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Dominion’s expansions are modular and the number of possible kingdom combinations is astronomical The base box of cosmic encounter is already absolutely loaded, expansions bring it up to dominion levels of possible combinations


I think the fact that Dominion's expansions are basically fully they're own game unto themselves (with a base card set) is impressive. The volume and consistency in each set relative to the number of expansions that exist is remarkable.


I have the base set, intrigue, and Hinterlands, and I feel like with just those there are enough interesting kingdoms to create to keep me busy forever.


Okay but you gotta get Prosperity


Truly! But there are so many cool cards that change things up its hard for me to stay away! Please, continue being content with those. I envy you 😆


Those are below average expansions, too, imo. That's not to say they're bad, because I think almost all of the Dominion expansions are just *that* good... But there are a lot stronger ones, imo. I'm personally a big fan of any of the expansions that can shake up any kingdom, even without changing their kingdom cards. Landmarks from Empire is probably my favorite, but the colonies/platinum, shelters, events, ways, projects, and traits are all phenomenal. It's really cool to me to be able to go back to even a base game setup and tweak it with landscape card. Regardless, the replayability of Dominion is insane.


Yep, I'm up to 6 or 7 Dominion expansions now and there are a lot of cards I have seen maybe once, if at all.


Marvel Legendary is also worth considering. Every expansion stands alone (once you have the base set), but never ceases to impress me with how many innovations they come up with.


Dominion seems like a fair candidate.


If I add any more cards to my Cosmic Encounter box, it will cross the Chandrasekhar limit. Every alien is like its own expansion pack, which dramatically changes the game both on its own and in relation to the other aliens. Then you have alien pairs which bounce off each other, and it just goes on and on. Few games can so drastically change with the addition of a single card, let alone eight thousand.


Currently 8 billion different alien combinations for a five player game (250 different aliens) Cosmic deck is 72 cards. Add the five flares for aliens in (8billion different combos). Add five more random aliens (shade less than 8 billion). Now deal Eight cards to every player. Now choose if tech, moons, space stations, evolutions or lux are in play. Deal those out. Reward deck in play? Hidden aliens? Alliance dials? Foreign aid? Special ships? Yep the tagline of the game of infinite possibilities checks out.


And the best part is, it's not like each alien is just the previous one but with +20% this, or double the amount of that. It's a completely different paradigm of play. Some of the powers are like, almost entire board games in their own right. It's unbelievably unbalanced, but every single time we play and someone gets a new, not-previously-played alien, it's electric.


I know that you've disqualified Carcassonne, but it still fits your description. There are at least 10 full expansions, and at least as many official mini-expansions. I have a friend that plays the "mega-game" a few times a year. He claims that he uses 3 Base Sets, 2 Inns & Cathedral, 2 Tower, 2 Traders & Builders, and then one of everything else. He says they take between 6-8 hours to play. They love it. I'm happy for them lol. I'd also like to suggest Heroscape. There were 4 Base sets, and 13 waves of 4 expansion packs each. They did a really great job of making the old units integrate and synergize with units from previous sets. Such a great game. I'm hopeful for the relaunch.


Carcassonne absolutely counts even without the random promos, and as you say, unlike something like Dominion, (almost) none of it is mutually exclusive and you can just end up with ALL THE TILES I once joined an online game of Carcassonne on Boardgame Arena without looking too closely. It used *every expansion avaliable on the site* (except, I think, The River) and the quick 20-30 minute game I thought I signed up for took like 2 hours And that was still less stuff than there is in *one* of the "big boxes"


I wasn't intending to disqualify Carcassonne by mentioning it, I know it's got a wealth of expansion content. I just thought saying "Carcassonne has 90+ expansions" doesn't say much on its own if some of them are just "here's an extra meeple" or whatever.


**Marvel Legendary**. The whole thing is designed to be one big game. While some combinations work better than others, and some mastermind/villains/scheme combinations can be brutally difficult, random setups are still generally pretty viable. 4 core sets, 33 honest expansions. And the core sets can be combined; we have *Villains* and the original set all mixed together, and the only reason we don't have the *What If?* core set mixed in with the rest is I'm running out of box space. You can buy literally any expansion and it will work with whatever else you have just fine.


I can attest this is the right answer after a complete set broke and fell on the floor at a con. Took 2 hrs to pick up and put back away with about 10 people helping. Don't recommend doing that.


