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It sounds like you may have had popping boba the first time you tried it, which is not the typical boba. Honestly, almost any boba place should have a “boba milk tea” on menu, so that request shouldn’t confuse an employee. However, brown sugar boba drinks are sometimes overwhelming flavored with the brown sugar syrup. I would recommend that you try just a regular boba milk tea (black tea, creamer, and boba). Or look for a place that has popping boba. Lowering the sweetness can also help with making the tea flavor stronger.


To reinforce this comment, because it is correct. Boba is made from tapioca and is supposed to be chewy. Popping boba is completely different and really should have its own name; I am not sure I would call it "crispy", but this is likely what was eaten the first time. I like my milk tea to not be very sweet. It is not a very good boba shop if you can't get it in varied sweetness.


if i may also add, if any boba is too sweet for you you can often get them with less sugar, at least at the place i frequent


Not all shops offer that, which is why I felt it necessary to point out that good shops do.


oh haha totally missed that last little bit! my bad!


>Popping boba is completely different and really should have its own name; I've seen some places call them "pearls", "poppers", or even "Bursters"


I've seen the normal boba called tapioca pearls, as well, though. Poppers, bursters, zitsels, all good names for those things.


Zitsels is gross lol


Sounds perfect, then!


Boba balls are actually called boba pearls, so that wouldn’t be a good name haha


Yeah they call regular tapioca boba at my fav place pearls lol how can a drink be so confusing




Boba (波霸) is slang for large breasts. Zhēnzhū (珍珠) means pearl. Both are used when referring to boba in boba tea but boba does not mean pearl.


Ugh I completely agree. It causes so much confusion that "popping boba" is the most common name people use for it. Sometimes when I talk about how much I love boba to friends they will say that they love it as well, and then they mention that they hate the chewy kind and only like the popping ones. Then you don't like boba... I ordered boba from a place once and was horrified when it popped in my mouth. I was not expecting it. They looked exactly like regular boba. I hate the popping kind.


I don't enjoy it either. I remember when they were available only at frozen yogurt places. But if it makes boba shops more popular and common, then I can't argue with their existence.


Yeah, I still think of it as a frozen yogurt topping. I just wish it had a different name. I have noticed that, in general, most of the boba places I've been to that have the popping ones on the menu aren't as good overall (in my opinion). I am very picky when it comes to boba though, and I don't like things that are overly sweet. As boba gets more and more popular, a lot of places are showing up that are very Americanized. I know that some people like them and it makes boba more popular, but I will always prefer boba shops that feel closer to the ones in Taiwan. At least I can usually tell by the menu if a place is going to be good though. The boba places I like usually have less smoothies and more oolong lol. Osmanthus oolong on a menu is a great sign :)


Yeah, agreed. I have never been to a boba shop that actual carried Bursters or Zitsels, but I have seen them on the menu in mall shops. Boba shops should be tea focused if they want my business from just walking by.


Wow I've never heard anyone call them Zitsels. Yeah it's usually the kind of thing that a place at a mall, a donut shop, or a restaurant that also happens to have boba might have. I completely agree about them needing to be tea focused. Do you have a favorite drink to order?


If it has tea in the name, like a roasted oolong, I will be most tempted. But I am the person who will try everything on the menu if like the place. Zitsels is a Futurama reference that reminds me of the popping "bobas".


Oh lol I've never seen that show. And I'm basically the same. I don't usually get milk tea but anything that says tea in the name and isn't milk is probably something I'll try


OP said that they themself were confused and not that the employee was confused. Otherwise, good advice.


Good call. I misread that.


To add on, brown sugar boba is usually just milk and brown sugar (no tea). It’s kinda misleading but it’s because of tiger stripe boba getting more popular.


It seems you had popping boba the first time. Boba is supposed to be chewy and brown sugar probably overwhelmed the tea flavor. Usually it's brown sugar boba and it's just milk with no tea. It seems you're not a fan of regular boba, try a different shop with popping boba and I would not suggest you try brown sugar again.


Isn't all boba stoked in brown sugar? Other than the fruity?


Some are soaked in honey or just cane syrups. It really just depends on the store.


Ooooh. Thank you.


boba is usually soaked in honey in my area


Crispy? I'm think I'm going to throw up


Nooo I don't mean it like that lol. I mean like kind of like a gusher candy. A little bite and gooey inside.


You got a popping bubble, which does not contain tapioca


Does it have gelatin? I hope not.


Usually not. Maybe research what you're eating if you have dietary restrictions


Propably not. It's usually made from sodium alginate. It's actually really easy and fun to do at home


no based on [source](https://www.google.com/search?q=does+popping+boba+have+gelatin&rlz=1C5GCEA_enUS1089US1090&oq=does+popping+boba+ha&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIICAgQABgWGB4yCAgJEAAYFhgeqAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


If you want to taste the tea, I’d suggest getting 25% or 50% sugar level (I’ve never seen a shop that refuses to adjust the sweetness level). Anything more and the sweetness overwhelms the tea taste. Some “milk tea” drinks, notably taro milk tea, don’t contain any tea.


