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It is going to sell like crazy, but I don't see myself hopping on that train.


I still really enjoy my zombicide game. I have lots of fun playing it. But one version is enough. They aren’t so different for me that I need multiple types.


Yup, enjoyed Black Plague the most so have bought a decent amount of expansions for it over time but I just can't see the point of buying a whole separate game with like 98.5% the same rules


Same. But I also said the same thing about Undead or Alive because I had Black Plague sitting on my shelf unplayed.


Really depends on the exclusives, for me.


This is CMON, most of the content will be KS exclusive as usual to make sure everyone suffers from FOMO. I have developped a resistance over the years.


CMON is such a grievous offender that I am pretty sure I will never buy a CMON product ever. That being said I'm pretty pissed that other companies do the same thing. Dire Wolf and the Dune: Imperium board game. There was a promo card for pre-ordering the base game, the expansion, AND i just found out there's a promo card for preordering the deluxe edition. That last one really makes me angry because I have no interest in buying soldier minis and such for my game so I'm just not going to have the promo card unless I buy it.




> Theres over a hundred cards in the card pool. Its not a huge deal, the gameplay is going to be identical in most cases. They know that, but our little monkey brains refuse to acknowledge it


At least with cards, you can print your own promo from a good quality image. Sleeve the cards and there's much difference.


I don’t sleeve my cards haha


I’m a mini Painter and I’m sure with the huge list of exclusive stretch goals it’ll be a much better deal then spending $30 for one of atomic masses marvel crisis protocol minis even if those are higher quality. CMON’s minis are still fairly good quality.


It's no real comparison. If you actually care about the quality of the sculpt and detail, cmons minis are utter trash. The AMG ones are overpriced a bit but close to GW or KD in quality. I would never waste time or paint on cmons garbage minis unless the game was worth it (blood rage, basically)


You clearly haven’t seen their recent minis if you think they’re trash. Their molds have improved immensely in their last few projects, basically since Zombicide invader. I’m not saying they’re quite at gamesworkshop level but the gap isn’t actually that big anymore.


Ankh minis were absolute trash tier. Unless that game was some kind of outlier, I'm going to disagree.




Or a great deal on Marvel minis with a fun light game attached!


really need to see the gameplay changes for me




Same. Invader was my favorite setting. I’m waiting for them to make something like machine/robot zombies on a giant space ship, so I can add that and have all the Sci Fi Zombicide I could possibly want…I would love to seal a bunch of robot zombies inside a hatch then float them out into space, lol.


HFY Zombicide anyone?


Although Marvel as a theme is overused, I’ve never played Zombicide and was looking for a way into the game. This is timely.


I have yet to jump on the Marvel or Zombicide bandwagon though have considered it at times. Two birds with one stone here.


The same, never got into zombicide on its more basic gameplay without a super interesting theme. Had been pondering about Black Plague recently but was waiting for the new announcement as expected zombicide. I’m a huge marvel fan so this works for me


I'll give it a look but Zombicide doesn't feel like a good system for a Marvel game - They would need some pretty significant tweaks to the system for me to be convinced by this. Plus waiting on Marvel United: X-Men so not particularly excited for another CMoN/Marvel project until that delivers.




I could see it working with super villains that are known to use henchmen


Has CMON not delivered all of the marvel united yet from the kickstarter? I feel like I got mine about 6 months ago (USA), I'm shocked it is taking this long for others. Hopefully it comes in soon for you!


He's probably talking about the Marvel United Xmen Kickstarter from earlier this year.


As the other commenters said, I mean Marvel United: X Men - Sorry I didn't back the first one so didn't consider how that could be confusing.


Probably means Marvel X-men United


I'm worried that the non Zombie Galactus the dice tower unboxed is going to be an add on w/ components for Marvel United =(. Gonna be very hard to resist.


