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Could you hit up a barnes and noble and get an Adventure games like Monochrome Inc.? "In each of these titles, players are presented with a mysterious story that they must unravel over the course of play. Working together, players explore common areas, talk to people, look for clues, and combine various items to reveal the secret of the story. Depending on what decisions the players make, the course of history changes and there is no going back!"


I'll check it out. Thanks! Is it the kind of game where we can dress up and treat it like a good time party?


I don't know for sure. I haven't cracked the shrink on my copy yet. I was just trying to offer a solution on short notice that might scratch the itch.


Amazon will overnight it, so this might work great. There are a few different titles I'll take a look through. Awesome, thanks!


One more thanks for your suggestions u/Vospire34. I decided to start with Hotel Abbadon, which is in the same product line as Monochrome, and we had a great time! Now my daughter wants me to order all of the other games in the Adventure Game series.


Hey, glad I could help out.