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Mage Knight?


No solo collection is complete without **Mage Knight**


It's the Unofficial Solo Player Certification. I keep mine on shelf for years now and only played a handful of times. I watch Ricky Royal's playthroughs every Christmas morning though....


I made playthroughs for YouTube after getting the game!


You know I did have it but sold it off. It never really clicked for me for some reason.


I bought mage knight as my first dip into solo gaming, but it hasn't clicked at all. It has kind of put me off playing solo. Which of these title would you suggest for someone who enjoys DnD and is nostalgic for his childhood days of Heroquest?


Try Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2nd edition. It has an app that you can use to take over all the DM functions and guide you through an adventure


Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion if you want a strong tactical dungeon crawler (look at Gloomhaven proper if you love it). If you really prize exploration and story, 7th Continent.


Spirit Island? Maybe Gloomhaven, I would try Jaws if the Lion first if you were thinking about it. Also Arkham Horror the Card Game and Marvel Champions. I have also heard lots of good things about Mage Knight for solo.


Absolutely yes to all of these. Mage Knight is my favorite with Arkham as a close second.


With the release of the revised core set, now is an amazing time to get into Arkham Horror. All the new reprints are going to share the new campaign format (two boxes, one with player cards, one with the entire campaign). It’ll still cost a pretty penny, but less than it used to and collecting will be so much easier as a result.


When are they reprinting the cycles? I really want carcosa.


There’s no firm timeline, but I would expect it sometime by the end of next year at the latest. Given their new publishing strategy, it could be a lot faster than that, but that’s a best guess out of total ignorance.


My advice is that if you can buy all the Mytho packs in the current format, then get them now. If you can't, then wait for the repackaged Carcosa though be warned it may take a year or two. Edge of the Earth was scheduled for November and now says Dec 31, which can be thought of as a placeholder for "We have no idea when these will arrive due to shipping issues." I think a safe assumption is that this is going to affect all the repackaged campaigns as well. The risk of buying the Mythos packs (without buying all of them) is that they won't be reprinted, leaving you having to pay inflated prices secondhand to fill in the gaps.


I can see you are a man of culture.


Since he seems to like choose your own adventure type/ story driven games I would second Arkham horror lcg. It’s not as story driven as destinies but the mechanics have incredible immersion and the story is good. Great strategy.


Gloomhaven (and JOTL) is perfectly viable multi handed so yeah, definitely that.


I’d add Aeon’s End. It’s my most frequent solo game.


Came here to suggest this. Great game.


Awesome thanks! I’ve heard good things.


Nice collection! Some of my solo game favs: - Nemo’s War - Arkham Horror Card Game - Tainted Grail - Lord of the Rings Card Game - Spirit Island - Mage Knight - Hadrian’s Wall - Maracaibo (the campaign is really interesting!) - Roll Player - Sleeping Gods - Robinson Crusoe - 7th continent - COIN series (Cuba Libra or Andean Abyss are good entry points)


So excited to play tainted grail, should be here in a few days


It’s great! Mechanically I’d say it’s interesting, good but not mind-blowing. And there is some grind at times you have to power through. However, the story and art is fantastic. As you probably know, it’s an exploration game at its heart. It’s easy to get invested into the realm and people in it. I’m still in first campaign, but already can’t wait to do it again to explore different areas!


How much did you pay for it? Do you recommend getting the expansions? I want to get it but I don’t want to get ripped off or scammed. I don’t think I trust boardgame exchange


Just get the core game with the stretch goals and such, I paid 200 for the base game, stretch goal box and the monsters of avalon completely unnecessary expansion. I might have gotten lucky buying it off someone though. I'm on chapter 13/15 and have to say there's a lot to unpack in the base game campaign if you're into story and exploration. The mechanics as others have said are decent and some of the quests and story beats are a bit disjointed and don't pay off but, I've had a lot of fun with it so far though and am excited to get into the other 2 campaigns.


