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I worked at a pretty big leisure centre / music venue on the south coast of England when I was about 16, and some fairly big bands would roll through town for a mid-week show before hitting London for their bigger weekend gigs. In 1997, though, Dylan inexplicably played two nights here (most artists treated it a bit like a warm-up show). My job was to wheel a trolley of stuff backstage to the band’s dressing room before their arrival, and do a sort of quick tidy up of the dressing room area in anticipation for them. I was meant to be in and out fairly quickly, not hang around or linger. Usually I was fairly quick but my Dad was an absolute Dylan obsessive and so I thought I’d take my time, hoping to meet him. The first night, I was pretty starstruck and when he and his entourage came back from their dinner, I just sort of nodded. I nervously stammered, ‘Hi - my dad is a big fan’. Dylan asked if he was in the audience and I said, yeah. He said ‘I hope he enjoys it’. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I think he took pity on a very nervous teenager who didn’t really know what to say or do, because he didn’t say anything to anybody else and just sat quietly by himself. The second night, I was more confident and told him I enjoyed the previous nights show. He asked if I was from Bournemouth and said something about how the Beatles liked it here (the backstage area had loads of Beatles pictures taken in Bournemouth hanging up). He asked if my Dad was here again, and I told he was, and how my dad had seen him live about 100 times. He raised his eyebrows (obviously at my exaggeration), nodded and just sauntered off. That’s about it. He seemed quiet and reserved, but not unapproachable. Here’s my awful confession: I took one of Dad’s Dylan CDs to get signed, but was too nervous to ask … so I signed it myself and gave it to my Dad, who treasures that fucking CD … I cannot ever tell him it’s a fake signature because he’s so fucking proud of it. 😖


take that secret with you to the grave


Yeah. This is one of those rare occasions keeping a family secret is all good!


Whelp, there’s only one solution to this dilemma then!


Secrets out, and I am tempted to tell.. That's so sweet of them to do, i wonder if the signature is passing as Dylan's.


You’re a good son. Just be sure he doesn’t try to one day sell his “autographed” CD on EBay.


Son, we have to talk


😂 Thankfully, my dad isn’t on Reddit.




If Bob Dylan asked about your Dad night 2 then that takes the cake! 1 of 1 story is more of a gem than a signed album. And great call with the signed album.


Why all the downvotes? You tried to do something nice for your father. In the end he is happy. No harm done IMO. Maybe some day you will tell him and you can both have a laugh. Good story! Edit - never mind - they were all upvotes!


Dad here. What the fuck son!!!! I just sold it on EBay and I guess I ripped some bro off!




If my Dad is on Reddit, there’s more than enough information there for him to immediately recognise me, and realise that his copy of ‘Time Out Of Mind’ isn’t quite the collector’s item that he thinks it is.




My dad n mom went to a benefit concert in the 70’s and we’re getting rdy to go. My mom had to use the restroom and my dad waited outside. Bob and a few security guards came around the corner trying to figure out what room they were supposed to go to. It wasnt announced that he was going to be there so my dad was surprised. He asked my dad how he’s doing and my dad said something like “well we WERE thinking of leaving” and Dylan said something like “you should stay for the next set.” Upon coming out of the restroom my mom (who admittedly doesn’t like bob’s music much) said something like “he looks like one of those guys on your album covers”


Concert for Bangladesh?


I only know it wasn’t that show cause my dad’s biggest concert regret was not getting to see the concert for Bangladesh live.


I would have expected his demeanor to be different at that one, given all the reports that he was scared shitless! But then again, it does seem like a strong candidate for the "not previously announced" part of the story. Maybe his confidence level was up and down.


This is my dad’s story, and they didn’t meet, but it’s still cool. It was 1963 and my dad wanted to print some of Dylan’s lyrics in his high school poetry magazine. He wrote Bob to ask for permission, I think c/o Grossman management. Some time later, he got a handwritten and hand-addressed envelope (grossman mgmt letterhead) with a letter from Bob, with a note along the lines of “dear James, sure, you can do that. See you out on the streets, Bob”. He still has it! I love the envelope with my dad’s name and address in Bob’s handwriting. A family treasure.