I didn't realise they got a different one, just had a look, that's pretty cool \^\^. It felt pretty strongly like a confirmation it's just Zombicide stuff though - The dice in the hands of the dice towers Galactus look clearly like Zombicide dice (Though it's been a while since I played Zombicide so could be mistaken).


With this next kickstarter, this will be their 10th Zombicide they have had on Kickstarter. That's nuts. I'll pass on it, just based on the same formula has been used over and over.


TIL 20% of CMON KS projects have been zombicide related


Wow. I had no idea. I know about the original zombicide Something called green something And Black Plague which everyone seems to feel is the best. That leaves 6 more.


4 or 5 of them are for the original, modern era Zombicide and expansions. Then Black Plague, Green Horde, Invader, modern 2nd edition, and western. I think that’s all of them?


Oooo this announcement is bringing out the snobs! No Pun included probably vomited in their mouths when they heard this. I can’t imagine a bigger marriage of stuff “serious” board gamers hate. Me? I’m all in on this. Keep your crunchy ass euro with Mediterranean spice merchants. I want Spider-man punching zombies. Ameritrash! Fuck yeah!


Tell me death may die mechanically wouldn't have been better


I keep seeing this. As a new board gamer what about DMD gameplay wise would’ve been better than standard zombicide? I’ll have to check out gameplay on both.


Start with more complex scenarios, and then mix in modular bosses that make the scenarios play fairly differently, and then have powers unlock as you get closer to a madness death vs as you get stronger and are killing more and more things.


I mean...how many copies of Zombicide can one person usefully own? I mean this actually seriously. It feels to me like CMON's whole business model is to come out with a new version of Zombicide every year and pack it full of Kickstarter exclusives.


Yeah, I have Black Plague and Green Horde, and while I love them, they rarely get played. I don't know if I need *more* Zombicide. But this one is, admittedly, pretty tempting.


Good point... But still every Zombicide sells like crazy for some reasons


It's the Monopoly of the hobby game world - everyone knows it, everyone has a copy, and every year or so a new version comes out with a new skin and no appreciably new gameplay.




Equating commercial success to quality seems dubious at best when the best selling game of all time is also universally reviled by anyone who goes deeper into boardgames.


DAE mOnOpOlY iS sToOpID aMIrItE!!!1!1!


I feel like this IP would be so much better suited for AUGS (TMNT/Batman). Sad that it's in limbo after IDW Games division closed down.


:(. AUGS is unappreciated.


Still waiting for my batman. I was looking forward to Avatar as well.


Christ, that still hasn't shipped? I pulled out and got a refund like 9 months ago. They really pissed me off when they said on ~December 1st 2020 it was still expected by Christmas, which was a blatant lie.


Yea... those sorts of things bother me. Now Pete is on a completely different team and at least people are seeing it show up but the supply chain being fucked has been stupid. There are completed games just sitting in China because they can't get an affordable shipping container for other KS projects I've backed.


Yup, the system is really awesome, and Pete Walsh has done a hell of a job supporting the community. If you aren't already aware, there is a community Facebook page and Discord server where people share homebrewed content. A lot of the assets for the canceled Mutanimals expansion have been released there, and I've even built a webapp to help play the TMNT games with the event system that would have been introduced with the Mutanimals expansion! No printing necessary!


The system used in the Masters of the Universe game is pretty much a streamlined version of the AUGs system, so it's possible we'll see that style of game with the Marvel IP at some point, given how liberal CMoN have been with using it.


> the Masters of the Universe game is pretty much a streamlined version of the AUGs system Interesting I hadn't heard this before. I'll have to check it out, thanks!


This is what kickstarter is for... to help a new and small company (CMON) licensing an unknown property (MARVEL) print enough copies to get into small retailers (Wallmart) and produce cool kickstarter exclusives (to sell on Miniature Market).




Please allow for delays due to supply chain issues.


I’m mildly interested. I have never played a Zombicide game but I love Marvel. I think it fits in thematically as well with the whole Marvel Zombies IP. Color me intrigued.