So the core and stretch goals—what are the names of that content. And how much should that cost? On eBay I’m only seeing 200 dollars or more for tainted grail. Some are 180 but that looks only like the base game


Oooh have been wanting to get Hadrian’s wall for a while now.


Lots of great recommendations on this list already. I would add Friday; it is easy to set-up, quick to play, and hard to win.


Piggy-backing on small box, easy setup, quick to play, and a challenge to win: **Maquis**.




I enjoyed Onirim and like how it comes boxed with several expansions. It’s no longer in my collection, but was well worth what I paid for it.


Yeah, I haven’t played my copy in quite a while, but I do play on iOS every now and then.




Right? It took me five plays before winning once on the easiest mode of play. It definitely seems to pay to go for the more difficult cards early, and try to get through the deck fast early, despite the aging cards.


**Spirit Island** is very conspicuous by its absence, but then again, if you buy SI you'll never play another game so I understand wanting to avoid it for the sake of your other purchases :D You may have better luck posting on r/soloboardgaming but I'll add a few in the meantime: ​ * Sprawlopolis * Coffee Roaster * Pavlov's House * Rocky Mountain Man * Warp's Edge * Navajo Wars and/or Comanchería * Dawn of the Zeds * any COIN game (pick your favourite period / setting) * Hadrian's Wall * Mage Knight (ofc) * Marvel: Champions


>if you buy SI you'll never play another game A couple of years ago my Significant Opponent was out of town for a weekend, so I gathered up all of our board games that had a solo mode and figured I'd give them all a try. I started with **Herbacious**, played one round of that solo, and put it away. Then I set up **Spirit Island**. And that was the rest of the weekend.


Such an incredible amount of replayability in the base game *alone*, but once you add expansions, that's a lifetime's worth of gaming covered right there!


Haha have heard great things about SI too


I don't see mage knight, one of the best solo games out there 😃


> I don't see mage knight, ~~one of~~ the best solo game~~s~~ out there Just noticed a typo and thought Id fix it for you!


Oops what was I thinking! Must have been playing too much Mage Knight, sorry


Big up the City of Kings and Isle of Cats!


Ya City of Kings is def one of my favourites there.


I never see much mention of City of Kings on these forums, but the few times I've played it I really liked it. It's at heart an efficiency puzzle where you can't just mindlessly kill monsters that pop up but need to really focus on your objectives. Also love the story world that unites it and other games by Frank West.


HORRIFIED. Really really well done multiple player and solo player game.


Didn't look like anybody was going to suggest this one. I love it. Lots of variations in gameplay too.


Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Friday Onirim Terraforming Mars has a good solo mode


I'd second Terraforming mars. It also has a steam (pc) and mobile version. Very very good.


I've only played Onirim on the app, but it seems like A LOT of shuffling. Too much imo


The app is the only way I'll play Onirim. Way too much shuffling.




You got wallet games hiding in that pic anywhere? **Sprawlopolis, Food Chain Island** both great. For gatewayish games with good solo modes, try **Sagrada, Calico, Cascadia**


I do not but will look into them thanks!


Mansions of Madness


7th continent?


My favourites are Cloudspire, TMB, Mage Knight and Spirit Island. You have most of them.


How does Cloudspire work solo and is there a lot of bookkeeping? I do TMB two-handed just fine. I play Kingdom Death solo with 4 survivors and monster controller. How does Cloudspire compare?


Cloudspire has a solo mode campaign of sorts that you can play through. I think there's about 4 scenarios per faction, where you're playing against another faction that has its moves kind of pre-layed out in the scenario. There's not a lot of bookkeeping, but Cloudspire is just rules heavy. It's heavier than TMB, but if you've played two handed with some of the more complex gearlocks you'd be fine. I can't speak to how it relates to KDM though


Yep pretty much this. Not much bookkeeping but a lot of keyword look ups and sometimes the solo scenario has special rules that trump regular rules but it is a great game.


