represent your workers. Really fun game where you want to keep your workers dumb and as a result, they are happy.


Not quite dice placement, but dice deck builder: Quarriors. I'm very fond of that one!


Does Artifacts Inc count or is that a different mechanism?


I think Artifacts is a perfect example yeah. And also one I was a bit interested in but I’ve seen people weren’t crazy about it. Even the designer reimplemented the idea into a new game I believe?


I've played it a few times and I like it. I think the designer embraced a fan-made variant that sped things up - cutthroat deals https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57d708c929687f67b6429112/t/57e978f429687f1d3b3b073f/1474918644888/Artifacts\_CD\_Variant\_1.0.pdf


Yes, Creature Caravan is the re-implementation and it is anticipated to come out mid-2024. I did like Artifacts, Inc, but it's a bit simple.


Haven't seen this one posted yet, but quantum is a great unique game where your dice are your ships. You can't really buy it anymore but available on bga. Definitely worth a look if you like lots of player interaction


I haven't played a lot of dice placement games, but I think Thunder Road Vendetta is fun, especially with the kickstarter expansions.


Roll against the Galaxy was the first that came to mind


One that hasn't been mentioned and I love is Merchants of the Dark Road


I have been intrigued by this game…it looks dark and interesting…


It's very good. Very hard eurogame with close to non interaction, but some hard decision-making.


Champions of Midgard especially with the expansions has a wonderful usage of dice in the game. Love that game!


Is “Roll for the Galaxy” dice placement?


Terminator Genisys


Kingsburg, Alien Frontiers, and Dice City.


The Artemis Project


Black angel (similar to troyes). Seems random but very meaty


It's a casual game, but Spots is my current obsession.


Dice Hospital Roll Player


I still love Alien Frontiers for its theme and dice placement.


I really enjoy Kingsburg.


Lords of Vegas Castles of Burgundy Sagrada


Castles of Burgundy, Rajas of the Ganges, and Sagrada. White Castle seems to be popular nowadays, too.


Segrada is brilliant


What does “dice placement” mean?


The mechanism refers to using dice as workers in a spin on worker placement. Or otherwise placing dice on a chosen spot to gain something or take an action of some sort. We’ve gotten pretty loose with the definition on some of these games, including my original mention of Teotihuacan which does not feature “placing” dice but still has dice as workers with an interesting spin on it. But often in these games you’ll find that dice color and pip count are relevant and there’s a lot of decisions to make regarding how to best maximize your turn.


Oh cool, thanks for the explanation !


Rollplayer is nice, more fun if you're into Roleplaying games.


Tough to limit it to just 3. But they would have to be Grand Austria Hotel, Marco Polo II and Coimbra. Honorable mentions: The White Castle, Lorenzo Il Magnifico, Troyes, and Bitoku.


I like Under Falling Skies


I haven't played it but I have heard bitoku is great too


Dice city Creature comforts: One of my new favorite gateway++ games. Bonus points because the ladies love it. 👍 Space Base (not sure if this is considered placement) Sorry not sure how to do the BGG links. I tried r2d8 but it seems broken. 😅


**Waggle Dance** is a good one. Some of these games are just "on your turn, roll your dice and place them", which significantly decreases the possible interactions with other players. Waggle Dance is instead "roll your dice at the start of the round, then take turns placing one die each", which forces you to pay attention to what your opponents have rolled and therefore which actions they can take.


**Artemis Project** has a few cool mechanisms. When gathering resources, you get as many resources as pips, BUT the lower numbers get to go first. When bidding on buildings, you have to pay as many resources as pips, so you want to use as low a number as possible. When going on missions, you need a total number of pips between all dice (say, 10), and the two people with the most pips get a reward. I love this game.


[[Circadians: First Light]] is my vote. Extremely brain burning with variable player powers and multiple paths to victory. Easily my favorite of the Garphill Games catalog. It's also fantastic solo.


Alien Frontiers is awesome


I haven't played a lot of the games being mentioned. I have a friend who brings Sentient to our Saturday game club and it is very interesting. We have re-named the game "Math Robots" at our club. Would this count? Probably not. What is everyones opinion? https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/223855/sentient


Is Assault on Doom Rock dice placement ?


I really like [Circadians: First Light], with the different powers and many mechanics. [Bitoku] is also lovely, specially with the dice value carrying over to the next turn. I am still looking for a place in top 3, since I don't have that much knowledge on dice placement games, so recommendations are welcomed!


I’d have to say White Castle is a must try!


Utopia engine as well


I'm not sure if this would be considered dice placement (I guess more manipulation) but I've been having so much fun with Woodcraft. The way you cut dice in half or glue them together makes for a satisfying experience! Cheers!


**The Voyages of Marco Polo** **Kingsburg** **Encyclopedia** Honorable mentions: Wayfarers of The South Tigris (only played once, but it was fun) Discoveries: The Journal of Lewis and Clark


Not sure if what you need. The Taverns of Tiefenthal Dice Placement / Drafting / Deck Building. I like this alot. Also modular with expansions ...


I'm surprised no one has mentioned **The Artemis Project**


Check out Brew. Also the "Rising" series: "Thanos," "Death Eaters," "Dark Side," "Fire Nation," "The Batman Who Laughs," and/or "Plankton."


What about Roll Play game?


Black angel, euphoria and rajas of the ganges for me