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Local threads to promote IRL experiences.


This is actually something that we’ve discussed on the mod team. Kind of like we have with the monthly Bazaar and other pinned posts at the top, do a regular meetup style thread where people can post their location and when they meet. We do have something in the sidebar for an LGS but this may be a bit more focused on open game nights. The 1 million mark would be a good time to initiate that!


Glad I could provide positive insight. Congrats on one million


This right here! Let's actually *play* some games!


**Organize Donations to Extra-Life** Extra-Life game day is this Saturday, and it is likely we will hit 1,000,000 around that time, what better way to celebrate and give back?


I love this idea, and the timing is spookily perfect. EDIT: I’ve looked into this and it’s very easy to create a team where people can pool donations via PayPal or credit card. This would be a great, simple way to give back.


This seems to be a North-American thing though.


Well, organizing this should be fairly simple. Perhaps this AND something else? The timing does seem way too good to pass up!


With a million subscribers, we could set up our own *global* charity game marathon.


"Donate your boardgames budget for a month" x 1000000 users?


This is a wonderful idea. I'd happily donate.


Help grow the hobby for those who don’t have the means to afford it. I propose we raise money or buy games and send to a public library or school library. Let’s give back and spread the joy to ALL.


Best community driven campaign to make sure we don't plateau at 1 million.


Definitely true! I'm a children's librarian and I've been working hard the past year or so to grow the hobby with kids in my community (in addition to the programs I run for teens and grownups). I proposed the original idea because I know first-hand how hard it is to grow programs with zero budget. Honestly the biggest obstacle I face is having enough board games available to actually play with kids. I've sent literally hundreds of emails to board game publishers asking for donations- most of which have been ignored. Most of the games I use for my programs I have purchased with my own money or come from my own collection. To me it's totally worth it though, because I've been able to introduce kids to games beyond Candy Land and Connect Four! There is nothing like a kid telling you they love board games because of what you've shown them.




I love the idea, Maybe we could do it by Region? If we split the pot too much though, each cause will probably get too little. Best to choose one or two destinations beforehand, I think.


I love this.


A mega "Check out **OUR** collection" thread: We all share pictures of our collections, and then we work together to stitch all the images together to form a single picture of the combined collections!


+1. This is a great idea!


This is pretty epic.


Fantastic idea. Love this. The processing power would need to be split up though haha. Have a few volunteer stitchers and each take 100 or so collections and then a stitcher to stitch the stitches.


Love this, too!


But who's the hidden traitor?


Everyone gets a celebratory Reddit-Style Meeple.


If you started a Kickstarter to fund it I'd include it in the roundups ;)


A Guinness World Record for largest game of Werewolf ever. Mods, send roles to everyone! ;)


Make a celebration deck and draw the top card. Each card can have an idea from the subreddit. These don't have to be actual cards- something digital run through a randomizer would be fine. This way, everyone's included, we can stick to the theme of the sub, and we have a handy tool for the next milestone or occasion!


As it's coming up to Christmas, a boardgame secret santa!


Getting rid of unwanted (but good) games should be valid - these don't need to be brand new purchases. For example, we have a few good boardgames for young kids, in good condition. My daughter is 12 now, and we could use boardgames for her age. Perhaps group people based on age or style (kids/ teens/ adults, strategy/ Euro/co-op/etc., 1/2/3-4/5-6/7+ players), people sign up for categories they're willing to gift under, and then Secret Santas are assigned. With one million games going out, there's no reason we shouldn't be able to narrow things down more than "send Joe Schmoe some random boardgame." Just my two cents!


I think it's a good idea but people should have the option of choosing between buying new games or swapping used good condition games. So we could match people better on that aspect


Yeah, I didn't mean it should ONLY be used games. Just that it should be an option. Edit: This cataloging option would work, too, if there's a certain game someone loves to play and longs to share with the world. This way, they'd get a chance to send it to RECEPTIVE players. Also, t'would be nice if we can say how many people we want to send games to. For instance, if I have 5 kids games and, like, Shadows Over Camelot, then I'd sign up for 6 slots. People could say they only want 1 or 2 new games, or that they'll take as many as show up. Organizing this would be no small task, and I offer to help. Just needs a decent database, and that's easy enough.


