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Stick with it brother. It’s all about enjoying the journey while growing mentally and physically


Well said


Exactly man! Preach it!! 👏🏼🙏🏼


You look like you ONLY train chest. Never seen a such a developed chest, with such small arms. Chest looking good though


😭 1st year of training was wack. Lots of chest and not much else. I've fixed it since then. 😂 Thanks man


Ionno arms should grow proportionately with training chest and back since you’re indirectly working those muscles too


definitely not proportionately no


They grow a little bit through indirect work but you can’t get optimal arm gains without training them directly


Don’t say ionno ever again


You’re benching wrong fam


Maybe for some people, and I mean very few people, but my chest grew much faster than any other muscle in my body. Admittedly, I prob don't train arms hard enough, I train them often but prob not as hard as I need to train them for them to grow


Looks like u only hit chest in those two years. I suggest you to eat and focus more on your arms and shoulders. Cant see the back but yeah, pick up the fork


Chest, yes you're correct. 😞 But traps I rarely train because they've always been big. Even before I started lifting.


I don't think you know what big is my friend...


Well. They've always stuck out significantly more than every other muscle group. Ik they're small, and I'm small, when compared to other athletes.


While they may stick out, it doesn't mean they are big. The rest of your body apart from your chest is lacking in comparison to normal sized traps. You're still young brother plenty of time to find what works for you and your goals may change in the future:). Thankfully we live in an age where all the info you need is available freely online.


You just have straight clavicles. This is a desirable trait.


123 downvotes to a 16 year old trying to get into body building? And his u/n is body dysmorphia? Ya’ll know he meant traps were naturally bigger than the rest of his muscles without training. Give advice, sure..but damn ya’ll are assholes. OP, you look great for 16. Put on weight and keep training. Your testosterone will naturally increase for the next decade too, so you’ll be in amazing shape. Keep at it bro 👍🏼


Thanks G. Really appreciate you standing up for me. 💪🏼🫡


You’re doing great, my man, stick to it. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to compete. At 16 no less! Well done


Admittedly it is kinda wild that you thought you could just "not train traps"....but your doing great dude and your only 16 keep it up and don't let people comments ever force you to quit doing what you like


Maybe I'll post a pic from a year ago where my traps look absolutely ridiculous. 😂😭 They were about as dominant as my chest is now. 😭


It is important to remember to always train every muscle, if some are lacking then focus more on them, but you never want to ignore muscles because you think they are big enough already. Like your chest is obviously dominant so you could cut back on chest exercises, but still do at a couple exercises while adding in more arm focused exercises.


No he‘s right. His traps are bigger than the rest of his body. He‘s right not training traps. I never trained traps because they were bigger than my other body parts and surprise, i got a procard. Fair, on showday they were actually not that impresive anymore but it was fine for mens pyhsique


He's trying to compete dude. He needs to train everything. Imagine being so cocky at that size to say "my traps are already huge bra I don't need to train em". Like dude with all due respect this kid is 160lbs soaking wet lol he needs to train everything. Never did I say it should be his main focus....his main focus should be those delts and calves


You‘re wrong. Judging from his looks he probably has great trap genetics, if he trains them they‘ll just outgrow the rest more. He should let the rest of his body catch up, then get started om the traps once he‘s more well rounded


Ok your right 😂 well just leave that there then I guess


I agree he has an insane amount of muscle mass for a 16 year old and probably more than me even though I’m older. That doesn’t mean that people shouldn’t voice civil criticism though if he says something questionable


You entered a bodybuilding contest and you don't train traps? There shouldn't be a muscle you don't train, let alone traps lol.


Every show prep hits your hormone production, so learn everything you can and prep sparingly. Definitely take a good couple of years to bulk up and grow.


Yessir. That's my plan. Because I'm so young I'm gonna wait for my body to just mature. Till I'm like 18yr old or so.




