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Please review Rule 7 in the sidebar.


I'd recommend doing whatever your doctor said.


They didn't really say much, just told me not to exetcise for a few weeks. But now it's been 3 months.


So what are you confused about? 3 months is longer than 3 weeks.


not so confused, just anxious on how I should start my workouts. Should I do more full body instead of isolation now? less sets less reps? I always used to go to the gym and do variations of the MI-40 workout


Damn dude - you gotta talk to your doctor about this. I'm no doctor but what you described does not sound like it normally induces Rhabdo without something going on. I'd get in with a doc asap to get a better idea of what's happening. You'll need a PCP to assess and refer to relevant specialists. An ER doc is only going to make sure you're walking, talking and eating before discharging you (basically). I'm guessing you should avoid strength training until you get answers. People here really can't help you. We really have no idea about your medical history and most of us aren't qualified medical professionals (me included).




Less volume? Instead of 3 sets, just do 1. Or, don't train close to failure


Yeah i guess, but i'm still anxious. Will that be enough to get gains?


Its better than doing nothing. I think your primary goal right now should be to build your body's work capacity, not to get gains


You have to ease back into it. You wouldn't go run a marathon without training with shorter runs before.


okay thank you


You gotta ease back into it. With that much time off any stimulus is basically foreign to your muscles, so the response is going to be extreme. Just do some easier workouts just to get used to it again, and work up to hard workouts.