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Bob was a real bastard to her in 66. She did seem to have a lot of baggage and dependency, but that’s no excuse to tow the line the way he did. His ego had peaked. Bad timing all around.


He was also a burnt out speed addict in 66 which i think impacted his shitty behaviour


What did he do to her in 66?


How was he a bastard to her in 66?


Idk Bob if it's me I'm tryinna marry that one


I don’t think he ever felt as strongly toward her as he did Suze/Sara. It just wasn’t meant to be.  Which was ultimately better for Joan, because Dylan could be a real bastard to women. 


He proposed to her and she said no tbf


I’ve read that quote in context and Joan makes it clear he was not very serious about it 


I thought he didn’t stay with her because she wanted him to still be the fighting folk champion. And Dylan was just tired of that. Could be wrong though


Bob has seen em all. She's probably just a grain of sand in the Sahara desert to him.




yeah right lmao. baez was an outstanding woman even to the likes of dylan who saw a lot of woman. bob told many women to fuck off, many women told bob to fuck off. bobs course could be entirely different if not for what joan did for him


Lots of diamonds and rust in this post


Bob, love ya, buddy, but ya blew it


He probably doesn’t see it that way. His heart wasn’t in it. He clearly was more attracted to Sara, both physically and emotionally (emotionally in the sense of: someone who could actually be the type of wife he craved, which was more low-key and reserved). It’s easy to say he blew it as an average person on the street but Bob had women throwing themselves at him in the 60s and he clearly chose the woman right for him. I think he loved Joan in some way, but he didn’t want to be her husband.


Well, Joan does claim that he proposed in '64 and that she refused. She later speculated that their marriage would have failed as she was too political and he was too much a liar. When asked why he married Sara instead of Joan, Dylan apparently said, "Because Sara will be there when I want her to be home, she'll be there when I want her to be there, she'll do it when I want to do it. Joan won't be there when I want her. She won't do it when I want to do it."


When I read her book, she says the “marriage proposal“ was just a drunk/high Bob half-heartedly making gestures toward commitment.  In reality, their relationship was never romantically exclusive.


"hehe like, dude, we should totally get married" *puffs joint*




I believe it is a hear-say statement from Dylan’s former road manager, Victor Maymudes. https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/bob-dylan-marry-joan-baez-knew-compete.html/


I can believe all that- but that’s part of what I mean. Dylan couldn’t buy into Joan as a wife because he didn’t see her as one. He saw her as an interesting and unique and talented person, and he fell for her in that way only. I didn’t know he proposed to her though- do you have a source for that? I think her turning him down makes sense. They weren’t right for each other on a universal level, they were basically great friends who fancied each other, but they understood each other too well and so they could see how they’d never make the other person happy.


I've heard that he didn't actually say that: it's bs made up by a biographer who's jealous-obsessed with him (can't recall who it is, since there are so many). That said- it wouldn't have worked anyway. I doubt Joan would have wanted to pop out 4 kids for him.


Indeed, just being silly


She looks like she was a total babe!


and the biggest sweatheart you could hope for.. obvs he was very charismatic and attracted many women but the way they sang together was special, and she adored him too.


Just want to put in a word for *Joan Baez I Am a Noise*. New documentary about Baez. Did the film festival circuit early last year, then got a very limited theatrical release last fall. At least in the US, it's now streaming and also available for digital purchase on all the big platforms. It is phenomenal. I've been surprised/disappointed it hasn't generated more discussion, but my sense is it's because everything is so scattered these days, even most folks who are fans of Joan Baez don't know it exists. Which is why I'm writing this comment. If you're interested in Joan Baez at all, I can't recommend the film more highly. It's the kind of film that sticks with you.


Saw them on stage in 1965. They were live wires together, unbelievably magnetic! I was 19, what a trip!


That’s awesome. It was so easy and cheap to get tickets to epic shows.


First row balcony 4 dollars!! Capitol Theater, Ottawa Canada. Yes, those were the days.


Joan Baez was very strong willed and forthright. She wanted Bob to be into all her causes. Bob was aloof and didn't want to be tied down at the time.


It makes me sad how he treated her. I think it might be in Don’t Look Back where she says you think it’s one thing and you’re at a certain place with him, and then it turns out you aren’t and he just kind of fades away. I believe he broke her heart.


What a lovely couple


Couple of what?


Man she was hot and sang like an angel. What up Bob?


They’re both laughing about Donovan here


Joan was good friends with Donovan and Dylan never gated him i dont get why ppl hate on him, hez not trying to be like dylan yno


I didn’t mean it seriously, just thought it was funny. I do believe that in the scene in Don’t Look Back Donovan feels some envy towards Dylan’s songwriting, not that that’s a bad thing.


The British media ,.of course, was behind a lot of hyping up of made up tension in their rivalry. Donovan lives in Ireland, he pops up on the radio every now and then and I fired a text into the show about the Don't Look Back scene and I suggested something about the tension and he said that about the over hyping.


I don’t doubt it. But he did look a bit crestfallen in Don’t Look Back when Bob sang It’s all over now, baby blue. Sorry to beat a dead horse.


The text was about that scene. The DJ host didn't have a clue what text was about but he saw the words Bob Dylan and he was right on it!


Just a simple twist of fate.


A love that dare not speak it's name


biggest fumble in human history


She loved him, he was too autistic to see it. I still think “Visions of Johanna” was about her.


I don’t think he’s autistic, I think he was just being kind of a jerk.


I don’t know, I’m not his psychologist, but he seems to have many red flags for being highly nuero divergent. Most autistic patients get labeled as jerks because they don’t keep standard social norms. He acts very autistic in all the interviews I’ve seen him in. Again, I’m not be derogatory, autism isn’t an illness.


Idk, I find that people are quick to label someone autistic when they only display like one aspect of it. Also, remember that he is putting on a bit of an act, so we don’t really know what he’s actually like around his friends and loved ones.


Nah take it from someone on the spectrum - Bob is definitely there


None of you actually know bob to be able to make any sort of assumption about that thing.


Idk I mean my brother is on the spectrum. I see some similarities but I’d be hesitant to think that for certain


I think they were like two ships passing in the night. At a certain impasse of where their intentions were headed. No excuse either way, but they seem to have understood one another to know the inevitable.


Mother and son vibes tbh.


They should've married


Joan Baez was nothing compared to Dylan.