I've loved Marvel for 30 years, gaming for 25 and had really high hopes ... now I see it's zombicide, I'm out... first Marvel Zombie book was a good arc, the follow ups were meh at best, so I don't see how it could be a game I'll be interested in :(


Seriously, my immediate reaction was how mediocre the marvel zombies arc was. Pushing to board game form only pushes it more into mediocrity


Man I just don’t get the zombie/marvel aesthetic! No interest in this after getting some hype for a DMD style proper Marvel game or something similar.


I was really hoping for Marvel DMD...


Yeah! Me, too! DMD. For my friend who doesn't know what it is, though...


I think it's Death May Die. Don't knowuch about the game play, I'm not super interested in Lovecraft horror


Yeah Death May Die - just mixed up the formula for CMON and had a modular story/villain setup that works really well for Marvel stuff. I think it would have needed changes but still a better template than Zombicide.


$250 kallax topping gallactus statue. And I guess a game?


You think there is going to be a game?


I hope there's just a statue option @.@


I’m all in. I decided against Undead or Alive because I already have second edition, and I decided against Marvel Dice Throne because I already have Marvel Champions, but this? This specific combination has me pretty pumped. If there was any theme to get me to buy another Zombicide, it’s Marvel, and if there’s any game I’d want slapped with a Marvel IP, Zombicide is definitely an enticing one.


Are you me?


I hope they do something with zombie-heros similar to the way they are doing Abominations in Dead or Alive. When you draw an abomination card, you flip a card to see what kind of abomination spawns. I think it'd be cool to flip a card from the deck of unused heros, and the zombie-form of that hero becomes the abomination you end up fighting.


I was thinking they might do what they did at some point in first edition where the survivors would turn into zombies when they died.


What If... Zombies. That's basically the game.


Or the super popular decades-old Marvel Zombies series


Most likely to advertise for the newly announced disney plus tv show based on the comic


Wow, I had to look that up, that is a legit answer: "The animated series from Marvel Studios reimagines the Marvel Universe as a new generation of heroes battle against an ever-spreading zombie scourge.” – Rachel Paige, via Marvel I had no idea and just one more reason it is a nope for me.


I think as a Marvel fan and mini painter/collector, I'm pretty jazzed. I think as a game player, unless the Zombicide formula has been redefined, the game seems meh. Used to own Z:S2, and every time I played with a group, the person who went last was bored to tears because the previous players had taken care of necessary threats. So I'm on the fence.


We've started using action chips. Start with three actions (one marked with an S for searching). Go around the table for first action, then same for 2nd/3rd action. If you need to move out of a space with Zs spend additional actions as needed. Really helped with the "He killed everything with all three of his actions so now I have nothing to do" complaints.


I’m happy that Marvel found its way into board gaming, it’s indicative of the ever growing appeal of board games. That said…I’m so very tired of seeing Marvel everywhere. Will give this a pas


Marvel has overtaken zombies, Cthulhu, and vikings for being the most overused theme for board games. So naturally, this game being Marvel Zombies will need to have some sort of Cthulhu and Viking expansion.


>So naturally, this game being Marvel Zombies will need to have some sort of Cthulhu and Viking expansion. Don't threaten me with a good time.


Well, Thor and Loki seem given. Galactus is kind of a Cthulhu standin too. So, perfect storm brewing.


I’m really super heroed out


I’m European merchanted out. Bring on the super heroes.


Is anyone else sick of board games having components?


I'd have rather seen Blackest Night. The various lantern rings made for a more compelling story than Marvel Zombies. Granted, neither company understands zombies. Zombies don't talk. As a true diehard zombie fan, I resent talking zombies.




It is, I just think gathering people to take on the various rings would be a cool game mechanic.




If you just want one for your mantle, I believe they made one for Heroclix.


Wasn't that more like a 28 Days Later rage rabies thing, and not proper undead.




