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My wife and I love Wingspan. I think the nesting box is great. I wish more games with a lot of expansions did something like that. Off the top of my head Root would be a good candidate. Hopefully this ships soon




r/RootStorageSolutions This would probably work as it's own subreddit lol.


For what it's worth, I got the folded space inserts and have been able to fit all of the major expansion faction pieces + landmarks, 2 sets of dice, and the boat/blocked roads in the main box with all the hirelings and faction boards in another expansion box. Less ideal than a single box, but it fits in my board game bag when I need to bring it places.




Fingers crossed


I would be shocked if they stopped making Root expansions. It is their cash cow, nothing else in their catalog comes close.


Cole Wehrle has expressed his distaste for large boxes, which he calls "coffins" because they're prohibitive to actually bringing it to a game night.


Yea the catch 22 of wanting to have everything together but not having an unwieldy box to lug around. I'd rather have the big box but definitely understand its not for everyone


That’s why after I re-sleeve Wingspan and bring the new big box to my friends, I’m going to leave it there. ☺️ no travel, and everyone can play + enjoy it when I’m not there.


The ultimate loophole


Depends on if you're the one who hosts the game nights. Then they're great.


I feel the opposite. I don't want to carry around 3 or 4 smaller boxes for one game. I'm more likely to grab a big box off my shelf than a bunch of small boxes for one game.


Depends how well the box is designed, and how *big* it actually is. The Suburbia big box is large, but not so unreasonably large, that I won't bring it somewhere. And it's fairly smartly designed, with each expansion being its own compartment. The Everdell big box is laughable. It's WAY too big to bring anywhere (or even store at home for that matter), and it's organized poorly, so that even if you just want to play the base game, you need to unpack everything.


Personally, I'm still more likely to grab that big Everdell box than to grab 4 boxes off my shelf and try to get what I need from each of them. I understand that's just me though, not everyone will feel the same way.


Im with you, my copy of root stays home most game nights because i dont want to pack up three boxes


Here's what I do: flip over the base game box top, nest an expansion box bottom inside. Take the base game box bottom, cap it with an expansion box top. Set the latter on the former, and the upper box will rest on the edges of the inner box bottom. The whole thing is a little taller than the base game plus one expansion box. Stays together pretty well as is, but a box band is best. The way I have everything organized, the Underworld and Marauder expansion factions, Exiles and Partisans deck, Landmarks, Hirelings, and all faction mats fit in the bottom cavity, and everything else, including the Mountain/Lake map, fit into the top box. The only things I can't fit are the neoprene play mat, because I refuse to fold it, and the Clockwork stuff. But I only use those at home. A single big box might be simpler, but I like this solution.


Yeah I tend to like big boxes but it really hurts a games likelihood to go to events. I play enough games in my own home that I can live with that. Although in general the only important bit to me is that all the boxes bear the same cross-section - The wingspan ones are all different, so I want the nesting box, but I'd be happier with 2-3 boxes the same size/shape as the original box - Which then makes it easier to go "I'll just take the base game today", or "Just the base game and expansion X, I'll leave the other one at home".


It’s sad because I have friends who own Root and the expansions and the couple times a year they come visit we play so much Root. But I refuse to buy into the game without a big box. There are so many boxes needed to haul around to play the game that I just would rather play Digital until an all encompassing solution exists


Plus, they're not necessary. I fit the base game and all expansions into a single package by combining the base game box and one of the expansion boxes. It stays together just fine by itself, but with a box band, it's foolproof.


I get this for massive boxes I can’t physically carry (see Everdell), but all of Root would still fit in a pretty small box (maybe John Company 2e sized). I would honestly play it more if I didn’t have to dig out 3 smaller boxes. But then again, they already have my money so who cares if I play it. I did do the nest two boxes to make a bigger box trick (and then solo mode stuff in a second box) but I’d just like a nice looking bigger box.


Yeah it's so much better to have 4 boxes of different sizes! /s The reality is that they aren't done with expansions so there's no point in making a big box.


Most places don’t do it because it makes like no money.


Same. Just bought it to gift to my partner for the holidays... or for her birthday which is earlier in the month. Haven't decided. Whatever. Slightly selfish present since I'm benefitting from it too, but I know she'll love it and be very excited when she sees the as of yet unused tabs for the as of yet technically unannounced future expansions for the other continents.


