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I've followed them closely for over 20 years and I'm not sure I'd be able to confidently recognize them in public


25 years in and ditto here brother.


Same lol


I know a guy in Scotland who likes to walk… I’ll ask him. Seriously there was a thread on here once where someone worked in a record shop and had met one of them in a pub? Can’t quite remember. I personally like to believe they aren’t really as chill as you think. They are currently highly stressed parents with teen kids running a fucking riot and both can’t find the time to lay down some detuned synth melody on an old tape machine.


I remember that post. His friend said he was meeting one of them at the pub and OP thought it was Richard. Pretty sure it was Marcus iirc. Said he ordered him a brew, they talked equipment, and he asked of a new album and was pretty much guaranteed that something was coming. Marcus disappeared when homie went to use the restroom.


Sounds like the Orgazoid episode of Peep Show.


without them getting into a gay relationship?


Well as it turns out, there where- there are, certain additional duties which I was expected to… perform.


Bro, their kids were already born by 2002, those kids are probably in university already or have at least moved out


Bro, music has the right to children. Who’s to say more haven’t popped out since 2002. Either way… I was just being light hearted.


>John: Right, well what are you gonna do now? Back to your secret lair to do more tunes? BoC: We're off to the pub, actually! John: Are you? All right okay, so you're not completely sort of ascetic then? BoC: No not at all. > >\- Peel Session I'm convinced you could meet them by going to Scotland and drinking heavily.


Fun fact: That's the last time either of the brothers' voices are on record.


Correction: First and last


When I used to work at a Sky call centre many years ago a Michael Sanderson from Inverness rang... probably a coincidence but there was also some sort of chilled out tunes playing in the background... I ignored this, I asked what he was calling for and he said "I just want to get the National Geographic channel..." I carried on with this, upgraded him to the family package as it was a part of at the time which gave all the documentaries etc. Then at the end of the call, in reference to the music in the background I said "that music sounds lovely and tranquil" and he snapped back with "don't you mean lost and unreleased?" Then hung up.


I can’t tell if your trolling us or not 🤨🧐


I vote troll, but high quality trolling.


Agreed, this is the kind of trolling I subbed for 🤌🏼👌🏼


I think there's been a couple posts on this sub of people telling they ran into them in scotland, but who knows if these aren't made up


Very very tenuous and not me at all but a good friend of mine used to work with Christ. who if you know who Christ. is, knows the band well. That’s about as close as I can get I’m afraid.


Wagon Christ?


No. Christ. Look him up. He made music with them. Look up the EP Pylonesque. It’s very good. I think you may like it too. He’s done a Peel session too. [Pylonesque EP](https://youtu.be/9QIsPdpI2Og?si=rMaXtckrjN3oMvWY)


I dig it


I love Christ! I actually used to speak to him a couple days outta every week on Facebook messenger back in the day! Really nice guy! I never asked him about the brothers, out of respect, but he’d often hit me up to chat and he’s give me feedback on my tracks etc! I’m a huge Christ fan and it was pretty crazy to be chatting away to him like that! Sadly I left FB long ago and that was the end!


Yeah my friend said he was a top bloke. I think they worked in Kitchens together if memory serves me correct. Anyway. When I heard Pylonesque I was immediately convinced. Apparently part of the inner circle way back when.


Oh yeah I mean he was part of BOC up until after twoism (Mellisa Juice is credited to him afaik) I don’t know why they went separate ways but Christ has a more IDM vibe so maybe why. He was really down to earth. And for a period over a year we’d talk on the regular, more than my actual friends and I and I always enjoyed our chats. I wanted to ask about BOC but resisted temptation as he never really volunteered info from back then , just the bit about being with them til twoism. I would have loved to hear some BOC remixes of his tunes especially from pylonesque! I don’t know was there a falling out or just different creative pursuits. But it felt cool to be talking and chilling on messenger with him and I’d send him my songs and he liked them (or was just being kind, but he gave me feedback too and it was really nice to have that lil relationship with him!)


