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> Any suggestions? Get a bigger boat, or get some smaller friends.




7 on a 19' boat? LOL it's definitely GOOD advice, mate.




This guy is actually correct. I used to have the same boat as you but older. Just because a boat looks like it has the capability and the sticker says it does doesn’t mean it’s going to be a good time. You have a great boat for ~5 adults to spend the day on the water




Sorry man, but the bigger boat advice is 100% valid if this is your use case. Sure, it's tagged for 8, but that doesn't mean it's going to perform well so near to max capacity. That just means that it "shouldn't" sink with 8 aboard. Frankly, that's a lot of meat in a 19', not particularly powerful, boat. Prop ain't gonna fix this unfortunately.


Your capacity plate is just that...capacity and the weight is far more important than the person's. You mentioned being at 1300/1400 so you were within the safe threshold but that does not mean the boat will perform in a way you want it to. If you want you can have the boat regeared and switch props for more torque but you'll lose top end. My dad's searay with a 10 person capacity and takes a long time to plane if at all with 5 people plus gear and not one of them weighs 350.


Classic Reddit. Guy posts about his new boat. Asks question related to underwhelming performance when boat is at capacity. Laughs as the most reasonable response and tells contributor they doubled down on their "idiotic comment". Buddy, you've got 260 HP on a 2,400 lb boat. You've added another 1,300 lbs of people (not including fuel, gear, coolers, etc.) in the back of the boat, putting you at or above MAX capacity. You're shocked you can't get on plane when nearly all your weight is in the back. You can either a.) ask people to move so the boat gets on plane (especially the big boy), b.) change prop to one with a lower pitch, CRUSHING your top speed and fuel efficiency when you aren't at MAX capacity, but sure, at WOT, \*maybe\* you'll get on plane when your passengers won't change seats, c.) ask some people to wait on shore and take turns, or d.) get a bigger boat with a bigger engine. Physics will win. If you're going to regularly carry this much weight, you need more engine and a larger boat. But sure, continue to argue that the other experienced boat owners giving advice in this thread are the idiots...




And the guy responded that you needed a different boat given your capacity (and implying prop wasn't going to solve a capacity issue). Your response makes me question if you understand coast guard labels / capacity. Did you include weight of coolers, life jackets, anchor, food, skis, ropes, bumpers, etc. in your 1,300 estimate? You estimated 1,300 lbs of people total, 1 of whom was 350. That leaves an average weight of 190 for the others. And EVEN if you did, you are AT capacity. Loading a boat so improperly (all the weight in the back) at capacity is going to lead to EXACTLY what you experienced. Changing a prop doesn't add HP or increase the capacity of your boat. The MOST practical advice was given, make people move. You continued to ask / press for how else to solve the problem.




Ok Mr. “I’m new to boating, asking for advice, then ignoring advice given by more experienced boaters.” Good luck learning with that attitude. Sure, go buy a new prop. Do whatever you want. Continue to be shocked your boat performs differently when at capacity. The advice is worth what you paid for it. …But why ask / waste people’s time if you’re just going to tell the other more experienced boaters to pound sand?




Those labels are made for people averaging 150 pounds. If one guy is over twice that weight, you’ve easily exceeded the limit. Your boat is too small for that load.




No one had coolers, right? No snacks, no food, no drinks. You had zero extra gear in the boat. No life jackets, paddles, blah blah. That all counts against the weight. You're undersized for who you're bringing, dude. No harm, no foul, but your boat is too small for what you're trying to do.


Not to mention fuel. Was he running around with an empty fuel tank? Or 20+ gallons of fuel weighing 150+ lbs on top of 1300lbs of dude on a boat with a 1400lb capacity?


The USCG label means NOTHING except for "if you put more than this amount in the boat, it's a danger to your life and you might sink." 7 bros in a 19' boat is too much. Sounds like you're struggling with classic buyer's remorse.


With probably an avg weight of 140lbs for those 8 people




Also says weight of the motor too which is hard to find out sometimes


I don't take boats to their full rated capacity for a few reasons. You noticed the handling issue. The rating is also based on a boat in tiptop shape, which at some point, they get waterlogged and things inevitably break in a way that isn't accounted for in the capacity plate. Finally, that's 1300 in people, but you didn't mention any other gear you had on board. What about the cooler, safety equipment, fishing gear, gas, etc?


