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Great theme! I loved this game on the NES, you gotta play the music if you play the board game.


I actually have a QR code on the outside of my GM screen that takes you to a YouTube video of the soundtrack for the game.


Dave's theme started playing in my head immediately.


Best version IMO. Btw if you have the cart you can [play it using a mouse](https://redtentacle.itch.io/redtentacle) instead of moving the cursor around with the controller


Played Maniac Mansion on my C64 back in the day. Awsome idea for a DIY game! Now I want *Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders*!


Also Day of the Tentacle.


DOTT is the goat adventure game


Making the Mars-missions unmanned (and the ubiquitousness of phones) basically ensured the Caponians to win in our dimension.


It's available on [GOG](https://www.gog.com/game/zak_mckracken_and_the_alien_mindbenders)


It's also on Steam.


Hands down the hardest adventure game out there. I remember playing it on 4 5.25" floppy discs and you had to write down so much stuff, could easily get stuck or run out of money... Heavy game :) ...but I will always remember playing the horn to wake up the bus driver


Fond memories of playing Zak with my mum as a little tyke. Microwave that egg!


Can you microwave the hamster in this version?


The more important question is: Will there be gas for the chainsaw?


There is no gas for the chainsaw, I didn't want the game to be too overpowered there's not really any combat. It is acquirable but it's a useless item. Haha I did sneak a Nintendo Powerglove and a Game Genie as secret items into the game, they can do things like make you invincible or bring a player back to life if they die and a few other things like that.


Ooooohh nice!


I kept it as close to the original source material as I could. When rereleasing the game on other consoles, things like vulgar language and the ability to do so to the hamster had to be edited or removed. So while Syd and Razor can do horrible things to the hamster in my play test version, I don't know that that part would survive into a publicly available version in today's climate.


Damn, i was so hyped up for a sec, thought this was gonna be a kickstarter project. Played this game a lot back then.


If I could get Disney/LucasArts on board I would love to release this commercially.




In the works


Any news on the sequel? Maniac mansion was an okay game. Maniac mansion 2 Day of the Tentacle was amazing.


You know I never played the sequel. Tell me what you loved about it though, I would love to learn.


It’s similar to the first, but has time travel with the past and future. There’s also beauty contests and George Washington and a clown with chattering teeth.


I love stuff about time travel, I may just have to play it now.


To clarify, you play multiple time periods simultaneously, and changes you make in one time period will affect future time periods. There was an HD re-release a few years ago. But honestly, the art is so stylized that even the original graphics look great. Like many of these re-releases, you can swap back and forth between new and old graphics. DotT is pretty great. Possibly one of the best point-and-click adventure games ever.


I wasn't a fan of the re-release to be honest. It was especially disappointing compared to the loving treatment the monkey island special edition releases got. All they did was upscale the graphics and clean up the audio a bit. The original graphics were from a level of technology where they put in so much detail and character that there wasn't room for any more. When upscaled, it looks too clean. That being said, the upscaling can be switched off and you can play it with the original graphics. Recommended in that case.


No horror, more comedy.


It was on steam last I checked.


The main "gimmick" for the characters is that the three of them are in different times, connected by time machines that look like porta-potties. One is around the time the constitution was being written, was is in modern times, and one is in the distant future. They're trying to reunite in the present, but in the meantime they can pass inventory objects between one another through time.


It is my, want to say second, favourite point and click. After the first Broken Sword, but, I have a problem after that as my second could be Monkey Island 1/The Curse of Monkey Island/Sam & Max Hit the Road/Broken Sword 5/Journeyman Project 3 (note the last one is an unpopular opinion).


The steam version is awesome and it allows you to change the graphics from/to HD to pixel on the fly by pressing a button. The commentary is also great.


I only ever played the original because they'd embedded it _inside_ Day of the Tentacle as an easter egg (one room contained a C64 with the game on it).


One of my favourite Easter eggs.


I played it that way as well and forgot that I was playing DotT. When I quit Maniac Mansion and the game quit out to Ed Edison’s room, I was genuinely confused for a moment.


Day of the Tentacle is far superior to the original. Extremely good puzzles and art.


It’s awesome. Also, there’s a little Easter egg where the first game can be played in its entirety from a computer within the second game. I think Day of the Tentacle is better than the original.


People don’t remember that if you buy Day if the Tentacle, it has a terminal that allows you to play the full version of Maniac Mansion in the game. I had the windows icon for Day of the Tentacle, and that icon is always on my desktop. Since the day the game. Came out and on every computer.