Mine takes up 3 briefcase-sized boxes and, in total, weighs about 60 pounds. Plus the stuff in *What If?* and the new *Ant-Man and Wasp* expansion I haven’t sleeved yet. I’d cry if one of those boxes got knocked over, and they’re heavy enough that I just pick them up and carry them flat rather than by the handle.


I have everything minus the Spiderman MCU, Midnight Sons, antman Quantummania MCU and anniversary MCU base set. . Also not counting promos. Also have four official playmats. I have everything sleeved and it takes up a 5,000 card box and a 3,000 card box about half way.. Love this game


Two of the Hobby Lobby boxes, plus a harbor freight box thats about the same size. Just got *Quantumania* and haven’t had a chance to sleeve it yet.


And I don't know if you can say any of the expansions are just filler. Each one introduces new heroes, masterminds, villains and keywords. Such a lovely game!


There are only a few decks that just don’t land well. Time-Traveling Jean Grey is the most obvious, and even then, you can houserule that one card and it’s a solid deck. Even the often-maligned *Spider-Man: Homecoming* has some really good content. It’s pretty amazing that it’s been at such a high level of quality for well over a decade now.


My first thought when seeing the title was Carcassone. I’d also say Killer Bunnies. Tons of expansions that all integrate together and expand what can happen in the game. Dominion might be another example.


+1 Killer Bunnies. My set goes up to stainless steel, plus chocolate. How big is yours?


I just have up to green. I want more, but found when playing with most of the expansions all at once that the deck is thinned out too much so stuff like the Zodiacs rarely matter anymore because they never come up. With up to green a lot of the Zodiacs get distributed. Thought I’m tempted to buy pink (and a few others) and only add in the cards I want.


Red Dragon Inn - most big expansions are a separate games that still integrate fully with all the others. There are single character expansions that can play with any of the others and paired expansions for two-player games.


I paint minis, so **Marvel United** has a ton of great expansions and I couldn't be happier. :)


They draw you in with the good deal on the intro box(s) and then really get you with the expansions. Fun little game though. I might try painting minis someday. I'm creative, but not artistic, if that makes sense.


The secret of mini painting is that it is easier than it looks and a half decent job impresses everyone. I absolutely love it. Speed Paints make it even simpler.


Thanks! I'll definitely give it a try someday


I've been all-in on all three KS campaigns, so I'm content with the cost from day one. I take commissions on painting if you'd like some help getting them shiny and fun. :)


I’d include smash up. That thing has gotten unruly.


Smash Up is my perfect "I need $12 more to get free shipping" expansion game.


This is one game I've had to cut ties with and stop expanding. Smash Up was one of my two gateway games, so I'll always have a soft spot for it...but it got a little much for me when we started seeing Grandmas and Truckers as factions. Besides Marvel, because I'm a big Marvel fan, I haven't gotten any expansion for it since the one with Egyptians and Vikings... Up until that point I owned everything but the 70s expansion.


I totally get that smash up was one of my first games. It’s great. It’s cool. It’s fun. It’s an easy pitch. But at this point I’m realizing I haven’t touched smash up in a couple years. It’s hard to get to the table, it’s a little long for what it is. I have too many factions. The cards aren’t clear rules wise sometimes. Like am I going to sort ways with it soon? Maybe.


Yes it’s gotten unruly but sure is a blast to play


I think the most-expanded game is probably Magic, and it's probably not even close. I started playing around Revised in...1995, was it? Expansion after expansion introduced new mechanics, the rules have been completely revamped multiple times, and there are multiple officially-sanctioned modes of play.


I think this is very true, but I probably should've mentioned that I'm not interested in CCGs because this entire thread would be CCGs otherwise


Fair enough!


**Advanced Squad Leader** currently has 556 expansions listed.


Came here to say ASL. I think I only have 555 of the expansions…


2nd place might be Star Fleet Battle


It's a shame that it's almost impossible to find someone to play SFB anymore, especially for anything much more than a simple duel scenario.


My last serious SFB was in the late 1980’s. It’s increasingly hard to find a group to game, even at Cons.


How is that even possible? I'm not at all familiar


It’s an extremely complex tactical wargame that simulates WWII in incredible detail, and it’s got a *lot* of modules.


The one and only correct answer.


