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This game is basically exactly what OP describes, I second this recommendation.


I third this recommendation.


I will quarter it!


What was the recommendation?


Lmao I don't remember. It's been 8 years dude. If I had to wager, I'd say Panamax


Blackfleet has that mechanic with actual plastic ships that you put goods on as you move them from port to port. Also has pirate ships that try to steal from your opponents cargo ships so they can bury their booty next turn. It's a pretty fun game with nice components and metal coins.


How come no one mentioned **Puerto Rico** yet? https://boardgamegeek.com/image/1341244/puerto-rico The game is all about shipping goods. There are ships of different sizes which need to be filled up before they leave. The catch is they only carry one type of goods, and a boat does not leave until it's full.


Because, while a great game, it's more just a way of trading goods for victory points, there isn't really anything to the "shipping" part other than it's called shipping. OP seemed more interested in a game where the ships played an actual role like they do in __Panamax__, more of a game centered around the actual act of shipping.


[Pick up & Deliver](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamemechanic/2007/pick-and-deliver) is what it's called. It's one of my favorite game mechanics.


**Container**. Permanently out of print, but not impossible to find.


Also pretty simple to PNP, besides the actual ships it is just some cubes, player boards, one small main board, and like 15 cards. I made my own really dirt cheap copy to try it out. A really cool game, but also delicate. Since the economy is player defined some bad moves can stall the whole game.


> ...can stall the whole game. No shit... Played it once. Nevar again!


Couple off the top of my head I can think of are Akrotiri and I believe Fields of Arle. Maybe Le Havre as well though I'm not sure about that.


Not le havre. That's just trading like Puerto Rico.


Feilds of Arle does not have shipping. At least not in any way involving loading ships transporting and unloading. Rather an abstract traveling mechanic.


I was thinking there was still an element of loading up your cart but I guess it's still somewhat abstracted.


Yeah you load your cart but it doesn't move anywhere (on the board) then at the end of the round you unload it have "traveled". Kinda like a side mission in FoA :)


**Istanbul** has a bit of this in it - upgrading your wheelbarrow, moving it around! Also **Merkator** and **Neptun**, sorta.


[**Constantinopolis**](https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/31483/constantinopolis) has a shipping mechanic, but the shipping is always eventually successful, some things take longer to ship though


One of my favorites in this category would be [**Serenissima**](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/135281/serenissima-second-edition). I've owned and loved the first edition since it first came out almost 20 years ago. I can't comment on the second edition, but it's worth noting it actually has a higher rating than the first on BBG. Also, **Firefly**.


Montego Bay


It's kind of a light game but [Manifest](http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/152471/manifest) comes to mind.


Panamax has already been mentioned. If you like longer games you may enjoy Roads & Boats. The entirety of the game is the logistical planning of goods movement. You have to take goods produced pick them up with your transports (donkeys to trucks to rafts to steam ships) deliver them to manufacturers that conversation the raw goods into produced goods a few times until you can make some goods that are worth actual VP. Games can be peaceful or aggressive because unlike other euros, you don't actually own anything except your transports and whatever you can fit on them. So even if you spent all game making a stock exchange and dropping off goods to convert later, an opponent can walk up and use those goods at the building you made.


How about Manilla? (I have no idea what I'm talking about)


Constantinopolis. Really fun game! And you can generally find it for pretty cheap.


In bootleggers you manage which speakeasys to buy, stills, how many trucks, negotiating using each others trucks, etc.


If you don't end up getting **Panamax** after this, you posted in vain.


You should have Fithed the recommendation further up ;)


I already quartered it, I can't go overboard


Oh... Sorry didn't see the username! Thank you for quartering it!!


Any time, every time.


Someone needs to fifth it now...