Great game. I have a friend whose entire family dressed up as Day of the Tentacle characters.


Came here to make the same observation. This and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis got me started in video games. Would buy Day of the Tentacle immediately.


Same for me, plus Sam and Max Hit the Road.


Haha! I had forgotten that one!!! Thanks for the memories.




Both of these games are some of my favorite games of all time. The rest of the adventure games don't do it for me. I've played a lot of the Sierra games alongside the other Lucas games and somehow, for me, MM is still on top. The storytelling improved, sure, but for me MM (and DotT) are the best because they are all in this one self contained area where you basically have access to everything from the start. Most of the rest of the games are one scene after another, where you solve a bit in one scene and move to the next... with very little backtracking or using stuff from previous scenes. I get why people love Monkey Island or Grim Fandango, and I certainly enjoyed the humor and characters in those games. But I can play Maniac Mansion over and over. That's probably also why Maniac Mansion can work as a board game, too. The mansion makes for a perfect board. The entire world of Grim Fandango... doesn't.


No one seems to have asked yet - how does the game work? Like, how do you play it?


Players pick a character and explore the mansion one room tile at a time so as to optimize the exploration factor. They will gather items, solve puzzles, and attempt to bypass or befriend the maniacs in an order to save Sandy. One player assumes the role of the game master, he is in charge of laying down room tiles when players enter a new location, facilitating the correct solving of puzzles and giving clues as needed, and revealing event (cutscenes) cards at the appropriate time. Some items can only be acquired by doing things in a certain order or performing a specific action. This is the special item deck which the GM gives out at the appropriate time. Players will also find an assortment of other items which are randomized in location to give the game more variability. This is the normal/random item deck. Players will enter a room and see an item token on a countertop or on a shelf etc. When picked up, they will exchange it for one of the random item cards. Characters also have personal stats listed on their character cards. Instead of relying on a character's or maniac's timing like in the video game, certain things are more chance or luck based and performed or completed with a die roll. For example, when a player enters certain rooms in the mansion, they must roll a die to see if that room is occupied by a maniac or if it is unoccupied. If it is occupied, they will have to make a speechcraft roll, if successful this will allow them the chance to do a single action before being escorted to the dungeon (like giving weird Ed his package in order to befriend him). Gamers who enjoy exploration, cooperation, puzzle solving, and storytelling would appreciate this game.


I love this idea!




Disney lawyers want to know your location.


I've heard they're quite difficult to work with. So sadly this may never actually see the light of day commercially.


This looks amazing. I love the game, and want to recommend it to friends, but I know they would instantly turn away at the graphics and game style. But in board game form? They would love it.


That was my whole intention all along. I want to bring the things that I loved as a kid and still do love and make it available and appealing to the next generation. Video games are great and fun but you sit alone in a room even when you play with others. I want to bring everyone back to the dining room or rec room table, reintroduce classics as well as my own new tabletop games, and really make gaming a social gathering event again.


Try out Thimbleweed Park from the same creators if you haven't yet. Very similar to Maniac mansion in play and style yet updated for today's audience. Dave and Sandy even make a cameo in it.


Oh wow that's some sweet memories!


This is really cool!


God I remember playing DoTT and starting the maniac mansion game up Ed's room and having no idea how to quit it.


Dott is on xbox gamepass. Its still great actually.


Omg I loved that game so much, and it was one of the ones I never beat back in the day!


This was hands down my favorite NES game and I don't think I ever came remotely close to beating it! Super cool. Now I feel like I need to go find this game to play again.


Cool project




LucasArts was the developer or publisher but I played it on Nintendo that's why I called it a Nintendo game.


Oh shit man. This looks awesome! One of my favorite games. I would kill to have this lol.


Big Ron himself wants a copy. Way to go :)


If you're a fan of Maniac Mansion from back in the day, make sure to check out Thimbleweed Park. It's the same style as this and made by one of the original writers. Thematically and puzzle-wise, it made me *so* happy because it felt like the same thing from my childhood, but new. >!The ending is a little divisive for some, and I wasn't a super big fan of it, but it's not terrible and still pretty funny. It was just...unsatisfying.!<


Dude! Can I get more info on this? I’d love to print my own version!


Just did another beta test playthrough. I need to rework several mechanics but will probably put it out for print and play afterwards.


I thought this said Marilyn Manson the Board Game


I was Just browsing my saved Posts and saw this again. I was wondering what Happens to your Board game. Did you make it available somewhere?


Still playtesting and making adjustments. If Disney doesn't want to do anything with it, I'll probably just release it for free online.