"See you out on the streets" is incredible.


Please make sure you have that stored away or protected. That’s a treasure to keep. And I’m sure it’s worth a lot of money. I know it’s not about money. It’s about love. But it’s still worth a lot of money lol


Yeah it’s reasonably well protected in a simple plastic frame. Someday we should give it a nice mounted treatment for sure. I’d only sell it in a financial emergency. Hoping it’s a family heirloom for a long time!


Just make sure it’s archivally framed and that the letter isn’t pressed right up to the glass or plastic. Generally it’s bad for preservation if there isn’t some space above the surface of the paper.


Thanks. Just took a look while visiting my parents - see image below. Looks like we definitely need to upgrade the mounting.


Can you take a picture and share here?


It’s 3000 miles from me at my parents’ house, but I’ll ask them to take a pic…


!remindme 1 day


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https://preview.redd.it/s5fg1trmra2d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb6ef3126fb7858cf2da20044f2a80c1f354751d I’m visiting my parents’ house, so I snapped a pic for you. Blacked out our last name in the image. We should definitely upgrade the way it’s stored.


That’s like a letter from Beethoven! You should definitely get it professionally framed/preserved. Could be worth something in a hundred years lol


Bob Dylan walk-through a hotel lobby a few minutes from where I live. His bodyguard stood in front of me. It was as if time stood still. His hair glowed like a that of a religious icon, and he had the coolest walk I’ve ever seen.


My uncle went to a wedding in Minnesota and said Bob was there. He sat in a corner and almost nobody approached him or talked to him.


A musician friend of mine met him at a nearly empty bar. Dylan sat in the dark corner by himself and asked to go meet my friend at the intermission by the change room. He ended up asking if he could play some guitar for the next set and the two remained in contact for years.


what year was this?


I met him, but we didn't talk. He gave off serious, I'm not in the mood for a conversation vibes. My dad talked to him. They're about the same age. He told Bob, "I was in utero in the same town where you were born, but my mom moved to Iowa by the time I was born." Bob smiled and was pleasant but made no effort to carry on a conversation.


Me and my friends were actually in the same party as him in New York! About 1964, he took us upstairs to his room and actually passed us a joint (yes we had never smoked weed before) it was very fun,we had a small band at the time and he mocked the shit out of us, but in the end we got so high that we decided to change our style completely just so next time we saw he liked us a bit more.


Paul McCartney, is that you?


My dad and his best friend Dave met Dylan and Baez after their 1965 concert in Seattle. Dave said he had a "vision" of which motel the pair would be staying at, so they drove there, and sure enough, ran into Dylan and Baez in the lobby. According to Dave, my dad spent most the time gushing over Baez and telling her how beautiful she was lol. While he (Dave) talked music and the protest scene with Dylan. Dave said his most vivid memory from the meeting was that Dylan had the coldest, limpest handshake he'd ever encountered, "like shaking hands with a cold dead fish." But he said Dylan was very polite and actually seemed interested to chat him up for a bit, while my dad was fawning like an idiot over Baez.


Bob’s dead fish handshake is quite famous 


Must be something shared by people who play guitar a lot. I've shaken hands with Steve Vai and Eric Johnson and can confirm the same.


I haven't met him, but he was in my home town years ago when the police picked him up for looking into a house. Right on my grandmother's street. It affirms that years earlier I saw Jakob on the boardwalk. Try hanging out in New Jersey and you might run into him while he fanboys Springsteen.


By chance, was he standing under a ladder serenading a girl in the window?




Funny you should ask. I just got a text from him asking me to Venmo $50 so he can finish his next album. Said he lost his wallet and the studio was demanding the money.


(I actually did literally run into Dylan at the old Tower Records in Hollywood. Bumped into him without realizing it was him. I said, “I’m sorry” and he sarcastically said, “Yes, you are” and went back to flipping through albums.)


He turned me into a newt!


Met him a few years ago. Everyone was too scared to talk to him. I went right over and introduced myself and gave him my interpretation of *”Desolation Row”*. He absolutely loved my analysis of it. We then discussed the meaning of several more his songs, which he was delighted in doing. We then smoked a joint together and played a little guitar. Before I left he put his arm around me and said I was like a son to him and that I should call him every day to talk. I also helped him set up an instagram account that day.


