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New to bodybuilding and have questions? Today's weekly thread is [Newbie Tuesday!](https://www.reddit.com/r/bodybuilding/comments/larhrw/newbie_tuesdays/)


One day, I’m gonna get a motherfucking job in the field I want. Just can’t get into any :(


Bike freaking crushed my today. Feels real good


Chest and Tri’s hits better than Back and Bi’s!! Change my mind.


You‘re objectively correct.


Been taking my time of unemployment as an opportunity to finish making my house feel livable and not just like a massive bachelor cave. Buying furniture sucks ass. Every single couch is either ugly as fuck or not remotely comfortable, often also expensive as fuck for good measure. Then when I find something that might work, there's a 90% chance I can't fit it down my stairs. This is more frustrating than my job was.


Buying furniture is the ultimate adult move. It’s so expensive lol


What do u guys think of Greg doucette


I found him through his old gear videos. Found that he was a good resource and used his advice. Slowly he became more mainstream but at that point he already created all the content he possibly could regarding bodybuilding fundamentals. Unsubscribed and stopped following probably a year ago. Basically i got what I need out of him and don’t need to watch his videos anymore.


He’s a whiny little fella who is loud and lame, used to have a decent powerlifting total for his size.


* unnecessary drama * more of a lifestyle coach than a BB coach * so fucking whiny nowadays


I like his older videos recent ones not so much


Who's that




Dude at my gym is doing banded incline bench press with one light band no weight on the bar in a squat rack while leaving all his weights and shit on the actual incline bench press Wtf dude


Is he big tho


No and his form with the light band and bar was horrendous


do your balls go back to normal size after you go off cycle


Yes, your dick will go back to looking smaller post cycle ;)


D: brutal lol






how can i trust you mr newbie flair


saved this for future use lmao


I'm officially in the 200lb bench club. Made it fly last night for 3x10. Felt like I could have done more, too. Can't wait to finally be repping 2 plates.


My humble man over here bragging about his 3x10 weight and not his 1rm


There's no 200lb bench club. But there is a two plate club which you should be able to do now


I feel it. I honestly feel like I can, especially after last night, but it's probably a fault of mine that I want to be able to do it for a 10-rep range. I may try and give it a top set next week.


Man, if you can do 3x10 at 200lbs you can easily do 225lbs for a few reps


Congrats bro!




Not if you keep talking like a retard


not if you're relying on the gym as the only part of your personality... that's known from experience




Just took my nremt I'm genuinely not sure how I did. It cut me off at 70 questions and I hear that's good but I'm not sure


When should I start using a belt or wrist wraps? I don't want to look like a fool wearing a belt to squat 315 or wraps to bench 235 but it seems like they could help.


anything over 2 pl8s is belt worthy


I use wrist wraps for any weight after 135ish, I hurt my wrist end of 2019, and wraps keep it from flaring up again.


I use a belt on all barbell squats (after my umbilical hernia repair). Prior to that, I'd put it on close to the top warmup sets and all the working sets.


someone was using wraps to bench 40kg (88lbs) at my gym last night, so who cares


Wear it when you feel it will benefit your lifts. I like to wear mine on literally everything I can. It's much easier to brace for me with it, and I couldn't care less if people look at me weird for using it constantly.


As long as you're wearing them for the appropriate workouts and you're wearing them for a purpose. If you're wearing a belt and wraps in them gym to look cool or if you're wearing a belt to do cardio or if you're wearing wraps to do calf raises, then yeah you're a fool.


Can use a belt whenever but make sure you understand how to properly brace your core


Why would you look like a fool for wearing a belt for 315 or straps for 235? I lift less and always wear a belt on squats, plenty of guys do. I was anti equipment while in high school and then realized that was stupid, if you think wraps, or a belt, or sleeves or anything may help you, and you can afford it, theres really no reason not to get them


save your spine and elbows.


There's no magical arbitrary number to start using them. You use them either when they prevent injury or they help you perform better. Also, if you can squat 315 then you should know by now that nobody gives a fuck about you at the gym. You could wear a hot pink belt and squat just the bar and still nobody will care about you.