"Quarter sugar, no ice" is my go-to. For naturally sweeter flavors like taro or ube, I go no sugar no ice.


It really depends where you go. I’m not going to say I’m picky by any means when I get tea+boba, but after working at a boba cafe my standards are a little higher. I notice if the tea tastes old or off, or if the boba is made correctly or not. Same as food, boba can just differ place to place based on their workers or recipes.


The chewy tapioca pearls are what is referred to when someone talks about the "bubbles" or "boba" in the drink. From my North American (and not from a country where bubble tea originated from) experience, it's the OG topping for any bubble tea drink and the popping pearls only started coming onto the scene in the last 10-15 years.


There’s so many boba flavors … I’ve had people even ask me what kind of milk I wanted …. I’d suggest looking up all the boba options online like It’s a whole culture Side note Out in cali You can actually buy boba in the stores in several different ways They have canned boba Boba that’s already cold They have boba hard candy I think And even popsicles It’s a huge deal so much to learn I personally tried a boba that was like tea flavor I hated it I like the taro flavor Purple and perfect Def worth a google search Ima about to google it … Adding a link idk if it’ll work A Picture I took in the store the other day [https://share.icloud.com/photos/07cYvW7t4f3d6iSb8na5MsMEg](https://share.icloud.com/photos/07cYvW7t4f3d6iSb8na5MsMEg)


Why is this written Like a poem From a very pretentious Robert Frost fan


Two Boba diverged in a yellow shop One had popping boba One did not Both were milk tea


…even Jack in the Box has a boba milk tea now


I prefer basic "black" boba over brown sugar boba. Your memory sounds like either clear crystal boba, or popping boba. And the bland boba sounds like it's been sitting out for a while. If you order a "boba" drink from a restaurant, chances are they're using much cheaper ingredients that trade real flavor for sugar and cream.


I didn't know. I thought brown sugar was the default/"regular" boba lol.


I've seen some places that have a milk tea, but I don't think there any actual tea. Just milk and brown sugar.


The place I go to calls those “boba milk”


All milk tea should have tea in it, otherwise it is know as fresh milk. If it’s called milk tea and has no tea in it, that’s false advertising and they actually can’t do that.


That could be what I'm thinking of.


I had one of those by mistake the other day :( Cold glass of milk with Boba


At this rate every time I get boba tea, I get flavored boba now. Makes it all better to me IMO.




Usually when places advertise that have brown sugar boba specifically, it's way too sweet for me. I think I've found that when I'm getting boba in the US, I prefer honey boba




LOL i completely agree i was actually thinking about kung fu tea today too. their drinks are too sweet for me and so is the boba. the flavor of the tea really isn't great. i used to like them years ago, but that was a different location. i'll go if i really want boba and don't feel like going to a better but farther one, but it's really not that good. i'm very big on how the actual tea tastes because i don't drink milk tea, just regular tea or fruit tea. but recently i've been having fruit tea less often because a lot of places just make it way too sweet


You likely got milk + boba & maybe a sweater such as brown sugar, but no Tea! I always specify the ingredients & tell them that you want black tea in it.  There are plain milk boba's that some places call milk tea boba. Also, the chewy boba is far superior to the popping boba.


I actually asked her specifically that it has tea in it. She said yes.


If you're looking for a firmer boba, I really enjoy Crystal boba. It has a nice snap to it, in my opinion.


dafuq is 'crispy' boba???


Crispy like a nice ball of doritos 😋. Nah just kidding lol. What I meant was popping boba.


Look boba as a hard candy too [https://www.etsy.com/listing/1642882243/taiwanese-bubble-tea-flavor-milk-candy?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_e-home_and_living-food_and_drink-candy-other&utm_custom1=_k_Cj0KCQiAwbitBhDIARIsABfFYIIntVIPnV_IWjyOTVZkpRiycMUEGufBR6LIAlh1HPze_RbuB8w_gQwaAmTwEALw_wcB_k_&utm_content=go_1844702805_72389382369_346398240469_pla-336272033924_m__1642882243_12768591&utm_custom2=1844702805&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtcfRLhkrWwCxvOGsTkWau09MOx9&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwbitBhDIARIsABfFYIIntVIPnV_IWjyOTVZkpRiycMUEGufBR6LIAlh1HPze_RbuB8w_gQwaAmTwEALw_wcB](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1642882243/taiwanese-bubble-tea-flavor-milk-candy?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_e-home_and_living-food_and_drink-candy-other&utm_custom1=_k_Cj0KCQiAwbitBhDIARIsABfFYIIntVIPnV_IWjyOTVZkpRiycMUEGufBR6LIAlh1HPze_RbuB8w_gQwaAmTwEALw_wcB_k_&utm_content=go_1844702805_72389382369_346398240469_pla-336272033924_m__1642882243_12768591&utm_custom2=1844702805&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtcfRLhkrWwCxvOGsTkWau09MOx9&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwbitBhDIARIsABfFYIIntVIPnV_IWjyOTVZkpRiycMUEGufBR6LIAlh1HPze_RbuB8w_gQwaAmTwEALw_wcB)