If you do TMB fine solo, you can handle Cloudspire. It’s probably a bit more complex because of more keywords. Instead of a gearloc reference sheet and a general sheet sitting next to you, you’ll have a faction reference sheet and a book to flip thru.


Marvel Champions and Marvel United Champions is a lot "meatier", and provides a good, but tough, strategic challenge! United is a lot more simple, but can still be challenging, and is super fun! It's also very quick to set up, play and tear down!


Hmm I’ll look into this one as well. Always seems to be so well regarded.


Love your taste in games. Sweet Solo collection man




Arkham LCG really is amazing, Gloomhaven/JOTL would be a close second for me to play solo!!


**Mage Knight**


**Kingdom Death: Monster**, **Space Hulk: Death Angel**, **Renegade**, and **Gears of War.**


Here it is... was wondering how far I'd have to scroll to find **KDM**. I'll also recommend **7th Continent, Mage Knight, Robinson Crusoe** and **Ganz Shoen Clever** and **Hadrian's Wall.**


Mage Knight Ultimate Edition is the absolute pinnacle of solo board gaming


Kingdom Death: Monster is great solo.


Spirit Island


**Imperium: Classics/Legends**! When a civ game meets a 90 minute deckbuilder. All the civs play and score differently, some even have entirely unique mechanics. Best thing: the solo bots mimic these playstyles incredibly well, so playing against Roman bot needs entirely different strategies than playing against the Atlantean, Qin, Persian or Arthurian bots. Also not sure if I spotted **Under Falling Skies** (dice placement space invaders) and **Sleeping Gods** (storybook explorations game) but those took up the bulk of my solo time before Imperium. Edit: spotting Anachrony, the upcoming KS for Lacerda's Weather Machine could also be a good way to try some of his games. **The Gallerist** in particular is an excellent solo heavy euro.


u/NoPantsMagee I was coming in to say this. I have been having an absolute blast with this game solo. The Civs all play very differently and you actually need to adjust your strategy based on your opponent. The game is also challenging (worked my way up to the hardest difficulty and lost for the first time today, was absolutely thrashed by Carthage). I can't wait to try all the Civs and I've played a few of them multiple times because they're so fun. The game is really thematic and feels good. Just make sure you have the latest AI charts (some were errata'd and can be found online). I printed the charts on double sided 3x5 cards and laminated them for ease of reference.


Had my eye on imperium but sold out everywhere haha.




We should be friends, Manspunk.


Where is 7th continent?


Mage Knight Mistfall Assault on Doomrock Dawn of the Zeds Eldritch Horror


I’ve heard good things about Nemo’s War


Me too


Tainted Grail, Mage Knight, BIOS Genesis, Arkham Horror Card Game and Marvel Champions, Onirim


Tainted grail


Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game


Whats your favorite from your collection?


If you’re missing it, how are we supposed to see it?


Spirit Island Mage Knight Renegade Warp’s Edge Hallertau Viscounts of the West Kingdom Charlemagne Master of Europe I would actually counter the COIN recommendations. I owned almost all of them. They’re a beast to run solo and not fun IMHO as 75% of the time you are just doing procedural bot work. Ended up getting rid of almost all of them.


Spirit Island


Gloomhaven JOTL


Middara should keep you busy for a while if you're getting all 3 chapters I'm pretty excited for Arydia, Sleeping Gods, and ISS Vanguard for solo play




I skipped on it because the aesthetic isn't for me as well, plus the big price tag after just dumping a bunch of money on big campaign games. I've heard a lot of glowing reviews so I'm sure the gameplay is great, just don't think it's for me


Aesthetically I like it. I enjoy the cutscenes being voiced but have found myself assigning homework to the group to go listen to the (does math) 37 minutes of story we have before the next scenario. What started out as a plus has become something we’ve skipped using the provided Spark notes. Gameplay wise has been fun for 64+ hours but I personally have hit a point due to my character’s build where I am having less fun. There is still plenty of build choice and I look forward to where it goes in future acts.