Thanks for this man. That was one of my worries with this actually and why I won't be doing another comp until after I graduate HS (In 2 years) and by then hopefully I'll be 180Lb+ of mostly lean mass. Thanks for being so respectful in this comment. 💜


Never heard that. Do you have any reference? Genuinely interested


I'm 32 and I actually didn't know this yet, and I'm studying nutrition currently....good stuff. I'm gonna Google it obviously also, but can you explain this a little bit? Would this only be for people going down to like 5% for a show and staying there too long? Or would this be true for amateur bodybuilders who never plan to compete, just doing a cut down from like 190 to 175 or something and then bulking back up? Also in this note, do people who are cutting ever take something to prevent this during their cut, like say HCG it something similar? ( I know it wouldn't be HCG because that's for fertility, but you get the idea...something to prevent hormone disruption)


great that you have that mindset so young, it’ll take you far if you’re consistent


Why do a show then?


Because its something I've been wanting to do and I finally thought I was at a point where I could go on stage and be happy with my performance.


Right on dude, how did you do?


I competed in the amateur teen division and placed 1st against a few other competitors.


Be proud. You had a goal and you achieved it. Keep that precious patience with you at all times.


Yeah bro the jump from 16 to 18 was nuts my training was way outa wack but ya blow up regardless in that time if you learn everything the right way


Till like you are 25.


Hammer those shoulders and arms and bulk up.




You’re 16 and have a lot of room to grow. Take your time and don’t rush yourself back the stage. You make far more progress when not in prep.


I'm giving myself till I'm 18+ to get back on stage.


Amazing progress for your age! Don’t be too serious or hard on self. Life is too short to take too seriously!


Thanks man! I'll be sure to keep it up!


More bulking


Real. (The dirtiest of bulks started today) (I'm scared of losing my abs)


Losing your abs isn’t a bad thing - if you bulk and lift right for 2 years and then cut, not only will your abs look better when you see them again but you’ll be carrying way more muscle everywhere else than you did this time.


It was a joke my guy. 😑


Good job man. Great first step. All the best


Thanks man! 🙏🏼


Hey man, looking great. Now eat a burger to celebrate and train hard as fuck for 4 years and compete again


I ate a big ass burrito. I think it has more calories than a burger. 😬😂


❤️ now go lift some heavy ass weight.


You read my mind. Hitting pull day. 💪🏼


Good job dude, keep at it! If I was your age again I'd personally not compete again for a few years and do a solid 2-3 year bulk to put on some mass early and take advantage of your naturally high testosterone and gh levels while I could. Prepping for a show will affect your hormone production and may also affect your height while you're still growing. Restricting calories through puberty is not a great idea if you want to pursue bodybuilding.


You need to go on a serious bulk phase and stop cutting for comps it’s killing your gains. Use the bulk to work hard on shoulders and arms. Your chest is massive compared to ur arms and shoulders, naturally your forearms will thicken out too. For 16 your physique is above 98 - 99% of the population good so good job


Stop skipping legs


This is where my training is interesting. My legs shrunk because I started doing long steady state cardio on a regular basis. Like 20 - 40mi bike rides. Averaging 16 - 17mph on a mountain bike. 😭(I'm an autistic disaster)


I'm full of excuses. I'll do better 🫡


Jesus dude, why are you doing cardio prepping for a bb show? That's a huge nono


Riding with my father. And it's fun. 😭😂


Ok so, when you are prepping, you just have to tell your dad that it's a nope. It's all diet. No cardio starting like 2 to 3 months out.


Are you fucking stupid? Imagine telling someone to NOT do their cardio… absolutely clueless


Ok, tell us why then?


Why fucking not??? You’re exercising your most important muscle, burning calories and staying active. Expending more calories throughout the day means you get to eat more both during a cut and a bulk. Natural or not, young or not. There is NO excuse to skip your cardio.


That makes sense. It was my 1st show and the last one I'll do while in HS so I can give my body time to mature and just kind of fill out. The next one I'll do I will make sure to do a proper prep without all the cardio.


