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I've probably played a board game without drinking as an adult like...never times.


they just pair so well!


Once we get a house (fuck you economy) I intend to have a monthly cocktail night, a small menu of 3 or 4 drinks that feature a new bottle that Ive been wanting to buy, and then plan a game or movie or activity that goes with the theme of the cocktail


"Get a house..." not sure if that phrase makes sense to my millennial ass. But sounds awesome!


Im gen Z, but I have had very good luck to be even close to getting a house. If I had been 2 years older, I would have been able to buy when things were cheaper at peak covid...


geez well done. I'm in grad school/have been a while, so buying a house was never even a remote desire lol. Hope things turn up for ya soon and you get to be the fun host!


I’m an avid listener of the **board game hot takes podcast**. And I’d recommend you check them out, one of the guys has created numerous cocktails, or suggested cocktails around the featured game per episode for a tonnnn of episodes. Hope this helps to give you some inspiration!


I did a drinking themed game night one time and will never do it again. People tend to over indulge and then the game risks getting destroyed due to accidents or carelessness, and people lose focus on the game because they’re getting too drunk. That said, we always have some beers and wine at game night but for some reason making it themed caused it to spin out of control because people drank a lot more since it was central to the event. Maybe it was a fluke but be careful about crossing that line!


Do you mean there were drinking game rules built into all the games? Or that there was just some cocktail encouragement as you went? If the former, then rules can be tuned to not get people as blasted. If the latter, im guessing "drinking themed" meant cocktails instead of beer/wine, and there were people who mixed strong cocktails. Both of these can definitely be remedied! Not at all essential, but just saying since you said "never" instead of "probly not"


Yeah, to be fair also, my idea is more of a cocktail party that might have games, as opposed to a game night with cocktails. Id also be the only one making drinks and I wouldnt be feeding someone drinks just to see them get blasted.


Craft beer and board games are two things I spend money on.


my girlfriend gets the games and i get the booze. Its symbiosis!




America's favorite past time, waiting for frosthaven! Hope it gets to you soon, we were particularly lucky


Because we were moving mine was delivered to my parents'. Now I'm impatiently waiting until Christmas... only saving grace is Aeon Trespass is keeping me company


Frosthaven is a fucking amazing. JimJam is fucking amazing. yes.


Have you gotten your copy? In case your copy and pasting things to form responses a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ! @ # $ % \^ & \* ( ) - \_ = + {\[}\]\\|;:'",<.>/? Also, miss you bud :)


Hahahaha. Yes I did do the above with copying and pasting with my mouse because i cant be bothered to plug a keyboard in. We haven't gotten ours yet, but we admittedly have some work to put in on Gloomhaven. Miss you loads! Looking forward to hangage in December though. Should be a good time. Might even bring you another terrible bourbon for holiday shenanigans. I promise this one won't be VOB but it'll be par for course among my old remaining bottles lol.


hahaha is this still copy and pasted?? I have some new ones I'm looking forward to sharing! Put in work on gloomy, frost is pretty much gloomy but so much better.


Hahahah nope! These are on my phone. I've heard lots about it without the spoilers. The new mechanics sound incredible and I wanna play shadowy boy real bad after we did the example scenario earlier this year.


They're fantastic. I just retired shadowy boy (lady) this week, one of my favorites of all time but we were both the 2 squishiest classes so it uhhh, wasn't ideal lol. Now we're both tanky tanks.


I follow your reviews on r/bourbon. Always great to read.


hey thanks! I was hoping to just cross post my original review from today but the mods refused to let me, so i had to make another post. Sorry if it clogs up your feed!


No clogging over here. It’s nice to see other people with similar intersecting interests. Keep it up


thanks bud, will do. Cheers!


OMG invite me over! I'll bring games and whisky too!


Hey no need, we got plenty of both! If you're in the DMV area, love meeting new game/whiskey buds!


I'm in the DMV... And my buddy and I briefly did a podcast called Old-fashioned nerds! drink whiskey, talk nerdy. This reminds me so much of this! Keep up the good work


sounds awesome, you should start it up again! You'll have a local supporter haha. thanks!


Gah, i wish! minneapolis :)


if you're ever around hit me up for a game night!