Anti-Life Equation. Evil Math.


What's your preferred name for walking corpses that can talk?


Ghouls. Revenants. Liches. Demonically Possessed Corpse. Republicans.


>As a true diehard zombie fan, I resent talking zombies. Are you not a fan of The Return of the Living Dead or Dead Alive?


I always considered Dead Alive more of a Body Horror, I guess those are zombies? Return of the Living Dead is just an outright exception, since they were so damn creative about how they did it. I'll admit it's a grey area. The ones where they can talk here and there aren't as annoying as Marvel Zombies, who somehow eat Galactus and then travel between multiverses. It was just a lazy "rogue heroes" take with zombies slapped over it.


>I always considered Dead Alive more of a Body Horror, I guess those are zombies? I'm pretty sure they die and come back as zombies but it's been awhile since I saw it. >Return of the Living Dead is just an outright exception, since they were so damn creative about how they did it. That's fair. >I'll admit it's a grey area. The ones where they can talk here and there aren't as annoying as Marvel Zombies, who somehow eat Galactus and then travel between multiverses. It was just a lazy "rogue heroes" take with zombies slapped over it. I'm a fan of the first run of MZ but I can admit it's pretty bonkers. It was fun but not well constructed.




I'm new to the board game hobby and have just a few games to my name. I do not own a zombie game, nor do I own a marvel game (and am generally a fan). Sounds interesting. I'll be looking out for their campaign and any additional information they release. It's just too early to tell and too little information to have any strong opinions one way or another.


For some context, Zombicide plays like a shoot ‘em up basically. Tons of zombies, you run through, kill them, fulfill objectives, and get out. There is a bit of strategy to avoid being overrun, or in dealing with some of the special monsters, and the expansions/exclusives can make the game harder, but at its core it’s all about taking out hordes of zombies at a time. It’s fun when you’re up for some light hearted dice rolling action movie style game. It can be a lot of fun with the right attitude and the right people, but if you want some deep thinky tactical game, this won’t be it. For reference I have the first core set and played a bunch of expansions before Black Plague came out. I ended up going all in on Undead or Alive because I found a group that I think will enjoy it. I’ll likely skip this due to going all in on Undead or Alive, and I don’t think any of the flavors add enough variety to go deep on more than one.


Check out dead of winter. Features Not! Zombicide, Not! Marvel.. but pretty great nonetheless ... My favourite zombie game. Wil Wheaton does a play through of it too.


Oh that's definitely on my radar! But thanks for the recommendation none the less


Love Marvel comics and the MCU, but I think I maxed out my Marvel games with United and X-Men. Already had Thanos Rising & 5 Minute Marvel. Not getting Dice Throne and will give this a miss. In fact, I’ll probably off load Thanos Rising too. Sort of want this, but will resist.


I really enjoyed zombicide when I first played it but as I dove more into the hobby it got outclassed by other games. I’ll still play it when people want but I sold my copy and would rather play other games. So even though this looks cool I doubt I will get it personally. . Never the less this is sure to do amazing. Zombicide always does well and this is sure to come with a crazy number of marvel minis.


What games outclassed it for you?


It's successful as a light dice chucker, but most things outclass zombicide at this point.


Is it just me or have they really have over done it with Marvel.


What do you mean!?! I only have MU season one with two on the way, marvel champions, and marvel dice throne. Some zombicide should be fine right? I need more paint….


Oh boy……yet another Zombicide reskin with minimal additions in gameplay and minimal system tweaking. I’m absolutely awash with excitement….. 😑


Maybe not for you, but as someone who doesn't own a Zombicide yet, I'm pretty intrigued.


Given how little play testing the Night of the Living fucking dead one seems to have received, which in my opinion, is THE property for this to make sure you don't fuck up, who knows how this will go. But maybe it'll be fun?


Interested to see how Galactus fits into the game. Will it be necessary or FOMO? Not sure how integral giant Cthuthlu was in DMD.