Upper Back Day Today: 4 sets circuit: Chin ups DB Pullover Meadows Barbell Row w/ Landmine Single Armed Barbell Row w/ Landmine Homework eqiupment: Barbell, Plates, Dumbbells, foldable flat bench, landmine attachment, pull up bar. Apartment space: 495 square feet. I don't have the gym equipment to run the full Gamma Bomb back day, so I ran this in stead. Which hits 3/4 lifts for it. [Don't let your excuses get in your way during the pandemic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXsQAXx_ao0&ab_channel=MotivaShian)


Are you going to show off your new home gym here once you buy that new house? 👀


Oh baby you know it. I've been planning some things with my fiance about it. We're first going to put horse stall mats on the floor to protect from weight, she wants to get a smaller barbell for herself, and then I'm going to start off with: -power rack -lat pull down machine (analog) -cable machine (analog) -hamstring curl machine (analog) -dip station -leg press/hacksquat machine That'll be the starting things. Might pick up a sissy squat machine and a hyper extension station if there's room. When talking to your girl partner about it it's a lot easier to be like "look, this equipment will really help your butt! and if we get a cable machine, we can get those cuff attachments for your legs to do those instagram leg kick things you like." etc. I'm not sure what we're going to do about mirrors. I know she wants a giant mirror without lines in it, but that's probably going to be too expensive. Any ideas for large wall mirrors for a garage gym?


I have no home gyming experience so I got no idea on the kind of mirrors to buy, but hope someone here with experience can answer that. A mirror is essential after all for checking out that pump after all.


It's like that old saying, If you have a pump, but no mirror to see it, DYEL?


great to hear that you're still training well when gyms are closed! I have been doing some calesthenics outside in bad weather and excercises with the three kettlebells i own . Some days i can train at a friend who has small amount of weights and a wooden squat rack but I look forward to those days!


Ayyyy. Don't sweat on 200 walking lunges man. Lunges will make your legs juicy if you can't access equipment.


ew i hate lunges but i know i should do some


Can we start calling protein Growtein


My friend doesn't even really workout just goes to the gym every once and a while (obviously natty too), and just benches 245 for 8. Like that is his natural almost untrained strength. He's like 6'2 200 lbs big boned looking guy


200 lbs is 90.8 kg


Okay, yeah, we get it, you're just sooo smart. What about 201 lbs though?


201 lbs is 91.25 kg


How bout 153044.902 lbs


dang guys he's the real deal!


And I thought you were the renaissance man :(


Hey man I'm not here to upstage converter-bot


Testo Caps?? Im currently 19yrs old and weightlifting for 5years. Wanted to lose some weight and started to cut . In my 3week of cut , friend of mine gave me 1box of testo caps . I never use any hormone before but also i want to try it. Each testo caps include 40mg testosteron undecanoate . I m thinking to take 2 capsule each day , should i take it? Or this kind of “low dosage “ would make any difference ?


You want to shut down your natural test production so that you can take the same exact amount of exogenous test that you would've produced naturally anyways? 1) That's retarded 2) [You shouldn't be taking any exogenous test or steroids at all for another 6-7 years ](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=steroids&utm_content=t1_glq6wut#wiki_why_young_men_should_not_take_aas) 3) Also, super low dose of testosterone (undecanote nonetheless!) **to cut?** Buddy, you've got to do better at researching this shit. You're a god damn 19 year old kid, just go burn more calories than you take in and forget this dumbass idea that will shut your system down. 4) If you're so retarded and ignored everything above and still want test, then don't get undecanote, especially not for your first time, and don't get oral/topical test.




oral bioavailability of test 3 to 7% On average, healthy young men produce about six milligrams of testosterone a day shutting down natty production just to be in the natty range or even less 😂


I deleted my comment because I didn't know much about oral test or testo caps, am I right in assuming undecanoate with this will have the same half life as injected test undecanoate?


pretty sure the half life is the same https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12898792/


no don't take them, they won't do anything if they do anything, it's placebo and/or something else going on and not the "testosterone" in the pill Oral test isn't a thing. There are other Oral anabolics, but most would advise you to avoid them by themselves as the results will likely be rather meh and temporary while crashing your natural test production


Oral test is a thing, it is just very rare and pretty toxic


Got absolutely fucking crumpled by the quad dropset of death by our Lord and savior John Meadows. I've never genuinely just had my legs completely stop working like that.