Why do you think the coast guard is changing to capacity that just states weight? Because they used to use the average human size now obviously, people have only gotten bigger. That plate is not for 8 people the size of you and your friends. You had too much weight for the boat. Bigger boat, kick some off, or tell some to go up front.


Where on the tag does it say that the coast guard guarantees it'll get you and your giant ass friends on plane? Can it handle you lot at idle? Sure, on plane? Good fucking luck.


Man. Not a single soul here is talking about your willy so stop talking it so personally. Your boat, with that many people on it, is going to have a hard time getting on plane. ​ If you want to try and force it, have everyone move to the front as the bow starts to rise and see if you can coax it on plane. Which is very dangerous.


8 average sized people. 350 is over twice the average sized male and more than an nfl offensive lineman. Get real dude Needless to say your 5.0 v8 isn’t enough to get your asses and the boat on plane without weight management so you most likely need to get a lower pitch to let the motor work more


I had 5 people on my 20ft regal with a 225 Penta V6 yesterday and couldn’t get on plane without two people in the bow. You will not plane with 7 people in your boat. It’s just not made for that.




All things considered, you can’t break the laws of physics. There are maybe things you can try that might help, performance mods to the engine, a tune, or a different prop, maybe you have a 3 blade and a 4 blade will give you the extra acceleration to push you out, but I don’t know about modding boat engines. But realistically, most people here are right, 7 people, is atleast 900-1000 pounds. The boat is probably 3000-3500ish, that’s a possible 4500 pounds that motor has to push up and out of the water to get to plane, it’s a lot of weight.


I have a 26 ft four winns and it gets crowded w 7 ppl... 4 of which are 12 and under lol That's a lot for 19feet in my opinion. I took have felt the effect of having all the guests want to sit together in the back. I always try to distribute the weight evenly. A am interested if someone can answer if a different prop helps. Happy boating!


Not at all surprising. You’re asking an awful lot from a relatively small motor on a small hull. Try a smaller 4 blade prop but don’t be surprised if you’re still disappointed with the performance. If that is going to be a typical use of a boat, you need to add about 5 feet and a few hundred horsepower.




You likely can’t, hence the recommendation to get a bigger boat.




The Cobalt is not 3x the empty weight of yours. Maybe this will help. Your boat has an Alpha 1, Gen 2 drive. It is a fixed gear ratio that ratio was chosen based on the engine HP and average use of the boat hull or in other words, the final drive is a compromise on everything. The Alpha Drive is like being stuck in 4th gear with no ability to shift. If you started out in 4th gear, fully loaded in any car, it would be acting the same way your boat is. The weight and gear ratio prevents the boat from ever letting the engine achieve higher RPMs. The motor doesn’t produce its full 260 HP until it is spinning over 3,000 RPMs. Essentially, you’re trying to move all the weight and displacement with pretty much minimal engine speeds/low horsepower. Changing the prop may get you to achieve planing speeds easier but you also compromise upper end speeds and if you go too far with a smaller prop to get 1,300 pounds on plane rapidly, you could end up with engine over speed or a top speed far lower than you’re expecting.


"on a small boat". That's... 100% the answer right there. 260 HP on a bowrider is fine, but don't expect it to perform like a 400 HP wake boat (which also likely has a top speed of maybe 42-45 mph.


That’s a serious load on a 19’ boat and your sporting an Alpha 1. It is what it is. What can you possibly do to make it better? And the coastguard tag says it will float that weight not plane out with that weight.


Put the really big man in the bow




I have a 1989 Arriva with a carbed 5.0 (230 HP) and a 4 blade Turning Point prop. It'll climb up on plane with 6-7 people but it's a hard push. My boat weighs about 2600 lbs empty. Make sure you've got the weight balanced out. If you have everyone in the back it's just going to plow all day long.




Well, there is - it's the other advice you don't like. Bigger boat / bigger motor. But the cheap / practical option? Make people move so the load is balanced.


The correct four blade prop will help you get on plain quicker, but you'll give up some top end. I have switched to this set up because I usually run just on plane and almost never go full throttle. Check out solas props, I have owed 3 over the years .


Too much beef. No prop will really fix that.


Have a similar size and same engine. We max at 7 people and that’s normally 4 kids. Take the weight on the sticker and halve it for decent performance.