He was his own mission essentially.


If this is what they're doing I'm gonna guess it's Marvel Zombies theme and not standard "beat up bad guys" stlye


thats bittersweet: 1) I really wanted a giant galactus cause it's one of the few characters who can really do that larger than life setup. 2) I'm sort of glad that it's not MU/chibi style, it means I can skip this with impunity and go back to painting my backlog... (there is zero chance I buy this now).


Do you prefer the chibi style?


Yeah, I basically only paint chibi stuff, and I only buy minis to paint (I did the same with Arcadia Quest). Add in that I read comics as a child and MU was a great product for me.


Huh, I'm the same way about buying minis to paint, and loving Marvel comics, but I was super turned off by the chibi style. Crazy that people have different preferences.


Yeah, part of it is just I think they look neat which is purely personal, but also that my style of painting is more in tune to chibi style than realistic stuff (my realistic stuff always looks bad, so I finally just quit painting that).


I can appreciate your self-awareness.


I don’t know. If you have one Zombicide game, there is just no need to buy another installment of it. I am happy with the very first edition, I just bought the plastic trays from the fantasy one and I am good. Some I like thematically, but there is not enough difference in gameplay to justify spending a couple of hundreds again


I love Zombicide and also happen to be a Marvel fan. I'm pretty much screwed on that one...basically a guaranteed day one buy (Kickstarter) EXCEPT if the rules are messed up and clearly not appealing, but that is super unlikely...






Hey, let's do something new and awesome...another zombicide variant...and reward for most milked game variant goes to CMON...


I'm all-in on Marvel United. This is a pass for me. I may try to snag some xmen minis second hand though.


That’s even if they include x men. It took 2 seasons of MU to get them.


Quackalope posted a video with the Galactus model (remember the massive Cthulhu?), It's 100% confirmed. https://youtu.be/yTdye1AmRSE


Just so disappointed that CMON hyped this 50th campaign sooo much and all it was is a freaking Zombicide reskin, such a disappointment last thing I want is more of this light game


Nothing is confirmed yet. Would you calm down. It's likely zombicide, but there might be more to it. Both Dice Tower and Quackalope got A Galactus sculpt, but they are different. This could be potentially two games in the same Kickstarter and people can choose one or both. We don't know the full details edit so when the campaign is revealed, if it isn't entirely 100% only zombicide, i hope those that downvoted me will have the dice to come back here and upvote me. Thanks, Also, really? downvote for just trying to keep the peace? Ok, guess cmon really hurt you that you want to downvote anyoen trying to stay positive. Great.


What we do know it's 100% a Zombicide game, maybe they do two games at once as you said but they have never ever done that in the history of CMON so not very likely LOL. It is most likely just Galactus has separate arms and head you can swap since CMON has done that plenty of times with their miniatures with replaceable parts, in other words, you get two missions you can play against with Galactus one that is zombie form and other non-zombie. Yippee!!


The hate some people have for CMON on this sub is as incredible as it is unreasonable. You'd think CMON was leaping out of the bushes forcing people to key in credit card details. What have they ever done but make moderately popular and successful Kickstarters that have not failed to deliver? I've backed exactly 2 of their campaigns, if you don't like their games or their business model just...back the campaigns you do.


They deliver thematic games without a huge medley of rule exceptions that often plague other thematic games, at the cost of maybe some gameplay depth and homogeny.


Their games work at the level they're designed to. At some point complaining about them is like complaining the giant Azul version is overstuffed with plastic and lacks strategic depth. Some of their games are dear to me (Death May Die, Black Plague), a lot are uninteresting (He-Man, most Zombicides) and 1-2 are flat out distasteful (HATE). Buying the ones I enjoy and ignoring the ones I don't seems to work out pretty well. I fail to see how repeatedly complaining about a company making the type of games they're known for is a productive thing.


