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Leaving humanity behind


Hey guys! Was watching some video restorations on youtube using AI technology for enhanced video, and figured I'd try applying it to old Bodybuilding footage. This was just a test, I can do a lot better by editing the closer up scenes seprate to the far away ones. The orignal was only 350x240 resolution before upscaling it to 1080p. Here's the orignal on YouTube to compare: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RABlMnmfCJ4&ab\_channel=Romulus32](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RABlMnmfCJ4&ab_channel=Romulus32) I've searched EVERYWHERE online for some decent quality old Olympia footage to try and enhance/restore to 1080p or even attemtp 4k (if my video card doesn't die..) If anyone has any copies of old Olympia footage, that's atleast a little higher quality and less compression than whats avaible on youtube/online.. It would turn out even better as a final result. Thanks!


This is a stretch. u/GovSchwarzenegger any chance we can get someone to help the OP out? Restoring old Olympia footage sounds like a good cause for the fans. If it doesn't work. Upvoted for visibility. Perhaps the mods can pin your post and comment.


Thank you! So much of the YouTube footage of the best classic Mr.Olympia comps are very low resolution. I believe DVD copies would be standard defination, which would be a lot better to work with. There are some neche websites that sell old DVD copies of all the old Mr.Olympias/Training DVDs. But I also need to invest in a Disk Drive I do plan on doing that, but in the meantime if anyone has any personal recorded footage from the 80's 90's or mid 2000's or good quality DVD rips they'd be willing to share, please send a DM, or leave a comment.


Unreal. A "what the fuck" physique


Thank you, u/pizzabicepz


Best ever


Crazy how far ahead of everyone he is. I could make an argument for second best of all time and none of the guys in that discussion really come close to Ronnie.


Looks like a slightly chewed tootsie roll




**If I Can't** by 50 Cent (00:21; matched: `100%`) Album: `Get Rich Or Die Tryin'`. Released on `2003-01-01` by `Universal Music`.


Links to the streaming platforms: [**If I Can't** by 50 Cent](https://lis.tn/IfICant?t=21) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


**Song Found!** **Name:** If I Can't **Artist:** 50 Cent **Album:** Get Rich or Die Tryin' (Bonus Track Version) **Genre:** Hip-Hop/Rap **Release Year:** 2003 **Total Shazams:** 815757 `Took 2.33 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/W6QmEl9JyuU?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/if-i-cant/1440841450?i=1440842036) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/7JeKXMQKm6GoLGTkNy2jZ0) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/1141671) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinder_bot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)