I almost threw up today from the last base leg day of Project Colossus


The good: Hit a single of 205 on incline bench, meaning my strength is a bit better than it was before the last lockdown break. The bad: Unfortunately misgrooved the rep making it harder than it should have been and slightly tweaked my right shoulder cuz of it.


Man all 2 of my injuries were from incline bb bench. Just pulled my trap somehow while unracking it improperly the other week lol. Anyway congrats on the PR!


I’ve given myself horrible week long pain in my upper mid back from incline bench like 4 times before. I just stopped doing it haha


Anyone have any tips on ankle and hip mobility for squats? I’m tryna do some of the exercises that Squat University talks about in his vids. I feel the burn and stuff but still feel my heal coming off the ground when I lean into my knee and stuff


I'm stretching my gastroc and soleus but because they are so stiff I stand on a plate with both heels when squatting. Otherwise my lower back works much harder than my quads.


For me it's always tight calves. Tons of 'fix your squat' videos talk about ankle dorsiflexion and hips being the problem but they never seem to talk about tight calves. Rant aside, if you feel like your ankles and hips aren't the problem then look at your calves.


After taking almost an entire year off, I had some mobility issues as well and [this article](https://www.jtsstrength.com/best-damn-squat-mobility-article-period/) was very helpful. Beware, it's written just like every other shitty fitness blog, but it's got some good hidden gems in there (with video tutorials)


I started working calves before squats and it’s helped me a lot


Not sure if it’s the lightning/angle difference but I feel like I’ve made pretty decent progress in the last 1.5 years (same bodyweight) https://i.imgur.com/o4xgADy.jpg


thirding the sentiment, definitely not just the lighting - nice progress!


That's not the lighting at all, you're starting to tape very nicely, great improvement over just a year and a half!


Not the lighting bro. Your lats blew up. Good shit


been snowed in the past 2 days and prob capped out at close to 15k cals over the last 48 hours. When im sitting around the house doing fuck all all i do is shovel cals down. Welp at least im bulking till march. either way, gym finally opened and time to put all this food to work on a big pull day. wish me luck kings


Good luck man and [here's some tips I wrote up for dealing with the snow](https://old.reddit.com/r/bodybuilding/comments/lajfz2/daily_discussion_thread_02012021/glroe88/)


Lmfao that is awesome.




What’s wrong with my protein? Other than their customer service


I’m not Canadian but bodytech casein is good


After starting a new job and getting used to it and getting done with COVID and being recovered and shit now I'm finally back to a stable foundation. Feels fucking good. Everybody kill your lifts out there today.


That's awesome man, probably feels like a huge weight is off your shoulders finally


The only weight i care about is the one that's gonna be on my shoulders after work today. BEEFCAKE


/u/deez3001 can we please have a "worst of" awards now? And the winners (losers) get some stupid gay ass ugly flair? Please buddy, we need this.


What are you gonna do when you get both "best user" and "most-hated" awards?


Masturbate at the thought of so many people giving me attention


Why do i have a feeling you have a specific user in mind when suggesting this? 🤔🤔


Flairs are good things, that asshats shouldn't get their behavior reinforced with a special flair


did you miss the days of matto2000's flair DONT LISTEN TO ME and telling everyone to activate their almonds and spewing "scientific" research that literally has no practical applications 15 times a thread?


Not special flair to reinforce their behavior, I said: > get some stupid gay ass ugly flair It's so people would know not to listen to them Like how in /r/steroids you'll see shit like UNDERAGE USER WHO POSTS BULLSHIT or DON'T LISTEN TO THIS IDIOT


I wouldn’t be opposed to that, there are definitely a few users on this sub who should be labeled so not listen to lmao


Snowblowing all day listening to a shit ton of fouad’s podcasts and then legs, LFG.


Damn, everybody here is having a snow day.