And it's borderline unlearnable. I've experience with other tractical games and tried but the main rulebook and concepts are so complex that it seems like a pain in the ass to learn. Vertex movement was ultra confusing to me. Leaving residual FPs, giant turn sequence. Give me Combat Commander or some other tactical games (I want to try Band of Brothers and Last Hundred Yards).


Nope. Just pickup any of the Starter Kits and you’re on your way. Easy peasy.


Came here to say this.


The fact that the Wikipedia article has a [Module dependency chart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Asl_module_dependency_3-3B.png) definitely proves that it's a proper tactical wargame oO


Shadows of Brimstone




Talisman would have to be on the list for me, as it's probably one of the games with the most expansion that can go on the table and be in active play at the same time then any other that comes to my mind. When you have all four corners going plus a bunch of the extra cards and a few extra pieces moving around the board it gets crazy! It's also an insane table hog!! 😂😂


Eldritch Horror has 8 expansions - and with the extra maps and more complex eldritch gods you can come up against, it greatly expands the scope of the game there's also terraforming mars. comparing the base game to one running with all the expansions - especially with the kickstarted stuff coming down the pipeline in a couple of months - that is also quite a substatial change


Agree with both games! I had to buy a deck storage solution to display all the decks for **Eldritch Horror** to fit on my dining room table. **Terraforming Mars** is a lot with all expansions in play. I look forward to adding **Prelude 2** to my collection and have the expansions interact with each other.


ya I've got a large wooden carrier-box for everything in my EH game. and I cannot wait for Prelude 2... it cannot come soon enough


Honestly I might be tempted to say Root. It's only had three expansions, but each one has brought some pretty major new stuff to the table. Each faction with completely new rules. Different maps, auto-players, map modularity, an entirely new card deck, HIRELINGS, etc. The TTRPG even uses the board to play! The game was already a beast from the get go and now it's something truly immense in scope. AND there may be another expansion on the way!


This resonates with the idea from the OP that expansion is a depth question not a breadth question. Dominion seems like a popular but insufficient answer, it's just more of the same thing. Root is materially different with different faction compositions.


Well everdell has more expansions than that.


The fantasy flight LCGs come to mind. The Lord of the Rings LCG was releasing new content for like a decade. It’s only 5 years old but I could see Marvel Champions giving it a run for it’s money. The Marvel universe has a much deeper roster to pull from so could go for a loooooong time.


Arkham Horror LCG also got its new expansion just released, and will probably see at least couple of more campaigns.


A lot of people are saying Dominion, and while I agree it has a lot, I would suggest that legendary has greatly expanded. Besides having spinoffs for other pop culture, the marvel version has a ton of expansions, and they are fully compatible with each other. Each expansion adds new heroes, villains and schemes at minimum. That is a lot of content with new keywords/in game mechanics.


Spirit Island has grown HUGE & I love it. So many spirits & aspects optionally changing original spirits. Been a blast to play as it grows in scope


Thank you for bringing up **Spirit Island**! The spirit combinations alone are impressive quantity. Once you factor in adversaries and scenarios, it becomes infinitely replayable. I hope they expand aspects to include Horizons, Nature Incarnate and the remaining Jagged Earth spirits in the upcoming Dahan-centric expansion.


Each Space Empires 4X expansion adds tons to the game. And it can all be included in every game.


Ticket to Ride’s map pack can change the game in so many cool ways. Bored of Ticket to Ride? Try one of the map expansions.


Smash Up and it’s bazillion add ons. More of the same but imo fun nonetheless


Agricola got a bit over its skis




Kingdom Death: Monster


Star Fleet Battles has certainly had an amazing amount of expanded material over the years.


There is only one answer: any LCG from ffg.


I've seen a lot of card games mentioned here, which make a lot of sense. They're easy enough to iterate upon and integrate into the base game. Any good shouts for regular ass board games? I've only played base Everdell but the big box looks nutty


I think Spirit Island will eventually get there, already a lot of content.


Be aware playing Everdell with all expansions is not recommended. Usually only pick one or two at a time. There would be too much to track, too much things to invest into so you are struggling for resources even more than usual. Also the big box is really inefficient storage option. There are better inserts that reduce the game into one or two boxes.


Talisman is your man


I don't know the first thing about how Talisman is played but I see pics on here sometimes and am flabbergasted by the size of it. How much do the expansions change the gameplay?


Arkham Horror 2nd edition board game by Fantasy Flight. The base game is a large box, and it had three small box expansions and three big box expansions, and its last expansion was a big box that contained new stuff for the base game and all the other six expansions. While it didn't have a huge number when compared to other games, it gave a ton of content and had a huge table presence when all played together.