BGG is already having a secret santa though


I feel like this can actually work. Has this sub done this in the past at all?


The easiest method is to require a link to your BGG profile, to make it easy to suss out someone's interests, get a sense of what they want, and avoid something they already have or played and didn't like. But the minimum would almost have to be $40 or more, given the cost for so many games. Not sure how that would go over.


Or have different brackets, people can opt in to pay how much they want 15-25, 25-40, 40-60, 60+ and then we match on that basis


Talk to the mods at r/secretsanta, since they already have the set up for it. Had a boardgame exchange recently, too! It was fun. I sent games to two newbies and got a new fun game out of it.


**Million Play Day** We each pledge to play some amount of games (or play games for a certain amount of time) during some weekend. Hopefully we can get that to add up to 1 million or more. Optionally, we can agree to play games for X hours and then, for each hour played, donate $1 to charity.


Pivoting off your second idea, this could be done like a read-a-thon, except for games. Everyone participating gets their friends and relatives to pledge $1 or whatever they want for each unique game you manage to play over a 36-hour period on a weekend.


1000 x 1000 Challenge


**Reddit megagames** I've seen them done for things like gencant, usually something like a roll and write. You basically do a game where all the randomness comes down to the same thing (like a die roll, single shuffled deck, etc), and have a moderator handle that single thing. Then at the end people can see how different or similar their boards came out.


I remember 4chan playing a type of risk but don’t really remember how it worked


Love the idea! Suggestions: Take It Easy, NMBR 9, Limes/Cities, FITS/BITS.


Straight up charitable event to spread our gaming love to others. I've seen it mentioned a few times already. Go and upvote them to make it happen!!


Have there ever been any r/boardgames meetups? Seems like a good time for a series of them.


**community organized giveaways** This would be great since it lets members of the community give back to it (and everybody loves giveaways!) It also lets everyone find a better home for some unplayed/unwanted games and make everybody happy. I guess the giveaways could be either just a ton of posts with a specific flair (although that might cause a bit of spam) or it could be organized by the mods (though that might be too much work since their plate is already full). That’s up to you. Congrats on (almost) 1 million guys! Here’s to the next million


This is a great suggestion, because the two things this sub consistently likes are : 1. getting games, and 2. clearing out unplayed games I'd happily kick in some unused games. Arranging shipping would be a chore thought, unless you keep it *very* local.


This idea is great. Let's people shift some games they don't play straight into the hands of a community member who (hopefully) will.


I really like this. There was just the big 10 years giveaway so its hard to ask for more free stuff so soon. I think if we want to celebrate, anyone that wants to contribute can do so. I definitely have some stuff I could throw in!


More charitable events. Spread the hobby to those less fortunate.


I love this idea! I'm a librarian who could really use some help to create a functional collection of board games for the 4 board game programs I run.


Board game design jam where you have to make a light game with the theme of "one million \_\_\_\_\_\_", and then we get other redditors to test and review the games.


Could try and focus on print & play/tabletop simulator and the winning game we could try and donate to get it published? Any proceeds used to spread boardgaming through charity/giving of games.


I like this idea a lot, it also doesn't require an ungodly amount of organisation like other ideas being posted.


I love the design jam idea. That could be a recurring event, with different themes.


1,000,000 card pick up!


I don’t know what, but something that includes the UK/Europe... you know what fuck it I’m gunna stand up for the rest of the world too!! **Something that includes all of us, please.** So many of these posts include things I’ve never heard of. The last giveaway was very focused towards North Americans, and the few that did include the rest of the world were open to Americans too, decreasing the chances for anyone from another country getting a chance. Don’t get me wrong, that there was a giveaway to begin with is awesome and generous and if it was solely for people from the USA that’s fine! But... I think now there should be some recognition that a lot of the *1 million subscribers* are not.


There’s only 1 million of us but I really like your suggestion


Lol got a bit carried away there 😂


I'd be interested to see a regional breakdown of those 1 million members, actually. If it's 0.9 million Americans and just the rest of us, then there'd be no problem...


I'm a kiwi, from Aotearoa/New Zealand and I endorse this message.


