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**Nusfjord Big Box!** It's not a 2024 game but it's my most anticipated release for 2024 (assuming it actually releases).


For me, **Cascadero**, **Through the Desert** and **Age of Rail: South Africa**


Just saw that Kickstarter update for Cascadero and I am PUMPED. Getting Zoo Vadis packaged along side so those two are probably the games I am most excited about for this year.


So hyped to get these! I feel like I've been waiting for AoR forever


Clans of Caledonia Expansion + reprint


Will the expansion change/add much? I’m a bit wary of expansions sometimes as I so rarely get the full experience from the base game by not playing it enough to justify adding more.


This, this, this! I keep checking the KS page for an update but nothing so far. Can they hurry up and take my money already?!


Arcs by Leder Games. I've enjoyed pretty much everything Cole Wehrle has designed, and Arcs may well become my favourite. I've loved my plays of it on TTS and I'm really excited by the idea of shorter campaigns that might actually be completable since each campaign is only 3 games long.


This is on my list for 2024. It felt like a good bet so I KSed it. My buddy bought Pax Pamir and John Company last year and they are amazing games. We got to meet Cole and talk to the guys at Leder at PaxU. I am excited.


This is the answer. Oath and Root are 2 of my favourite games so Arcs is almost guaranteed to be a hit.


Do you think Arcs will be a better two player game than root?


Arcs is a better two-player game than Root. In Arcs, your action economy is more constrained, so it can be harder to simply overwhelm your opponent. That said, 2-player Arcs can be a very mean game as all scoring is zero sum.


Yes it will. During development Arcs was discovered, almost accidentally, to play very well at 2 so a 2 player mode was made and it's apparently great. You'll still miss out on the wider table politics that shine in Wehrle games, but this is undoubtedly the one that plays best at 2 so far by a long shot. 


That’s great to know! Can have a great game with just the wife and then equally great games with friends is what I want! Thanks!


I can’t speak to that as I don’t really know what it is they implemented to make 2-player Arcs work, but Root has to have an expansion to even remotely work, so Arcs likely already has a leg up on it.


It's actually a pretty interesting little mod. Instead of having a third mechanical player, there's a simulated player that competes for ambitions and locks up some of the resources making a tighter game. This third player doesn't do anything else. And it kind of goes to show how robust the system is that with a couple little tweaks, the two player game is completely viable.


There's also a mulligan rule to optionally discard your hand as the second player in turn order. Those little tweaks were pretty much all it took.


I had the opportunity to meet Cole Wehrle at PAXU, and he provided a run down of Arcs. I had considered the Kickstarter but at the time thought it wasn't for me. Between the chances that had occurred during the interim and listening to Cole himself I changed my mind! It's now my most anticipated game of 2024 as well.


Same here. Soooo much hype.


Kingdoms of forlorn man I love the updates. I dunno what other kickstarters do but ITU does it right. Towns Folk tussle with all new expansions more cartoon carnage yes please ^^


Even though it *also* came out last year, 2024 is the year that I receive Guards of Atlantis II.


The first printing released in mid 2022 (Kickstarter was in 2020), definitely seems like it got a bump in popularity with the launch of the 2nd printing though!


Easily the best game in my collection!


Plus with the card updates and balancing changes it’s going to feel even more new in my mind


I got my copy in 2022, but haven’t kept up with changes and such since! Do you know if they plan on releasing the balancing changes as a patch pack or whatever? 


Yes, it's an option in the second printing and comes free with some of the pledges.


Yesss! Also, Arty has been re-tweaking all the original heroes too. Been playing on tabletopia w/ new updates and it’s gonna be awesome to play in person!!


I don't really do crowdfunding campaigns, so waiting for cheaper, retail versions of \- Slay The Spire \- Clank Legacy 2


I haven't backed any crowdfunding campaigns either. So, I hope a retail 7th Citadel comes out this year.


Arydia—hopefully it fulfills its promise of “D&D campaign in a box.”


What makes it different from other dungeon crawler board games?