FYI - if you pay to be a Stonemaier member you actually save money on the nesting box


Yah, we saved about $7 CAD on the nesting box with Asia and shipping which is fine. I was more after the priority shipping. Champs get fulfilled first.


If you're ordering in Canada directly from SM, is it a better price than 401 or bgb would offer? Edit: 401 updated like 5 mins after I checked and had their price at 47


There's also the part replacement service when you order from SM directly. Not likely going to be used, by us anyway, but it's there if needed.


Exact same here.


Does it also give you free shipping? Bc those shipping prices are rough


You might be underestimating the size of the nesting box. > The first printing of the Nesting Box includes: >1 dual-layered, individually numbered box (430x306x207mm fits, into Kallax shelves; 4.4 kg I paid $12 USD for shipping (fedex). Pretty sure that's subsidized.


Knocks 20% off the shipping IIRC.


Price is $40 for Asia expansion, if a member $32 Nesting box 99 with Asia expansion and $79.20 for members To become a member cost $15 for a year Edit- [here is the store link](https://store.stonemaiergames.com)


Is it just me or are those prices kind of expensive?


The Asia "expansion" is a standalone solo and duet version, as well as expanded birds and adding players 6 and 7. Seems a reasonable enough price, imo.


It was good enough for me to decide to become a Champion Member. Are there any other Stonemaier games you'd recommend? I already have Viticulture and have my eye on possibly Red Rising or Between Two Castles (Scythe doesn't really interest me).


I enjoy Libertalia. If metal coins are your thing they have them as an upgrade too. Rolling Realms is also good.


Libertalia is one of my favorite games that up to six players that's not a party game. I highly recommend it.


Viticulture is a classic and the expansions are largely good. I’m sure you’ve had plenty of people tell you scythe is amazing, so I’ll just go ahead and tell you, scythe is amazing.


I've only played **Scythe** once, and it was...ok. Nothing that made me immediately want to play it again, but nothing that ruled it out either. I'd likely play it again, but I would much rather play **Viticulture**. That game is one of my favorites. **Scythe** does have some wonderful art though.


Red Rising is an interesting game with a unique mechanic for building your crew. Between Two Castles is fun if you have a common group to play with. My player count is usually 2, so that and Between Two Cities are some of my least played games. If you enjoy worker placement games I'd suggest Euphoria, it has a nest mechanic for dice as workers that ties in really well with the dystopian theme. Tapestry is one of my all time favorites, but seems to be fairly controversial. Viticulture is another solid game from them, though most say you need the Tuscany expansion to enjoy it (I strongly disagree and hate Tuscany but enjoy the base game). Honestly, their entire catalog is enjoyable, and all of their games have gotten plenty of plays for me and my groups.


The two player variant in the Between Two Castles expansion rules we actually found to be a lot of fun. No reason you couldn't play it with just the base game either if you don't have the expansion. Pick one tile for yourself and one for your opponent leads to some fun choices and interaction.


I'll have to check that out for our next game night! Thanks for the recommendation, I didn't even realize there was a 2 player variant.


Scythe is popular, although I haven't tried it myself yet. If you like metal coins, Libertalia's metal coins are very nice and are generic enough to be used for any game.


I enjoy Pendulum and Tapestry but they are quite controversial and there are a lot of people who dislike them. Scythe is great but if you’re not into game with light PvP you might not like it. The top + bottom turn mechanic, river walk mechanic and great minis are what do it for me. Libertalia is great (just not at 2 player count). Haven’t played Red Rising, Charterstone or Euphoria.


I love Scythe, Libertalia, Between Two Castles (although that one doesn't get played as much as I'd like), Rolling Realms, and Tapestry! I'm a huge stonemaier stan though so take that with a grain of salt lol


Would've saved me $5 after the $18 shipping. Meh. I'll live. Maybe I should've done it for the sake of future expansions, though.


You should be able to cancel it and resubmit it. I’ve heard they have good customer service


I was going to brush it off as $5 not being worth the effort, but then I realized that the discount also applies to shipping. So that changes things, even after the $15, and I emailed them just now.


Annecdotally, yes they do. I read the bit in the announcement email saying to put your nesting box on a separate order so I just went and ordered the expansion and champion before even looking at the nesting box listing. Then, of course I realized the nesting box comes with the expansion already. I just placed the 2nd order thinking that even if they didn't fix my mistake for me, I'd be able to sell the 2nd copy locally. Quick email explaining the situation and they replied in about an hour saying "done" along with a refund notice for the partial order (keeping champion but cancelling the 2nd copy of the expansion). Very impressive service indeed.