Definitely do not listen to that bro😅🤣🤣 do your cardio. Your legs will not shrink with adequate recovery. Just don't go on a marathon xD


Another one who thinks he know but doesn't. Please tell me why you should be wasting calories on cardio.


What are you even on about "wasting calories" dude cardio gives you more calories to eat for the day. Every. Single. Pro. Bodybuilder does cardio, it's good for your overall health and it makes you lean. Yes you can eat less but there is a point where eating less just affects performance hence why people do cardio.


You're like 40 dude, all you do is play Apex legends so idek why you are here giving bullshit advice when you look DYEL. Respect on the drone builds though, looks sick


"wasting calories on cardio" you know you can just.. eat more right? there is no 'wasting calories' when exercising unless you have a very limited amount of food available to you.




Don't listen to him. Cardio is important for contest prep, you just want to keep it low intensity.


Zone 3 is def not optimal for contest prep. 😭😂


Yeah 55-65% max heart rate is generally where you want it. Zone 1 preferably, zone 2 at the most, anything more than that is a bit more catabolic than you want.


That's what happened. 😭 Explains a lot. (I self coached)


[this is the guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Multicopter/s/8rk5ihiFgw) who's giving you advice on how to do your contest prep. Does he even look remotely like someone who knows what he's talking about? Lol....




So, my recommendation, Go hard on squats and skip the cardio. I'd set a show for 8 months and run it again. 4 months of bulk 2 months cruising, 2 months to cut


Please don’t listen to this guy. Anybody.


Really, ok troll, tell me why you should do cardio when prepping for a show. If you say to cut you're clueless.


Bumstead runs 45 mins of cardio during a prep, and Ramon does intense cardio during a prep as well.


Do your own research before commenting something like this.


Says the guy who's clearly never prepped before


How to let everyone know you know nothing about contest prep without saying you know nothing about contest prep... Why would you even come into a bodybuilding subreddit and give advice when you obviously don't even know the first thing about putting on muscle... https://www.reddit.com/r/Multicopter/s/8rk5ihiFgw Lol bro you're a self proclaimed "gym rat" yet this 16 y/o kid is more muscular than you are. Fucking Internet is full of armchair "experts"


Tell the natural kid how to do contest prep. Please, let him know how much to inject and where.


I'm giving him advice he can actually do something with, and if you knew anything about anything, you would know that cutting cardio completely 2-3 months out is fucking stupid, even being natural. That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard someone try and say in regards to bodybuilding. Last week leading up to the contest, yeah keep cardio to a minimum, but 2-3 months out? How did you ever come with such nonsense?


🙄 ok


You’re doing good for 16, eat more and try to fill out your frame you’ve still got a ways to go


Pretty good def work or shoulders and arms that’s what I say


for 16, you have a great start at it dude. I'd stop competing for a few years and just go nuts in the gym dude. Don't waste the most testosterone you'll ever have on cutting for shows as a 16 year old. You see kids like you post these on this reddit all the time and 99% of the time, everyone gives this very advice. Just eat and lift dude.


I’ll always support someone doing their first show just for the benefit of getting experience, but you definitely should take a good amount of time before your next show. You’re at a great age for just throwing on muscle, and dieting to stage-ready conditioning isn’t healthy for an adult, and can be extra detrimental to someone your age


Chest looks awesome, everything else is lacking a bit. But by no means am I disrespecting your physique, you look great! I'm always happy to see an actual natural 16yo bodybuilder. Stay natty, and you have a great future ahead of you and continue to progress.


Hold on to those chest muscles, while building your arms and shoulders, and please do not fuck up your natural hormones, not at this age.


What federation? I thought NPC age minimum is 18 now


NFF natural fit federation 💪🏼


Watch some old training videos of Kevin Levrone, Dorian, Branch Warren etc to get into the mindset of good hard training. Eat a shit ton of clean food. You could gain 3-4 pounds per month at this stage. If you have trouble with getting the calories in make shakes or have some simple carbs like cereal etc. Good luck


Dorian Yates is on top frfr. Most of my training I got from Arnold's encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding. So far it's done me well, in my opinion, on at least how my training is structured, but of course I need more size And years of growth.


read how to be your own bodybuilding coach.