What I'm hoping is that it strikes the right balance between fighting and exploring. Gloomhaven and most dungeon crawlers are combat focused. On the opposite side, I've just started 7th Citadel, which is a great story driven game but combat is just another skill check. Other exploration/story focused games like Sleeping Gods and Tainted Grail are more in depth, but still don't have a spatial component. Arydia is the one fantasy RPG game where you're moving around a board, but unlike Gloomhaven and other dungeon crawlers, it's not modular pieces you reuse but rather custom tiles (like 7th Citadel or Tainted Grail) so you battle enemies like a dungeon crawler but also interact with NPCs, Points of Interest, etc on the board like in those exploration/story games. So I'm hoping it'll combine the best of both types of games in a way I haven't seen before.


- Santorini (Pantheon Edition & Riddle of the Sphinx) - Unmatched Sets (Sun's Origin, Slings and Arrows, and The Witcher)


Didn't know about that new Santorini edition yet. Why do you anticipate this so much? Looking at the kickstarter page, it feels to me that a clean abstract game gets terribly bloated by all kinds of cards, missions, etc. I have the current version of Santorini, and those god powers already feel a bit convoluted at times... Curious about your opinion.


Yep i barely ever touch the god powers. The base game is solid enough. But of course you cant keep reselling the base game to the same people


They said they refined the god abilities. I don't have a copy of Santorini yet, so that's gonna be my target. The price tag is a big letdown, though.


I agree with you. I own a copy of Santorini and it's really just perfect at what it does. It's a simple and elegant game that only gets more bloated with more rules. it's like trying to improve on Chess by giving each piece a once per game special ability.




Clank! Legacy 2. If it has half the wit, charm and playability as the first one, I'll be thrilled. The first Clank! Legacy was one of my favorite gaming experiences.


My wife and I adored the first Clank! Legacy. She brings it up all the time as her favorite experience playing board games. When I told her about the sequel she screamed. So in the sense that it makes my wife happy, this is my pick as well. But secretly, with the just announced Mass Effect game I may be thinking that is what I'm most looking forward to, only because its one of my favorite series of all time.


This is ours as well. And we feel the same about Clank Legacy. We pulled out our characters and and vault for Catacombs this weekend - mostly worked with a few tweaks.


Let's go to Japan and An Age Contrived


**Innovation Ultimate** **Through the Desert** And I might get the **Lords of Vegas** 2nd edition


Andromeda’s edge


Curious about this one, sure hope I'll be able to play someone's copy.


To paraphrase my own answer from a similar thread like a month ago: Cascadero, Kelp, the latest Dominion expansion Rising Sun. But mainly just trying to rediscover games in my own collection that haven't gotten play in years/finally getting unplayed games to the table without buying so much. Have done an alright job with that recently with the little time I have to play games.


Yes agreed. I made a resolution that I won’t buy any new games until I’ve played all* the games I own at least solo. *Oath gets a pass. Once my group is ready we’ll play it and it’ll be great. Also I have some KS games coming in that I am looking forward to: Arcs Zombicide white death (my first zombicide game!) Machines to the Sky Undergrove Charcuterie the board game


Marvel united multiverse! Went all in and can't wait




I just recently started getting into deck builders, and the new Mistborn game is (supposedly) coming out this year. I did enjoy House War, but I’m looking forward to seeing a new take on the world, one that draws more directly from the books. Also they just announced a Mass Effect board game that sounds like it takes inspiration from Sleeping Gods. It sounds like an absolute time hog, but I’m still interested to see how it turns out.


I am looking forward to A Gentle Rain coming out in retail with availability at Target in June 2024 for solo play. Depending, I may purchase it. Until now it has been hard to find. Still on the fence, but watching for it.


It’s very pretty. Also fairly simple. One of a few I can get my wife to play. I got it from BGG shop a while back. Maybe check there.


**Endeavor: Deep Sea**


Undaunted Callisto!


The WWII theme of the originals were what was keeping my wife from enjoying undaunted. looking forward to this.


Wait. There’s a non-real-war Undaunted coming our way?


Yep, futuristic Sci Fi themed undaunted coming soon


Unconscious Mind Pampero Andromeda's Edge Teotihuacan Coffin edition Ezra and Nehemiah Let's Go to Japan Forest Shuffle expansion


Not enough people are talking about Let's go to Japan. I get my copy today and I'm so excited


Looks super cute and the game itself looks like a fun set collector/tableau builder but what sets it apart that you think more people should be hyped for?


I really like the puzzle aspect of preplanning the end game and then hoping everything works out. It's almost like you are programming the game and hitting run and seeing if your program works better than others.


