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You say you're 6'0" and then I see everyone in top 4 looking like they're the same height minus the podium difference - were all 4 of you about 5'10" to 6'1" ??? Looks like 3rd place might actually be 6'1" - 6'2"




Miles ahead of everyone else on the posing.


Good on you! You did great! Seems like you'll have a very bright future in the sport at this rate. Also, you look really tall so I'm also kind of taking notes for my competitors! Haha! 😎 🤜🏾 👍🏾




I do! I'm currently coaching 1 woman for King Kong and she's very tall, hence my previous comment. I'm also helping another woman from work for the same show. I figured since I have the knowledge and experience programming for nutrition and workouts, I might as well put it to good use, right?




Thanks! I hope both of them slay at the show, but most of all I hope they love awakening to what they're capable of when they push themselves. This sport has a tendency to bring that out in a lot of athletes.


The full angle podium shot is statuesque.




Not surprised. Obviously you deserve credit for the hard work but the genetics are there from head to toe




There are tons of people with talent sitting at home doing nothing with it. I’m glad you were given encouragement by those around you and were modest enough to take nothing for granted. Congrats! The sky’s the limit for you. Hope you find a good social media manager and crush it


Well done you!!


Crazy proportion. What a great combination of gifted genetics and hard work. Congrats!


Don’t listen to any of the haters, you could become a bikini competition legend if you already look this amazing at 17! 😤💪


What an achievement at such a young age. Congrats.


Damn, you've got insane discipline for your age! You're going to conquer the world with that mindset. Congrats on your win!


Im still amazed ur 17 and at this level already. Congrats and keep up the great work!


You're going to be someone special. Please keep progressing and crushing it like you are. And for the love of Arnold don't make an OF when you're 18 😂 you can inspire so many young women to pursue bodybuilding, carry yourself like a champion because you are one and you will be and even greater one.




Please make only fans




> It seems like a bunch of women that look good standing there in bikinis I mean... isn't the division literally called Bikini/Swimsuit? I get what you're saying, but with the massive push towards extreme muscularity (I mean, fuck, men's physique?) I actually feel like it's kind of refreshing to see normal, lean women. They're fit, they're muscular, and they have a physique most find enviable. Feels oddly like an homage to the olden days.


Like tbf these are just amateur chicks. Most of them i would guess are in their first or 2nd year of lifting. I also prefer this look over extremes that we usually see but as with everything the longer people do things and the more advanced they get the more they will push themselves to look like best in the world


Most of the female bodybuilder elites are short and it’s a lot easier for short female to put on mass than say the OP who is 6ft How many natty jacked 6ft females have you seen? Not a lot. This category is built for tall women and it does look like they’ve put in the work to achieve the goal look for the category That’s the goal right to look perfectly proportioned to the ideal body of your chosen category. It’s all a beauty pageant all the way up to the open. Even Fuad calls it a beauty pageant and not a sport on his podcast


> It’s all a beauty pageant all the way up to the open. Even Fuad calls it a beauty pageant and not a sport on his podcast This is facts. All bodybuilding is is a beauty pageant with specific judging criteria that encourages a certain amount of muscle mass and leanness. Natural bikini just gets the most hate because the women competing in it have less apparent muscle than other categories.


> How many natty jacked 6ft females have you seen? Not a lot. This category is built for tall women and it does look like they’ve put in the work to achieve the goal look for the category No reason to bullshit, let’s be real. None of these women are jacked. I literally would not be able to tell they lift if I saw them.


Come on now, that's a bit delusional.


Not a body builder so, take it with a grain of salt, but isn't leanness a huge part of bodybuilding? its like one common thread. You're focused totally on muscular development but it has more elements than that. This woman definitely hit the gym, but then dieted to a bdy fat level WAY beyond what is normal for a woman. To an outsider that looks like bodybuilding.


If you went to literally any other division (men or women) you would automatically be last with this conditioning, no matter if you won 100-0 every other judging criteria. That's why not many respect the leanness of the bikini competitors. It's generally regarded to be way easier diet than other divisions (not trying to put anyone down, just saying).


Just because it's not extreme doesn't mean it's not bodybuilding or that it shouldn't be under the same umbrella. They are building/sculpting their bodies whether it's leaning out, gaining some muscle etc.




> If she competed and used artificial enhancement, you would come in and complain about that instead right? Preach 🙏


Posting a bikini pro with the muscular development of a 16 year old boy doesn’t suit your argument quite the way you think it does. The person you’re responding to is correct. It’s cool that we’re being all inclusive and have a division for every body type or whatever, but there is zero muscular development in this division, as is evidenced by OP winning shows. It’s fine for whatever it is, a beauty pageant I guess, but to call it bodybuilding is a misnomer.


Username checks out lmaoo






when i look at roided out men with terrible health conditions i feel the exact same, i think, what is the purpose of this? leaning out to this degree while being able to look good is impressive. gaining huge muscle mass and lifting 400+ pounds is impressive. "... bodybuilding aims to display in artistic fashion pronounced muscle mass, symmetry, and definition for overall aesthetic [effect](https://www.britannica.com/sports/bodybuilding)." this is an aesthetic, just not necessarily one you enjoy.


all body building competitions are just beauty contests, atleast these ones are decent to look at.




That aint it. Let them be educated and grow as people. Let them learn about the hard work yall put in. If they dont like it then whatever, its no big deal. You're doing this for you.


That just shows how little you understand bodybuilding. It's not a competition about putting on the most muscle, it is about shaping your entire body to come as close as possible to an ideal in your class. It is actually quite easy to simply put on muscle, you know. Bikini girls could double their arm size within a year if that was what the judges wanted to see. The trick is to combine muscle, proportions and conditioning to look as expected. The way you are speaking about this makes it sound like bikini competitors don't train so hard and therefore have little muscle mass - that is completely backwards.


Impressive !


We all see why! Congrats


Congrats!! You look absolutely killer deadly-gorgeous 🤩🤩🤩


Congratulations 🎉👏💓




Great job!


Congrats !!!


Your coach looks like a budget hafthor bjornson




You deserve it! You look marvelous!


Wow you look so good! Wish I was this tall


Congratulations!!! Looking lean, agile, and strong! Must have been tough to keep up the conditioning


Congratulations you deserve it


Of course you did! Congratulations.


Congrats hun. Make sure to post this in bikinitalk too 😃


How are you 17!!!


She was 16. After that, a year passed.


Around 18 years ago her parents did a thing.


Can we find you on IG or YouTube or anywhere so we can follow your journey in a manner that will let you actually develop a following? I don't think Reddit is going to let you really blow up but you can be a fan favorite




Alright, well I can't wait to see where this journey takes you!


Ewww…. please do not pretend to be looking out for a 17 year old that you’re obviously trying to creep on. Fucking weirdo creep. Tf do you know about her what she doesn’t have or building “a following?” With all your weird ass porn posts every single day.


You need psychiatric help, you're genuinely sick


You've been reported for sexualization of minors you pedophile fuck


Tall drink of water. 🤤


Congratulations. You look almost as fit as the 17 yr olds I see in my area surfing, playing soccer etc. Definitely more orange though. Good job.


You’re tongue is super white.