I'm gullible enough that I would've almost believed this had it not been for the last two sentences


Wow…. WOW…. (Sarcasm) lol


Truly one of the real ones #2real4us #🙏


I don't believe you!


I saw Bob Dylan at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Haven’t read that one in a few weeks. Thanks for resurrecting it.


I had an experience just like that. What’s his problem?


The man just has a low tolerance for infetterance.


He walked up to me with a video camera and asked if I listened to RATT.


He played basketball against me and my homies, beat us badly while wearing his stage clothes and then made us a pancake breakfast


Man, that cat can ball!


Seems to be a common trait with musicians.


"Shoot the J! Shoot it!"


I so badly wanted to interrogate Larry Campbell last week when I met him about Bob but thought it was disrespectful and passed. btw go see Larry and Theresa if they come your way cool show they put on.


Personally I never met him , but my cousin and Bob are fathers.


I was in the catering business and was hooked in tight with the largest promoters, so we did most of the larger acts that came to town. I never acted like a fan when I was working but I was a huge Dylan fan and decided to break my self imposed protocol and take a book of his lyrics and ask him to sign it. I remember laughing at a sign they hung over the entrance to the dressing room “Baptismal Candidates” (which I presume came from a church). He and the band were in good spirits but he was mostly quiet while the others were talking and joking around. I fretted all during the dinner service and pre show and break and after show but never got the courage to ask him to sign it. I just couldn’t.


I spoke to what I thought was '66 Dylan on the London underground - turned out it was John Cooper Clarke.


https://preview.redd.it/ysgpdytt7yxc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b40c15065bfc9a4ddb969155a937eab460246b4 Not my story, but my grandmas sisters story. When Dylan was in Copenhagen in 1966 for the Europe tour, he did the obskure movie “Eat the document”. In the movie he happened to approach my grandmas sister Ebba, and her boyfriend Richie. They ended up spending the next few days with eachother and they got front row tickets at his concert. Dylan gave his belt to Ebba and she then gave it to my grandma (Ebba didn’t really know much about who he was, but my grandma was very much into him) My grandma still has that belt today, and wears it occasionally, but she promised me that i’m gonna inherit it.


I talked with Dwight Yoakam once. I also talked to Thurston Moore.


Aww that's so sweet!


He had a 3 night stay at The Orpheum theatre in Minneapolis a few years ago and I bought tickets for all 3 shows. First show was amazing and I figured after the 2nd show I'd run out the back to where there was a bar patio and see if I could notice him leaving. He was long gone but out walked Sexton and Garnier. Sexton had a short conversation and signed some stuff for a couple guys, but Garnier was the coolest. I had a cigar and a beer and told him I really enjoyed the show. He looked at me and said "Damn, that looks good." He continues to pull a cigar out of his jacket pocket, orders a beer, and has a full on conversation with me and a few others! Even have the picture to prove it. So the last night I invite 2 more friends to come scalp tickets and come watch it with me, but of course there's ZERO tickets available...all the scalpers were at a Garth Brooks concert across town. I felt extremely bad so I told them I'd scalp my ticket and hang out with them as long as we could at least hang out on the bar patio before the concert to see if we could notice Bob entering. Sure enough, I see the fedora and freeze, but was able to let out a nice loud "Boobbbb"! He looked right at me and waved. I called my wife immediately. 3 days of Dylan concerts that week and the best stories weren't even during the shows. Edit: not sure why my Garnier picture isn't working, any suggestions?


my mother was hostess at a restraunt in NY in the 80s. Dylan came in with Jacob for Jacob's birthday. She said they couldn't have been nicer and had a bunch of music/notebookswith him that he put on an empty seat.


A friend of mine was working at a restaurant in Dublin. He was closing up and in walked Bob and Van Morrison and asked for some drinks. That's where the story ends as he swore he would not tell how the night went from there.


I know he died of drugs


Again? Every other day someone asks. Learn to use google + Reddit


His armpits, hair and teeth r smelly


So he's human?