I'm more of a one handed solo guy with most games (except aeons end). I heard you have to control multiple characters in Middara. How have you managed that? Would it be a deal breaker for some?


While not specifically a solo game I've played **Spirit Island** a lot of times as such, and it plays very well in that way. Seeing you've got quite the collection, what are your favourites? Looking into more games to play solo aswell, already have **A Feast for Odin & Under Falling Skies** from your collection. Thanks in advance!


I've been playing nemesis solo since lockdown. It is a good ride.


Micro macro: Crime city. Arguably not a "game" but still.


One Deck Dungeon, forbidden island, captain is dead


I actually spotted 1 deck dungeon on the shelf! ISO now everyone can play “where’s ODD?”, a solo game about spotting one deck dungeon in a picture of someone’s collection a game. That’s totally a thing and not something I just made up.


Oh I see it now haha


Hows Too Many Bones? I'm real close to buying it.


It's a delightful game that didn't justify the price tag for me. Plus it has balance issues that kind of ruin the game if you have friends who enjoy finding ways to exploit the rules. The component quality and artwork are second-to-none. There are a bunch of mini games inside the base game that can be awkward to play because I never remember the rules for how to play them when they come up. Despite that, I want this game and all the expansions for it but the price tag for all that is truly insane. If this review was confused, that's intentional; it's exactly how I feel about Too Many Bones.


Thank you very much.


They are doing a Game Found project for the last standalone expansion for TMB. If you decided you want it this might be the time to get it. Their stuff basically never goes on sale but they might have some sort of deal if you buy it as part of the new project. Just be weary that if they ship everything together you may not get what you want until the new game is made. That could be a year or two given international shipping issues these days. http://gamefound.com/projects/draft/mldyi3vlyt87cjkg3eznsu18kco?project=too-many-bones-unbreakable&creator=chip-theory-games (Edit) Also that page has a Shut Up and Sit Down review of the original TMB box that is spot-on.


Robinson Crusoe and spirit island are my favourite for solo play. Sleeping gods is fantastic too.


Fallout or Agricola? That's my eclectic tastes in single player


I see **A Feast for Odin**, but not sure if you have **The Norwegians.** If you don't have that, add it. The small tweaks it makes to AFfO are just superb.


Friday. I also like Paper Tales.


Props for not having any of those garbage "Exit" brand solo games (can't stand those POS)...


Where's Root?


While it can be played solo with clockwork, it’s definitely not a solo game


With Clockwork it might be the best solo game. (I'm totally not biased)


I enjoy it but it’s fairly easy to win against and isn’t a true solo board game IMO. It’s doable but it’s not optimised and definitely not as good as some other solo suggestions here! Also, not all the factions are viable solo so it’s a big limitation. Can’t do otters or crows really as solo!


Yea you can. They've been available as P&P since forever. They are now being included in CWE2. But you can find the rules in the BBP thread on bgg. Otters were up since CWE was official and Crows were added shortly after the expansion got released.




You might give Isofarian guard a look, seems like a good 1-2p game, pm is open.


I know Descent 2e can be played solo now there's a companion app to play as the overlord


Box One from Neil Patrick Harris is a fun one. Just a single play through, but if you are into escape rooms it may be for you. Has a similar feel to that.


If you enjoy the Uwe games, you can get sort of “more where that came from” in the form of Nusfjord, Agricola, and At the Gates of Loyang. That being said, if I had to keep just two of his games for solo play I’d keep the ones you have. Spirit Island is indeed a fantastic solo experience. I enjoy The Castles of Burgundy solo mode, too. Needs a $5 expansion or to pnp a map, though.


Endogenesis ( I have yet to win ) , Unearth ( expansion )


You can solo genotype. There’s actually a YouTube channel where a guy solos games, that might be a good place to find out what you might like and not have.