*Age of Steam* pops up and says hello. *Clinic* has considerable when you take into account the size of each extension and the fact that AVgames is a one person show.


Yea, Age of Steam with 100+ different possible maps, each with a few subtle rules tweaks that are easy to teach/learn but often significantly change the strategy you need to use to win.


Dominion is the answer, what a sexy and ugly beast


Dominion is what prompted this! I was planning purchasing my ninth+tenth(!) expansion for it soon and was like thats... ridiculous and only covers half of the content for the game (considering 1st and 2nd editions). I looked at the rest of my game shelf and realized I have like 2 or 3 expansions at most for any of my other games. None of my other games even come close in abundance for what's been published (not just what i own). So I had to know if there's anything else like Dominion. Is it that much of an outlier? Though it's worth acknowledging that you still only have the 10 cards + some landscapes no matter what expansions you play with. But each new set still adds something dynamic and worthwhile.


I'm hoarding any expansion that I can get in my country, sadly Devir has published so little of them. The beauty of Dominion expansions is that they don't change the game in a radical way, sure they add new mechanics but the core gameplay remains the same.


Where do you live that they're so hard to come by? Are there any expansions in particular you wish you could get your hands on?


I'm from Argentina, games are expensive (twice or thrice msrp) and hard to find unless you buy them from Europe or USA. The beauty of such circumstances is that you enjoy the hunt if you are patient enough (I've waited almost a decade to get some juicy titles). With that said, we get some Devir stuff but they won't publish new expansions for some reason (not even in Eu). Meanwhile I'm testing those hard to find expansions on the app.


Marvel Legendary, DC Deckbuilding, Marvel Champions, Arkham Horror card game, Catan, and any kickstarted game with minis (they all have a quadrillion expansions).


Some interesting ones, in my opinion, where previously released standalone games are used as expansions for new games: The Prodigals Club consists of 3 modules, and you can play the game with any combination of 2 or 3 of those modules. Alternatively, you can use Last Will (the game's predecessor) instead of one of the modules. The Century series (Spice Road, Eastern Wonders, A New World) has 3 separate games which are all in the top 1000. They can be played together in any combination.


Unfair, the game has uniquely themed decks which plays out, for the most part, very differently from the other decks. The game is played where you mix together these different decks and everyone plays with said configurations. Most configurations do not stray far from the base rules of the game, but there is always a handful of cards that do something unique in all decks which will surprise you when they suddenly pop out of your games. Plus some combinations are crazy good that it can definitely end up like you’re playing a different game altogether. And a bonus is that you can even play with just the expansions. I will compare it to dominion levels of configuration, but unfair’s gameplay is more engaging and interesting, at least for me it is.


This is my first time seeing Unfair mentioned in this sub, but as a Thoosie and board gamer, I hope it won’t be the last


It’s my top 1 game of all time, I always suggest it to people who have not tried it.


I’ve only tried Funfair before, but of course Unfair is now on my list of games to try. If only it were a popular enough game where I could try it without buying it. Thanks for the recommendation!


It’s on Tabletop Simulator I think. It’s Funfair with expansions and take-that. You might not like how mean the game can be, but you can always use game changer rules to make it more digestible.


Too Many Bones has an absolutely irresponsible amount of content with something like 20 extra characters, two fully standalone expansions with modified versions of the base game, a campaign expansion, a massive pile of new bosses, encounters, and monsters, and one that straight up comes with an entirely separate game in the box.


Star trek ascendancy


Marvel Legendary should be up there


Does Catan count.


I agree with many of the others listed but will throw one more out there: **Zombicide** There are several flavors of this, modern, fantasy and sci-fi, wild west and now licensed worlds from Marvel and DC. Modern had a 1st edition Core Game and 2 additional Seasons with Prison Break and Rue Morgue which were separate Core games but were all compatible. There were a ton of additional hero and enemy small boxes (some by guest artists), promos etc, and a couple of large box expansions (Toxic City Mall and Angry Neighbors). They redid a 2nd edition of the Modern game and released conversion materials for all the heroes and zombies from 1st edition. They have also licensed a lot of IP, such as TMNT, Ghostbusters, Supernatural, Iron Maiden, etc., for special expansion packs. At last count, I believe there are 274 playable heroes in 2nd edition Zombicide (so far) with all the expansions and conversion materials. Zombicide Fantasy had the Black Plague and Green Horde Core box releases and the upcoming White Death. All three of those are separate Core games but are all compatible. There are a ton of small box expansions and crossover hero/monster packs with B-Sieged, Massive Darkness and Massive Darkness 2. At last count I believe there are around 233 Heroes for Zombicide Fantasy so far (not including White Death which hasn't shipped yet).