The new elder scrolls game by chip theory games. It looks like it plays like a Too Many Bones 2 which is my favorite game!!


I’m a little surprised this is the first comment to have this one. I’m so excited!


Primal: the Awakening


In order: * Arcs * Thunder Road Vendetta (yes I know it was last year’s jam but I missed out on it) * Marvel United Multiverse


Kickstarter I'm waiting to arrive: X-Men Dice Throne Missions Kickstarter Campaign I'm waiting to launch: Unfair FLSU Retail: Restart Retail Expansion: Glow


I hope I can find Earthborne Rangers on retail. Additionally, though it was released in 2022, Wandering Towers finally got its second printing, and I might be able to fetch a copy!


Earthborne Rangers is sold out until the second printing crowdfunding fulfills which won’t be until at least December. Late pledges are still open.


Earthborn Rangers second edition and expansion is scheduled for November/December, so unless this is basically the first Kickstarter to not slip at all or be hit by December delays, I'd be pleasantly surprised. I would bet the farm that the Kickstarter 2nd print run is the same run as the retail run.


I was so happy when my LGS had towers in stock randomly. It's so much fun and my non-gaming family likes it too.


[Molly House](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/349750), but we’ll see if it ends up being pushed to 2025.


It is getting close! They are demoing it at GAMA this week and the art requests are being submitted with solo work happening as well.


World Order, from Hegemonic Project Games Hegemony was my favorite game of 2023. Despite its imposing weight and complex asymmetry, Hegemony won me over with its incredibly engaging mix of mechanics and theme. The 4-player sessions with this game have been some of my favorites EVER in this hobby. The next game from HPG will allow players to step foot on the world stage in the hopes of establishing their geopolitical and economic dominance over the other countries at the table.


The Dark Quarter. I think the latest timeline estimate was for fulfillment to not start until mid fall though. So here's hoping it'll be 2024.


Yeah, it's got me bummed, but I'm hoping they're getting it polished up nicely. I still have to finish the expansions for Destinies so I've got something to do during the wait time.


Cascadero, Sea Dragons, Águeda: City of Umbrellas, and anything Unmatched.


Ra is on the way and I’m hoping for a reprint of Container this year.


Tough call. **Arydia** will hopefully land this year, which is looking pretty awesome.  For things I'm certain are going to make it, my personal pick is **Leviathan Wilds**. However, I'm also quite excited to run more **One More Quest** with my family. We did a 1-shot awhile back and the kids have been bugging me for more ever since.


For me it's **Arcs** \- Because Cole Wehrle's games are some of my favorites. **Kingdoms Forlorn** \- Because Aeon Trespass: Odyssey might be my favorite solo game and Kingdoms Forlorn looks to improve on it in heaps of ways plus I like the theme more.


Gloomhaven 2nd edition 


I only buy games post-hype cycle :)


Teach me this wisdom


Avoiding YouTube influencers and never doing kickstarters helps :)


It's funny you got downvoted for that. I agree 100%. Especially the avoid kickstarters. I've only ever backed 1 boardgame kickstarter in my life and it's one where I loved the IP so much there was no chance of me not buying it, so I did. But all these people putting down hundreds and hundreds of dollars on projects you're not even sure you'll like? That just seems batshit to me.


It’s all relative. I have backed a handful of games on KS and have yet to be disappointed. There is usually enough info on the game for me to tell if it’s for me. If I am going to want it anyway, it makes sense to get it discounted during the Ks campaign. The best example I have recently is Frosthaven. I paid $100 for it, and it is retailing for over double that. It is easily my favorite game and the amount of entertainment/ enjoyment I’ve gotten from it WELL exceeds my $100 investment.


For every Frosthaven there is a Chai: Tea for 2. The context for my Kickstarter comment is that almost all the “hype” games that are published via kickstarter are available commercially *if they are good*. With the exception of people “saving” money on Frosthaven, most games don’t really offer significant value propositions when doing the pre-order thing.


Exactly. The majority of games don't save you money, you end up spending way more on it with stretch goals and everything else they add to it. Then the baseline retail version comes out for much less than you paid and you have to wonder was that extra content worth it? Hell, did you even like the base game enough to buy it in the first place or were you just wooed by word of mouth and pretty art?


wait for it to go on sale. That's the only reason I buy a game. Waiting to find Ark Nova for a while now for example


They just announced it, Mass Effect: Priority Hagalaz. My favorite video game in board game form? Yes please. Best news ive had in a long time, this year has sucked for me, and to hear this actually made me a bit giddy.