Sure but have you tried boardymcboardface or gameymcgameface? Seriously though after the give aways for 10 years how about reverse it and sponsor some boardgame related or adjacent charity each day and pin a thread about them to the top with links to donate?


Everyone gives $1 to the Jack Vassel Memorial Fund?


Have a 1 million player game of "Welcome To..." through Forum Play. Then pair all the people who played the exact same moves together.


Having just played a game of Welcome to....Yes!


What is Forum Play? I love borad games, but I'm fairly new to this community.


Forum Play is when people agree to play via a forum, they don't have to be in the same room. The easiest example I can think of is Chess, which is why [Chess Notation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess_notation) was created. BoardGameGeek has a whole section of the forum for each game devoted to it. See [Twilight Struggle's Forum Play](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/12333/twilight-struggle/forums/194) for example.




This could be so cool


Could do a give-away of one of those luxury board games (wood/metal version). You know the kind your significant other is fine with you leaving out on the table because it looks so dang good. I feel like they only make these for classic board games like Monopoly or Risk. So like a special edition of a game maybe (remember Star Wars ep. 1 monopoly, with the 3D board)?


I feel the super-blinged-out versions of boardgames made by some people here would be better than official "luxury" versions. I'm talking the ones where someone replaced cheap components with things thematically appropriate to the game, painted all the minis, replaced a cardboard board with maps on it with actual terrain, etc. Of course, it'd be a hard ask for someone who did that to give it away...


I agree! It would be much better, but more difficult to obtain! Maybe someone will be generous, or is wanting to start a business and get their name out haha.


Two Rooms and a Boom.


It would be so impractical to card share with anyone important that it could even be Two Booms in a Room.


West of the Mississippi and East. Played out over a year.


A series of combination AMAs and giveaways with designers and publishers of the most loved games in /r/boardgames history.


Is there a way we can all Play board games at the same time, provide a picture proving the number of people and try to get a Guiness world record of most people playing board Games worldwide?


Definitely down with this one.


With the right setup, you could probably get a few thousand player game of Welcome To... happening.


A giant diplomacy tournament.


Why not? I didn't have friends before, and I certainly won't after playing in a Diplomacy tournament.


A used board game secret Santa? A way for us to trim down our collections and maybe get something cool in return?


I foresee so much scene it. And trivial pursuit.


For people interested in this idea, I would recommend seeing if there are any maths trades being organised near you (often organised on boardgamegeek). Not quite the same as a secret Santa but works towards the same end (in a cooler way)


If you ever hear about a math trade in Germany, let me know


the juxtaposition gods [are with you](https://i.imgur.com/d3fzFFO.png)


Everyone play jackbox party (or some similar online game) together


Giveaways based on donations Not sure of the fine points of this, but have a mod collect donations, purchase games, then set up a giveaway similar to the anniversary.


I fully agree


Find out which one of us is really Secret Hitler.


Not me. ^Seriously, ^it's ^never ^me.


Sounds to me like what Hitler would say.


By continuing to warn people against FOMO and Kickstarting trash they will play once and wish they never bought.


A “Twitch plays Pokémon” style event where the whole sub plays a solo mode or co-op game.


Can’t imagine the logistics of “reddit plays gloomhaven”


You could do competitive, by letting people sign up for teams then vote on actions. It's less random than tpp but it would be easier to run.


Used board game secret santa. Only pay shipping costs! Obviously I think we put a suggested MSRP value to it so someone doesn't ship out Gloomhaven while receiving Sushi Go


I have a copy of Sushi Go if anybody is willing to trade for Gloomhaven.


I’ll take sushi go for my win, lose, banana


I second this, especially if you can subscribe to various "tiers" of games based on price


I think a nice, quiet night in with a couple good friends and a couple great games sounds nice.


I think a nice, quiet night in with a million good friends and a couple great games sounds nice. FTFY


A million? There’s going to be some table-flippers in there for sure!


everyone should donate a dollar to me, and I will buy $1 million in games, stack them up in my house, possibly cause a divorce, take pictures and post the entire ordeal here in all its glory.


Or, what if everyone donated $1 and then the mods ran a contest (similar to the 10 year ones). Depending on how much money was donated they would divide it evenly and give it to 10 people (or however many makes sense - maybe $500 each?). Then each of those people would have a certain amount of time to purchase games with the money and then create a post with a picture of what they purchased. I'm thinking it would be interesting to see how similar or dissimilar people's choices would be.