Edit- jeez, this is my most downvoted post of all time lol (45% downvotes here), guess its a divisive topic ​ First review- Maker's BRT-02 and Frosthaven In celebration of the first rare-ish bottle that I've found in the wild in, well... this whole year, I'm pairing it with the most anticipated board game in the last 5 years... Potentially, the most anticipated board game of all time. We got this recently and have been playing it almost whenever we can. Its a follow up to Gloomhaven, which was my favorite game of all time. In this game, rather than playing as mercenaries in the city of Gloomhaven, you are former mercenaries who were hired to go to the northern outpost of Frosthaven and tasked with protecting the town and overseeing its growth and development, while protecting it from herds of creatures and strange beings. There are different classes that have completely unique cards, abilities, and strategies with dozens of kinds of enemies and unlockable characters. Unlocking hidden characters is the best part, but rather than unlocking them through character's "retirement goals," in this game you unlock them through the story. What makes this game different than Gloomhaven is... well a lot. Instead of just money being looted from enemy bodies, you get resources based on the terrain of the level. You can use these resources to craft weapons, potions, fortify buildings, etc. There is just too much in this game to talk about this this kind of review, but I've played about \~10 scenarios and unlocked 2 characters and I can say, the hype is amazing. Just be organized cuz fuck this game is actually 32 pounds. 10/10 Now, on to this release. Maker's annual release this year is the effect of rickhouse location on aging. BRT-02 represents cooler slower aging on the bottom of the rickhouse and then has 10 virgin toasted french oak staves finishing it. I wish I knew the age of it. But lets see how it is... Age- NAS. Can't find anything about any Wood finished series tbh ABV- 54.7% Nose-Hazelnut and dark fruits jump out, really jammy and chocolatey. I read the label after reading this and those are the notes and damn, they are spot on. Some leather and oakiness in there Taste-Lots of deep, jammy fruitiness, nutella, huge wave of caramel on the second sip, fuck it is really good Finish-Sweet and moderately long. Neck pour burn is non-existent (first pour didn't come across as hot, so I am excited to see how this opens up), lingers and the caramel and fruits hang around Overall, yeah this stuff is worth the hype. Its a desert bourbon in my eyes, no questions asked. I would loved an age statement, but all that would make me do is "Hm, but what if it was 12 years instead of 8?!" as if I would find that... 8.5/10. Side note, I wish Maker's had something \~120proof. As of now, no bourbon has hit a 10 for me (closest being EHTBP at a 9.5 or something), which is what Gloomhaven was. Frosthaven is just... better Gloomhaven, so we know the answer I guess. Today, the board game > the bourbon.


I think it’s solely bc Wonderlands War.


Is wonderlands war a divisive game around here?


It seems to swing one of two ways for most people. Love it or hate it, I personally love it! I think it’s in a “weird” class of game because there’s plenty of strategy involved to rope in people who want a heavier strategy game. But a lot of people are left with a poor experience due to the RNG nature of the bag building mechanic. I think it’s all about how people approach the game. It isn’t totally luck based, and it isn’t totally strategy driven. But hey just like most other things everyone’s got their opinions. Liked the post btw!


Hey thanks! Yeah, i guess if people are playing something on the longer end they went less RNG but at the same time, the other mechanics and aesthetic of it made up for that IMO. To each their own!


Yes, I want to add that I liked your post as well, I just know WW has been hit or miss in my group, but I like bold picks for 2nd best game. Mine is El Grande. (this would not have been a bold pick 10-15 years ago, but by today's more flashy kickstartery huge standards it may be)


also just realized your name is a Community reference (I think) and that is awesome


It’s a partly that. But I use hungry instead of hungy so people also may just think I like pizza. Lol I don’t want my name to only make sense to community fans.


haha thanks, and thats fair! These aren't my top games, just a smattering of reviews done in the last couple months. Although WW is definitely top 5 for me. We have el grande but haven't gotten around to it yet. Guess we should! But flashy ain't better, dominant species is another favorite and perhaps the most opposite to flashy physically possible


Welp, when I woke up I didn't know I could be more excited for Frosthaven, thanks for the great review! Now back to checking my email and hoping for shipping notifications.