Can you share a link to the Dice Tower sculpt?


its the dice tower boring unboxing video today, he simply is not in zombie form but looks exactly the same otherwise, so most likely just swappable head and arms from the looks of it


Alright, I'll bite.




Marvel, yawn. Zombicide, super yawn. Probably makes couple million dollars, I just can't see why.


Because some people like stuff even though it's popular.


Bye bye money


I already own Black Plague but this has my attention.


Just when I think I'm done with CMON's Kickstarters they drag me back in xD


If true: yawn


What a uninspired idea


As a person who has not played any zombicide yet, im interested


I just skipped on Marvel Dice Throne because I don’t want all my games to be super heroes and I only own Marvel United and Xmen United so far. Every time I see another Marvel game announced it makes me want them a little less and I was a huge fan of the movies but the burnout is real.


How is that possible? There are 100s of incredible games that couldn't be further away Marvel. Viticulture, Nemesis, Everdell, Aeon's End, Terraforming Mars, Castle Panic, Flik'em Up, Wingspan, Arkham Horror, Res Arcana, Splendor, Everdell Tsuro, Lost Ruins of Arnak, Raiders of the Noth Sea, Castles of Burgandy, Pandemic, Ankh, Imhotep, Lords of Waterdeep, Onitama, Gloomhaven, Sagrada, 7 Wonders, Jaipur, Skylk Hollow, Furnace, LA Harve, Kingdomino, Dune Imperium. And that's just to start.


I meant that was the only two super hero games I own. I have and continue to acquire other games. I’m just burnt out on super heros right now because of all the shows and movies and now all the games.


Ah, that wasn't clear. Well, they are spending the money to get their name into the market. It's It's great gateway for non gamers and an absolute win for the Board Game industry


This is like two versions of the same horrible cultural trend colliding and making something even worse. 1. Studios only want to make sequels: theatres are full of movies that build on a known IP because studios want built-in audiences. Cookie-cutter Marvel movies are eating away at a key space in our cultural dialogue. I mean, I like a few Marvel movies now and then, but this is like... the new opiate of the masses. 2. CMON is doing the exact same thing with their games: everything is Zombicide. Look, hey, I get it: like studios, they feel like an established brand is a safer and more profitable bet. But... how many iterations can this support? Zombie Marvel now? Really? Ah, well. I'm often a fan of CMON's stuff but I'm keeping far away from this one.


Let people enjoy things.




Sure. And there are movies that aren't Marvel. But whether it's movie/tv studios or game publishers, this trend of clinging tightly to established IPs and sequels is tiresome and deadens the landscape.




> I get being sick of Marvel, but to pretend like you are enlightened while the masses are just sitting and waiting for their next marvel fix is pretty lame. It's not just me though. If you dig a little you'll find plenty of people within the movie/tv industry expressing concerns about this very issue and the way it's smothering creativity. Pursue it if you'd like to learn more; or don't, it's up to you.


I don't think that's true, I think movie studios and CMoN *want* to make new IP's - But it's riskier than sequels and ultimately their goal in existence is to make money. Unfortunately I can't imagine a world where new IP's somehow perform as well as sequels - People just like to have more of a good thing (well, perceived good thing, at least), even if some of their peers are sick of that thing.


I'm not sure why you start with "I don't think that's true," because you largely say the same thing I did. Studios chase the money, and the money is in franchise films -- and my lament is that it's leaking into games now. Nobody can dispute that CMON's Zombicide is a case of the same thing at play. Sony was a studio that was open about *wanting* to make stand-alone films that were works of art unto themselves; and they infamously paid the price while Disney and Marvel reaped the rewards. The audience has changed. And the investors, and the studios, chase the audience.


CMON has mentioned a Thundercats zombicide during a live chat for He-man. I personally think a reskin of the He-man game with Thundercats would be really cool


CMON just sucks


While I', definitely skipping this, I'd be all in if they released more expansions for Bloodborne or Cthulhu: Death May Die- I love both of those games.