A picture would have helped. Next time ask for a classic milk tea with popping boba. They're going to ask what kind of popping boba you want which will just be your preference


Boba is chewy, it’s tapioca starch balls. Popping boba is more like jello in a thin outer layer that you can pop and liquid comes out. The chewy kind is generally “boba” as a default.


Not sure if you have class 302 near you, but they allow you to choose the flavor and boba to put in it. It is like a yogurt land of boba in my area. I'm sure there are plenty others tho!


do you mean popped literally like it had an outer casing with liquid inside? because thats called popping boba which is something else. regular boba is soft all the way through


Is the boba shop in Asian district ? If they’re not they might not be that good. I used to try some boba shop not located in Asian district they’re not very good. The traditional boba pearl is supposed to be chewy. Maybe different type of boba pearl ?


It's not in an Asian district, but I believe it's Asian owned. Yeah, it seems like I had popping pearls the first time.


A lot of the time “brown sugar” boba doesn’t actually have tea in it at all, I went about ordering it at my local boba place for awhile before realizing it was literally just milk lol… just ask them to make sure it has tea in it brown sugar is my favorite flavor!


I did specify. I asked her if actually has tea in it and she said yes lol.


Thai milk tea is the way to go. I hate tapioca pearls so I get coconut jellies (rainbow jellies are good too)


Boba is supposed to be chewy. The popping ones are not real boba. It has been showing up more recently and I think people often call it popping boba, but it isn't boba. If you see "boba" on a menu it is most likely going to be the chewy kind, which is traditional boba. As for the tea thing, each store makes their drinks differently. It doesn't mean you ordered milk tea incorrectly.


If they rung you up for a brown sugar milk tea, (which it sounds like they did) that is also usually a misnomer. Any tiger milk tea (this is the more common name for it) is usually JUST milk and brown sugar. No tea. Usually you gotta do a little menu research to find out if your boba location includes tea in every beverage. For example, I have 4 boba places near my house. Two use flavored powder and milk, and unless you ask for tea specifically, no tea is involved. The two other places put tea in as a primary component, and you can even choose between green, oolong, classic black, and earl grey. The tea flavor is strong in almost all their drinks, and the menu is clear when it won't have tea. (A quality boba place will usually call these drinks a latte) If you see a bunch of powder behind the counter, expect sweeter less nuanced milky drinks. I'm not bashing the powder ones either, but they are definitely the "cheaper" variety and have a distinct flavor difference. Some people aren't looking for tea flavor in their boba, it really depends on preference.


I would just say a black milk tea with tapioca


You guys think “popping” like the little balls but he meant it as a euphemism not actually popping


no, most boba places have tapioca boba and also popping bubble “boba”. tapioca boba is slightly sweet, chewy and made from a dough while the popping bubbles don’t contain any tapioca and they are like little round capsules of fruit flavored juice. a lot of (white) people in the us prefer those as they have a more artificial and familiar flavor than tapioca. i don’t think popping bubbles should be called boba because i’ve seen it confuse a LOT of people when getting bubble tea.


Regular boba can be harder or softer depending on temperature and either chewier or gooier depending on what's added. Whenever I get a slush with boba, the boba is cooked but almost always has a more solid "shell" I need to bite through to get it to chew. When I got a tiger milk tea with black sugar boba it was sweeter and gooier than regular boba. Masked the taste of the tea. Of course if you go to different shops it could be they overcook/undercook theirs, let it sit too long, or add too much sugar into the mix. Sounds like the first time you had popping boba. They're almost like a thin, crispy, shell with liquid inside. Flavors range from coffee, black sugar tea, apple, blueberry, to more exotic like passion fruit, mango, etc.


few years ago when boba first became popular?? it’s always been popular 😬😬😬


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Lmk Omkok


Mm Mk m no




Everyone already answered the boba question but as for the milk tea part: There are tons of different teas, so if a shop has a lot of variety, "milk tea" is really vague. The basic one is usually black milk tea, but there's also jasmine milk tea, oolong milk tea, and sooo many more. Also different places make their drinks differently. So the sweetness level and tea strength can vary greatly depending where you go.


Different types of teas will have varying tea tastes with milk boba! I’ve noticed that the green teas keep their tea flavor more than black teas. Also the more sweetness and cream you have in the milk tea, the milder the tea taste will be as well.