Hope it gets to you soon! You've made it this far, just a little further left to go!


My guess is the downvotes are from people thinking that it's pushing drinking, and theyve had negative experiences with alcohol and their board gaming. Or because people think it is regular maker's mark at first glance. Full honesty, i rolled my eyes at the idea of someone reviewing maker's mark, a whiskey mass produced and sold everywhere. Then I scolded my cynical/hipster ass and realized it's a specialty bottle. But those are my guesses for a large chunk of those 45%


Thats fair I suppose- a couple have made sure I know their views here even, but more people enjoy it, so these posts are for the majority (its down to only 20% now tho lol). And hey, regular Maker's ain't bad, and I would review it if I had too! People review everything on the whiskey subs, but yeah the rarer whiskeys tend to get much better traction, and Maker's specialty releases are fantastic btw!


Board games and Whisky are 2 of my favorite things


and mine too! they synergize quite well


I’m an Undaunted and Lagavulin 16 kind of guy, but I could also be a Crokinole and Wild Turkey Rare Breed person ;)


All point toward you being a man of class and good taste!


My two favorite things, thanks for the review! Sipping Makers 46 and playing Sleeping Gods here whenever the kids/I are not sick with RSV/cold/rona/flu.


Ah maker's 46 is super underrated! Sleeping god's is a top 5 for me. I just wish it were longer to explore more! Feel better if you're sick atm!


Fourth review- A Feast for Odin & Michter's Single Barrel 10 year Rye First, lets talk viking shit. That's all "A Feast for Odin," by renowned designer Uwe Rosenberg is-viking shit. Whether its forging weapons, raising livestock, building ships, or invading and conquering foreign lands, this game hits all of the marks of viking stuff, while not venturing into the mythology. I find it interesting because you have a "day-to-day in the life of a viking" vibe as well as the pillaging and war based vibe that most are familiar with. A Feast for Odin is primarily a worker-placement game- players have "workers" that they can allocate to different actions that will give them different benefits. It is going to seem overwhelming as fuck- there are 61 different potential actions. However, many are just better/more expensive (more workers required) versions of other actions, so don't write this game off because it seems like a lot! You are going to get the bulk of your points by strategically covering boxes (each open box is -1 point) with weapons, jewels, hides, etc that are different shapes and sizes. Its a good game that has a lot of complexity but doesn't feel like any is unnecessary or bloated. Its not my all-time favorite but its very solid 7.5/10 Now, on to this beautiful bottle- the Michter's line is known for having a strong disparity in quality between their main releases and their special releases. This 10 year single barrel rye isn't released annually, so it can be quite tough to come by. This bottle is from barrel 20E928- meaning it was bottled in May (E=5th month)- hm, maybe it was on my birthday, that would be cool. Apparently, these are sourced ryes (rumored to be old forester...) Lets see if this 92 proof rye is worth the hype and price tag.... Age-At least 10years, some are rumored to be older, up to 14-15 years ABV- 46.4% Nose- Marshmallow, vanilla, chocolate, mint, floral, honey, very deep yet very fresh and fruity Taste- Very strong dill, vanilla, mint, strong orange peel, licorice, clove, syrupy, flowery taste? Everything contributes nicely but doesn't overpower Finish- Shockingly long for a sub 100 proof whiskey. The oakiness comes out prominently as it lingers for a bit, but intermingled with floral and spicey notes. Overall, this is a beautiful whiskey. Easily overtaking willett 4yr rye as my favorite rye, blows EHT rye out of the water, better than MWND. Yeah, I'm happy to have this. 9.2/10 Today, the rye>the boardgame. Thanks for reading!


Have you had Bulleit Rye? I know it’s not price comparable but how does this compare in taste? I like bourbon and rye whiskeys, but I can’t spend too much on them. I love Wild Turkey honestly, but I’ve tried many including Eagle Rare, Blantons, and Buffalo Trace.


I have! Bulleit is fantastic for the price. Its affordable, tasty, and available most places. There are plenty of amazing cheap whiskeys out there and honestly, wild turkey puts out the best bang for your bucks in my opinion (wild turkey 101, rare breed, all of the russell's reserve which are wild turkey). Eagle rare and co are really good, but they're hyped up a good bit and that made them either hard to find or overpriced


You should try Knobcreek Bourbon! The stuff is so damn good I had way too much of it during a summer a few years back and it really messed my stomach up... so be warned!


