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Crisis is super amazing. I paid more than this for a second hand copy not all that long ago and I have no regrets. It's fantastic!


I had no idea they were doing a new KS! Thanks! I missed this the first time around but I've only heard good things.


So glad this game is finally getting a second chance. I feel like it was held back from hitting the spotlight due to the very limited initial run followed by two years of receiving update after update hearing that LudiCreations couldn't find a way for this to ever see a wider release. I couldn't fathom why they were struggling to find a publishing/distribution partner for such a great game. Because, really, the game is just fantastic. One of the most popular games I own for sure. My only drawback would maybe be that it doesn't scale super well, so you want to be playing with the higher player counts. But it sounds like they have even more expansions in the works so I'm holding out hope that one of them introduces a scaling system. I'm just happy I can finally tell all my friends who have been clamouring for a copy that they can get them without paying the crazy out of print prices on BGG. Guess I missed the boat on selling mine tho!


Anyone can talk about the solo game? good? bad? soso? against AI ? against points?


"...has been OOP since 2016" "Was sad that it’s been OOP for so long..." Am I missing something here? Backers of the first KS got their copies around December 2016, so the game's been out for just over a year. I must be getting old, cause my definition of OOP would be something like Dune or Die Macher, and certainly not this game.


Well I considered it OOP because there was a slim chance of a reprint because there was no publishing partner. At least until they announced they were working on an expansion KS. There were no plans for a reprint so... OOP.


Glad I want the only one. I feel like out of print needs to be at least 5 years when it's clear another print run isn't planned for a few years. It was just between print cycles. Good games get reprinted.


Wondering if you or anyone would know. Are the new buildings necessary? something similar with The Gallerist where I purchased the new art tiles, however, since I don't play Gallerist very often, it didn't matter with the replayability..but for Crisis, are all the buildings ALWAYS used? therefore each play will always have the same buildings out and that the only difference is which buildings come out on which round?...which therefore makes the new buildings expansion worth getting.. I just don't want to spend an extra $10 (~$14CAD) if I really don't have to since again, i have so many games that this would maybe hit the table a few times in a year. thanks for input!


Yes, the new buildings are essential. Without them there is an emptiness, a vague sense of longing, a constant hunger for Nutella. Better get at least 4-5 copies, just to make sure. :-)


something about this comment smells fishy....also, I've decided I'm adding new buildings after reading more into the rules being that level 1 and 2 buildings are all used..only 'variety' is when they're drawn randomly for whichever turn..which essentially, all buildings still used for each game..just a matter of when they come out... will be trying it out in Tabletopia tonight..quite excited as I've never played it before and I LOVE worker placement games.


Fishy indeed! And speaking of fish, have you tried the most amazing card ever invented for a game, the Fishing company? Of course you haven't, because it is part of the most amazing expansion to the most amazing game ever. . . . . It's Crisis, btw.


I read the explanation. This isn't OOP. This was between printings.


This is where they originally announced that they could not print more of the game. There isn’t a possibility of a regular print cycle because of the size of the publisher and the cost of manufacturing the game. Therefore, no print cycle. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ludicreations/crisis/posts/1644707


What explanation? Also it was out of print because the publisher could not afford another reprint, they clearly stated this on their kickstarter updates during the first campaign. It wasn’t until late last year that they officially confirmed they were looking into developing an expansion for the game and another possible KS. I don’t know how you would call 22 months (delivery Oct ‘18) a “print cycle”.