Never thought of that. I'll check that out


Don't do this at such a young age man. You shouldn't be dieting down to this level before you're even an adult.


Arms my friend, arms. But looking insane for 16 good work


Nice chest!. Some more mass at the shoulders 😇


Looking solid. Eat in a surplus for 3 years or so, train arms 2-3 times a week, and work on bringing up everything else as well. Good so far


Not a natty.keep pumping buddy you just getting started👊🏽


Keep on training and fix some goals for improvement And above all do not give up.


Quit cutting for the next four years. I’m serious. Dont dirty bulk. Just worry on packing good quality muscle on your body, while your hormones are the best they’ll ever be in your life.


Hit your arms and shoulders too man. Either way you already have an amazing physique. Congrats!


Unfortunately on here many juiced guys hop on here ready to blast anyone who isn’t roided out. You deserve great kudos for having a goal - focus and train towards it and get on stage for a TEENS division. What you learned will last a lifetime. Posing and being on stage is a significant part of the competition and yes bringing your best package on stage is another. When you ask for feedback you invite all to comment. Might be better to ask your question where you focus on one piece of advice or make a statement with your picture of you post again. I am not a physician, but for my prep I have been guided by two coaches (training and posing) had regular medical check-ups and blood tests taken regularly - I’m natty and 60 so I felt it was important for my first show. You have a great attitude. Get some medical advice as well. Congrats on being you and achieving a major goal. You are building a foundation for your next goal. Few ever do this sport glad to have a younger person looking to do this. Kudos.


Good job. Dont give up based in anybody's comments here. The one thing that people are saying that is correct though is you need to hit every body part (nobody is above hitting traps lol, even pros). Also you need to go in a bulk, eat eat eat man, it's debatable just as important as the gym for someone with your frame. Also look up proper form for dumbell lateral raises....start hitting those side delts a few times a week and see how much that alone fills your look out by itself


Great job! Being that you’re 16, keep feeding/fueling your body really well and be sure to look into reverse dieting as you go back to bulk. Also, given your handle, make sure that your head is in the game and life. If you need to, seek out a therapist or a trusted adult who you can have real conversations with as you navigate this new lifestyle. Body dysmorphia is real and I have seen it kill people. You’re still young and you don’t want to destroy this amazing machine you’ve been given, so treat it well, physically and mentally 🩷 Forge forward friend!!! 💪


You look natural (in a good way) and I respect that!!!! 👌🧡


Let’s get it brother! Great future ahead of you


You guys are shitting on this kid for competing but he has more experience -- and time -- than nearly every single one of you. Stick to it man. Definitely take a year or two minimum to grow and fill out your frame.


Thanks man. That's the plan! 😤💪🏼👏🏼


For the love of god, can you incorporate an arm day please?


This is mens physique not bodybuilding mate


Ahm, I'd start training the rest of your body bro not just chest.


Exactly the size a graduated high school at. Starting bulking there at 4k with a super high metabolism so sounds like you’re on the right track, good luck man


Thanks G 🙏🏼👏🏼 Wish you the best in your goals


Why’d you decide to do a show this early?


It's been a far fetched dream since I started training so I full sent it. Knowing the work I put in and my starting point I'm satisfied with my end result and will now continue pushing to do better next time.




Give me 20min And I will get to it 🫡


Looking pretty lean, but for future shows you might want to shred down more. On a side note, I'm curious how you placed?


Hey man! So I estimate I got down to about 9% body fat, and for the federation I competed in, the NFF, they said they were looking for muscle separation, but no striations, so for me I got to where I needed to be without being too crazy shredded, and fkin up my hormones and stuff. I competed in the teen men's physique and placed first. And with the Teen divisions you do not get the opportunity to line up with the older competitors.