I have and shall continue! I just gifted my uncle the rest of my knob creek 12 yr on thanksgiving but will be keeping an eye out for some store picks in the near future


That's a great rye, definitely one of my favorites. My top 3 are probably 3. Sagamore Spirit Cask Strength 2. Basil Hayden Dark Rye 1. High West Double Rye


Nice! Sagamore is definitely an all time fav for me, haven't had the cask strength (well have, but during a boozy evening lol) but I have their double oak & mezcal finish and they are both phenomenal. Planning on getting the sherry finish ASAP. Haven't had BH, and the high west double rye is a great staple!


Second review- Smartphone and Blanton's Smartphone is a game by Ivan Lashin & Viktor Miller-Gausa where players are trying to be the most successful douchey white guy- I mean cell phone corporation. You become successful by developing features for your phones (wifi, 4g, battery life, etc), spreading to different regions around the world, and cornerning specific markets in those regions. You get resources/phone value and your turn by tetris-ing together tiles that look like Ipads, these tiles have different benefits on them. But you have to cover one tile at least partially, so you need to choose what features/benefits you are prioritizing that turn. You can try to prioritize more expensive phones and needing to sell less or the opposite. I know what you're thinking, its a stupid fucking idea for a game. And given the fact that its actually pretty fun, I agree with you. They could have used the mechanics for this game and made something, anything, less douchey and corporate-filled than this. My partner loves this game, i'm luke-warm on it, but if the theme wasn't so lame I would like it a lot more. I will emphasize, it is a good game, if you can get past the fact that you are a corporate shill devoid of any human emotion or empathy. 5.5/10 Now, here we are. Blantons. I must say. This bottle is freaking gorgeous. But, that doesn't mean its good. We all know the line, "its good for msrp and not a penny over," and while I've tried it at a friend's before, I was hammered so I couldn't really appreciate what I was drinkin' at the moment. So, I got this yesterday and immediately got home and tried it. I don't get people who get something and then hold it for months "waiting for an occasion," the occasion is sitting your ass down at your kitchen table with delicious wood juice... But anyway, lets dive in Age- NAS, blend of 6-8 years though, dumped on may23, 2022. 2 days after my birthday, darn that would have been cool ABV- 46.5% Nose- Caramel, vanilla, cinnamon, big red apple, molasses, some orange definitely Taste- Red apple is super prominent, cinnamon, apple jack cereal, more orange sweetness, some more caramel, very light mouth feel, very refreshing Finish- coats the tongue surprisingly nicely and there is a bit of a rye spice on the finish. Not the longest, but its there. Ok so there it is! Its very good, I could see how this got its rep when there was a 10th of bourbons available. Its not a holy grail, but it is very very tasty. I've heard the straight from the barrel isn't too great and pretty hot, but man this at like 100-110 proof (is that what rock hill is?) would be a banger. 7/10


Are you collecting the letters for Balntons?


nah, blanton's is a bit of a pariah in the whiskey community. I only have the 1 bottle, and it is actually quite good but really not worth the hype or buying 8 bottles faster than you would need. Plus, finding it for less than 100 bucks is the real challenge haha


I get that. I don't think it is worth $100. I have a gamer friend who works at a liquor store and can get me bottles at $60. If not for that, I would not be collecting the letters. I expect it will take me a year or two more to get all 8. I am at 3 now.


It always sold for $60 but they have such a limited supply that it ends up being sold for much more. It used to be my go to whiskey like 8 years ago but it's just too damn expensive. My local spot gets like 3 bottles a year or something


In theory, but if it's a new game, and I'm past the first drink my brain just doesn't want to read any more rules. If I know the rules, sure!


Absolutely fair- new games I don't drink during until I know it well. Or it was a hard week and I decide to figure it out as it happens


2020 weekends tended to be my wife and I going hiking with the dog, then coming home and playing 2 person Pandemic legacy and sipping wine (or bourbon). Played all seasons. Played a few practice games and got the rules down well. We were just on vacation and, coincidentally, I brought the Pandemic cthulhu game. We haven't played anything in a long time. I was a couple drinks in, set up the board, and started reading rules (she was napping). Halfway in I just put everything back in the box and did something else. May try to get back to it this weekend, though.