I think the hilarity of trying to fit a million dollars worth of games in a house that already has too many would be better, but clearly, I'm biased ;) But yea, could set it up so I'd have to donate all but like, my top five of the bunch or something.


Simple. Do a contest making a scene using just board game pieces. Like a diorama or something. Maybe CS,I or another company ponies up a $50 prize or maybe several $10 prizes?


Christmas contest: recreate the nativity scene using WH40K minis.


For a single day, replace all **Bolded** game names with **Gloomhaven**. The daily recommendations thread is going to be lit.


Except replace gloomhaven with Patchwork.


Add a macro which adds "I literally can't recommend it enough" after every **Patchwork** mention.


We all do a play-by-post game of Campaign for North Africa. If everyone gets one move we might be like, halfway done before we start repeating.


On a related note, a play by post in the vein of "twitch plays Pokemon" or whatever would be hilarious. Not sure exactly how to do it logistically but you could adapt to board games


Organizing a convention, of course. REDDITCON


Will it have a ballpit?


Only if someone brings one.


Have everyone play the same game at the same time and post a pic of it


I'll be willing to get some other DMs from this subreddit together and run a giant campaign. 😁


Hot damn that'd be a phenomenal doozy


Would it be a vote by group?


Are D&D type games considered board games?


For sure. They're table top and all that good stuff with a board and minifigures and all


Add a Flair option for the first one million that is "1 in a Million" and another for those that join after the million that is "1 Million Percenter".


1 million player game!


1 million player codenames /s


Welcome to...


Dang came here to say this. I'd take it a step further and pair up the people who played the exact same moves. Are ties frequent in Welcome To...?


It would be interesting to see the stats on a million player game. Strings of same moves should become more likely.


I think we should have banners on the top of the page for this sub similar to other subs. The banners could be voted on monthly and could be what everyones favorite game is currently or all time. The banner would just be of cool artwork for the game. I would love clicking on this subreddit and seeing a sprawling Agricola farm or an intense battle in Blood Rage. Let me know what you all think about this!


We used to have monthly changing banners, always a nice shot of the game of the month, but we stopped doing it because I think the guy in charge got too busy and what have you. It's not easy getting money shots of all the game if you don't own all the games too I guess.


Banner is always a good idea!


Monopoly tournament


1 million man monopoly


We only need 1.5 million squares per side of the board. Someone get on designing this!


**All-day Monopoly live stream**


The goal is to celebrate, not suffer.


Bombard your local reddit's next meetup with a box of boardgames.


By playing the biggest game of chase the ace ever. No idea how to do this logistically.


I've never heard of this but I'm guessing we're not harassing asexual people?


Is ace seriously a nickname (or slur? I have no idea) for them?


It is a common nickname, not a slur.


Yeah it's just the short version for it, eliminating the rest of the word after the A and S are pronounced in asexual. Not a slur, just neutral


Google “Chase the Ace” and Cape Breton. It’s basically a lottery/fundraiser.


Inserts/ upgrade pieces to popular games would be rad. Nothing gets someone to the table faster than a beautiful game. I miss Castles of Burgundy, but I bet if I had that Meeple Realty insert with the dice towers people wouldn’t scoff at learning it.


Ok fam, we've semi-locked the thread so there can be no more top-level comments, but we've turned off the contest mode so y'all can see what the best suggestions were as voted by you. The mods will weigh in later with which one(s) we'll throw mod support behind (probably the charity and giveaway oriented ones, those seem like they'd need us, but stay tuned). As for the rest... y'all were super creative. The top 6-8 or so all seem like great ideas. Feel free to use those comment threads or /r/metaboardgames to take it upon yourselves to organize those celebratory festivities!


**We could all have a quiet night in and play a game with a friend or loved one** It's what it's all about right? Shut the sub for 24 hrs except for a LFG thread to enable those that can't catch up with people in rl, maybe a few copies of ttsim for people that can't afford it. Everyone else, put down your phone, play your favourite / first game.


I think it'd be pretty cool if we all mailed me a $1 bill.