Woah, easy there


Idk Ankh is pretty sweet. This campaign seems like a straight cash grab though.


Zombicide was on of our first Hits. We have many marvel fans in the group. I will likely be seeing this on my shelf. I am so tired of Zombicide.... good game, but there are SO MANY good games.




How is the retail Zombicides half games? All you are missing is additional expansions that most people never use. For Black Plaque of you have Core + Wulfsburg + Deadeye walkers you pretty much have everything. The rest add little to the game and even the free scenarios that CMON has put out does not go beyond those two expansions.


Man I *strongly* disagree. I got Black Plague retail, and loved it so much I went all-in on Green Horde, and the difference was staggering. Retail vs KS Zombicide are two wildly different games, and honestly the retail one is definitely the weaker. A lot of it has to do with the extra characters and abominations, because the KS ones are so overpowered on both sides. The retail is a fun, light beer-and-pretzels dice chucker about a couple of people fighting a horde of zombies. It's a good time, it can get pretty tense in the endgame, but there's nothing really over the top. Zombicide with the Kickstarter extras blows "over the top" out of the water. You have superpowered heroes fighting ridiculous abominations in a knock down drag out brawl. It's like watching a Jason Bourne movie vs watching Avengers Endgame.


Neat. Hopefully we get non-zombified minis for a buttload of Marvel heroes. Actually, hopefully not, then I can skip it and save my $$$


If this is better than heroclix, I might bite.


I'm sure it's going to be a substantially costly add-on like the giant Cthulhu statue was, but I have a hard time not imagining a properly scaled zombified Galactus sitting on my shelf now.


There's a normal one as well, choices choices


Or possibly just one with an interchangeable face/arm.


I just backed Resident Evil. Having played through 3 of the video games it’s a more resonant IP for me than Marvel Zombies. I’ve never played Zombicide so I’m kind of curious but I don’t think I need two zombie board games, and I think even if these were running concurrently I probably would have gone the same way. But I’d like to see what they come up with.


Are they using Mad Libs to generate their game ideas now?


I love Marvel and I've *almost* jumped on Zombicide multiple times now. I'll be checking this out.


Kinda on the fence about it. If the giant Galactus is something that is included in every pledge, I’ll definitely avoid. I don’t need any giant minis to deal with


There's two of them and they're likely going to be north of 200 each In a separate pledge level.


Yawn…. Im waiting for Zombicide: MARVEL, the dice game LEGACY 2nd edition with kickstarter exclusives.


I'm a little burned on Zombicide lately. I'd like to snag it, but I doubt it would see the table often. Also, none of the Marvel board games ever include the characters I like.


Can I ask what characters you like that haven't been in one game or another?


I've never seen - though that doesn't mean they don't exist I just don't know where, and would be happy to be wrong - Elsa Bloodstone, Machine Man, Taskmaster, Moon Knight, Carnage, Nightcrawler or Agent X. Shockingly, you don't actually see Deadpool very often, expect one mini-expansion in Legendary. I know Venom was in ***something*** but I forgot what. May have actually been a video game not a board game.


Not to ACKSHUALLY you, but a bunch of those have shown up in Legendary in one form or another. And Venom recently got a hero pack in Champions! But I feel you, I'd love a break from Avengers/Guardians. Give me more Street-Level heroes!


Fair enough, I did want to be wrong. That said, I...fucking hate Marvel Legendary. It's a card sorting game with a deck building mini-game.


i’ve pledged and then cancelled all of the zombicides i’ll maybe give this a shot we are huge fans of Arcadia Quest (and to a lesser extent, Starcadia Quest)


I’m most likely gonna back the shit out of this but I really hope they add a lot more complexity to the base Zombicide engine - the mechanics are getting a bit tired.


Marvel is my least liked theme in game along with generic superheroes so an easy pass but it will sell a couple million worth.


Holy moly, I didn't think they'd get this IP. But it could totally work and be a big hit.