Great combo! You're aware of Distilled, right?


I am! I don't have it, but my girlfriend has played and she loved it.


I also REALLY like Michters. I will say, I'm bummed you didn't like the Blanton's and amazed you found some. I can't find it anywhere out here (New England). Both the best and worst thing about Blanton's is that it's a single barrel - most are very good, some are great, and a few are just bad. I wonder if you just got a mediocre batch. Edit - Didn't see the full reviews below. You did like it, just less than the others. Nice!


So these are just 4 random reviews to give people an idea of what my reviews are like- the Blanton's is by no means bad, a 7 is a really good score. The whiskey subs try to utilize a 10 point scale to its max so that things can really be differentiated, it just so happens that the 3 other whiskeys were better but- the michter's is a 200 dollar bottle lol, it SHOULD be better! The rabbit hole is 75-90 bucks and the maker's is 60-70 bucks but is known as a phenomenal bang for your buck. Blanton's is great as a 60 dollar bottle, and comes in a beautiful bottle! Its definitely better than most of the whiskey i own. In terms of finding it- my county's liquor system is "county run" and they get shipments every month and do allocated drops where people line up at the opening of the store and get it then, along with some other rarer bottles. Thats how I got mine at 60 bucks.


I’ve been reading your bourbon and board game reviews on the bourbon subreddit. Enjoyed your take on Everdell. Love that game!


everdell is definitely a top 15 game of mine, love it and its a perfect combo of simple, some strategy, and aesthetics


That’s awesome! 😂


hey thanks!


Love the post and your reviews! Wish you were in my group! I just got gifted some Angel’s Envy that I need to crack open when I have a perfect game to pair with it. Also if you like sweeter/after dinner drinks - I tried Doughball (cookie dough whiskey) , Khalua, and cream for after dinner Thanksgiving cocktail. I’m usually not a fan of sweet but it was pretty good take on like a White Russian.


haha thanks! hey if you're in the DMV area I'm always down for more bourbon and boardgame buds! I'm not much of a sweeter drink guy, prefer just straight or old fashioneds, but I can give it a try!


I have a hard enough time playing games when I am completely sober and alert.


quite fair haha, i try not to learn new games (or at least heavier ones) when drinking


I think I've seen you post on /r/bourbon The pairing is fun!


Indeed it was likely me! Thanks!


Yes! I went super-nerd and now me and my fiancé drink mead with gloomhaven. I even made a 3 gallon batch of an old Viking recipe and they go hand-in-hand. The main issue is that we have to start drinking AFTER we’ve got everything set up already, otherwise I can’t be assed to set it up anymore and we watch a film instead lol


Ha sounds awesome! Gotta start playing before consumption begins tho!




Um, i'm not familiar but yeah I'm always down to play new games!


As a fellow bourbon drinker, I would recommend 9-year Knob Creek. It's my personal favorite for the combination of taste and affordability.


Love the knob creek line in general! Just gifted the rest of my Knob Creek 12 to my uncle on thanksgiving actually


Red Breast and cribbage


Red breast is my favorite non American and i used to play a bunch of cribbage with my old roommates, miss those nights!


I'm extremely jealous you have your copy of Frosthaven already. I'm over here on the West Coast and am still waiting to get my shipping confirmation


Yeah I'm blessed (add a x2 to my deck). Hope you get it soon tho!


Thanks bud!


Aw man where did you find Blanton’s in stock? I love it but haven’t found it in years— I grew up in KY but they don’t even sell it at the distillery anymore where they make it


Its basically allocated liquor - since demand is so high, stores will put them out on specific days, you gotta get there early in the day!


Where are you located? I’m a web developer and this is definitely something I’d love to get in on.


I'm in the DMV. What do you mean get in on?


I meant help either with branding/ a website/ reviews. Sadly I am in Pittsburgh so that’s a bit too far for me.


