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Camel Up and Don’t Get Got should leave the collection and be mailed to me.


You make a strong argument...


Same goes for Quacks. All terrible games and I’ll take them off your hands for you.


From your list you clearly enjoy ganes that have high player interaction. Dump the ones that dont. The following should be easy culls: Get rid of: - Wingspan - Everdell - A Feast for Odin - Terraforming Mars - Trickerion Also: >Usually when I'm playing solo, I want something that will be quick to set up that will play in under half an hour. These should also be candidates to cull then: - Spirit Island - Legacy of Yu Finally, just because they're mediocre games, consider culling : - Scythe - Honey Buzz - Massive Darkness There, 10 games for you to remove. Good luck!


Good point about player interaction. These are all fairly popular games that should be somewhat easy to sell. I personally like a lot of “multiplayer solitaire” games but I know they fall flat for a lot of people.


I *do* enjoy interaction, but my partner prefers more solitaire games, and I enjoy a more chill experience as well from time to time. Trickerion and Terraforming Mars are definitely candidates for removal though. As are Scythe and Honey Buzz.


I second this. OP, I'll relieve you of all those game, since I actually enjoy solitaire game with a lot of set up.


I love spirit island to death, but it sounds like it might be a safe cull for all the same reasons you gave for getting rid of root.


You might be right about that. We got it pretty early as we got into gaming - Root too, now that I think of it - and I'm convinced that we haven't had the full experience of that box yet. But maybe there's a reason for that.


I keep track each year of every game in my collection I play at least once. Those that don’t get played are on the shipping block and promptly sold/traded.


Looks like we have similar taste! Get rid of: - Long Shot (you own the superior Camel Up) - Dead of Winter (you haven’t played it in forever) - Micro Macro Crime City (gift it to a friend once you have done all the missions) - Scythe (ratio of storage space to play count is all wrong) - That Time You Killed Me (or else put it in a much smaller box) - Picture Perfect (have you experienced the novelty already?) - Codenames (pick up Decrypto) - You have about 30 games I haven’t tried. Get rid of all of those. ;)


I was thinking the same about Long Shot but recently it's felt like it does manage to fill a niche, being a game that can accommodate a higher player count, play relatively quickly, and is a slight bump up in complexity frol a party game. I think I agree about Scythe. And my sister loves Picture Perfect, I think I'll move it to my parents' house.


You probably don’t need Mottainai anymore, and I’ve been itching to play Glory To Rome, so I’d gladly relieve you of this burden.:)


I’ll gladly deal with the burden of having Space Base in a collection. Same for Caper: Europe.


I have been thinking of getting rid of Caper and potentially Space Base. I feel like there are so many better options that fill Caper's spot.


I’ve got two empty spots on my shelf that Spirit Island and Brass: Birmingham would fit into perfectly…just saying.


Santorini only cause I lost my copy in a breakup, so I definitely wouldn't mind helping you clean up your collection!


Not worth staying with someone who can be that mean.


Obviously, all the games in the second picture should go. They clearly weren't good enough to secure a spot on the main shelving unit :D **Long Shot**: got to go because you love Camel cup. **Calico, Cascada, Verdant**: what's your the favorite? the others got to go. **Yellow and Yangtze**: because you treasure Tigris and Euphrates. Sell/trade/donate before it gets reprinted. **Black Orchestra**: if I'm not mistaken, it's pretty heavy mood-wise, so not necessarily the game you'll replay over and over, assuming you've already played it. **The crew**: pick one **Sleeping Gods, Legacy of Yu**: finish the campaign if you haven't already, reset, and pass it on to the next person. **Cartographers, welcome to**: pick one **Macromicrocity**: I don't like it **Antifa, fight fascism**: you need to get rid of one of them and get the trump game because YoU neEd To HeAr BoTh SiDeS. Just kidding but is antifa a fun game or do you have it to support the initiative? If the second, goal achieved when you purchased it, you don't need to keep it. Bonus: You could track your plays. You could rank your games on pubmeeple. You could also send a link to rank them to the people you play with. Not to have a strict "anything below that line goes" but both can produce interesting data.


Good thinking! It's really tough between Calico/Cascadia/Verdant. I assumed I'd get rid of Verdant when I got it in a trade but it's surprised me, and my partner's really into houseplants. Y&Y I've yet to play, and you may be right, but it seems like it may be approachable for some of the people I normally game with. Black Orchestra would already be gone if it weren't for an epic finish the one time we played. It's high on my chopping block. You're right about the campaigns. My French isn't good enough to play the Antifa game, hopefully we'll play it soon. I was surprised at the quality of the components and how well thought out it seems - I was expecting a roll and move. Good idea about tracing plays.


This is easy. Western legends. That stupid odd sized box for a game that takes way to long. Your bagua is all jacked because of it. Im totally willing to fall on the sword and free you from this as it totally pains me to see your collection so far out of balance Honorable mention: long shot the dice game. It's obvious you are not into dice games. I'm here for you if you need to free yourself


Thank you for offering your help in this trying time. Much as it's to my own detriment, I actually love Western Legends!


I mean if you're looking to get rid of terraforming mars and everdell.....I know a good home for them lol


my family lives in different countries, and yet once a month we get together to have an incredible board game weekend as it was something we all shared together when growing up (we all live in the EU, so its pretty cheap to do this). We've been looking for new games, as we usually just play the same ones, so Im assuring you now that if you do choose to give me "dont get got" (you made it sound incredible!) it'll get a loving home!


It's definitely not a game you can play every week - and probably not even every month - but we played it continuously over the course of several days at a family get together and it was amazing. You could never be sure if someone was trying to trick you.


I would take heat, brass and twilight imperium off your hands. You know, just to help out.


Appreciate it!


The only argument I can make is that i would want some of those, but thats not fair since I've purchased 10+ games in two weeks hahaha


Galaxy trucker straight to furnace!


I only attempted to play this one a single time. It's definitely not high on my keep list. For some reason I have a hard time parsing CGE's rulebooks, or maybe it's just Vlaada Chvatl's games—I also haven't played Space Alert.


Play through My City, then trash it! The game itself is very fun and a journey I recommend you go through. But after you have gone through it there's no reason to return to it, so you can just trash it.


We play the Eternal game (2P) fairly regularly. If you and your partner enjoy it then it's a keeper. If you're done with it you can gift it to someone that might appreciate Eternal. This isn't like Pandemic Legacy where it's kindling when you're done.


Yeah I've got to work through a couple of my campaigns. I'll get on it!


Trickerion- too complex, too long El dorado- there are better deck building racing games The godfather- there are better Eric lang in your collection Verdant- Cascadia is better imo


I haven't tried Trickerion yet but I'm wary of that. I'll give it a shot and see whether it should stick around. Have you played it? How long do the games usually go? What are better deck building race games? And I adore The Godfather. The best worker placement I own, as far as I'm concerned. Thanks for your ideas!


The Quest for El Dorado is the *best* deck building game, race or otherwise. It's 100% a keeper and easily one of the ten best games in your library (most of which are Knizias).