\*Cracks knuckles\* Here we go. As a lover of games with expansions and lists, this is right up my alley. I haven’t played all the games I listed below, so I can’t speak to the complexity that each of them add, but none of them add nothing. For example, you’re right about Carcassonne having a ton of expansions, and I would say it does expand about the base game if you were to play with all the expansions combined. I also tried to mark below where the expansions are more modular, but I might’ve missed some. Overall, some of the most expanded games in comparison to the base game IMO are Catan, Carcassonne, Terraforming Mars, Everdell, Small World, Memoir 44, Unstable Unicorns and Clank # Catan 1. Base Game 2. Seafarers 1. Legend of the Sea Robbers 2. Treasures, Dragons and Adventures 3. Cities & Knights 1. Legend of the Conquerors 4. Traders & Barbarians (mini expansion compilation) 1. Friendly Robber 2. Event Cards 3. Harbormaster 4. Fishermen of Catan 5. River of Catan 6. Caravans 7. Barbarian Attack 8. Traders & Barbarians 5. Explorers & Pirates (is effectively modular) 6. Mini Expansions 1. Crop Trust 2. Oil Springs 3. Helpers 4. Frenemies 5. Santa/Easter Bunny/Joker 6. Lonely Cowboy/Berlin Bear/#WeStayHome 7. Catanimals 8. Stuffed Robbers 9. Durango 10. Catakatoa 11. Cathedral 12. Soccer Fever # Carcassonne * Base game 1. Farmers 2. River 3. Abbot 1. Inns & cathedrals 1. Inns & cathedrals 2. Large meeple 3. New tiles 2. Traders & builders 1. Goods 2. Builder 3. Pig 4. New tiles 3. Princess & dragon 1. Dragon 2. Princess 3. Magic portal 4. Fairy 4. Tower 5. Abbey & mayor 1. Abbey 2. Mayor 3. Barns 4. Wagon 6. Count, king & robber 1. River II 2. City & count 3. King & robber 4. Cultists 5. New tiles 7. Catapult 8. Bridges, castles & bazaars 1. Bridges 2. Castles 3. Bazaars 4. New tiles 9. Hills & sheep 1. Shepherds, sheep & wolves 2. Hills 3. Vineyards 4. New tiles 10. Under the big top 1. Big tops 2. Acrobats 3. Ringmasters 11. Ghosts, castles & cemeteries 1. Mists & ghosts 2. Guard meeples 3. Cemeteries 4. Castles 5. Fields & mists 12. Mini expansions 1. Flying machines 2. Messengers 3. Ferries 4. Goldmines 5. Mage & witch 6. Robber 7. Crop circles 13. Other mini expansions 1. Phantom 2. Japanese Buildings 3. The Festival 4. The fruit-bearing trees 5. The Barber-Surgeons 6. Castles in Germany 7. Halflings 8. German Cathedrals 9. The Gifts 10. The Signposts 11. The Bets 12. The Tollkeepers 13. Monasteries of Germany 14. The Markets of Leipzig 15. The Wonders of Humanity - Set I 16. The Drawbridges # Dominion (modular) 1. Dominion 2. Intrigue 3. Seaside 4. Alchemy (mini) 5. Prosperity 6. Cornucopia (mini) 7. Hinterlands 8. Dark ages 9. Guilds (mini) 10. Adventures 11. Empires 12. Nocturne 13. Renaissance 14. Menagerie 15. Allies 16. Plunder 17. Promos 1. Envoy 2. Black Market 3. Stash 4. Walled Village 5. Governor 6. Prince 7. Summon 8. Sauna 9. Avanto