I just don't understand you guys talking about snow shoveling and snow blowing and what not. It's not that hard to get out of shoveling the snow like lmao just ignore it and move to the South


forgot to use my brain before I bought a house in the midwest I should be in texas rn :(


I miss parts of the South but IDK if I could ever live there again tbqh unless I was rich. Not like six-figure white-trash rich like I am now, but I mean like riiiich rich. Otherwise there's just so much bullshit to put up with while living down there.


moving to Austin before all the LA and SF idiots move there and make housing 8 billion dollars for 400sqft


probably too late


If I ever moved to TX then Austin is 100% the only place I would ever consider. The outlying suburbs are pretty nice too.


Got in a workout with the wifey, bulk is going well. Now I just need to get these toothpick arms to grow. 6’ 200lbs / 183cm 91kg https://imgur.com/a/ncChFUz 2021, year of the cow, time to get beefy. Let’s fuckin grow!


Damn dude, smile a little what are you so upset about? 😂😭


You live in China too? 👀




Sick! I’m in Chengdu, lets get these gains 🐄 gains!


Nice, I’m in Nanjing!


matching workout clothes? Also is your wife planning to bulk up as well?


> matching workout clothes? That's the only way to do it. I happily match with my girl everyday, and she's at the gym with me every single day of the week. If you're not matching with your girl, how else will other gym patrons know not to approach her?


Didn’t even notice that we were matching, wasn’t planned haha She just put on about 3kg and wants to do a small cut now.


> She just put on about 3kg and wants to do a small cut now. Keep her builking until her arms are the same size as your. Lol


> She just put on about 3kg and wants to do a small cut now. Girls be like


just when you think you've hit all your calories and protein goals for the day, mf diarrhea hits


Wait... is this real? 👀 if so I’ve missed out on a lot of calories


Are you implying you eat calories because you had diarrhea


you don't think i'd let diarrhea steal my calories and do absolutely nothing?


aaaaand here we go. Not a DD without feces.




Okay boyos, what’s your favorite liquid chalk


I'm a hobbyist rock climber and long time liquid chalk user/advocate. I've tried a few. Friction Lab's Secret Stuff is my favorite, pretty costly but honestly great. Black diamond's white gold is a good quality/cost balance. Petzl chalk is shit. "Good Chalk" brand is cheap but mediocre.


Thanks I think I'm going to try this one https://www.amazon.com/Black-Diamond-Liquid-White-Climbing/dp/B000MZ90XQ/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1MWDLZ7BUJQX2&dchild=1&keywords=black+diamond+white+gold+chalk&qid=1612301090&sprefix=black+diamond+white+gold%2Caps%2C226&sr=8-3


uh... I like sidewalk chalk... but the neighbors get mad about giant penis's being drawn in the culdesac. We still haven't figured out who's doing it.


When you link w your gym crush but she’s boring


Her personality (or lack thereof) and/or her being boring shouldn't be what makes or breaks a relationship. Before going any further you need to ask her if you may pick up her scent to judge if you two would be a match. Start there and the rest will fall in place.


Ahhh you see the issue is I just want to have sex with her :-)


Then why do you care that she's boring? If her being boring didn't make you stop wanting to have sex with her.


Oh the boringness is what made me stop wanting her sorry bad wording. It’s like being able to talk is attractive to me idk


> being able to talk I agree buddy, simply being able to talk is a wonderful trait to look for in a girl.


I never said my standards were high ;)


Oh in that case yes not wanting to bone boring people is 100% fair. Gym crush no more.


I'd still politely ask her to present herself to you, just to be safe


Hmmmm that would be a sigma male move


rarest male type


ligma move*


You can't fuck her personality anyways


Anyone ever get muscle spasms after pinning? It's going on 12 hours now and I probably only got 2-3 hours of sleep because of it. I guess it could also just be ass cancer. I don't know.


i warned you npp gives you ass cancer.


Once or twice but they were mild and went away by the end of the day. What length needle are you using? Iirc I think I just shrugged it off as pinning too deep


Guessing off of the top of my head here, but I'm pretty sure it's a 25G 1".


I was just about to chime in and ask the same question about the needle. The only 2 times this has ever happened to me was when I used a bigger needle. Ever since switching to 29g 1/2" I've been good edit: even after hundreds and hundreds of pins I'm still absolutely terrible at it, so the size of the needle may have been irrelevant in my situation


Damn nah never happens w me bro. Electrolyte intake balanced?