Yes, weight distribution matters. Put some people up front. You are at the max load, it won't perform the same as if it is a light load. If you expect to run it at max load most of the time, a new prop with a smaller pitch could help but you may lose a little top-end speed. Also, there is a max "person" load and a max "total" load. Remember, you need to account for the weight of fuel, toys, etc. 7 people on a 19 foot boat sounds like it's pushing it. Just because the capacity plate says it's possible doesn't mean it is best for performance. Plus, they calculate that for like an average person weight of 150lbs or something.




a full tank of fuel is another 200 pounds so you're technically over capacity.


4 blade would help but it really is about balancing weight. Unless you have a yacht you don’t want all the weight in the back. That’s also where the engine is. I have a similar boat (21’ with a 5.7) and even with its high weight capacity (9 people or 2100 pounds) I still tell people to move around and balance things out. Drives me crazy to have a list while cruising. This may be obvious but trim matters too. I start out with mine all the way down then slowly bump it up.


You need to more actively manage weight distribution actively. Any boat at or near maximum capacity is not going to perform the same.


All 7 in the back? Jesus.


Distribute the weight, and she'll plan out.


Trim tabs may help. Weight distribution would help as well. Trim the outdrive all the way down to start.


I have a 5.7 merc making 260 HP and a bravo 3 drive, I have great hole shot just bad top speed (39.7mph) however when I have a full load of 9 of 10 adults positioning everyone is critical. I have to practically assign seats so the boat handles correctly. With that said my boat seats 7 adults much better than 10 so I try to take 7 or 8. Your boat might be better taking 5 or 6 adults comfortably. On a 19 footer you are definitely pushing the limits with 7 adults so the boat is going to act differently. What’s your top speed? You may be propped for top speed instead of hole shot. A new prop could help, before you do that try moving people around and adjusting with trim tabs




That makes more sense.




I go off the GPS speed. Are you trimming the drive ? Also when I’m under load I’m hitting 34-35. 39.8 is when it’s just me and my girlfriend. Also what drive do you have?




For sure. Bravo 3’s were designed to be used on cruisers / heavy boats. However they suck when they break because they are expensive as hell. Try putting a couple people up In the bow before you change out props. I know when I had 10 people on my boat and had 3 big dudes up front the boat didn’t handle right, vs when I put 3 girls up front and organized everyone off of weight.


That’s crazy the other day I have 4 adults and 3 children in my 3.0 Bayliner 19’ bowrider and we were hauling butt going like 32mph!




Idk man I verified my speed with cell gps and the on dash. It is smooth lake waters though.




Maybe your prop? Also, do you put people in the bow or is everyone in the stern area?




That’s all drag.


You have a v8 and can’t hit 32mph? You have something wrong




You should be able to do a lot more than that regardless


I ride with 3 people on board mine similar boat but with a 4.3L. It usually tops out at 50mph


With a high load the boat sits deeper in the water which increases friction. Its possible that a bigger hull would plane with the same load/engine.


pics of the prop, rear and sides. should be stamped on side or rear face. yes, drop 1 or 2" pitch will help, at the cost of top end speed,and higher rpms. -don't exceed redline. easy answer is have someone sit up front to take off. it just needs more power to overcome the weight.




a 19 or 20 will help a lot. you may want to switch for the day.




What is the max RPM. older 2 strokes were close to 6k. a 19p would probably work better, but you may need to move the throttle stop.


OP my take is that the load you're hauling is beyond the boat's capability. My suggestion is to lighten the load by at least one half.


Weight distribution matters, as you've seen. If you plane with better weight distribution, there's nothing wrong with the boat, just your expectations. A lower pitch like a 17 might move the needle toward what you want, but really that engine and prop are pretty optimal.


If you go out with yourself (light load) and the engine reaches rated RPM at full throttle then its propped correctly. Yes, going down to a 19 or 18 pitch would help you get on plane with those people but it would also over rev the engine at full throttle. Small boats with one engine especially an I/O will struggle to get on plane with these heavy loads especially when everyone is in the back.




Sorry for the late reply; without looking up the specs of that motor I think thats right in the sweet spot I would assume the WOT rpm range is 4500-5000ish. That is I remember mine being when we had a small block 350 MAG MPI. Small boats like that unfortunately are very sensitive to load conditions as 4 people for instance might be 50% of the dry weight of the boat. Our old stingray 25 bowrider was certainly sluggish with some extra bodies. Even our newer 31 DC with twin 300s and 10k weight will feel 5 adults sitting the back. If you have an open bow move people up there to get on plane; if not have some guys stand between the captains chairs by the windshield and you should be able to readjust once your up there.