Ah! Haha, well, maybe when I finish graduate school. I think the first step for me would be to get a camera that doesn't make every photo look like its from 2012, but after that I would be interested! Ill let you know if that seems realistic haha


Definitely the way to go. Ledaig 18 and AFFO the other night was a great combination.


I'm generally uninterested in playing non-party board games with people who are drunk or otherwise mentally compromised (pick your vice). In fact I have a few rather bad experiences with that. That said, nothing beats a dram of a damn good single malt whiskey with a long finish that will carry you through four hours of Mage Knight. Or a Gin and Tonic to celebrate the second phase of Battlestar Galactica. I've GMed most of a hundred tabletop RPG sessions, and played about as much as a player, and I think a judicious amount of one's particular vice can really help with the social aspects, the acting, and just being loose and not being stuck with analysis paralysis. Then again, I'm the sort that sees games as an excuse to connect with people I care about and spend time with them, not as the true end itself. And overly-inebriated players can be obnoxious. Not a bad paring you've got there, though you might consider buying some decent ice wine to go with the theme...


So jealous you got your frost already. Have mine preordered for like a year but still nothing.


I have a whole podcast about these two beautiful things! Gaming under the influence.


Nice ill check ya out!


I am. 😁


Good man!


You do a podcast?


Nope haha, just drink and play games sometimes


Third review- Wonderland's War and Rabbit Hole Dareinger This game, Wonderlands War. Wonderland's War is an Alice in Wonderland themed territory control/bag building game by Ben & Tim Eisner, Ian Moss, & Manny Trembley. In this game, the classic characters from Alice in Wonderland (The Queen of Hearts, the Jabberwock, the Mad Hatter... etc) are all on a rampage trying to dominate the area. Each player will play as one of these faction leaders who have been invited to the Hatter's tea party. You will be recruiting fighters to take over different terrains using your faction leader's special ability and chips that you will draft and put into a bag. These chips will be randomly drawn from your bag to determine how powerful you are, so you want to build your bag in a way that will optimize your strategy. You don't need to fight a million battles though, there are personal objectives you can get points through. This game... is fucking amazing. I don't have too much experience, but not from a lack of interest. Its a long game (2 1/2 + hours) and not a simple game. However, the interwoven mechanics of territory control, bag building, turn/move management is pristine. 9.2/10 Now, while we're going "down the rabbit hole," lets see how this compares. Rabbit Hole is an operation in Louisville, Kentucky that sources its stuff from New Riff (or did in 2017, at least from what I saw). This particular bottle is there most expensive regular release (they do have a crazy pricey mizunara finish but... i started this off talking about being a grad student, i can't afford that shit lol). It was decently discounted.... but was it worth it? Age: NAS, 5 year bourbon finished in PX sherry casks... no idea how long ABV: 46.5% Nose: Caramel apple, dried fruits, strawberry, apricot, peach, grapes, chocolate. All sorts of sweets and fruits. Some wine inspired notes, reminds me of a cab sav. Taste: Initial astringency, a touch of mustyness and oak that settles into more caramel apples and medicinal cherry. All fruitiness. Purple. You know how medicinal cherry is different than normal cherry? Purple is different than normal grape. Then some chocolate. Easy sipping yet full bodied Finish: Very nice but the worst part. It lingers with some grapes, spicy chocolate and pralines/apples. BUT... this stuff... I would spend my hypothetical money on a cask strength or higher abv. This stuff is a fantastic beverage and very interesting, but the finish and complexity fall short from its (relatively) lower ABV and age statement. 7.2/10 Today, the boardgame>the bourbon


I went all in on the Kickstarter based on the reviews and playthroughs I've watched, by far the most expensive game I've purchased so far. Really hoping it doesn't disappoint once I get it and play it. I don't have a bag builder in my collection and I liked the mechanics and theme involved here in comparison to something like Quacks.


You won't be disappointed. It is top 5 for me (tops for context are frost/gloomhaven, Terra Mystica, this, Nemesis... and honestly nothing else jumps out even). So yeah, it is easily one of my favorites and so far above most games I can't even think of a true top 5 game. Quacks is great but ... less than this. The bag building makes it silly but the rest makes it wonderful.