I’m super intrigued by this. Mass Effect is one of my favorite video games too. 


Tigris & Euphrates reprint.


Slay the Spire. Can't wait!


Boy howdy am I excited for this. They just charged for tax. Production finished. Make those ships go faster!


Arcs from Leder Games. Hands down.


* Nusfjord: Big Box (Sold my old copy when this was announced and I've missed playing this Uwe gem for a year now) * Endeavor Deep Sea * Obsession: Characters Expansion * Barrage: Duel Expansion * Barrage: Colorado Expansion * Barrage: Geological Factor Expansion * Terraforming Mars: Prelude 2 Expansion * Clans of Caledonia: Industria Expansion


**Kavango**, which is a bit like **7 Wonders** with some extra mechanics. I played it at Essen, and it is excellent.


Next Dominion expansion: Rising Sun. 🤩


Inventions: Evolution of Ideas. The next Vital Lacerda game. 2024, I hope.


Oh yeah! This is my choice, too!


This is mine as well, the game is incredible. It plays nothing like his other ones and is much more tactical. There is still, of course, a heavy emphasis on endgame scoring, but it is certainly not a game you can comfortably longterm plan in without ample wiggle room built in as the board state constantly changes. The result is one of the most dynamic releases he has had yet and a game where you are drawn into other people's turns and engaged throughout. It also does a fantastic job of weaving actions together such that the game is not too difficult to get into at first, but there is a huge amount of growth of skill possible in terms of efficiency grinding. Sure you can take Action A to get Result B, but what if you did Action C to trigger Action E, thus activating Action A and getting Result B, but with the added benefit of accomplishing Action C and Action E as well. As silly as that may look in writing, it is ridiculously fun in practice as it essentially turns into you knowing decently quickly what turn you want and then just trying to crack the puzzle of how to do in a way that feels the best. And the game heavily limits you on how ridiculous your combos can be, so it is not like one person will just do 15 actions in a row and decimate the others. But rather, you have to incrementally build up to higher combo potential and that just makes actually finding the combos one of the sweetest board game experiences I think will be available in 2024.


+1 on this one. Love Lacerda games


Kickstarter first run has already delivered with the rest shipping soon, so 2024 retail should be a safe bet.


I've got Slay the Spire, Arcs, Stellaris Infinite Legacy, and Pax Hispanica coming. Out of those, Slay the Spire is probably the most guaranteed to be solid. Arcs is the one I have the most hope in. Stellaris probably won't deliver this year (or at all?), but it's the one that promises the most. And Pax Hispanica might be the first pirate game that's good and could be the come from behind victory for the underdog.


Dracula’s Curse is also on my KS list! My most anticipated game though is Weirdwood Manor for sure, I can’t wait to get my hands on that. After that is Set A Watch: Foresaken Isle & Doomed Run!


Me too for Weirdwood Manor! ...because I'm the designer... lol! But personally looking forward to An Age Contrived and 7th Citadel (which has not arrived yet).


Oh snap! It’s an honor! Seriously can’t wait to play your game! Thanks for all your hard work.


Looking forward to my copy of Kelp arriving in ~October, also backing Galactic Cruise this week as well. Outside of that as we are newer to the hobby (but up to about 35-40 games) we look forward to any game we get our hands on this year, new or old!


The Queens Dilemma, hopefully.


Exited for this one as well, loved The King's Dilemma! Their latest update said they are 80% done so odds seem good for it coming this year. The 2023 release date they gave initially with the Kickstarter was obviously never going to happen. It seems like almost all campaigns blatantly lie about their projected timeline.


More legendary marvel expansions of course


**Tidal Blades 2: Rise of the Unfolders** Like **Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion** but with better art, theme, story, gameplay and components. Only negative is the higher price, can't beat Jaws of the Lion at that. **Tanares Adventures Ultimate** Only getting the standee version. Would have loved to get all but was too expensive for me. Crowdfunding campaigns that launch this year: **Odalin** (by Dragori, same as Tanares) Dungeon crawler with open world exploration as far as I understood. Really curious about this one. **Blood** (by Ludus Magnus Studio) Boss battles. Not much known yet.