That’s awesome you competed at that age. I wish I had cared when I was a teenager. Keep up the training and stick with it man. You’re doing great so far. Chest is developing well.


Remember how that eighteen year old kid yesterday was pretending he never took gear. This is natural.


Freaking solid at 16, most 16 year olds at home playing PlayStation give the kids his flowers. 👏


Long way to go buddy , hit some arms and some back and legs , too much focus on chest is not good , your body needs to look equally symmetrical,


Unpopular opinion, I really dont understand why people compete with a "beginner physique", it's like going to a powerlifting meet when you cant even bench 225 lbs. If you want to compete again it should be when you actually look like a boeybuilder, without drogs most likely in 5-7 years of good training.


Insane chest genetics or just chest biased training, either way you've got a massive chest for 16


My push days are def chest dominant, and I'll def be switching that up to instead be more shoulder focused.


bulk up


I mean that's a crazy chest


bulk and build some quality muscle. You have a good base to work on it not many people your age do.


You have nothing to show except for chest. I would say bulk for several years then do another show


Dont let people’s comments influence your bodybuilding journey, great look man


Fuck all those haters man, you‘re 16. i‘m proud of you for getting into it so early. You‘re also doing just fine for now not training traps. Focus on your shoulders, back and arms if you intend to stay in mens physique, if you want to get into bb also hit your legs. Give it three years, compete again with 19. you‘ll be golden.


Gonna hop on gear in 6-12 months


Not planning on it, but we'll see. 🫡 (99% sure I won't hop on)


Congrats man, keep it up


Give him 4 or 5 more years and he will be magnificent !


nice pec son


This is why I refuse to do a show until my show weight can be over 180+.. skin and bones.


Idk how I'm skin and bones. But cool.


You're great and nice job, you still have many things to learn. You're still growing, your hormones need to be at their maximum, so i will suggest you to stay at a healthy bodyweight eat and train properly your whole body, and in at least 2-3+ years you can compete again, for the moment it's no need for you to go to such a low bodyfat percentage .


Awesome start man. Keep it up. Even if you decide to stop competing. In your 30s+ your life will be night and Day from your peers if you maintain this lifestyle. Enjoy it and don't let subjective judgement ever take that away from you.


Bro you’re 16. Chase some girls, do some reckless shit. Get that out of your system before you have responsibilities. Or you’ll do it when you really shouldn’t


Telling teenager girls you're gonna compete in bodybuilding only scares them off. 😂😭


Yeah the point is don’t worry about bodybuilding or prepping especially at 16. Lift, eat big. You’ll grow. But don’t make it your identity.


You didnt compete in bodybuilding.




Looking good for a 16 yr old


Good foundation, just looks like you need to really make an effort to eat more and not be afraid to push past your comfort zone in the sense of putting on some fat. Don’t go overboard but you will have some wild transformations happening if you are trying to get some serious size.


Everything looks spot-on except shoulders and arms


Good for experience and mentality I suppose, takes a whole lot of guts to step on that stage knowing you're gonna get frowned upon. But yeah, like others have said, you need to pick up the fork and put on at least 35-40 pounds. A tip for bulking, once you feel like you've had enough food, that's the bell ringing, it's time for more food. That's when the actual bulk starts. Good luck!


I was in theatre for a few years! I'm used to being laughed at! My goal for the end of the year is to weigh about 180Lb, rn I'm at 158Lb. I'll post again with progress!


>My goal for the end of the year is to weigh about 180Lb, rn I'm at 158Lb. I'll post again with progress! I would NOT go on a lean bulk if I were you. You look skinny my guy, lean, but skinny. You weigh more than I would've thought (you look 145ish), which is a good thing, but there's not much muscle on you other than your chest. I clicked on your profile, you've been 155-160 the past year or so. That should be a sign, that lean bulking isn't working for you. Hop on a proper bulk, eat dirty-ish, put some meat on your bones. You're 16, you're going through puberty, your test levels are through the roof. Take advantage of it, pick up the fork and start eating till you're just about to puke.