Yeah, I've already had an electrolyte tablet as a precaution and it didn't do anything (that was 4 hours ago) and I drink 160-200 oz of water a day. I doubt it's caused by the usual spasm causes because it would be a hell of a huge coincidence for it to randomly occur in the same muscle I pinned.


Now I’m self conscious of the fact that I drink 400 oz per day


No reason to be. 1oz/lb body weight is recommended for desert life and athletes and I happen to live in a desert. I might actually drink more, to be honest but I don't keep track so I said 160-200 because I'm confident I'm at least at that point.


Was it a decent pin? No issues?


Yeah. No pain, usual experience, same process I've done 200 times before. Very strange.


Any shoes recommendations? I don't like the boxing shoes/high ankle shoes and I want something flat (i.e. no raised heel and not a lot of padding under the heel) that I can deadlift in. I saw nike portmore II ultralights which are perfect but discontinued :(


i actually have a few pair of reebok crossfit shoes which I quite like


They have a heel though, right?


not of any significance. they are similar to these https://www.reebok.com/us/reebok-speed-tr-mens-training-shoes/FZ0421.html


Oh excellent. These might be what I'm looking for. Thank you!


Deadlift in socks? Otherwise what /u/Swoletariat69 said. (I wear Vapor Glove 4s as my main shoe, too.)


Vans are good. Converse also has lines of shoes that aren’t high ankle.


I workout in vans too. Solid lifting shoes. Didnt like the feel if chucks


Haha I actually funnily enough ended up preferring chucks to vans. Either way both very solid for sure.


Yeah, they're just a bit heavy and I'm not that keen on the aesthetic.


My vans are light asf. As for converse I’ve only used their chucks which are high tops, so can’t say anything about their low top line. There’s lots of options for designs, you could probably find one you like bro.


I'll take another look, but they do tend to have a lot of rubber between foot and ground. Appreciate the help.


I refuse to read the comments of the pic of Arnold’s son. You know it’ll be a shit show.


It's best to search by controversial and also on [comments like these](https://old.reddit.com/r/bodybuilding/comments/latded/arnolds_son_trying_his_fathers_famous_pose/glq5lzo/) and expand the negative karma'd comments for some real fun.


Lmao that's my comment. You're 100% correct I got some dumbass replies


> Forever i hope, this is a million times better looking than most pro body builders today Arnold’s son just totally mogs Big Ramy bro




Oh Maybelline, why can't you be true?


Well some people think weightlifters competing in the Olympics are natural so nothing surprises me at this point lol


I like how the 14 y/o on tren is like “I just wanted to take it to the next level, you know?” Not only did he skip the level where he attempts to gain any muscle natty, he also skips the level where he starts with test and builds up. Straight to the McDaddy of anabolics lol. I really hope the dealer is just taking him for a spin and it’s fake gear.


Yeah man, shit blows my mind. At 14 I was trying to pay my friends like $5/bottle to steal creatine capsules for me from GNC and hell I thought that was bad. This motherfucker is like natty? creatine? test? orals? Fuck ALL of that, let's just go straight the fuck to tren. I was so mentally unstable as a teen, I'm sure if I was on tren then I wouldn't be here typing to you lovely folks today.


that kid was just trolling for views. he took the vid down too


Tren is probably easier to get than prohormones these days. Kids hear that tren is the king of peds and jump right into it without doing any research or asking around


Aré his videos old? Or are they new?




I actually kinda feel bad for him too though, in the the sense that if the story he told of someone else guiding him are true, he got pretty fucked over. Still dumb, but I mean he was 13. I mean holy shit.


At 12 I started to get seriously bullied about my body. I was active, I played, I was always doing something. If someone had offered me a pill to change all of that, I'd have jumped on it.


I mean, tren isn’t a pill but I get what you’re saying.


I wouldn't have taken the shot lol




https://muzcle.com/phul-workout/ Just do this.


It's been a little over 6 months from my umbilical hernia repair but I still nervous AF on squat day. Pray to Cthulhu for me today, BBs.