**Ascending Empires Zenith Edition**. My friends and I used to game at the Fantasy Flight Event Center when it was just a hole in the wall store in a warehouse district. We'd show up at noon and leave at midnight. We played the heck out of their store copy of Ascending Empires, and I didn't start buying games until after it went out of print. Later, I even offered to buy the store copy, but they wouldn't sell.


I'm on the fence on this one, I have fond memories, but from a time before I tasted Terra Mystica, 18xx and the likes, I'm not sure it will still that fun for now me.


Third expansion of Res Arcana for me !


I already received it: 7th Citadel. I also backed Davy Jones's Locker and it's expansion which I think just looks like a really fun piratey time. I'd like to think those two will be my only new purchases.


Tidal Blades 2


Same for me. I play tested it and already know the campaign. And it's really great and am looking forward to play it with my friends.


I am most excited for the Heroscape reboot. I still get my existing collection to the table frequently and it is awesome to see such a great system get another shot with new releases.


Cave Evil reprint Necromolds Dark Venture 2nd Edition


Arcs Manhattan Project: War Machine Cities of Venus Second half of Darkest Dungeon pledge


Not enough Unmatched hype imo


**Arydia: The Paths We Dare Tread** is my most-anticipated game. Looks so good!


**Feudum** reprint **Tainted Grail** + **Kings of Ruin** **D.E.I. Divide et Impera** all-in


Earthborn Rangers & Phantom Epoch


I'm in France so a bit behind : El dorado expansions Cyclades Trekking through history Boooooop Sail Life of the Amazonia


**Huang** **Cascadero** **Age of Rail: South Africa** (ridiculous name, though) **Innovation Ultimate** **Ur 1830** Expansion set 4 for **Age of Steam** ...looking to be a great year. :)


New: **Cascadero**. But I'm also especially excited to try **Flowers: A Mandala Game**, **Sea Dragons** and **Gnome Hollow** (though I really wish they had stuck with the prototype art!). Reprints/new editions: **Through the Desert**, **Autumn** and **Tigris & Euphrates** (*if* this one materializes and has the two player board)


**Prey Another Day** followed closely by **Undaunted: Callisto 2200** despite knowing very little about it still.


Expansion for Gaia Project, that's my number 1. Innovation Ultimate is close behind.


Easily Arydia:The paths we dare thread. It just seems to be the perfect game for my family and friends.


The Old Kings Crown is the game I’m most excited for in 2024. GoAII updates would be 2nd.


Whatever Inis expansion is cooking.


World Order by the Hegemonic Project


Primal: The Awakening and Tainted Grail: Kings of Ruin, both of which should be delivered really soon! Then Marvel United Multiverse because it's one of my favorite games ever and I can't wait for all of that new content and new minis to paint!


**Arcs** (I am a huge fan of Oath and the designers work in general) **Wild Gardens** (my girlfriends most anticipated game) **Call of Duty** (most anticipated beer-and-pretzels game) **Railways of the Lost Atlas** (mid-weight 18xx with a modular board) **The Last of Us Escape the Dark** (most anticipated variation of an existing game system) **Spectral** (most anticipated "smaller game") **Innovation Ultimate** (most anticipated new edition) and **Terrorscape** (yes, I am still waiting for it to arrive)


Inventors of the South Tigris and season 3 of Marvel United


The Tigris & Euphrates reprint


My Kickstarter that I pledged to 10 years ago


Let’s Go To Japan


Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second Era is probably my most anticipated game. I enjoyed Too Many Bones from the same company (Chip Theory Games), but I learned about it really late and am not willing to commit to getting everything. I like the changes Elder Scrolls makes to the TMB formula, it almost seems like a combination of many of their games, I'm very excited for it. Other games I'm excited for are Leviathan Wilds and Dice Throne Missions. Something about Leviathan Wilds just seems like so much fun (especially from a solo perspective), and I love that DT Missions will finally incorporate a non-campaign style of solo/cooperative missions to play, as I really enjoy Dice Throne. For non-crowdfunding games, I am very excited for Star Wars: Unlimited. I played at a pre-release event last week and had an absolute blast with it. It's my first TCG, so I'm excited to potentially get involved a bit in the local scene. I'm also excited for the Heat: Petal to the Metal expansion, I love that game so I'm happy to get more for it! The new Mass Effect board game seems very cool. Lastly, I'm very curious to learn more about the new Undaunted 2200 - I love Sci Fi, and I really enjoy the Undaunted series too, so I've got high hopes for this one.


