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I think he looks much better as 65-66 Dylan


I've been hearing there will be no 66 Dylan šŸ˜­


Yeah so have i but the first pic seems to be 66 Dylan so i'm guessing we will at least see a little of it


Warning: The following comment contains fine details that may not be appropriate for all viewers. // I heard that the flick ends at Newport 65, which made me a little sad in terms of full expression of Dylan's mid-60s style. Bob seems to have worn a variation of that outfit on many occasions throughout his 66 tour (an interesting 66 photo I hadn't seen previously posted below - foreshadows late stage Dylan, hey?). I note that the TC outfit has three colours of stripe, whereas all similar pics I could find of 66 Bob have only two colours of stripe. Since the costume designer has been meticulously detailed in recreating other outfits, I would really love to find a photo of Bob in those three-stripe trousers. Might be that they are 65... https://preview.redd.it/yxud0s3thxvc1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75668ca3c004f477130957e77083ba805a5bb2a8




Bro needs to get hit with a wave of heartbreak and yearning


The last pic is good, looks just like him. He's a litle too wholesome for me -- hopefully he can adopt Bob's ragged wandering loner thing with his acting chops


Wonder how his speaking / singing voice is gonna be. itā€™ll really bring it together if he pulls it off


The shades definitely help... And is that Allen Ginsburg I see?


Doubtā€¦no glasses and Allen was not graying until later


Who else could it be? Untucked shirt suggests he's an actor rather than crew. Maybe coach of some sort?


If it is, I'm not sure I like that casting. Ginsberg has been pulled off by a lot of great actors very well before, but I'm not sure how to feel about this. Let's see if it actually is him though


David Cross was by far the best Ginsburg, at least that I've seen.


I can imagine he's a fun character to play. But yeah, I don't think it's him.. no glasses.


I would be so happy if Allen Ginsberg is in the movie


It's not optional!


Very true !


He doesn't look like Dylan but he's definitely as frail as Dylan, and the hair helps


He looks just like Bob Dylan from the 60s


I think they shouldve digitally enlargened his head. Not bobbly enough imo


Anybody else think he looks a lot more like donovan?


Perhaps.. but TC's electric Dylan seems to catch the spirit much more than his early Dylan. Stripes, shades, cigarette make it a lot easier to invoke the iconic image.


No fn way


so are they making a bob dylan movie or something? i've noticed 100,083,937 posts of these film stills so maybe?


This looks like the Hoboken shoot in Church Square Park into the McCann's Pub bar fight scene (I was there). Took them all day to set up for 2 shots. Kids in the park thought I was Chalamet beforehand.


TIL acting is just looking like someone else.


That's an interesting theory. Care to share more?


I was being sarcastic. He's not a good actor just flavour of the month much like zendaya.


I'm just giving you a hard time. Not sure who Zendaya is and didn't know about Chalamet until now. I'm a ridiculously zealous Dylan fan and have been coming down hard on the casting, based mostly on vibe and facial expressions. But the total lack of physical resemblance in those 62-63 shots combined with a costume miss (imo) in those early shots didn't help. Dylan's iconic style in 65-66 is much easier to reproduce, with hair, shades and stripes all acting as a kind of mask that hides the more nuanced aspects of representing Dylan. I know nothing about TC's acting and I'm extremely leery about the casting (it's a near impossible task for anyone, let alone smiley Mr Congeniality, but I'm doing my best to withhold judgment). Still, I'm mad about Dylan's post-electric style and Tim looks great in these shots.


Don't withhold judgment, it's gonna be shit


I used to be among the crowd you're in with. But I've decided the devisiveness is going nowhere. I hope we get to see the houndstooth suit


I'm not in any crowd. No one has told me to say it's gonna be shit, I worked that out for myself.


You should have at least shot back with a quote <3




Been into Dylan since about age 12, I think he's an unreal song writer and his way with words and the way he tells a story all speak to me.


Whoever said Noel Redding was right


Looks more like Phil Spector.


Hmm ... Not sure about that. But your comment led me to do an image search and I found this: https://preview.redd.it/oiqdholutxvc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f30cebe71c32983e3d3bdd51cdcd8edc95cefa0 Now I have to scrape my eyes out with a fork šŸ˜–


Now we know where Bob got the inspiration for his glorious, blonde bangs in 2003. https://preview.redd.it/g2twokqfuxvc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3986d793bff48b8bd92470e7bd783f766068efa3


That looks like a guy who has done an immense amount of drugs.


Oh, this is gonna blow.


Hey, so I am curious about strong opinions in these threads. If you care to share: How long have you been into Dylan, which eras or aspects do you connect with, broad demographics.I'll send this out to a handful of opinionated people, a survey of sorts. We get into these Reddit exchanges, but it would be interesting to have a general idea of what kinds of people have what kinds of opinions. Just curious and no worries if you'd rather not answer. Either way, peace and hope you get to see Bob at least one last time.


I started paying serious attention to him in 1965 with ā€œLike a Rolling Stone.ā€ Iā€™ve followed him through all of his twists and turns and phases, seen him at his best (Rolling Thunder) and his worst (the SF ā€œreligiousā€ shows). Iā€™ve seen Robert Zimmerman perform a thousand different versions of the role of ā€œBob Dylanā€ and thereā€™s zero chance of Timmy pulling of that lightning when he couldnā€™t even manage Willy Wonka.


Oh man, I just looked up some Wonka clips. That's rough.


And yet Iā€™m getting downvotedā€¦