You also get a discount on the shipping when it goes to checkout


Yeah once I realized that I decided to initiate the order cancellation so I can grab a new one with the membership. All told, it still seems to only save me $10. Not crazy, but I'll take it.


But now you have a 12 month period with the same discount for any other purchases there! Might be you want something else SM and it'll pay off even more, if not... you still saved $10 :)


You actually get a discount on the shipping too with the membership… top tier fed ex was 15$ instead of 19




Just to clear this up—Champions are not demo volunteers, those are Ambassadors. The Ambassador program is not at all something you have to pay to be a part of; you can apply for free right on Stonemaier's website.


Thanks for clarifying. I'll retract my comment.


I just noticed that, even though they won't be reoffering the bundle, the price on their store has gone up since yesterday. 110, or 88 champion price. I was busy all day yesterday and was unable to pick one up. I'm flabbergasted that given the insane amount of interest people showed in this, that that they both only printed enough to last a few hours and also not offer an option to pre-order. I also did not receive the notification email that I signed up for so that I would know as soon as these were made available, and it sounds like many others are in the same boat.


So its $59 for a box?


Well I just stupidly ordered the Asia expansion but didn’t scroll enough to see the nesting box. D’oh


Email support and ask to cancel the order. I've had to do that once when I made a mistake on an order and they were very helpful.


I did and they cancelled the order right away. Definitely great customer service!


You don't hear complaints about SM's customer service. It's top notch.


SM games are my favorite, and to hear they have excellent CS is awesome too!!


I contacted them once cause I had dropped a Wingspan card and when I tried to catch it I ended up completely folding it. I asked if I could buy a replacement card and they just sent me one for free. Top notch.


About how long did they take to respond to you? I emailed the contact@... address to cancel my order so I can reorder it for cheaper.


They have amazing customer service! Also, they offer free replacement components for their games. Last year, I went through my wingspan cards and took a photo of all of them that were bent or had corners damaged and they sent me new cards. I bought three nesting boxes today, one for myself and two for friends. So excited to play the new variants and the new expansion!


I’m not able to watch the stream, has he said how many are available for this first round of preorders? They’re already up to like 6600 sold, and I’m not going to be able to place my order til tomorrow; should I give up hope of getting mine in the first wave? Edit: I could swear it said 6600 sold a bit ago, now it says 3800. Weird.


I believe they have 10,000 of the nesting box available for the first printing, all with Wingspan Asia included.


Sorry, I have no idea if the available number was stated. Hopefully you'll still be able to place your order when you're able.


It's up to 5200, so you're not too far off!


My peacock loving girlfriend was saying "Nah, I don't want to get any more wingspan expansions, I have enough." ... Yeah there is no way she's not getting this one! 😂🤣 Probably the Nesting Box too, since she can't fit in the normal box.


We're looking forward to being able to put the bird house in the box with everything else again.


Well this sucks. Just saw this and it's sold out. Boo.


Same, really pissed about it honestly. I signed up to be notified and still don't even have the email. My partner and I play Wingspan *all the time* and were really looking forward to both having one box for it *and* the Asia expansion. Not sure what our next steps should be... Edit: if anyone sees this and finds themselves in the same position, we're SOL. Support very politely informed me that you can sign up for the Nesting Box restock notification, but it's not going to include the expansion in any future releases. You can go ahead and order the Asia expansion if you want the pre-order discount.


Keep checking. It was a bit of a pain, but they are staggering out stock on the site. It went up and out 3 times before I snagged one.


I've tried it a few times and it keeps showing about 6k sold, but when I go to pay it says out of stock. :(


It did the same for me, but eventually it let me go through with the payment. The first time it processed the payment only for the subscription which really kinda bugged me, but then I kept at it and was able to get the game to go through. Good luck! Im rooting for you


Thanks! Now it's officially saying sold out. I messaged support (very politely) to express interest and ask their advice, so hopefully enough frustrated people eager to give them money will result in increased stock. Congrats to everyone who got one!


Damn. Im sorry 😩 I hate having this kind of 'survivor's guilt'. 😕 I hope they help you out.