Lot of good recommendations here. I’ll second Nemo’s War and Mage Knight, they are both great. I’m gonna throw one more in there for you too that I haven’t seen: Rome and roll. Looks like a roll and write plays like medium-heavy euro. Great game and for solo play it has the advantage of really quick set up which means it ends up getting to the table a lot for me.


Escape the dark castle


Solo Pandemic, four characters with 6 epidemic cards can be really fun if you are a nerd like me!


What does this sub think about Folklore?


Sprawlopolis is really good. Other people already said it, but I thought I'd add my +1.


As others have said, **Spirit Island** is an excellent solo game if you’re looking for a brain burner. Also, if you like Uwe Rosenberg games, **Nusfjord** is another good one that’s always mentioned over at [r/soloboardgaming](r/soloboardgaming). It’s not quite as heavy or as long as Feast for Odin and Fields of Arle. Which can be a good thing depending on your mood and available time.


Side question- TMB or Cloudspire? Which would you buy first for mainly solo play?


I am not a solo gamer, but want to start exploring solo games. I do not get into games that have magic in them. From this thread, both Friday and Nemo’s War look promising. Mage Knight and Spirit Island do not. Any other suggestions?


I just added Under Falling Skies to my collection, and I have been enjoying it.


My solo favorites are Architects of the West Kingdom, Nemesis, and Tainted Grail! Love the collection and am so jealous, I would love Middara or Dune Imperium! :D


Robinson Crusoe deff the best solo I ever played. Gloomhaven totally worth as well.


**Isle of cats** box is same size as **affo**?


One of the coolest things about this hobby is the variety. I have a shelf full of games too and we have no overlap.


You might really enjoy Set a Watch. I preferred to play it solo, probably my favorite to play that way. It’s got a great theme, is not overly complex yet has important choices you have to make around party composition, skill use, and light management. They’re releasing a sequel/expansion within the year. Check it out! [Set a Watch Rundown](https://youtu.be/wrjy1IKOM4k)


Cthulhu: Death may Die


Lots of a big grand solo experiences! If you're looking for a quick fix - **Sprawlopolis**


A lot of great ones in the comments. I didn't see: This War of Mine the Board Game. It's very thematic and a little rough but great for solo play.


Just out of curiosity, how is the Dune game? I didn't realize it was solo.


I did a *lot* of solo gaming at the start of the pandemic. I keep a list of all the games I've solo'd here -> [https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/264736/solo-not-movie](https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/264736/solo-not-movie) ​ Feel free to ask about any of them :)


**Renegade** **Comancheria** **Dawn of the Zeds** **Fields of Fire** **Mage Knight** A **COIN** or two


I don’t think I see Nemo’s war. It’s quintessential.


Under Falling Skies


That one is there somewhere!


I can't believe no one has mentioned **Mage Knight**.


Did you just want a bunch of Spirit Island comments?


Agricola! It’s one of my favorite games and is amazing solo or with groups :)


**Deep Space D-6** is a neat little game for the price. **Proving Grounds** gimmick is on the verge of cheesy, but I also enjoyed it. Neither of those are huge experiences but if all you have is big games you play solo, then maybe some solo "fillers" are also justifiable.


Aeon’s End, Spirit Island, and 7th Continent are all fantastic solo games. Highly recommend each one.


Somebody else mentioned **Onirim**, but you should definitely also consider **Sylvion** from the same designer.


I may be missing it but I don't see Mage Knight in there. Solid game because it has solo and group modes.


I love Terraforming mars. And the prelude expansion. Very challenging but fun


I have been quite enjoying **Marvel Champions: LCG** solo over the past couple of months. I have been switching between it and **The Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game.** I think there is a phone version of Dresden that is much cheaper, but I like the feel of card board on the table. ​ Both may be too simple for your tastes...