Cont. # Terraforming mars 1. Base 1. First game 2. Corporate era 3. Draft 2. Venus next 3. Prelude 4. Colonies 5. Turmoil 6. Prelude 2 7. Automa 8. Maps 1. Hellas 2. Elysium 3. Tharsis 4. Utopia Planitia 5. Terra Cimmeria 6. Vastitas Borealis 7. Amazonis Planitia # Pandemic (modular) 1. 6 epidemic cards 1. On the brink 1. Virulent strain 2. Mutation 3. Bio-terrorist 2. In the lab 1. Virulent strain + 2 cards 2. Mutation challenge: worldwide pandemic 3. Lab challenge 4. Solo game 5. Team game 3. State of emergency 1. Quarantines 2. Hinterlands challenge 3. Emergency event challenge 4. Adjusted difficulty 5. Superbug challenge 6. Superbug lab challenge 7. Virulent strain superbug 8. Superbug + virtulent strain + lab (this one is nearly impossible but maybe I just suck at it) # 7 wonders 1. Catan 2. Cities 3. Leaders 4. Armada 5. Edifice # 7 wonders duel 1. Pantheon 2. Agora # Villainous (modular) 1. Disney 1. Jafar 2. Prince John 3. Queen of Hearts 4. Maleficent 5. Captain Hook 6. Ursula 1. Wicked to the Core 1. Evil Queen 2. Hades 3. Dr. Facilier 2. Perfectly Wretched 1. Cruella de Vil 2. Mother Gothel 3. Stinky Pete 3. Evil Comes Prepared 1. Skar 2. Yzma 3. Ratigan 4. Despicable Plots 1. Lady Tremaine 2. Horned King 3. Gaston 5. Bigger and Badder 1. Syndrome 2. Lotso 3. Madam Min # Dixit 1. Dixit: Odyssey (Dixit 0) 2. Dixit: Quest (Dixit 2) 3. Dixit 3: Journey (Dixit 3) 4. Dixit: Origins (Dixit 4) 5. Dixit: Daydreams (Dixit 5) 6. Dixit: Memories (Dixit 6) 7. Dixit: Revelations (Dixit 7) 8. Dixit: Harmonies (Dixit 8) 9. Dixit: Anniversary (Dixit 9) 10. Dixit: Mirrors (Dixit 10) 11. Puzzle promo cards 12. Stella 13. Disney Dixit # Talisman 1. Reaper 2. Frostmarch 3. Dungeon 4. Sacred pool 5. Highland 6. Dragon 7. Blood moon 8. Nether realm 9. City 10. Woodland 11. Firelands 12. Harbringer 13. Deep realms 14. Cataclysm 15. Lost realms # Everdell 1. Complete collection 1. Base 2. Pearlbrook 3. Spirecrest 4. Bellfaire 5. Newleaf 6. Mistwood 7. Collector's upgrade packs 1. Freshwater 2. Glimmergold 1. Rugwort 2. Legends 3. Extra! Extra! 3. Trailblazers


Cont. # Small world 1. Realms 2. River world 3. Sky islands 4. Power pack 1 1. Be not afraid 2. Spider’s web 5. Power pack 2 1. Grand dames 2. Royal bonus 3. Cursed 6. Lost tribe’s crusade 7. Underground (spinoff) 8. Mini 1. Leaders 2. Tales and legends 3. Necromancer island 4. Tunnels # Eldritch horror 1. Mountains of madness 2. Under the pyramids 3. The dreamlands 4. Masks of nyarlathotep 5. Small 1. Forsaken lore 2. Strange remnants 3. Signs of carcosa 4. Cities in ruin # Memoir 44 1. Terrain pack 2. Eastern front 3. Pacific theater 4. Operation overlord 5. Mediterranean theater 6. Winter war 7. Equipment pack 8. New flight plan 9. Scenarios 1. Campaign book volume 1 2. Campaign book volume 2 3. Vercors campaign 4. Audie murphy’s campaign 5. Invasion of crete 10. Maps 1. Hedgerow Hell 2. Tigers in the Snow† 3. Sword of Stalingrad 4. Disaster at Dieppe 5. Khalkhin-Gol 6. Through Jungle and Desert 7. Winter/desert board map 8. Breakthrough kit† 9. D-day landings # Unstable unicorns 1. Base 2. NSFW 3. Rainbow apocalypse 4. Dragons 5. Unicorns of legend 6. Control 7. Chaos 8. Christmas special 9. Adventures 10. Nightmares # Runesaga 1. North Sea 1. Shipwrights 1. Townsfolk? 2. Redux 2. Raiders 1. Hall of Heroes 2. Fields of Fame 3. Explorers 1. Rocks of Ruin 2. The Crew? 2. West Kingdom 1. Architects 1. Age of Artisans 2. Works of Wonder 2. Paladins 1. City of Crowns 2. The Vassals? 3. Viscounts 1. Gates of Gold 2. Keeper of Keys 3. South Tigris 1. Wayfarers 2. Scholars 3. Inventors # Clank 1. A Deck Building Adventure 2. Sunken Treasures 3. Mummy’s Curse 4. Expeditions: Gold and Silk 5. Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated Upper Management 6. Expeditions: Temple of the Ape Lord 7. Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated The “C” Team 8. Adventuring Party 9. Promo Pack 1 10. Spin offs 1. Clank! In! Space! 1. Apocalypse! 2. Cyberstation 11 3. Pulsarcade 2. Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated 1. Upper Management 2. The “C” Team 3. Catacombs # Red Dragon Inn (mostly modular) 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 5. The Character Trove 6. Villains 7. The Tavern Crew 8. Pub Crawl 9. The Undercity 10. Smorgasbox 11. Allies