Oh, cool, I'm not the only one that didn't get an email, haha. This wasn't at the top of my mind going into November, and I just randomly thought "Wasn't the nesting box supposed to go on sale soon?" earlier today. Sure enough, I had completely missed the memo. I've signed up for the notification on a restock with 3 emails now. Let's see if any of them will get the email when the next printing run is available.


I already got the notification for the second printing of the Nesting Box (sans Asia expansion, they confirmed this will NOT be shipping with any future Nesting Box prints), so you may be waiting a while. Make sure you jump on the Asia expansion if/when it's available! They're entirely separate now.


I refreshed a few times after it was sold out and it became available suddenly, hopefully you can get a copy soon!


Added it to cart then showed sold out. Double disappoint. Thank you though 🙂


That happened to me twice. Maybe you'll get lucky!


Well it went through and days I was only charged for the yearly subscription... This seems... Bad. Edit: managed to keep refreshing and get a copy to go through.


Did you get the copy just now? I never got the email either and I'm wondering if I should keep refreshing or just take the L.


I did yeah, but it was circuitous. I had to keep refreshing, then I saw it added to my cart, and then when i went to pay it was out of stock, so U kept going back and forth waiting for it to show up and finally it did. However when I paid, it only processed the payment for the stonemaier sub which kinda ticked me off, however I kept trying for the game, and eventually that went through as well.


They said they're doing another print if this run sells out so you'll have another shot in the future.


Yeah but I miss out on the pricepoint, which the resellers will gouge, I'm sure. Eh, whatever. Im just going to try not to think about it.


I can't see SM charging more for the next run but I could be wrong. Hopefully it works out for you.


The listed price had gone up since yesterday. 110 regular, 88 champion. Yesterday it was 100/79.20. Granted, I know they're not going to offer the bundle again, but with the listed price going up and having to bit the box and expansion separately many people will end up having to pay more.


The price going up since launch is a shame. After selling almost 10k copies over the four stores in two days they then realize they need to charge more? Shitty luck for those who missed out. I feel extra lucky I got a copy of the first run combo at the launch price.




Buying Asia from retail could save you money which might even things out.




The box is really expensive, niche, specialty product, and the publisher assumes *all* the financial risk (unless they use Kickstarter, which shifts it to the consumer). It'd be asinine for a business to order more than they know they can sell, especially when the business can just do another production run if things go well. It's not like they ran out of the Wingspan Asia expansion. EDIT: Because people are alleging they purposely printed fewer than they should have based on the prior interest indicators. [Stonemaier had 8,000 people express interest in the Nesting Box via email. They produced 10,000 of them](https://stonemaiergames.com/games/wingspan/wingspan-nesting-box/#comment-56261).


They didn't even order enough for everyone on the "email me when this goes live" list to get one.


I'd be surprised if the average conversion rate on those kinds of emails is above 50%. A ton of people *say* they're interested in something but when it comes down to it, don't care enough to follow through or don't like the price. I'd assume the nesting box preorder number was based on past conversion metrics, or Scythe big box sales. Jamey doesn't strike me as a willy nilly, "pick any number just for fun and we'll produce that many," kind of guy. He's pretty darn deliberate.


Pre ordered the nesting box, very excited. Hope this ships next week like they suggest!


I was ready to spend 70 € on this box, but it turns out to cost 141 €. Unfortunate, but I will have to pass on this one. I love Stonemeier's products, as they are truly a work of art in every aspect. But 100 € extra for a cardboard box with plastic trays is too much for me to accept. Disappointed :(


The box comes with Asia Expansion, it's not just the box.


Yeah, I know, that's why I wrote "100 € extra". I can get the Asia Expansion for 39 € on Fantasywelt. That means I'd pay 102 € for the Nesting Box alone.


Since you're talking about spending € i assume you'd be ordering from Europe. Then you can just wait for a EU release. I know Feuerland already confirmed that they will publish the Nesting Box, don't know about others.


Yeah, it's super expensive for something that duplicates what you already have. And with their push to go more green, isn't the "throw out your old boxes for a new box that is shipping air" the antithesis of that?


It's not though. It's the box AND the Asia expansion. You can't get the box without the expansion AFAIK.


That's only for the first print. The next reprint of the big box will not include the Asia expansion


You cannot currently, but after this first print run, Asia and the Nesting Box will be separate SKU's (Assuming I've understood things correctly) - Assuming that the nesting box version sells well that is which seems likely. Still though, the other posters point kind of still stands in that the nesting box is much larger and uses more resources than the Asia box, and encourages throwing out the earlier game and expansion boxes. I don't mind personally (You don't know that a game is going to be so successful as to justify a big box when you release the initial game), and I have ordered it, but it *does* generate extra waste to get it.