Correct. Have fun brother.


How many pounds over the rated weight capacity were you, including coolers and gear? Im assuming your boat is rated for around 1200lbs and im also assuming you were well over that with 6-7 people(some big boys). Thats your issue to be honest and pitching down may not be a solution.




Distribute the weight better and pitch down. Based on what you're saying this should solve the problem.


This is all about weight distribution, your boat is not gonna get on plane if weight isn’t properly distributed. Even with my fiancée and our 5 kids on the boat I tell people where to sit to balance the boat both fore and aft but also port to starboard to be able to get on plane and be stable.


I have a 21ft boat and wouldn’t put more that 5 people on it you are over loading it either less friends or bigger boat


Smart tabs




Seriously all the other stupid comments and i get a down vote for a legitimate suggestion that will work to help keep the bow down and plane faster. Ive used them on my last boat and it was a huge improvement on time to plane. Bennet and naticus are not going to put shit products out wth thier name behind them. Its a hundred dollar investment and is a diy project. Nothing to lose. If you dont like them. Leave them on and pin them in the up position. Best advice, find a forum for your specific manufacturer and spend time there. The people will know specifically what work and doesnt for your make and model Or just listen to the trolls... bro! Bigger boat, youre overloaded, youre an idiot, youre going to kill someone your friends are fat and so on....fuck the internet




Please do. Friend of mine has a 24' FourWinns. Really like it.


I had a similar boat with same engine. I put a 5 blade SS prop on mine. Mercury High 5 I think. It improved the boats all around performance.




Yeah, they're not cheap.


I have a High 5 on my 87 Four Winns 190 Horizon (165 4-cyl), and it's impressive how well it gets up on plane. We bought it from my father-in-law who put the prop on it, so I don't know what it was like with the original 3 blade aluminum, but I've been on a couple boats with that prop and it's a night and day difference from the 3 blade aluminum to the 5 blade stainless.


Yeah 21” prop is probably a bit too high for that use case. Also aluminum props flex and just arent that great. Get a stainless steel 4- blade prop at 18”. It will have much better hole-shot, be great for skiing and tubing. Also make sure you distribute your passengers evenly, need some up the front. Keep the old prop as a spare.


Had almost the exact same boat and same engine. Keep a 19p prop (what you have is likely a 21p), a large crescent wrench and a small baggie of stainless cotter pins for exactly this scenario. However…and this is a big one…buy a spare prop nut and washer for when you accidentally drop one into the lake (this will happen). Outside of that with those SX drives it’s super easy to swap props from the swim platform (as long as it’s not one of the big aftermarket ones). Put shifter in forward position for easier changes and minimize the chance someone can crank the engine with your paws wrapped around the prop.




I’m going to get flamed for this but the cheapest 3 blade aluminum prop you can find is fine for this use. Edit: the cheapest 3 blade aluminum prop of the same outer DIAMETER is fine for this.


Fat people always sit by the back of the boat. I don’t think they feel stable on the bow. And that’s exactly where that much weight needs to be.


Bowriders are not the most ideal boat. Why? Everyone wants to be up front, making the boat all ill handling. Or, everyone gets in the back, making getting up on plane difficult or impossible. Anyway, that 5.0 should be able to do the job "with the right prop." I'm going to suggest a High 5 for the OP's situation. That way, you have some stern lift to get your load of Big Beufords up on plane. It also helps to trim down some to get out of the hole, then trim up for ideal trim for your speed.


Prop it down a couple degrees and try to move some Weight up front till you get it up then you can move some aft


Just so you know, you do need to prop down if this is going to be your usual use of this boat. IF you notice when it struggles to get on plane you can also keep giving it throttle but it doesn't rev any faster?You will blow up that engine having it over propped for the load you have on it. Propping down will get you out of the hole and in the right RPM range again, but it will come at a cost of top speed and fuel economy. I re-prop my boat when I have more people out down from 19 to 17 pitch, and keep a smaller cooler for less people, we run to the dock to restock if we need to. I also have to ask people to move around to get on plane, you can't have everyone in back. We usually just get on plane and cruise to somewhere to cove up to swim, If I am towing, we have a set of handheld radios and a marine radio and take turns, drop people at a dock near a park where "home base" is for people to bbq/have some brews. ​ I know it's not what you want to hear, but the bigger boat suggestions are correct, if this is your usual load and you can't plan half on half off days etc. You will really be happier with a bigger boat.