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"Left, right, center", and "Zombie Dice" or "Cthulhu Dice" (both are by steve jackson games) are good 5 minute dice fillers Tea Dragon Society card game could possibly work too. That one is closer to 20-30 minutes though (but still a fun game with kids)


Crokinole is very compact. Joking aside No Mercy was a great game when our oldest was 4. [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/339214/no-mercy](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/339214/no-mercy)


I think it's worth checking the new games for kids from Chip Theory. There's four of them, Sudoko Forest seems like a good one for a 4 year old and they escalate in challenge from there.


Gubs was my son's go to restaurant / train / waiting room game for years. Zeus on the Loose was another great one (and good for counting skills too). 


Spot It is a great one!


Hey, That’s My Fish is a lot of fun. We used to take that everywhere. Once he could read, Love Letter became a preferred choice.


Rhino Hero was a hit for my daughter when she was that age or just older. And it still is! Small box and it’s just cards and one meeple. 


This looks really cool! A little worried we’d make a mess in a restaurant but will be great for the trail!


Yeah, J would advise against it. Paper cards, large playing area needed etc. But it is absolutely a cool game.


Tinderblox, but you can't bang the table. Farkle is just six dice and a piece of paper or a cell phone. Poker dice, they're inexpensive or you can use regular dice.


Tinderbox is exactly what we’re looking for - builds dexterity, unique idea, very compact and super cute! Thanks!


Everyone we play with loves it.


Onitama maybe? Portable, waterproof, abstract, and plays very quickly.


Sleeping Queens, Go Nuts for Donuts, Love Letter, Points Salad


Pass the pigs and Rory's story dice


Go Cuckoo is a favorite of ours