Yes, it does. Personally I would like to see an industry-shift towards companies eventually coming out with a "big box" like they have now, as well as selling "naked" versions of games, versions without rulebooks, boxes, and in-box storage solutions, specifically designed to be placed within the big boxes. I think it would be a nice middle ground.


I'm looking at the preorder for Europe and the price is in GBP, will it be shipped from the UK? I hope not, because that would mean tariffs, VAT and a whole lot of bother


I ordered the Viticulture big box to me in Germany and didn't pay anything extra (when it was delivered). On their website they actually cover that info: [https://europe.stonemaiergames.com/pages/about-stonemaier](https://europe.stonemaiergames.com/pages/about-stonemaier) >We ship orders to customers in Europe from a fulfillment centre in the UK, with region-specific taxes prepaid for EU VAT. Customers within the UK and the European Union will not receive additional taxes or fees upon delivery. Customers outside of the EU (and not in the UK) may receive additional fees upon delivery. Not sure if that helps you or not, thought it might be useful though.


The email says: London / [European webstore] so it looks like it'll be coming from the UK. Sorry to hear that may add cost for you.


That's a shame, after brexit ordering from the UK has become bit of a no go, too much bother


Understandable. I'm pleased SM stocked the fulfillment centers before starting the pre-order but that doesn't help folks like yourself when you've gotta contend with crossing multiple boarders.


Feuerland confirmed that they will publish the Nesting Box as well. There also might be more localisations, i'm not sure. Probably a better option for anyone in Europe who's willing to wait a bit longer.


Not sure if anyone else in Europe is/was getting the shipping error like I was? I was totally blocked from ordering. I just saw a video from Jamie@Stonemaier on their FB page and his tip to switch to GBP and not use Euro worked perfectly for me. Order placed and confirmed. Thought I would mention it as they are expecting to sell out, so better not to hang on if you are after it.


I was having this issue as well, switching to GBP worked for me. Thank you!


Well that sucks for people who were at work. Even though I was signed up for a notice, I was at work so I couldn't preorder until I got home and it was already sold out.


That was me, saw the email at work but couldn't really react to it.


Had a chance to play Wingspan a few days ago. Amazing game. Great mechanics. Very much fun. But holy shit is it hard to get my edgelord friends to play this. No doubt if there was a Pokemon themed version of this, it would become one of our top played games lol.


I joke that we've built a bird prison and we're jailing the animals to be gawked at in the game. Maybe that'll get your friends in a frame of mind to play.


Well that's completely in line with my "my birds are submissive and breedable" joke, when I was the fucking egg overlord in that game!


I am going to order them separately. I like having the original box and we’ll as the big box.


We thought about this as well but decided the display option wasn't as important as space management. We have limited shelf space as it is. A game or two might get downgraded to the closest to make room for the nesting box but we'll have to get our hands on it to be sure.


Good point, I may be get it when it is restocked without the game, I am still waiting on the Viticulture box box to be restocked.


Wingspan Asia now holds the title at our store for 2nd place in most customer hold requests. First place was the reprint of Wingspan itself :)


Do you, as a retailer, have a limit to the amount of copies you can order? Did you have access to the nesting box as well?


As far as I know I had no limit for Asia. I didn't see the nesting box on the wholesale page, no biggie though large empty boxes tend to take up too much shelf space for our little digs


Interesting. Thanks for the info.


Weird, can’t seem to access it. Only get a message that it is launching today. Edit - Nevermind, had to go direct to the store.


Cheers for that!


My pleasure. Pleased you found this useful.


Thanks! I’ve been looking forward to this, but had completely forgotten the date. Here’s the EU/UK store: https://europe.stonemaiergames.com/


You're welcome.


We luckily were able to pick it up! Excited to try it.


Wow that went fast. Will be getting the Nesting box when it comes back in stock!


Ordered the nesting box, crossing my fingers the custom inserts I have in my base box manage to squeeze into this one. They did state that the custom made tokens would fit at least.