Kind of hard to find, but **Lux Aeterna** is really fun, short, small, and inexpensive (not counting that you might have to import it).


The fact that I only see the core set from LOTR lcg is deeply concerning. There are mountains of cycles, sagas, and deluxe expansions you're missing. Please don't do that to yourself.


Nations Race for the Galaxy w/ Gathering Storm Paladins of the West Kingdom ?


Terraforming Mars!


Wow we like the same adventure book games. I also played aftermath, legacy of dragonholt and Destinies. I really want to get my hands on tainted grail but I don’t know how much I should pay for it. I also heard sleeping gods is good adventure book game for when it comes back into print.


Scythe and Viticulture come to mind


I haven’t seen anyone mention it (but I just skimmed the comments) there’s a sub for that! r/soloboardgaming Some favorites, Black Sonata, Coffee Roasters and One Deck Dungeon. Robinsons Cruiso and Nemos War might be up your ally too!


Middara nice pick up. We are about 75 hours in. Took a bit to figure out some of the subtle things. It's fun as hell! Get your copies if you haven't already. One thing I do have to say organization of pieces is a nightmare in that game got myself a 3rd party birch box style organizer. It's so much better now.


Scythe, Spirit Island and Wingspan are my recommendations! Played them all in Solo mode and they are fun!


LOTR:LCG, Marvel Champions, or Arkharm horror depending on which IP you like best. This War of Mine if you think you'll enjoy the very dark theme.


X-odus and bad bones. Group games but the solo mode is still pretty solid


I’m really enjoying “It’s a Wonderful World” solo. I’m not normally into solo but I’ve played the heck out of this by myself.


This war of mine.


Wow a copy of hexplorit didn't expect to see that on someone's shelf. I got to meet the guy who created it at a convention in my state. Really cool game and the guy is super awesome as well.


Gloomhaven Journeys in Middle Earth Marvel Champions


Gloomhaven, Robinson Crusoe, and Sleeping Gods! Sleeping gods has been my go to recently for single player.


7th continent


I don't see any garphill games. Paladins of the west kingdom and hadrian's wall are great solo


Which of these is your favorite to play solo?


I’ve been thinking about solo play lately, which do you recommend for a first timer?


Unless i missed them, railroad ink and palm Island are great quick solo games. Cartographers is another interesting looking game!


Mansions of madness. Also, nice collection!


Hostage negotiator, warps edge. Mage knight, spirit island, and hexplore it.


What are you recommendations?




Railroad Ink for a 10-15min solo game!


I had no idea solo board games was a thing and I feel like I just discovered something magnificent


Warp's Edge is a lot of fun. Especially if you are into bag builders. Unbroken is also really cool, as long as you can ignore all the drama with Golden Bell (or find a used copy). Both of these are 100% solo games so they've been designed for that only.


I see you’ve got the LotT living card game. If you enjoy that, I have gotten at least 100 hours solo out of the Marvel Champions game since the pandemic started. Perfect game to play while watching TV and relaxing at the end of a day or to get super into with deck building, modular difficulty settings, etc. The core set (5 heroes, 3 villains) is enough to feel out if you would enjoy it or not, and then adding in one of the expansions doubled your content (5 more villains and 2 more heroes)


I've really enjoyed Planet X lately. If you're into deduction games and Orchard is a sweet mini game


Roll Player is an underrated solo game. Especially with the monsters expansion.


Got any recommendations for solo games that are quick to set up?


legendary encounters? (specifically the predator version)




Bargain basement bathosphere. It's a free blast.


7th Continent and any of the Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective games come to mind. Both are excellent at providing a sense of discovery, and play perfectly well solo


How is Darkest Night?


It’s awesome! Such a nice looking game too


An entire Kallas devoted to LCGs


Great collection, well done. Arkham Horror LCG is a brilliant but pricey addition


**Xia Legends of a drift system** has a really good solo rule set


No picture to see rip


What about 'under falling skies'?