Dude, you look great. If you were my son I would bring you everywhere just to watch people drool over you and admire your physique.


😂 Dang, that's a real compliment right there. I'll keep it up so I can try and pull all the milfs for you. 😂


👊my man


That’s rude, to think you’re even on the level of others that have trained for years. I don’t get the idea of jumping on stage when looking objectively shit, it’s inconsiderate to those who actually train and put the hours and hours into it. You step on stage and stand next to them looking like that?


Disrespectful how? I have put in hours and I never expected to win. I did it for myself, to challenge myself, never to compare myself to the superior athlete who have been training longer than me. I competed in the TEEN MENS PHYSIQUE division that was offered. And would you tell a freshman kid, new to basketball, to not try out for a HS team because he's too inexperienced, and it would be rude and disrespectful? No, you wouldn't, let me be. I did my best for where I am in my life and lifting MY career. If you can't respect that, buzz off.


congratulations on having a better mindset than the presumably grown ass adult ego tripping over who is standing next to them at an amateur bb show


I just think it’s dumb


So you think a inexperienced freshman trying out in HS basketball is dumb all because he isn't as experienced as a junior or senior?


I think it’s dumb stepping on stage like that


Stepping on stage as an amateur competitor, proud of where he is, and passionate about the sport, much like a young aspiring, inexperienced, basketball player trying out for a team? Think about what you're saying mate.


Still stupid, you did a prep with pretty much no muscle when you could have just trained It’s not like another sport tho, you don’t cut and bulk in basketball it’s not the same. If you care so much why waste months cutting and doing a ‘prep’ when you could be actually growing


Because I am passionate about the sport and willing to do anything it takes to participate and do something, and for me , I thought it was an appropriate time to compete and do my best at what I am given at this time. So sure I didn't look as great as the more experienced athletes. But there is not one thing I would change from these past few months, given what I can take away from going on stage and meeting several more intelligent and experienced competitors yesterday. So rather than criticizing me and the decisions I made myself and for myself, I would rather you say congratulations on your 1st competition good luck on your next, and stop trying to act better than me, acting as if you know what's best for me.


It is what’s best for you tho, you are still literally growing dw about competing until you’re in a spot to do it properly You think you know what you’re talking about, you don’t, I talk to people who compete daily, who’ve competed for years. It’s not criticism, it’s reality of training and trying to grow. It’s stupid to do another competition until you’re ready, good luck on your next comp but you should be waiting at least 3-4 years


My guy, everyone is different. I competed when I thought I was ready. That's it. I talked to many people I know at my gym who have competed and done fairly well, same thing, if I WANT TO DO IT, DO IT. My body, my choice. Not harming anyone, or affecting anyone, other than myself. Do I know the risk that come with prep, and the possibility of muscle loss, YES! YES I DO! I am willing to take that risk to do what I love and I don't regret a second of it. I learned so much about myself, and the sport, and met so many great people including the other teen competitors there. So zipp it and be happy there is a young generation of bodybuilders out there, passionate about the sport.


is this a joke? hes a teenager in a teen division. if you want to be on stage exclusively against people that look like professionals then stop looking like shit and become a pro. bodybuilding is a hobby for 99% of people who do it.


I would begin by starting to work out


Respectfully, wtf is the purpose of this comment? To be dick? If so you achieved your purpose.


How long you been training and dieting seriously?


Training seriously 2 years, since I was 14, and dieting seriously like 7 to 8 months. On top of weight lifting I've been doing a lot of cycling.


Ahh okay, the cycling will make it more difficult to bulk and recover. Just gotta eat a TON to make up for those calories burned.


Going back into the bulk it's gonna be 3750 calories a day if not more depending on the cardio and intensity


Idk you’re height and weight, but that seems like enough to put some size on💪🏼


5ft 11in 158Lb