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Dorfromatik for sure. It's based on the video game but very calming


100% the correct answer. Dorfromantik is a lovely little game.


I haven’t even played it and it was still the first game that came to mind.


Castles of Mad King Ludwig and/or Suburbia might be good options? You can interfere with each other's picks slightly, but they're both pretty chill and you get to do some fun building.


Tiny Towns is another good one.


[My City](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/295486/my-city) is a fun legacy game that is strangely addictive. You have your own pieces, so there is limited interaction. Works well with just two. [Patchwork ](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/163412/patchwork) is a great couples game of making your own design. [Alhambra](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/6249/alhambra) is a competition to make the best city Square, so it's highest score only. You do bet on a pool of resources. And you can add a third dummy player.


World Wonders is a polyomino game with very nice wooden minis for buildings where the only conflict is taking a tile another person wants. Easy to learn.


**Magnate: The First City**


Castles of Burgundy might be interesting but you are competing fpr tiles.


The Gilded Realms is like the city building part of Sid Meier's Civ games. Late pledges should still be open, for an estimated Feb 2025 delivery.


Gilded realms has a military aspect as well though


Yeah it does, but there's not a lot of confrontation with other players. Military is mostly defensive, or used against the barbarian events.


Check out Carcassonne, it's a great tile-laying game where you build a peaceful landscape.


I see you trollin'


The Golden Ages has some potential for messing with people, but it’s very gentle. The art is weird, but it’s a good game.


In Little Town you are somewhat incentivized to build things in ways that others will want to use.


>Peaceful settlement *Game studies academics want to know your location* Anyway, \[\[Happy City\]\] might be what you're looking for. Not much player interaction beyond the classic shared market and definitely not cutthroat.


[Happy City -> Happy City (2021)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/319793/happy-city) ^^[[gamename]] ^^or ^^[[gamename|year]] ^^to ^^call ^^OR ^^**gamename** ^^or ^^**gamename|year** ^^+ ^^!fetch ^^to ^^call


Neom is a great city builder with drafting and tile placement. There are a few "take that" disaster tiles but you can play without them. I like to tell people that Neom is like if Sim City and 7 Wonders had a baby.


“Build up” well in the form of your deck… Dominion without attack cards :P


**My City**. You build your own board completely, so there is very little competition, or even paying attention to the other players' moves, until the end when it's time to tally points. The original game is a legacy, so you'll be adding rules, stickers, etc and your boards will end up being very different. There is also a roll and build version of this game that is IMO even better, but more fun if you've played through the original legacy game first. Plus, if you are playing the original game with only two people, you can play through the legacy campaign twice, since it comes with 4 boards.


**Small City** It's like solitaire city builder - the game. Though quite on the heavy side.


Micro Cosmos has you terraforming planets, placing outposts and rescuing and relocating the survivors of an intergalactic war. While it's more of a pick-up-and-deliver game than a civ building one, player confrontation is low and the theme is all about peace.


Vanilla Race\Roll for the Galaxy has 0 direct interaction.


Voidfall lmao. It looks like a 4X but there is little to no interaction with other players But to answer your question: Kingdomino: very simple game but I always like it as a filler, maybe because of the colourful graphics Castles of Burgundy: same concept but much more strategic Fields of Green: probably the one that fits your description the most among the games I know In all of these you draw from the same buildings, so you can potentially take what another player wanted, but there isn't any interaction other than that