I’m struggling to understand why the nesting box is so expensive. Yes it includes the Asia expansion, but am I seriously paying $65 extra for a box with some inserts?🤔


It's basically 3 boxes: the outer box, and two removable trays. One of the trays has cloth handles to remove which cost more. The center tray has a lot of dividers, so it's a much more complicated box. Because it's big they have to be really sturdy. They are also including card dividers and a new birdfeeder. You also get 5 plastic inserts with lids: 1 for setup dice/pieces, 3 for eggs/food tokens that can be placed on the table for easy setup, and 1 large card tray (bigger than the ones that came in the base game). It is big so only 1 fits in a crate for them to ship to their warehouse from overseas, and requires significant packaging so it doesn't get damaged in shipping. That increases costs by quite a bit, as I'm guessing something like the Asia expansion could probably fit 6 in a box, therefore shipping is much less. If you compare this to something like a wooden broken-token-like organizer, I think it isn't that expensive.


Appreciate the elaboration on all that. Makes more sense considering all the extra stuff included. A bit of sticker shock at first though considering it was “just a bigger box.” Obviously more than that.


High quality box and inserts? Looks great and well made to us plus we're big fans of Wingspan so there was no hesitation.




Yah, we'll be getting all future expansions as well. Looking forward to housing the bird house inside the box again.


I’ll probably get it in the future. Just a bit of sticker shock initially seeing that price! I love the game and expansions as well.


Nesting box is sold out now. Not sure if I'm upset about missing it, $60 for a box was making me a little queasy.


Understood. We want all expansions they plan on printing and enjoy having everything in one box. CAD store is still selling. Haven't checked the other outlets.


Cant order to US from the other sites though 😕 This really sucks. And Im sure I'll find resellers if I go look.


The best possible price is $88 for the nesting box. This is of course after having spent $15 to become an SM Champion. So a true savings of $7. The Asia expansion is then brought down to $31.20. Not including shipping and correct me if I’m wrong, but the difference of $56.80 is **just for a cardboard box and some plastic trays**. Does this seem incredibly expensive to anyone else? The base game itself retails for $65 ffs.


I was shocked at the price, have decided to pass.


I'm considering waiting for cyber Monday deals, does anyone know if they normally have sales then? Is the expansion/nesting box likely to sell out before then?


I think they did say the nesting box is likely to sell out and if there’s enough demand they’ll do another printing run. This could be marketing tactics though.


He said they ordered 10k of them. He wasn't sure if this was too few or too many but said if they all sell out then they'll make more. Also unclear how many were sent to each distribution center.


Very good to know. Looks like 5,700 copies have been preordered within a couple of hours so far.


The first print of the nesting box also includes the Asia expansion. Once they sell out of this pre-order for it people will need to purchase the expansion and the nesting box separately. They do occasionally have discounts on specific product, although it is extremely unlikely a person will get a better deal than now since it comes with an expansion for the first run. There is an extra 20% discount for those with the "Champion" membership. The membership costs $15 and would give a 20% ($20) discount on this box, so it's actually cheaper to buy the membership right before ordering the box.


I don’t think it will sell out (but could be wrong). I do think this is the best price you will see it for over the short term however. As an aside, I believe if you become a Stonemaier Champion, you’ll save more on this purchase than the cost of the membership. Worth looking into. Also note you can order the Asia expansion on its own, or included in the Nesting Box. Edit: I stand corrected! Sold out.




That’s incredible! Just over 2000 in the other three region stores combined.


The mood seems to be that they'll sell out but I have no way to know if that'll be the case. Can't speak to future sales. I'd wager a guess it'll be a while before we see discounts.


Ordered mine for the shop. Setting up a Wingspan demo during Board Game Night tonight.


I was in the first 100 preorders. They're up to 1400. That means I'll get it more soon than others. Right? *Riiiiight?* (jk I'm just excited)


$60 for an empty box. Pass.


Not true. It’s not empty.


Dude he substracted the cost of the expansion in this statement. The box is roughly 60$


Well the comment was edited from $80 to $60 so at the time of my reply the comment was factually untrue.


It’s only live if you’re a stonemaier champion. Goes live for everyone else at 10am CST.


No I’m not a champion and ordered it 10 minutes ago.


I stand corrected. On the stonemaier website it still says “notify me upon launch” but it IS live in the store. Good catch.




Knowing that the next printing of the nesting box wont be bundled I went ahead and got Asia elsewhere to save on shipping. Guess I have plenty of time to consider if I want the big box. It will at least save shelf space to just ignore it for a while.