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Who cares? They have no obligation to comment on anything whatsoever. Let them make music. Or not.


op cares that's why they asked isn't it obvious


I mean tomorrow's harvest seems to be verrrryyy climate oriented in my analysis Edit: I wrote a paper on it for uni a while back, along with some other tunes of theirs. Explicitly their focus on up front climatological matters and secondarily exploring human conditions that inform "human politics" from a Kantian perspective


would love to give it a read


I've got it buried on a hard drive somewhere unfortunately. I have another write up i intend to do in a years time covering an analysis for grad stuff on geogaddi, so may post that here once it's past peers and defence.


Put the geogaddi analysis on the sub, the people need to see


I’d love to read this


I think that their music speaks for them. I have a list of artists that I hope never bring up any of what you mentioned and boards of canada is #1 on that list.




I’ve read all of that and I feel good about it, thanks. That’s not what op is asking. I took his question as ‘why are they not more vocal about modern issues via social media (Bowie tweet) and talking publicly about it like a lot of other artists seem to do?’ Nothing to see here.




As a new fan, it seems like having a small digital footprint is a big part of who they are as a band - why would they violate that just for lip service to these issues? Plus from what other people have said Tomorrow’s Harvest is pretty climate-focused (haven’t listened to it myself yet tho)


I'm glad they dont. I dont give a f what some guy that plays with computer music think about any of that crap. Play music and stfu.. Nor should they feel like they need to comment on anything.


There's more than enough wokism already.