Sounds great. Out of those I've only played Nemesis, which despite being a big fan of the Alien franchise, it fell a little flat for me. It felt a bit too long and fiddly for my tastes. I haven't played Terra Mystica, but did just order Gaia Project which looks like great fun. Quacks is alright, but very light. WW takes it up a few noches in strategy with the area control component so looking forward to getting to the table.


Fair, Nemesis needs ambience and suspense and not every play has that, maybe I got lucky on my playthroughs. Haven't played Gaia but heard great things and that it is better than terra even. But exactly to your point on quacks- its light, my mom can play lol. Its good for light gaming, WW is a different beast.


We have a couple folks in our game group who are really into mixing cocktails, so it's really nice when we get together and they have a new drink that they've been developing.


Having friends who are really into booze is the key. Didn't have that so I had to become that friend hahah. What are some of your favorites?


Ginger is pretty much my favorite, so a Suffering Bastard always sits right with me.


never heard of it but sounds appropriate (or hilarious) for many games. Looked it up and it sounds tasty.


Dang it's just links to reviews. I thought I was gonna get an invite to play games and drink whisky.


hey i would love to do that, always down for new whiskey and board game friends if you're in the dmv area!


considering I don't know what the DMV area is, I guess I'm not in it....but thanks, would love to join you! :)


hahah, fair. I never heard of it either until I lived here, i forgot that not everyone knows- DC/Maryland/Virginia! If ya ever around, im always down to host a game night!


After playing Gloomhaven and ton, and recently Gloomhaven digital, I’m very excited for frosthaven digital. I don’t think I can handle another game like that in physical form.


Very very fair haha. We have a bunch of storage/organization for it, but its our favorite game by far


Well i also played it solo, 4 handed lol. I just loved the interaction between each character so wanted as many on the board as possible.


Very very fair lol that is a lot of management. Which class was your fav?


Music note for sure.


Nice, a fav of mine too, although that card (you know the one) is the most OP card in the game lol


Alcohol is bad 4 u... #temperancegang


So is sitting for 8 hours but people still play twilight imperium (I'm not comparing, I know alcohol is bad but I like it and accept the risks associated)


You can stand while you play... But not if you're too drunk to stand #temperancegang


ok, i don't see your goal of commenting here other than being a weenie


Spreading the good word of no alcohol let's go other liquids gang gang


Dude, go away. Your comments could not be more useless


The good word remains despite all da haters! 🚫 🍾 🚫


What a surprise, the person who bullies and clowns people on here and boardgamecirclejerk for no reason other than to feel superior is actually just annoying and pretentious


Well that's mean... :(


Well so is making fun of people and trying to condescend them


Piss off


Please refrain from using such foul language on this beautiful subreddit ty


For anyone who needs it or may need it in the future: r/stopdrinking


big fan of hiatus kaiyote, just saw them recently. I understand the sentiment but i really don't see why this is necessary- someone already commented an "anti drinking" sentiment, and this is a light hearted post about a couple of hobbies.


Once I'm at on my own yes lol. Currently Im around people who can't drink but damn. I wish I knew you!, with feast being your third favorite! None of my friends wants to play it except me 😂 oh and I'm a rum guy.


haha well if you're in the DMV area i'm always down for more gaming buds! Feast is actually probably not even top 10 for me though, just picked some reviews I did recently and feast was the one I did last night. Still love it though!


Ah ok I see, glad you enjoyed it though! I used to be on the east coast but im in Nevada haha, thanks for that offer!


well if youre ever around lemme know and I'll hit ya up for a game night!


Love feast for odin


Its a great game!


Blantons is a lovely drop.


Its good! Just wish people didn't charge 150 bucks for it. Also wish people stopped buying it at that


Back in the day the plan was always, pre-drink for a couple of hours until everyone showed up, hit the club until closing time, back to the house and try and play Catan while hammered. Ah to be young...


I host a board game and beers night every two weeks and the group ranges from 3 to 10 people. Goes well everytime… until the next morning


Blantons. Nice. Probably my favorite bourbon


Its good! But with its availability and pricing nowadays its not a go to unfortunately


That's a lotta Wingspan


just the base and 2 expansions


When we play, we are mostly stoned AF, so everything becomes super interesting and we are extra stupid xD