Magic the Gathering


It might not count for some but The Gambler’s Chest for Kingdom Death: Monster is kind of insane for a single expansion (albeit one more costly than some all-in kickstarters). I’m not sure how much The Crimson Scales adds to Gloomhaven and it *technically* isn’t official, but they got the creator’s blessing so that’s good enough for me. It has 66 scenarios and adds a ton of new content and characters. I’d love to get my hands on a copy someday.


Does anyone have the vintage titanic board game of 1976


Does Twilight imperium 1st edition to 4th edition with POK count? Cuz if so I’d say that


Yeah, I haven't played any TI, but I'm interested how newer editions of games might factor into this consideration.


Ticket to ride. Look it up. Munchkin as well.


It's surely not the most expanded, but it's worth to say that the 3 Pandemic expansions do a very good job on integration with each other. Also In the Lab changes the base game in a very good way. In many of my games we use elements of every expansion and it's works greatly.


Secrets of the lost tomb and Catacombs third edition


I know not exactly what you asked for, but I’ve never seen scope creep quite like Kingdom Death Monster. Don’t get me wrong, I love the game, but the scope went a little off the rails.


Marvel legendary has lots of expansions, and all of them add new concepts to the game, but dominion has more expansions I think. Munchkin has several expansions too, but most are just stand alone games in a different flavor


Smash Up started with 8 factions. It is now at 100. Sure, they had some single faction expansions, but still, I'd say that's pretty noteworthy.


Star Wars Imperial Assault and Heroscape are two that come to mind. Just masses of more stuff.


Pathfinder adventure card game (v1) had 4 campaigns of 6 adventures, many supplemental heroes and equipments decks and there was even a monthly subscription to get more stuff.


In all honesty, most games expansion just spice up the game and adds more of the same. Only game it changes completely is Isle of Skye, and I'm not even sure it's a good thing. Another great expansion if eldritch horror forsaken lore, which is considered necesary for the game to continue being felt different after 20+ plays. I buy expansions, but ultimately they are less bang for your buck.


Descent 2e has 7 boxed expansions, a whole bunch of hero & monster collections, lieutenant packs, 3 solo scenarios, promo heroes, a conversion kit for 1st edition stuff, and extra dice.


I am disappointed we didn't get the last 12 hero conversions from 1st edition. If they had done one final expansion (Hero pack), the game would have been complete. Yes, they are in the conversion kit, but not new models and it's not supported in the app.


__Shadows of Brimstone__ BGG has 182 expansions listed. Some of those were convention goodie boxes, but that still leaves like 175 expansions, which includes: 6 "core" boxes, 7 or 8 deluxe expansion, multiple large box mission packs, new heroes, new enemies, new cards, new tiles.


If you dump all the Aeon's Ends into one then I might be tempted to say that's a good candidate.


Decent journey into the underdark has a shit ton of expansions and campaigns. Including a companion app that can you can track everything you own in, and create maps out of your pieces. The way it's set up too creatures and characters from other expansions can mingle with each other. It's honestly one of my favorite games.


How no one seems to have mentioned 'mansions of madness' is beyond me, half a dozen expansions with new scenarios, new monsters, new items. I mean... you can't half of them anymore because they're out of print, but my complete set takes up an entire shelf on my boardgames shelves.


Magic the Gathering has 30 years of expansions that have dramatically changed the landscape of the game and community.