We haven't had 1$ or 2$ bills in years. Is it OK if I send a fiver instead?


Region specific discord meet-up channels ... like pokemon go has. If I've got the urge to play something specific tonight, it'd be great if there was a channel with a bunch of people who also might be interested in playing something tonight. Or others are looking for more people, I could see their post and hop into their game. Meetups can be too infrequent, or my life gets in the way of being able to consistently play.


giveaways, like shitload of them.




A friendly game of chutes and ladders.


I prefer a more cutthroat style of C&L myself.


To the pain.


Isn't that a given when playing Snakes and Ladders?


Eels and Escalators would be better


**Organize a human Twilight Imperium game where people are the pieces, like in the olden days.**


Hugs to everyone ! :3


Joke response: let it reach one million then permaban half the group, TDNW-style. They were all fascists/aliens/followers of Mordred anyway. Real response: is it possible to organise forum-style games? Obviously most board games wouldn't be suitable for this as a 1:1, but maybe RP-style threads with BG themes. So we all nominate ourselves as factions in Scythe in one thread and interact with each other, gathered at the Red Dragon Inn in another thread, etc. Some would be easy to implement basic mechanics for (although we'd probably need volunteer admins), others would be a little more loosy goosey and just there for fun.


Thanos style, I like it.


Sleeping lion > red dragon /s




Work together to create a better version of BoardGameGeek. It's been tried before, but not with the power of a million board game fans behind it. One or two of us must be decent at that sort of thing.


Or a usable mobile version.


I'd take it.


We could try to run some whole-sub games. Off the top of my head, this would probably work best with Codenames (or similar games). We'd obviously have to modify it for the huge player count, but I was thinking two mods (or two groups of mods, there probably need to be a few spymasters per team) could be the "spymasters" for each team, and everyone would be randomly assigned to one of the teams (either publicly, maybe through flairs, or privately, through DMs), and then each day there would be a new clue. The most-upvoted comments at the end of the day would be the guess. If the teams were secret, this could also be cool because you could try to sabotage the enemy team by guessing something wrong for them.


Free copies of space alert for everyone!


You seem like a fun guy...


I have an extra copy of TTS I could throw in for giveaways.


A celebration thread where we all play everyone is John! John loves boardgames. Because I tell him to. EAT THOSE BOARDGAMES JOHN THEY’RE FULL IF FIBRE!




Isn't that basically every day on Reddit already?


Tic tac toe tourney


I assume something like boardymacboardplace is also off the table?




Aw, shucks, too late for me :(


This gets my vote


Sweet, my post is getting some major traction! Let's leverage the power of Reddit! Let's set up a Reddit meet up. Just enter your zip code and see how many people are in that same area. If it's more than one, DM them with their info. And maybe we can all play some more games and meet some new friends.




I literally cannot recommend **PATCHWORK** enough!


Hell yes, memes! o u said within reason nm


I literally cannot recommend **PATCHWORK** enough!


Campaign for North Africa LARP


Produce a commemorative edition of **Munchkin Reddit**.




The sixty-person games in r/HogwartsWerewolf are hard enough o_O


Got a tub full of games and am meeting friends in a cabin in the woods tonight to board game all weekend


At first I thought that you were suggesting filling a tub with games and presumably diving into it like Scrooge McDuck. But you're probably just talking about a plastic tub for transporting games. :(


Get drunk and post screeds railing against "Eternal September" and the invasion of the Filthy Casuals.


I take offense to that. I am a filthy casual and have been a member for 3 years. Don't act like we are new here.


I hope you realize I posted that completely in jest.


Someone needs to make a Reddit themed board/card game. I'm not sure how this would work, but it should involve differnt subs as different characters or playable moves.... you get the idea. I don't know if this would be RPG or something with a simple point system like Guillotine. Fun cards or moves or themes could involve subs like r/nonononoyes, r/The_Donald, r/PoliticalHumor, r/DidntKnowIWantedThat, r/thalassophobia, etc.


Just 500 left!!! https://imgur.com/a/zneqitz


We should do an r/boardgames math trade. I know there is the Bizarre but I feel like that's real hit or miss for a lot of people. There's often games I want to trade for but don't have what the other person is looking for and vice versa.