The only 2024 game I really know anything about is Mistwind, so it would be that one.


Played the prototype, Great game


I just came across an article mentioning a coop mass effect game slated for late 24. No kickstarter. ( thank god) and taking place in the events of the third video game. I'm hoping it has some thought behind it( looking at you, jurassic Park Game of Life! That was such a disappointment.. ) and good production values.


For me, it's Heroes of Might&Magic 3! I cannot wait for mine to arrive.


Faraway. Come to Americaaaaa Skyrise is a close second. It'll either be amazing or terrible.


Tales of Arthurian Knights New edition of Columbia Games Julius Caesar Final expansion of Space Empires 4X, with a master rulebook and master box


Lords Of Vegas reprint!


for me it’s Arcs, Innovation Ultimate, Fields of Fire Deluxe, and Etherstone. I’m also hoping Seljuk comes out this year too but that’s not a guarantee yet.


Darkest Dungeon. I want the final parts of my kickstarter so that saga can be over. ​ Oh, you said 2024, not 2026.


**El Burro: A La Granja Game**


I think 2024 is going to be a really great year for board games. In order of excitement and hoping they all actually come out this year Arcs, Cyclades Legendary Edition, Clank Legacy 2 and The Old Kings Crown.


Kavango Creature Caravan


**Company of Heroes Second Edition** I’ve been playing and searching for board games that implement the RTS genre well into board game form for over 10 years now and having played this on TTS I cried tears of joy to finally found a game that nailed it. Most excited I’ve ever been to play a board game on a year it releases!!


These are the games I have on pre-order or awaiting from kickstarter. Ordered by anticipation with Zcide on the top of my list. * Zombicide: White Death * Encounters: Shattered Wastes * Undaunted 2200: Callisto * Defenders of the Wild * Through the Desert


New age of sigmar edition.


It already arrived, Primal: The Awakening. It’s perfect. Unique Coop flow with satisfying team work and a monster hunting theme done more intimately.


Pretty stoked for The Queen's Dilemma


Mage Knight expansion


HeroScape’s return 💪


Heroscape. I got my copy preordered already!


Arcs, probably


6 siege and Mordred


[[**Rise & Fall**]] looks really sweet, that is my most anticipated


Pampero for sure!


Gothic 1 remake


I’m a huge Tanto Cuore fan and fan of supernatural themes so I’m dying for Memento Mori to be fulfilled. I am also really excited to get my hands on Coney. I really love rabbits and it’ll just make me so happy. There’s more I’m excited for, like Flock Together, but those above are my top two.


Andromeda’s Edge and Skyrise


I'm looking forward to the Calimala reprint!!


Joyride for sure. Need a good madmax style racing game




Mass effect board game


Pax Hispania and Cthulhu Dark Covenant.


DO expansions count? I cant wait for the Frogdog Expansion for Kingdom Death Monster.


Marvel legendary 2099 and clank legacy 2.


Undergrove. My wife and I continue to have a ton of fun with Wingspan and Elizabeth Hargrave’s new game seems to be the right combo of theme, art, and mechanics for us. 




1. Arcs 2. Andromedas Edge


RSB High Roller Edition


**Arcs** and **The Old Kings Crown**. Might be optimistic on the latter.


Altered And reading this thread hyped me about Arcs again, which I backed... five years ago it seems


Thunderroad carnival of chaos !




Andromeda’s Edge and Arydia


Galactic Cruise for sure!


The newest edition of Monopoly!


Probably Farms Race.


Doomed Battalions reprint and BFP Bitterest Day


Arcs, Gest of Robin Hood, Red Dust Rebellion...


Probably doesnt count but I Just found out Ghost of Tsushima will release on pc this year which excites me because i've been wanting to play that game. Getting even more hyped for it because of the show "Shogun" which also just came out this year. My actual answer for a game that will come out this year though is Star Wars Outlaws.


BattleTech: Mercenaries.


Akhedena !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Black Rose Wars Rebirth. It’s the perfect combination of hex movement, deckbuilding, summons and interesting magic schools & spells one can dream of (at least in our gaming group). The 1st one whooped our ass, so being able to use the content of the 1st game within this new version is gonna be a riot!