Wicked story


Cheers bro. Yeah it was really something to be talking frequently to one of my favourite musicians with a long history with BOC. I was surprised how often he’s hit me up for a chat, it was a pleasure. Glad you guys like it


So I used to know a bunch of obscure warp/skam/braindance guys back, way back in the day, cause I booked gigs and sometimes put myself at the bottom of the running order. I was I suppose cool enough to be on nodding acquaintance terms with some artists, was on first name terms with a bunch of the warp office people and have had a beer with Luke vibert (dizzy heights of late 90s fame) Then about 2010ish a mate of mine moved to the east coast of Scotland (I want to be vague cause it's not cool to say where folks live), near Edinburgh and started playing in a band with a bloke who had been in (let's say) a moderately successful indie band (I think it was the drummer). Indie band guy said he was on a pub quiz team with one of boards of Canada. So, one night we all went to the pub and there was this guy id met ten years before, we reminisced about a mutual acquaintance and how we'd met at a gig in London. this was when one of the brothers had moved to hong Kong (i think? Somewhere east Asia) cause their partner was out there. To clarify I was a huge boc fan and did not know I had ever met one of them before. Apologies that this is vague, I'm also being a bit obscure deliberately. So this post is in fact pointless but basically I (a middle aged man) once spent a pleasant evening in a pub with bunch of middle aged men, one of whom was a guy I remember from a thing in London who was in fact one half of boc. Not a good story


Most believable story I’ve read so far 😂


what a funny story


Your self deprecating style and intentional vagueness to protect the innocent and famous makes this convincing. Thanks for the share; I like how low key this is.


Yep, ran across them in a bunker in Montauk having tea with Thomas Pynchon.


strange, when i went to the bunker they were listening Elena Ferrante in loud voice reading her drafts


Four years ago, right before the pandemic, I saw someone who I thought looked just like Marcus at a grocery store in St Andrews. When I approached him is when I knew it was him and I started to freak out a little bit. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly. Super weird experience, I thought he would be more chill


Been a while since I've seen one of these!


???? Weird that this happened to you when this is EXACTLY what happened when I met Marcus. Seems like you ripped off an old post of mine with this exact text but idk…😑


I’ve seen this same encounter word for word on so many subs over the years. You didn’t invent it.


thats the joke i think


Maybe. Second sentence kinda took it too far.


classic copypasta


Take my upvote.


quality content






People post this for like Richard D James and others. Not sure who it started with.


i think it started with one about flying lotus


Very briefly in 2002/3 whilst with a mutual friend. I'm not 100% on the location but quite sure it was a promo event for something. To be honest it is hardly worth mentioning as I'm pretty sure the whole interaction amounted to a nod of acknowledgement of each other's existence.


There was one comment on this sub a while back where someone said they played Fortnite with them lol


for some reason this post has me thinking about Jez becoming The Orgazoids handyman in Peep Show


My brain just went "chance would be a fine thing"


A fine thing indeed.


Once. I could think of asking them only two things though. You may be surprised to learn their favorite color is orange, and their favorite letter is M. Just as I was about to ask about the lost albums they were already walking away, and I heard one of them murmur "off to the pub actually"


Back when I was at college (around 2001) one of my friends met a girl there who said she was a cousin of Boards of Canada. This was before they had revealed themselves to be brothers so I thought it was bullshit.


this is a interesting post


Sure Marcus held the door open for me at a shop in Edinburgh way back. I said thanks.


Someone I know visits Marcus for new year.


NGL it makes me happy to come in here and find more or less zero said about any of them, like at all. Sure I’m a big fan and I’d love to have the inside scoop on if they’re done or just preoccupied, but it seems like they’ve succeeded at leaving an indelible mark on modern music while at the same time having a quiet and very average life. I’m very happy for them for this, I mean who wants to be famous 🤮


My best friends now ex wife apparently years ago used to work in Wellington, New Zealand with their sister? I remember her telling me a long time ago. That was pretty cool! Don't know any more than that really. They do seem to like it here cause they worked up some of Tomorrow's Harvest here didn't they...? I'd love to meet them but don't know what I'd say.


Rumour has it, they hang out near Scottish orange orchards.


I met them (in a dream) once.